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troilus and criseyde-第19章

小说: troilus and criseyde 字数: 每页3500字

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For other cause was ther noon than so。

But of this thing right to the effect to go;  1580

Whan tyme was; hom til hir hous she wente;

And Pandarus hath fully his entente。

Now torne we ayein to Troilus;

That resteles ful longe a…bedde lay;

And prevely sente after Pandarus;  1585

To him to come in al the haste he may。

He com anoon; nought ones seyde he ‘nay;'

And Troilus ful sobrely he grette;

And doun upon his beddes syde him sette。

This Troilus; with al the affeccioun  1590

Of frendes love that herte may devyse;

To Pandarus on knees fil adoun;

And er that he wolde of the place aryse;

He gan him thonken in his beste wyse;

An hondred sythe he gan the tyme blesse;  1595

That he was born; to bringe him fro distresse。

He seyde; ‘O frend of frendes the alderbeste

That ever was; the sothe for to telle;

Thou hast in hevene y…brought my soule at reste

Fro Flegitoun; the fery flood of helle;  1600

That; though I mighte a thousand tymes selle;

Upon a day; my lyf in thy servyse;

It mighte nought a mote in that suffyse。

‘The sonne; which that al the world may see;

Saw never yet; my lyf; that dar I leye;  1605

So inly fayr and goodly as is she;

Whos I am al; and shal; til that I deye;

And; that I thus am hires; dar I seye;

That thanked be the heighe worthinesse

Of love; and eek thy kinde bisinesse。  1610

‘Thus hastow me no litel thing y…yive;

Fo which to thee obliged be for ay

My lyf; and why? For thorugh thyn help I live;

For elles deed hadde I be many a day。'

And with that word doun in his bed he lay;  1615

And Pandarus ful sobrely him herde

Til al was seyd; and than he thus answerde:

‘My dere frend; if I have doon for thee

In any cas; god wot; it is me leef;

And am as glad as man may of it be;  1620

God help me so; but tak now a…greef

That I shal seyn; be war of this myscheef;

That; there…as thou now brought art in…to blisse;

That thou thy…self ne cause it nought to misse。

‘For of fortunes sharpe adversitee  1625

The worst kinde of infortune is this;

A man to have ben in prosperitee;

And it remembren; whan it passed is。

Thou art wys y…nough; for…thy do nought amis;

Be not to rakel; though thou sitte warme;

For if thou be; certeyn; it wol thee harme。  1631

‘Thou art at ese; and holde the wel ther…inne。

For also seur as reed is every fyr;

As greet a craft is kepe wel as winne;

Brydle alwey wel thy speche and thy desyr;  1635

For worldly Ioye halt not but by a wyr;

That preveth wel; it brest alday so ofte;

For…thy nede is to werke with it softe。'

Quod Troilus; ‘I hope; and god to…forn;

My dere frend; that I shal so me bere;  1640

That in my gilt ther shal no thing be lorn;

Ne I nil not rakle as for to greven here;

It nedeth not this matere ofte tere;

For wistestow myn herte wel; Pandare;

God woot; of this thou woldest litel care。'  1645

Tho gan he telle him of his glade night;

And wher…of first his herte dredde; and how;

And seyde; ‘Freend; as I am trewe knight;

And by that feyth I shal to god and yow;

I hadde it never half so hote as now;  1650

And ay the more that desyr me byteth

To love hir best; the more it me delyteth。

‘I noot my…self not wisly what it is;

But now I fele a newe qualitee;

Ye; al another than I dide er this。'  1655

Pandare answerde; and seyde thus; that he

That ones may in hevene blisse be;

He feleth other weyes; dar I leye;

Than thilke tyme he first herde of it seye。

This is o word for al: this Troilus  1660

Was never ful to speke of this matere;

And for to preysen un…to Pandarus

The bountee of his righte lady dere;

And Pandarus to thanke and maken chere。

This tale ay was span…newe to biginne;  1665

Til that the night departed hem a…twinne。

Sone after this; for that fortune it wolde;

I…comen was the blisful tyme swete;

That Troilus was warned that he sholde;

Ther he was erst; Criseyde his lady mete;  1670

For which he felte his herte in Ioye flete;

And feythfully gan alle the goddes herie;

And lat see now if that he can be merie。

And holden was the forme and al the wyse;

Of hir cominge; and eek of his also;  1675

As it was erst; which nedeth nought devyse。

But playnly to the effect right for to go;

In Ioye and suerte Pandarus hem two

A…bedde broughte; whan that hem bothe leste;

And thus they ben in quiete and in reste。  1680

Nought nedeth it to yow; sin they ben met;

To aske at me if that they blythe were;

For if it erst was wel; tho was it bet

A thousand…fold; this nedeth not enquere。

A…gon was every sorwe and every fere;  1685

And bothe; y…wis; they hadde; and so they wende;

As muche Ioye as herte may comprende。

This is no litel thing of for to seye;

This passeth every wit for to devyse;

For eche of hem gan otheres lust obeye;  1690

Felicitee; which that thise clerkes wyse

Commenden so; ne may not here suffyse。

This Ioye may not writen been with inke;

This passeth al that herte may bithinke。

But cruel day; so wel…awey the stounde!  1695

Gan for to aproche; as they by signes knewe;

For whiche hem thoughte felen dethes wounde;

So wo was hem; that changen gan hir hewe;

And day they goonnen to dispyse al newe;

Calling it traytour; envyous; and worse;  1700

And bitterly the dayes light they curse。

Quod Troilus; ‘Allas! Now am I war

That Pirous and tho swifte stedes three;

Whiche that drawen forth the sonnes char;

Han goon som by…path in despyt of me;  1705

That maketh it so sone day to be;

And; for the sonne him hasteth thus to ryse;

Ne shal I never doon him sacrifyse!'

But nedes day departe moste hem sone;

And whanne hir speche doon was and hir chere;  1710

They twinne anoon as they were wont to done;

And setten tyme of meting eft y…fere;

And many a night they wroughte in this manere。

And thus Fortune a tyme ladde in Ioye

Criseyde; and eek this kinges sone of Troye。  1715

In suffisaunce; in blisse; and in singinges;

This Troilus gan al his lyf to lede;

He spendeth; Iusteth; maketh festeynges;

He yeveth frely ofte; and chaungeth wede;

And held aboute him alwey; out of drede;  1720

A world of folk; as cam him wel of kinde;

The fressheste and the beste he coude fynde;

That swich a voys was of hym and a stevene

Thorugh…out the world; of honour and largesse;

That it up rong un…to the yate of hevene。  1725

And; as in love; he was in swich gladnesse;

That in his herte he demede; as I gesse;

That there nis lovere in this world at ese

So wel as he; and thus gan love him plese。

The godlihede or beautee which that kinde  1730

In any other lady hadde y…set

Can not the mountaunce of a knot unbinde;

A…boute his herte; of al Criseydes net。

He was so narwe y…masked and y…knet;

That it undon on any manere syde;  1735

That nil not been; for ought that may betyde。

And by the hond ful ofte he wolde take

This Pandarus; and in…to gardin lede;

And swich a feste and swich a proces make

Him of Criseyde; and of hir womanhede;  1740

And of hir beautee; that; with…outen drede;

It was an hevene his wordes for to here;

And thanne he wolde singe in this manere。

‘Love; that of erthe and see hath governaunce;

Love; that his hestes hath in hevene hye;  1745

Love; that with an holsom alliaunce

Halt peples ioyned; as him list hem gye;

Love; that knetteth lawe of companye;

And couples doth in vertu for to dwelle;

Bind this acord; that I have told and telle;  1750

‘That that the world with feyth; which that is stable;

Dyverseth so his stoundes concordinge;

That elements that been so discordable

Holden a bond perpetuely duringe;

That Phebus mote his rosy day forth bringe;  1755

And that the mone hath lordship over the nightes;

Al this doth Love; ay heried be his mightes!

‘That; that the see; that gredy is to flowen;

Constreyneth to a certeyn ende so

His flodes; that so fersly they ne growen  1760

To drenchen erthe and al for ever…mo;

And if that Love ought lete his brydel go;

Al that now loveth a…sonder sholde lepe;

And lost were al; that Love halt now to…hepe。

‘So wolde god; that auctor is of kinde;  1765

That; with his bond; Love of his vertu liste

To cerclen hertes alle; and faste binde;

That from his bond no wight the wey out wiste。

And hertes colde; hem wolde I that he twiste

To make hem love; and that hem leste ay rewe  1770

On hertes sore; and kepe hem that ben trewe。'

In alle nedes; for the tounes werre;

He was; and ay the firste in armes dight;

And certeynly; but…if that bokes erre;

Save Ector; most y…drad of any wight;  1775

And this encrees of hardinesse and might

Cam him of love; his ladies thank to winne;

That altered his spirit so with…inne。

In tyme of trewe; on haukinge wolde he ryde;

Or elles hunten boor; bere; or lyoun;  1780

The smale bestes leet he gon bi…syde。

And whan that he com rydinge in…to toun;

Ful ofte his lady; from hir window doun;

As fresh as faucon comen out of muwe;

Ful redy was; him goodly to saluwe。  1785

And most of love and vertu was his speche;

And in despyt hadde alle wrecchednesse;

And doutelees; no nede was him biseche

To honouren hem that hadde worthinesse;

And esen hem that weren in distresse。  1790

And glad was he if any wight wel ferde;

That lover was; whan he it wiste or herde。

For sooth to seyn; he lost held every wight

But…if he were in loves heigh servyse;

I mene folk that oughte it been of right。  1795

And over al this; so wel coude he devyse

Of sentement; and in so unkouth wyse

Al his array; that every lover thoughte;

That al was wel; what…so he seyde or wroughte。

And though that he be come of blood royal;  1800

Him liste of pryde at no wight for to chase;

Benigne he was to ech in general;

For which he gat him thank in every place。

Thus wolde love; y…heried be his grace;

That Pryde; Envye; Ire; and Avaryce  1805

He gan to flee; and every other vyce。

Thou lady bright; the doughter to Dione;

Thy blinde and winged sone eek; daun Cupyde;

Ye sustren nyne eek; that by Elicone

In hil Parnaso listen for to abyde;  1810

That ye thus fer han deyned me to gyde;

I can no more; but sin that ye wol wende;

Ye heried been for ay; with…outen ende!

Thourgh yow have I seyd fully in my song

Theffect and Ioye of Troilus servyse;  1815

Al be that ther was som disese among;

As to myn auctor listeth to devyse。

My thridde book now ende ich in this wyse;

And Troilus in luste and in quiete

Is with Criseyde; his owne herte swete。  1820

Explicit Liber Tercius。



  But al to litel; weylaway the whyle;

Lasteth swich Ioye; y…thonked be Fortune!

That semeth trewest; whan she wol bygyle;

And can to foles so hir song entune;

That she hem hent and blent; traytour comune;  5

And whan a wight is from hir wheel y…throwe;

Than laugheth she; and maketh him t

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