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troilus and criseyde-第2章

小说: troilus and criseyde 字数: 每页3500字

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And worthy folk maad worthier of name;

And causeth most to dreden vyce and shame。

Now sith it may not goodly be withstonde;

And is a thing so vertuous in kinde;

Refuseth not to Love for to be bonde;  255

Sin; as him…selven list; he may yow binde。

The yerde is bet that bowen wole and winde

Than that that brest; and therfor I yow rede

To folwen him that so wel can yow lede。

But for to tellen forth in special  260

As of this kinges sone of which I tolde;

And leten other thing collateral;

Of him thenke I my tale for to holde;

Both of his Ioye; and of his cares colde;

And al his werk; as touching this matere;  265

For I it gan; I wol ther…to refere。

With…inne the temple he wente him forth pleyinge;

This Troilus; of every wight aboute;

On this lady and now on that lokinge;

Wher…so she were of toune; or of with…oute:  270

And up…on cas bifel; that thorugh a route

His eye perced; and so depe it wente;

Til on Criseyde it smoot; and ther it stente。

And sodeynly he wax ther…with astoned;

And gan hire bet biholde in thrifty wyse:  275

‘O mercy; god!' thoughte he; ‘wher hastow woned;

That art so fair and goodly to devyse?'

Ther…with his herte gan to sprede and ryse;

And softe sighed; lest men mighte him here;

And caughte a…yein his firste pleyinge chere。  280

She nas nat with the leste of hir stature;

But alle hir limes so wel answeringe

Weren to womanhode; that creature

Was neuer lasse mannish in seminge。

And eek the pure wyse of here meninge  285

Shewede wel; that men might in hir gesse

Honour; estat; and wommanly noblesse。

To Troilus right wonder wel with…alle

Gan for to lyke hir meninge and hir chere;

Which somdel deynous was; for she leet falle  290

Hir look a lite a…side; in swich manere;

Ascaunces; ‘What! May I not stonden here?'

And after that hir loking gan she lighte;

That never thoughte him seen so good a sighte。

And of hir look in him ther gan to quiken  295

So greet desir; and swich affeccioun;

That in his herte botme gan to stiken

Of hir his fixe and depe impressioun:

And though he erst hadde poured up and doun;

He was tho glad his hornes in to shrinke;  300

Unnethes wiste he how to loke or winke。

Lo; he that leet him…selven so konninge;

And scorned hem that loves peynes dryen;

Was ful unwar that love hadde his dwellinge

With…inne the subtile stremes of hir yen;  305

That sodeynly him thoughte he felte dyen;

Right with hir look; the spirit in his herte;

Blissed be love; that thus can folk converte!

She; this in blak; likinge to Troylus;

Over alle thyng; he stood for to biholde;  310

Ne his desir; ne wherfor he stood thus;

He neither chere made; ne worde tolde;

But from a…fer; his maner for to holde;

On other thing his look som…tyme he caste;

And eft on hir; whyl that servyse laste。  315

And after this; not fulliche al awhaped;

Out of the temple al esiliche he wente;

Repentinge him that he hadde ever y…iaped

Of loves folk; lest fully the descente

Of scorn fille on him…self; but; what he mente;  320

Lest it were wist on any maner syde;

His wo he gan dissimulen and hyde。

Whan he was fro the temple thus departed;

He streyght anoon un…to his paleys torneth;

Right with hir look thurgh…shoten and thurgh…darted;  325

Al feyneth he in lust that he soiorneth;

And al his chere and speche also he borneth;

And ay; of loves servants every whyle;

Him…self to wrye; at hem he gan to smyle。

And seyde; ‘Lord; so ye live al in lest;  330

Ye loveres! For the conningest of yow;

That serveth most ententiflich and best;

Him tit as often harm ther…of as prow;

Your hyre is quit ayein; ye; god wot how!

Nought wel for wel; but scorn for good servyse;  335

In feith; your ordre is ruled in good wyse!

‘In noun…certeyn ben alle your observaunces;

But it a sely fewe poyntes be;

Ne no…thing asketh so grete attendaunces

As doth youre lay; and that knowe alle ye;  340

But that is not the worste; as mote I thee;

But; tolde I yow the worste poynt; I leve;

Al seyde I sooth; ye wolden at me greve!

‘But tak this; that ye loveres ofte eschuwe;

Or elles doon of good entencioun;  345

Ful ofte thy lady wole it misconstrue;

And deme it harm in hir opinioun;

And yet if she; for other enchesoun;

Be wrooth; than shalt thou han a groyn anoon:

Lord! wel is him that may be of yow oon!'  350

But for al this; whan that he say his tyme;

He held his pees; non other bote him gayned;

For love bigan his fetheres so to lyme;

That wel unnethe un…to his folk he fayned

That othere besye nedes him destrayned;  355

For wo was him; that what to doon he niste;

But bad his folk to goon wher that hem liste。

And whan that he in chaumbre was allone;

He doun up…on his beddes feet him sette;

And first be gan to syke; and eft to grone;  360

And thoughte ay on hir so; with…outen lette;

That; as he sat and wook; his spirit mette

That he hir saw a temple; and al the wyse

Right of hir loke; and gan it newe avyse。

Thus gan he make a mirour of his minde;  365

In which he saugh al hoolly hir figure;

And that he wel coude in his herte finde;

It was to him a right good aventure

To love swich oon; and if he dide his cure

To serven hir; yet mighte he falle in grace;  370

Or elles; for oon of hir servaunts pace。

Imagininge that travaille nor grame

Ne mighte; for so goodly oon; be lorn

As she; ne him for his desir ne shame;

Al were it wist; but in prys and up…born  375

Of alle lovers wel more than biforn;

Thus argumented he in his ginninge;

Ful unavysed of his wo cominge。

Thus took he purpos loves craft to suwe;

And thoughte he wolde werken prively;  380

First; to hyden his desir in muwe

From every wight y…born; al…outrely;

But he mighte ought recovered be therby;

Remembring him; that love to wyde y…blowe

Yelt bittre fruyt; though swete seed be sowe。  385

And over al this; yet muchel more he thoughte

What for to speke; and what to holden inne;

And what to arten hir to love he soughte;

And on a song anoon…right to biginne;

And gan loude on his sorwe for to winne;  390

For with good hope he gan fully assente

Criseyde for to love; and nought repente。

And of his song nought only the sentence;

As writ myn autour called Lollius;

But pleynly; save our tonges difference;  395

I dar wel sayn; in al that Troilus

Seyde in his song; lo! every word right thus

As I shal seyn; and who…so list it here;

Lo! next this vers; he may it finden here。

   Cantus Troili。

‘If no love is; O god; what fele I so?  400

And if love is; what thing and whiche is he!

If love be good; from whennes comth my wo?

If it be wikke; a wonder thinketh me;

Whenne every torment and adversitee

That cometh of him; may to me savory thinke;  405

For ay thurst I; the more that I it drinke。

‘And if that at myn owene lust I brenne;

Fro whennes cometh my wailing and my pleynte?

If harme agree me; wher…to pleyne I thenne?

I noot; ne why unwery that I feynte。  410

O quike deeth; O swete harm so queynte;

How may of thee in me swich quantitee;

But…if that I consente that it be?

‘And if that I consente; I wrongfully

Compleyne; y…wis; thus possed to and fro;  415

Al sterelees with inne a boot am I

A…mid the see; by…twixen windes two;

That in contrarie stonden ever…mo。

Allas! what is this wonder maladye?

For hete of cold; for cold of hete; I deye。'  420

And to the god of love thus seyde he

With pitous voys; ‘O lord; now youres is

My spirit; which that oughte youres be。

Yow thanke I; lord; that han me brought to this;

But whether goddesse or womman; y…wis;  425

She be; I noot; which that ye do me serve;

But as hir man I wole ay live and sterve。

‘Ye stonden in hire eyen mightily;

As in a place un…to youre vertu digne;

Wherfore; lord; if my servyse or I  430

May lyke yow; so beth to me benigne;

For myn estat royal here I resigne

In…to hir hond; and with ful humble chere

Bicome hir man; as to my lady dere。'

In him ne deyned sparen blood royal  435

The fyr of love; wher…fro god me blesse;

Ne him forbar in no degree; for al

His vertu or his excellent prowesse;

But held him as his thral lowe in distresse;

And brende him so in sondry wyse ay newe;  440

That sixty tyme a day he loste his hewe。

So muche; day by day; his owene thought;

For lust to hir; gan quiken and encrese;

That every other charge he sette at nought;

For…thy ful ofte; his hote fyr to cese;  445

To seen hir goodly look he gan to prese;

For ther…by to ben esed wel he wende;

And ay the ner he was; the more he brende。

For ay the ner the fyr; the hotter is;

This; trowe I; knoweth al this companye。  450

But were he fer or neer; I dar seye this;

By night or day; for wisdom or folye;

His herte; which that is his brestes ye;

Was ay on hir; that fairer was to sene

Than ever were Eleyne or Polixene。  455

Eek of the day ther passed nought an houre

That to him…self a thousand tyme he seyde;

‘Good goodly; to whom serve I and laboure;

As I best can; now wolde god; Criseyde;

Ye wolden on me rewe er that I deyde!  460

My dere herte; allas! myn hele and hewe

And lyf is lost; but ye wole on me rewe。'

Alle othere dredes weren from him fledde;

Both of the assege and his savacioun;

Ne in him desyr noon othere fownes bredde  465

But argumentes to his conclusioun;

That she on him wolde han compassioun;

And he to be hir man; whyl he may dure;

Lo; here his lyf; and from the deeth his cure!

The sharpe shoures felle of armes preve;  470

That Ector or his othere bretheren diden;

Ne made him only ther…fore ones meve;

And yet was he; wher…so men wente or riden;

Founde oon the beste; and lengest tyme abiden

Ther peril was; and dide eek such travayle  475

In armes; that to thenke it was mervayle。

But for non hate he to the Grekes hadde;

Ne also for the rescous of the toun;

Ne made him thus in armes for to madde;

But only; lo; for this conclusioun;  480

To lyken hir the bet for his renoun;

Fro day to day in armes so he spedde;

That alle the Grekes as the deeth him dredde。

And fro this forth tho refte him love his sleep;

And made his mete his foo; and eek his sorwe  485

Gan multiplye; that; who…so toke keep;

It shewed in his hewe; bothe eve and morwe;

Therfor a title he gan him for to borwe

Of other syknesse; lest of him men wende

That the hote fyr of love him brende;  490

And seyde; he hadde a fever and ferde amis;

But how it was; certayn; can I not seye;

If that his lady understood not this;

Or feyned hir she niste; oon of the tweye;

But wel I rede that; by no maner weye;  495

Ne semed it as that she of him roughte;

Nor of his peyne; or what…so…ever he thoughte。

But than fel to this Troylus such wo;

That he was wel neigh wood; for ay his drede

Was this; that she som wight had loved so;

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