troilus and criseyde-第33章
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And how the town was brent she tolde eek tho。 1510
And so descendeth doun from gestes olde
To Diomede; and thus she spak and tolde。
‘This ilke boor bitokneth Diomede;
Tydeus sone; that doun descended is
Fro Meleagre; that made the boor to blede。 1515
And thy lady; wher…so she be; y…wis;
This Diomede hir herte hath; and she his。
Weep if thou wolt; or leef; for; out of doute;
This Diomede is inne; and thou art oute。'
‘Thou seyst nat sooth;' quod he; ‘thou sorceresse; 1520
With al thy false goost of prophesye!
Thou wenest been a greet devyneresse;
Now seestow not this fool of fantasye
Peyneth hir on ladyes for to lye?
Awey!' quod he。 ‘Ther Ioves yeve thee sorwe! 1525
Thou shalt be fals; paraunter; yet to…morwe!
‘As wel thou mightest lyen on Alceste;
That was of creatures; but men lye;
That ever weren; kindest and the beste。
For whanne hir housbonde was in Iupartye 1530
To dye him…self; but…if she wolde dye;
She chees for him to dye and go to helle;
And starf anoon; as us the bokes telle。'
Cassandre goth; and he with cruel herte
For…yat his wo; for angre of hir speche; 1535
And from his bed al sodeinly he sterte;
As though al hool him hadde y…mad a leche。
And day by day he gan enquere and seche
A sooth of this; with al his fulle cure;
And thus he dryeth forth his aventure。 1540
Fortune; whiche that permutacioun
Of thinges hath; as it is hir committed
Through purveyaunce and disposicioun
Of heighe Iove; as regnes shal ben flitted
Fro folk in folk; or whan they shal ben smitted; 1545
Gan pulle awey the fetheres brighte of Troye
Fro day to day; til they ben bare of Ioye。
Among al this; the fyn of the parodie
Of Ector gan approchen wonder blyve;
The fate wolde his soule sholde unbodie; 1550
And shapen hadde a mene it out to dryve;
Ayeins which fate him helpeth not to stryve;
But on a day to fighten gan he wende;
At which; allas! He coughte his lyves ende。
For which me thinketh every maner wight 1555
That haunteth armes oughte to biwayle
The deeth of him that was so noble a knight;
For as he drough a king by thaventayle;
Unwar of this; Achilles through the mayle
And through the body gan him for to ryve; 1560
And thus this worthy knight was brought of lyve。
For whom; as olde bokes tellen us;
Was mad swich wo; that tonge it may not telle;
And namely; the sorwe of Troilus;
That next him was of worthinesse welle。 1565
And in this wo gan Troilus to dwelle;
That; what for sorwe; and love; and for unreste;
Ful ofte a day he bad his herte breste。
But natheles; though he gan him dispeyre;
And dradde ay that his lady was untrewe; 1570
Yet ay on hir his herte gan repeyre。
And as these loveres doon; he soughte ay newe
To gete ayein Criseyde; bright of hewe。
And in his herte he wente hir excusinge;
That Calkas causede al hir taryinge。 1575
And ofte tyme he was in purpos grete
Him…selven lyk a pilgrim to disgyse;
To seen hir; but he may not contrefete
To been unknowen of folk that weren wyse;
Ne finde excuse aright that may suffyse; 1580
If he among the Grekes knowen were;
For which he weep ful ofte many a tere。
To hir he wroot yet ofte tyme al newe
Ful pitously; he lefte it nought for slouthe;
Biseching hir that; sin that he was trewe; 1585
She wolde come ayein and holde hir trouthe。
For which Criseyde up…on a day; for routhe;
I take it so; touchinge al this matere;
Wrot him ayein; and seyde as ye may here。
‘Cupydes sone; ensample of goodlihede; 1590
O swerd of knighthod; sours of gentilesse!
How might a wight in torment and in drede
And helelees; yow sende as yet gladnesse?
I hertelees; I syke; I in distresse;
Sin ye with me; nor I with yow may dele; 1595
Yow neither sende ich herte may nor hele。
‘Your lettres ful; the papir al y…pleynted;
Conceyved hath myn hertes pietee;
I have eek seyn with teres al depeynted
Your lettre; and how that ye requeren me 1600
To come ayein; which yet ne may not be。
But why; lest that this lettre founden were;
No mencioun ne make I now; for fere。
‘Grevous to me; god woot; is your unreste;
Your haste; and that; the goddes ordenaunce; 1605
It semeth not ye take it for the beste。
Nor other thing nis in your remembraunce;
As thinketh me; but only your plesaunce。
But beth not wrooth; and that I yow biseche;
For that I tarie; is al for wikked speche。 1610
‘For I have herd wel more than I wende;
Touchinge us two; how thinges han y…stonde;
Which I shal with dissimulinge amende。
And beth nought wrooth; I have eek understonde;
How ye ne doon but holden me in honde。 1615
But now no fors; I can not in yow gesse
But alle trouthe and alle gentilesse。
‘Comen I wol; but yet in swich disioynte
I stonde as now; that what yeer or what day
That this shal be; that can I not apoynte。 1620
But in effect; I prey yow; as I may;
Of your good word and of your frendship ay。
For trewely; whyl that my lyf may dure;
As for a freend; ye may in me assure。
‘Yet preye I yow on yvel ye ne take; 1625
That it is short which that I to yow wryte;
I dar not; ther I am; wel lettres make;
Ne never yet ne coude I wel endyte。
Eek greet effect men wryte in place lite。
Thentente is al; and nought the lettres space; 1630
And fareth now wel; god have you in his grace!
La vostre C。'
This Troilus this lettre thoughte al straunge;
Whan he it saugh; and sorwefully he sighte;
Him thoughte it lyk a kalendes of chaunge;
But fynally; he ful ne trowen mighte 1635
That she ne wolde him holden that she highte;
For with ful yvel wil list him to leve
That loveth wel; in swich cas; though him greve。
But natheles; men seyn that; at the laste;
For any thing; men shal the sothe see; 1640
And swich a cas bitidde; and that as faste;
That Troilus wel understood that she
Nas not so kinde as that hir oughte be。
And fynally; he woot now; out of doute;
That al is lost that he hath been aboute。 1645
Stood on a day in his malencolye
This Troilus; and in suspecioun
Of hir for whom he wende for to dye。
And so bifel; that through…out Troye toun;
As was the gyse; y…bore was up and doun 1650
A maner cote…armure; as seyth the storie;
Biforn Deiphebe; in signe of his victorie;
The whiche cote; as telleth Lollius;
Deiphebe it hadde y…rent from Diomede
The same day; and whan this Troilus 1655
It saugh; he gan to taken of it hede;
Avysing of the lengthe and of the brede;
And al the werk; but as he gan biholde;
Ful sodeinly his herte gan to colde;
As he that on the coler fond with…inne 1660
A broche; that he Criseyde yaf that morwe
That she from Troye moste nedes twinne;
In remembraunce of him and of his sorwe;
And she him leyde ayein hir feyth to borwe
To kepe it ay; but now; ful wel he wiste; 1665
His lady nas no lenger on to triste。
He gooth him hoom; and gan ful sone sende
For Pandarus; and al this newe chaunce;
And of this broche; he tolde him word and ende;
Compleyninge of hir hertes variaunce; 1670
His longe love; his trouthe; and his penaunce;
And after deeth; with…outen wordes more;
Ful faste he cryde; his reste him to restore。
Than spak he thus; ‘O lady myn Criseyde;
Wher is your feyth; and wher is your biheste? 1675
Wher is your love; wher is your trouthe;' he seyde;
‘Of Diomede have ye now al this feste!
Allas; I wolde have trowed at the leste。
That; sin ye nolde in trouthe to me stonde;
That ye thus nolde han holden me in honde! 1680
‘Who shal now trowe on any othes mo?
Allas; I never wolde han wend; er this;
That ye; Criseyde; coude han chaunged so;
Ne; but I hadde a…gilt and doon amis;
So cruel wende I not your herte; y…wis; 1685
To slee me thus; allas; your name of trouthe
Is now for…doon; and that is al my routhe。
‘Was ther non other broche yow liste lete
To feffe with your newe love;' quod he;
‘But thilke broche that I; with teres wete; 1690
Yow yaf; as for a remembraunce of me?
Non other cause; allas; ne hadde ye
But for despyt; and eek for that ye mente
Al…outrely to shewen your entente!
‘Through which I see that clene out of your minde 1695
Ye han me cast; and I ne can nor may;
For al this world; with…in myn herte finde
To unloven yow a quarter of a day!
In cursed tyme I born was; weylaway!
That ye; that doon me al this wo endure; 1700
Yet love I best of any creature。
‘Now god;' quod he; ‘me sende yet the grace
That I may meten with this Diomede!
And trewely; if I have might and space;
Yet shal I make; I hope; his sydes blede。 1705
O god;' quod he; ‘that oughtest taken hede
To fortheren trouthe; and wronges to punyce;
Why niltow doon a vengeaunce of this vyce?
‘O Pandare; that in dremes for to triste
Me blamed hast; and wont art oft up…breyde; 1710
Now maystow see thy…selve; if that thee liste;
How trewe is now thy nece; bright Criseyde!
In sondry formes; god it woot;' he seyde;
‘The goddes shewen bothe Ioye and tene
In slepe; and by my dreme it is now sene。 1715
‘And certaynly; with…oute more speche;
From hennes…forth; as ferforth as I may;
Myn owene deeth in armes wol I seche;
I recche not how sone be the day!
But trewely; Criseyde; swete may; 1720
Whom I have ay with al my might y…served;
That ye thus doon; I have it nought deserved。'
This Pandarus; that alle these thinges herde;
And wiste wel he seyde a sooth of this;
He nought a word ayein to him answerde; 1725
For sory of his frendes sorwe he is;
And shamed; for his nece hath doon a…mis;
And stant; astoned of these causes tweye;
As stille as stoon; a word ne coude he seye。
But at the laste thus he spak; and seyde; 1730
‘My brother dere; I may thee do no…more。
What shulde I seyn? I hate; y…wis; Criseyde!
And; god wot; I wol hate hir evermore!
And that thou me bisoughtest doon of yore;
Havinge un…to myn honour ne my reste 1735
Right no reward; I dide al that thee leste。
‘If I dide ought that mighte lyken thee;
It is me leef; and of this treson now;
God woot; that it a sorwe is un…to me!
And dredelees; for hertes ese of yow; 1740
Right fayn wolde I amende it; wiste I how。
And fro this world; almighty god I preye;
Delivere hir sone; I can no…more seye。'
Gret was the sorwe and pleynt of Troilus;
But forth hir cours fortune ay gan to holde。 1745
Criseyde loveth the sone of Tydeus;
And Troilus mot wepe in cares colde。
Swich is this world; who…so it can biholde;
In eche estat is litel hertes reste;
God leve us for to take it for the beste! 1750
In many cruel batayle; out of drede;
Of Troilus; this ilke noble knight;
As men may in these olde bokes rede;
Was sene his knighthod and his grete might。
And dredelees; his ire; day and night; 1755
Ful cruelly the Grekes ay aboughte;
And alwey most this Diomede