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troilus and criseyde-第4章

小说: troilus and criseyde 字数: 每页3500字

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For of him…self it wolde y…nough out…springe;  745

But…if that it the bet governed be。

Eek som…tyme it is craft to seme flee

Fro thing which in effect men hunte faste;

Al this gan Troilus in his herte caste。

But nathelees; whan he had herd him crye  750

‘Awake!' he gan to syke wonder sore;

And seyde; ‘Freend; though that I stille lye;

I am not deef; now pees; and cry no more;

For I have herd thy wordes and thy lore;

But suffre me my mischef to biwayle;  755

For thy proverbes may me nought avayle。

‘Nor other cure canstow noon for me。

Eek I nil not be cured; I wol deye;

What knowe I of the quene Niobe?

Lat be thyne olde ensaumples; I thee preye。'  760

‘No;' quod tho Pandarus; ‘therfore I seye;

Swich is delyt of foles to biwepe

Hir wo; but seken bote they ne kepe。

‘Now knowe I that ther reson in the fayleth。

But tel me; if I wiste what she were  765

For whom that thee al this misaunter ayleth?

Dorstestow that I tolde hir in hir ere

Thy wo; sith thou darst not thy…self for fere;

And hir bisoughte on thee to han som routhe?'

‘Why; nay;' quod he; ‘by god and by my trouthe!'  770

‘What; Not as bisily;' quod Pandarus;

‘As though myn owene lyf lay on this nede?'

‘No; certes; brother;' quod this Troilus;

‘And why?'  ‘For that thou sholdest never spede。'

‘Wostow that wel?'  ‘Ye; that is out of drede;'  775

Quod Troilus; ‘for al that ever ye conne;

She nil to noon swich wrecche as I be wonne。'

Quod Pandarus; ‘Allas! What may this be;

That thou dispeyred art thus causelees?

What? Liveth not thy lady? Benedicite!  780

How wostow so that thou art gracelees?

Swich yvel is nat alwey botelees。

Why; put not impossible thus thy cure;

Sin thing to come is ofte in aventure。

‘I graunte wel that thou endurest wo  785

As sharp as doth he; Ticius; in helle;

Whos stomak foules tyren ever…mo

That highte volturis; as bokes telle。

But I may not endure that thou dwelle

In so unskilful an opinioun  790

That of thy wo is no curacioun。

‘But ones niltow; for thy coward herte;

And for thyn ire and folish wilfulnesse;

For wantrust; tellen of thy sorwes smerte;

Ne to thyn owene help do bisinesse  795

As muche as speke a resoun more or lesse;

But lyest as he that list of no…thing recche。

What womman coude love swich a wrecche?

‘What may she demen other of thy deeth;

If thou thus deye; and she not why it is;  800

But that for fere is yolden up thy breeth;

For Grekes han biseged us; y…wis?

Lord; which a thank than shaltow han of this!

Thus wol she seyn; and al the toun at ones;

〃The wrecche is deed; the devel have his bones!〃  805

‘Thou mayst allone here wepe and crye and knele;

But; love a woman that she woot it nought;

And she wol quyte that thou shalt not fele;

Unknowe; unkist; and lost that is un…sought。

What! Many a man hath love ful dere y…bought  810

Twenty winter that his lady wiste;

That never yet his lady mouth he kiste。

‘What? Shulde be therfor fallen in despeyr;

Or be recreaunt for his owene tene;

Or sleen him…self; al be his lady fayr?  815

Nay; nay; but ever in oon be fresh and grene

To serve and love his dere hertes quene;

And thenke it is a guerdoun hir to serve

A thousand…fold more than he can deserve。'

Of that word took hede Troilus;  820

And thoughte anoon what folye he was inne;

And how that sooth him seyde Pandarus;

That for to sleen him…self mighte he not winne;

But bothe doon unmanhod and a sinne;

And of his deeth his lady nought to wyte;  825

For of his wo; god woot; she knew ful lyte。

And with that thought he gan ful sore syke;

And seyde; ‘Allas! What is me best to do?'

To whom Pandare answered; ‘If thee lyke;

The best is that thou telle me thy wo;  830

And have my trouthe; but thou it finde so;

I be thy bote; or that it be ful longe;

To peces do me drawe; and sithen honge!'

‘Ye; so thou seyst;' quod Troilus tho; ‘allas!

But; god wot; it is not the rather so;  835

Ful hard were it to helpen in this cas;

For wel finde I that Fortune is my fo;

Ne alle the men that ryden conne or go

May of hir cruel wheel the harm withstonde;

For; as hir list; she pleyeth with free and bonde。'  840

Quod Pandarus; ‘Than blamestow Fortune

For thou art wrooth; ye; now at erst I see;

Wostow nat wel that Fortune is commune

To every maner wight in som degree?

And yet thou hast this comfort; lo; pardee!  845

That; as hir Ioyes moten over…goon;

So mote hir sorwes passen everichoon。

‘For if hir wheel stinte any…thing to torne;

Than cessed she Fortune anoon to be:

Now; sith hir wheel by no wey may soiorne;  850

What wostow if hir mutabilitee

Right as thy…selven list; wol doon by thee;

Or that she be not fer fro thyn helpinge?

Paraunter; thou hast cause for to singe!

‘And therfor wostow what I thee beseche?  855

Lat be thy wo and turning to the grounde;

For who…so list have helping of his leche;

To him bihoveth first unwrye his wounde。

To Cerberus in helle ay be I bounde;

Were it for my suster; al thy sorwe;  860

By my wil; she sholde al be thyn to…morwe。

‘Loke up; I seye; and tel me what she is

Anoon; that I may goon aboute thy nede;

Knowe ich hir ought? For my love; tel me this;

Than wolde I hopen rather for to spede。'  865

Tho gan the veyne of Troilus to blede;

For he was hit; and wex al reed for shame;

‘A ha!' quod Pandare; ‘Here biginneth game!'

And with that word he gan him for to shake;

And seyde; ‘Theef; thou shalt hir name telle。'  870

But tho gan sely Troilus for to quake

As though men sholde han led him in…to helle;

And seyde; ‘Allas! Of al my wo the welle;

Than is my swete fo called Criseyde!'

And wel nigh with the word for fere he deyde。  875

And whan that Pandare herde hir name nevene;

Lord; he was glad; and seyde; ‘Freend so dere;

Now fare a…right; for Ioves name in hevene;

Love hath biset the wel; be of good chere;

For of good name and wysdom and manere  880

She hath y…nough; and eek of gentilesse;

If she be fayr; thou wost thy…self; I gesse;

‘Ne I never saw a more bountevous

Of hir estat; ne a gladder; ne of speche

A freendlier; ne a more gracious  885

For to do wel; ne lasse hadde nede to seche

What for to doon; and al this bet to eche;

In honour; to as fer as she may strecche;

A kinges herte semeth by hirs a wrecche。

‘And for…thy loke of good comfort thou be;  890

For certeinly; the firste poynt is this

Of noble corage and wel ordeyne;

A man to have pees with him…self; y…wis;

So oughtest thou; for nought but good it is

To loven wel; and in a worthy place;  895

Thee oghte not to clepe it hap; but grace。

‘And also thenk; and ther…with glade thee;

That sith thy lady vertuous is al;

So folweth it that ther is som pitee

Amonges alle thise othere in general;  900

And for…thy see that thou; in special;

Requere nought that is ayein hir name;

For vertue streccheth not him…self to shame。

‘But wel is me that ever that I was born;

That thou biset art in so good a place;  905

For by my trouthe; in love I dorste have sworn;

Thee sholde never han tid thus fayr a grace;

And wostow why? For thou were wont to chace

At Love in scorn; and for despyt him calle

〃Seynt Idiot; lord of thise foles alle。〃  910

‘How often hastow maad thy nyce Iapes;

And seyd; that loves servants everichone

Of nycetee been verray goddes apes;

And some wolde monche hir mete alone;

Ligging a…bedde; and make hem for to grone;  915

And som; thou seydest; hadde a blaunche fevere;

And preydest god he sholde never kevere。

‘And som of hem tok on hem; for the colde;

More than y…nough; so seydestow ful ofte;

And som han feyned ofte tyme; and tolde  920

How that they wake; whan they slepen softe;

And thus they wolde han brought hem…self a…lofte;

And nathelees were under at the laste;

Thus seydestow; and Iapedest ful faste。

‘Yet seydestow; that; for the more part;  925

These loveres wolden speke in general;

And thoughten that it was a siker art;

For fayling; for to assayen over…al。

Now may I iape of thee; if that I shal!

But nathelees; though that I sholde deye;  930

That thou art noon of tho; that dorste I seye。

‘Now beet thy brest; and sey to god of love;

〃Thy grace; lord! For now I me repente

If I mis spak; for now my…self I love:〃

Thus sey with al thyn herte in good entente。'  935

Quod Troilus; ‘A! Lord! I me consente;

And prey to thee my Iapes thou foryive;

And I shal never…more whyl I live。'

‘Thou seyst wel;' quod Pandare; ‘and now I hope

That thou the goddes wraththe hast al apesed;  940

And sithen thou hast wepen many a drope;

And seyd swich thing wher…with thy god is plesed;

Now wolde never god but thou were esed;

And think wel; she of whom rist al thy wo

Here…after may thy comfort been al…so。  945

‘For thilke ground; that bereth the wedes wikke;

Bereth eek thise holsom herbes; as ful ofte

Next the foule netle; rough and thikke;

The rose waxeth swote and smothe and softe;

And next the valey is the hil a…lofte;  950

And next the derke night the glade morwe;

And also Ioye is next the fyn of sorwe。

‘Now loke that atempre be thy brydel;

And; for the beste; ay suffre to the tyde;

Or elles al our labour is on ydel;  955

He hasteth wel that wysly can abyde;

Be diligent; and trewe; and ay wel hyde。

Be lusty; free; persevere in thy servyse;

And al is wel; if thou werke in this wyse。

‘But he that parted is in every place  960

Is no…wher hool; as writen clerkes wyse;

What wonder is; though swich oon have no grace?

Eek wostow how it fareth of som servyse?

As plaunte a tre or herbe; in sondry wyse;

And on the morwe pulle it up as blyve;  965

No wonder is; though it may never thryve。

‘And sith that god of love hath thee bistowed

In place digne un…to thy worthinesse;

Stond faste; for to good port hastow rowed;

And of thy…self; for any hevinesse;  970

Hope alwey wel; for; but…if drerinesse

Or over…haste our bothe labour shende;

I hope of this to maken a good ende。

‘And wostow why I am the lasse a…fered

Of this matere with my nece trete?  975

For this have I herd seyd of wyse y…lered;

〃Was never man ne woman yet bigete

That was unapt to suffren loves hete;

Celestial; or elles love of kinde;〃

For…thy som grace I hope in hir to finde。  980

‘And for to speke of hir in special;

Hir beautee to bithinken and hir youthe;

It sit hir nought to be celestial

As yet; though that hir liste bothe and couthe;

But trewely; it sete hir wel right nouthe  985

A worthy knight to loven and cheryce;

And but she do; I holde it for a vyce。

‘Wherfore I am; and wol be; ay redy

To peyne me to do yow this servyse;

For bothe yow to plese thus hope I  990

Her…afterward; for ye beth bothe wyse;

And conne it counseyl kepe in swich a wyse

That no man shal the wyser of it be;

And so we may be gladed alle three。


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