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hemingway, ernest - garden of eden-第24章

小说: hemingway, ernest - garden of eden 字数: 每页3500字

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saw and acted and thought tactically。 That's why it's not a better book。 Because I wasn't more intelligent。〃

〃It is a very good book。 The flying parts are wonderful and the feeling for the other people and for the planes themselves。〃

〃I'm good on other people and on technical and tactical things;〃 David said。 〃I don't mean to talk wet or to brag。 But; Marita; nobody knows about himself when he is really involved。 Yourself isn't worth considering。 It would be shameful at the time。〃

〃But afterwards you know。〃

〃Sure。 Sometimes。〃

〃Can I read the narrative?〃

David poured wine in the glasses again。

〃How much did she tell you?〃

〃She said she told me everything。 She tells things very well you know。〃

〃I'd rather you didn't read it;〃 David said。 〃All it would do is make trouble。 I didn't know there would be you when I wrote it and I can't help her telling you things but I don't have to have you read about them too。〃

〃Then I mustn't read it?〃

〃I wish you wouldn't。 I don't want to give you orders。〃

〃Then I have to tell you;〃 the girl said。

〃She let you read it?〃

〃Yes。 She said I should。〃

〃God damn her。〃

〃She didn't do it to do wrong。 It was when she was so worried。〃

〃So you read it all?〃

〃Yes。 It's wonderful。 It's so much better than the last book and now the stories are so much better than it or than anything。〃

〃What about the Madrid part?〃 He looked at her and she looked up at him and then moistened her lips and did not look away and she said very carefully; 〃I knew all about that because I'm just the way you are。

When they were lying together Marita said; 〃You don't think about her when you make love to me?〃

〃No; stupid。〃

〃You don't want me to do her things? Because I know them all and I can do them。〃

〃Stop talking and just feel。〃

〃I can do them better than she can。〃

〃Stop talking。〃

〃Don't think you have to—〃

〃Don't talk。〃

〃But you don't have to—〃

〃No one has to but we are—〃

They lay holding each other close and hard and then gently finally and Marita said; 〃I have to go away but I'll be back。 Please sleep for me。〃

She kissed him and when she came back he was asleep。 He had meant to wait for her but he had fallen asleep while he waited。 She lay down by him and kissed him and when he did not wake she lay by him very quietly and tried to sleep too。 But she was not sleepy and she kissed him very softly again and then commenced to play with him very gently while she pushed her breasts against him。 He stirred in his sleep and she lay now with her head down below his chest and played softly and searchingly making small intimacies and discoveries。

It was a long cool afternoon and David slept and when he
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woke Marita was gone and he heard the two girls' voices on the terrace。 He dressed and unbolted the door to his working room and then came out from the door of that room onto the flagstones。 There was no one on the terrace except the waiter who was taking in the tea things and he found the girls in the bar。

Chapter Twenty…three

  THE TWO GIRLS were both sitting at the bar with a bottle of Perrier…Jouet in a bucket with ice and they both looked fresh and lovely。 〃It's just like meeting an ex…husband;〃 Catherine said。 〃It makes me feel very sophisticated。〃 She had never looked gayer or more lovely。 〃I must say it agrees with you。〃 She looked at David in mock appraisal。 〃Do you think he's all right?〃 Marita said。 She looked at David and blushed。 〃And well you might blush;〃 Catherine said。 〃Look at her; David。〃 〃She looks very well;〃 David said。 〃So do you。〃 〃She looks about sixteen;〃 Catherine said。 〃She said she told you about reading the narrative。 〃I think you should have asked me;〃 David said。 〃I know I should;〃 Catherine said。 〃But I started to read it for myself and then it was so interesting I thought Heiress ought

to read it too。
〃I'd have said no。〃

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〃But the point is;〃 Catherine said; 〃if he ever says no about anything; Marita; just keep right on。 It doesn't mean a thing。〃
〃I don't believe it;〃 Marita said。 She smiled at David。
〃That's because he hasn't written the narrative up to date。 When he does you'll find out。〃
〃I'm through with the narrative;〃 David said。
〃That's dirty;〃 Catherine said。 〃That was my present and our project。〃
〃You must write it; David;〃 the girl said。 〃You will won't you?〃
〃She wants to be in it; David;〃 Catherine said。 〃And it will be so much better when you have a dark girl too。〃
David poured himself a glass of the champagne。 He saw Marita look at him; a warning; and he said to Catherine; 〃I'll go on with it when I finish the stories。 What did you do with your day?〃
〃I had a fine day。 I made decisions and planned things。〃
〃Oh God;〃 David said。
〃They're all straightforward plans;〃 Catherine said。 〃You don't have to groan about them。 You've been doing just whatever you wanted to do all day and I was pleased。 But I have a right to make a few plans。〃
〃What sort of plans?〃 David asked。 His voice sounded very flat。
〃First we have to start seeing about getting the book out。 I'm going to have to have the manuscript typed up to where it is now and see about getting illustrations。 I have to see the artists and make the arrangements。〃
〃You've had a very busy day;〃 David said。 〃You know; don't you; that you don't get manuscripts typed until whoever writes them has gone over them and has them ready for typing?〃
〃That isn't necessary because I only need a rough draft to show the artists。〃
〃I see。 And if I don't want it copied yet?〃
〃Don't you want it brought out? I do。 And someone has to get started on something practical。〃

〃Who are the artists you thought up today?〃

〃Different ones for different parts。 Marie Laurencin; Pascen; Derain; Dufy and Picasso。〃

〃For Christ sake; Derain。〃

〃Can't you see a nice Laurencin of Marita and me in the car when we stopped the first time by the Loup on the way to Nice?〃

〃Nobody's written that。〃

〃Well write it then。 It's certainly much more interesting and instructive than a lot of natives in a kraal or whatever you call it covered with flies and scabs in Central Africa with your drunken father staggering around smelling of sour beer and not knowing which ones of the little horrors he had fathered。〃

〃There goes the ball game;〃 David said。

〃What did you say; David?〃 Marita said。

〃I said thank you very much for having lunch with me; David told her。

〃Why don't you thank her for the rest of it?〃 Catherine said。 〃She really must have done something impressive to make you sleep as though you were dead until the absolute end of the afternoon。 Thank her for that at least。〃

〃Thank you for going swimming;〃 David said to the girl。

〃Oh did you swim?〃 Catherine said。 〃I'm glad you swam。

〃We swam quite far;〃 Marita said。 〃And we had a very good lunch。 Did you have a good lunch; Catherine?〃

〃I think so;〃 Catherine said。 〃I don't remember。〃

〃Where were you?〃 Marita asked gently。

〃Saint Raphael;〃 Catherine said。 〃I remember stopping there but I can't remember about lunch。 I never notice when I eat by myself。 But I'm quite sure I did have lunch there。 I know I intended to。〃

〃Was it nice driving back?〃 Marita asked。 〃It was such a cool lovely afternoon。〃

〃I don't know;〃 Catherine said。 〃I didn't notice。 I was think ing about making the book and getting it started。 We have to get
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it started。 I don't know why David started to be difficult the moment I commenced to put a little order into it。 The whole thing has dragged along in such a haphazard way that I was suddenly ashamed of all of us。〃

〃Poor Catherine;〃 Marita said。 〃But now that you have it all planned you must feel better。〃

〃I do;〃 Catherine said。 〃I felt so happy when I came in。 I knew I'd made you happy and I'd accomplished something prac tical too and then David made me feel like an idiot or a leper。 I can't help it if I'm practical and sensible。〃

〃I know; Devil;〃 David said。 〃I just didn't want to get the work mixed up。〃

〃But it's you who mixed it up;〃 Catherine said。 〃Can't you see? Jumping back and forth trying to write stories when all you had to do was keep on with the narrative that meant so much to all of us。 It was going so well too and we were just coming to the most exciting parts。 Someone has to show you that the stories are just your way of escaping your duty。〃

Marita looked at him again and he knew what she was trying to tell him and he said; 〃I have to go get cleaned up。 You tell Marita about it and I'll be back。〃

〃We have other things to talk about;〃 Catherine said。 〃I'm sorry I was rude about you and Marita。 I couldn't be happier about you really。〃

David took everything that had been said in with him to the bathroom where he had a shower and changed into a newly washed fisherman's sweater and slacks。 It was quite cool now in the evening and Marita was sitting at the bar looking at Vogue。

〃She's gone down to see about your room;〃 Marita said。

〃How is she?〃

〃How should I know; David? She's a very great publisher now。 She's given up sex。 It doesn't interest her anymore。 It's childish really; she says。 She doesn't know how it could ever have meant anything to her。 But she may decide to have an affair

with another woman if she ever takes it up again。 There's quite a bit about another woman。

〃Christ I never thought it would go this way。〃

〃Don't;〃 Marita said。 〃No matter what or how it is I love you and you are going to write tomorrow。〃

Catherine came in and said; 〃You look wonderful together and I'm so proud。 I feel as though I'd invented you。 Was he good today; Marita?〃

〃We had a nice lunch;〃 Marita said。 〃Please be fair; Catherine。〃

〃Oh I know he's a satisfactory lover;〃 Catherine said。 〃He's always that。 That's just like his martinis or how he swims or skis or flew probably。 I never saw him with a plane。 Everyone says he was marvelous。 It's like acrobats really I suppose and just as dull。 I wasn't asking about that。〃

〃You were very good to let us spend a day together; Catherine;〃 Marita said。

〃You can spend the rest of your lives together;〃 Catherine said。 〃If you don't bore each other。 I have no further need of either of you。

David was watching her in the mirror and she looked calm; handsome and normal。 He could see Marita looking at her very sadly。

〃I do like to look at you though and I'd like to hear you talk if you'd ever open your mouths。〃

〃How do you do;〃 said David。

〃That was quite a good effort;〃 Catherine said。 〃I'm very well。〃

〃Have any new plans?〃 David asked。 He felt as though he were hailing a ship。

〃Only what I've told you;〃 Catherine went on。 〃They'll prob ably keep me quite busy。〃

〃What was all the guff about another woman?〃

He felt Marita kick him and he put his foot on hers to acknowledge。
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〃That's not guff;〃 Catherine said。 〃I want to have one more try to see if I've missed anything。 I might have。〃

〃All of us are fallible;〃 David said and Marita kicked him again。

〃I want to see;〃 Catherine said。 〃I know enough about that now so I should be able to tell。 Don't worry about your dark girl。 She's not my type at all。 She's yours。 She's what you like and very nice it is but not for me。 I'm not attracted to the

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