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best historical novels and tales(乔纳森尼尔德历史小说故事精选).-第16章

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     The   Essay   on   〃The   Historical   Novel〃   in   Prof。   J。   Brander   Matthews' 

〃The Historical Novel and other essays〃 (Scribner's; 1901)。 

     'Originally   appeared       in  The   Forum;   September;       1897。    Represents 

that   School   of   Criticism   which   is   most   adverse   to   Historical   Romance。 

Some of the Professor's remarks convey the impression that he disbelieves 

in ANY reconstruction of the Past; such an attitude is; surely; unfavourable 

to   History    itself;  which    is  always    more    than   any   mere    statement    of 


     The List of Historical Novels in Mudie's Library Catalogue (The New 

Enlarged Edition; January; 1902)。 

     'Non…selective;       but    useful    more     especially    on    account     of   its 

Topographical arrangement。' 

     The list of Historical Tales given in J。 S。 Lindsey's 〃Certificate Note… 

Book   of   European   History;   1814…1848。〃          (Heffer   &   Sons;   Cambridge; 


     〃History     of  English     Romanticism       in  the  Nineteenth     Century;〃     by 


… Page 93…

                        A Guide to the Best Historical Novels and Tales 

Henry A。 Beers (Kegan Paul & Co。; 1902)。 

     'Contains some valuable direct criticism。 See especially Chapter I。' 

     The 〃Dedicatory Epistle〃 in Scott's 〃Ivanhoe。〃 

     The very brief but exceedingly suggestive opening section in Chapter I。 

of Charles Reade's 〃The Cloister and the Hearth。〃 

     The Preface to Scheffel's 〃Ekkehard。〃 


     Some of the American Public Libraries (notably Boston) have issued 

useful Lists of Historical Novels。 

     Two   worksannounced   for   a   considerable   timeI   should   have   been 

glad    to  consult;   these   are  Mr。   P。  L。  Ford's   〃The   American      Historical 

Novel〃      (Macmillan);      and    Mr。    E。   A。   Baker's     〃Guide     to   Fiction〃 

(Sonnensehein)。        The   last…named   volume   will;   I   understand;   contain   a 

section devoted to Historical Romance。 


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