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the last battle_c·s·刘易斯-第17章

小说: the last battle_c·s·刘易斯 字数: 每页3500字

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strike some and spare  others。

but at the very moment when the door opened; all of a sudden tash was  there; on this side of the door; none of us saw where he came from。 and through the door  there came a big cat。 it gave one look at tash and ran for its life: just in time; for  he pounced at it and the door hit his beak as it was shut。 the man could see tash。 he turned  very pale and bowed down before the monster: but it vanished away。

〃then we waited a long time again。 at last the door opened for the third  time and there came in a young calormene。 i liked him。 the sentinel at the door started;  and looked very surprised; when he saw him。 i think hed been expecting someone quite  different …鈥�

〃i see it all now;〃 said eustace (he had the bad habit of interrupting  stories)。 〃the cat was to go in first and the sentry had orders to do him no harm。 then the cat  was to e out and say hed seen their beastly tashlan and pretend to be frightened so as  to scare the other animals。 but what shift never guessed was that the real tash would  turn up; so ginger came out really frightened。 and after that; shift would send in  anyone he wanted to get rid of and the sentry would kill them。

and …鈥�

〃friend;〃 said tirian softly; 〃you hinder the lady in her tale。鈥�

〃well;〃 said lucy; 〃the sentry was surprised。 that gave the other man just  time to get on guard。 they had a fight。 he killed the sentry and flung him outside the  door。 then he came walking slowly forward to where we were。 he could see us; and  everything else。

we tried to talk to him but he was rather like a man in a trance。 he kept  on saying tash; tash; where is tash? i go to tash。 so we gave it up and he went away  somewhere … over there。 i liked him。 and after that 。。。 ugh!〃 lucy made a face。

〃after that;〃 said edmund; 〃someone flung a monkey through the door。 and  tash was there again。 my sister is so tender…hearted she doesnt like to tell you  that tash made one peck and the monkey was gone!鈥�

〃serve him right!〃 said eustace。 〃all the same; i hope hell disagree with  tash too。鈥�

〃and after that;〃 said edmund; 〃came about a dozen dwarfs: and then jill;  and eustace; and last of all yourself。鈥�

〃i hope tash ate the dwarfs too;〃 said eustace。 〃little swine。鈥�

〃no; he didnt;〃 said lucy。 〃and dont be horrid。 theryre still here。 in  fact you can see them from here。 and ive tried and tried to make friends with them but its  no use。鈥�

〃friends with them!〃 cried eustace。 〃if you knew how those dwarfs have been behaving!鈥�

〃oh stop it; eustace;〃 said lucy。 〃do e and see them。 king tirian;  perhaps you could do something with them。鈥�

〃i can feel no great love for dwarfs today;〃 said tirian。 〃yet at your  asking; lady; i would do a greater thing than this。鈥�

lucy led the way and soon they could all see the dwarfs。 they had a very  odd look。 they werent strolling about or enjoying themselves (although the cords with  which they had been tied seemed to have vanished) nor were they lying down and having a  rest。 they were sitting very close together in a little circle facing one another。  they never looked round or took any notice of the humans till lucy and tirian were almost  near enough to touch them。 then the dwarfs all cocked their heads as if they couldnt see  anyone but were listening hard and trying to guess by the sound what was happening。

〃look out!〃 said one of them in a surly voice。 〃mind where youre going。  dont walk into our faces!鈥�

〃all right!〃 said eustace indignantly。 〃were not blind。 weve got eyes in  our heads。鈥�

〃they must be darn good ones if you can see in here;〃 said the same dwarf  whose name was diggle。

〃in where?〃 asked edmund。

〃why you bone…head; in here of course;〃 said diggle。 〃in this pitch…black;  poky; smelly little hole of a stable。鈥�

〃are you blind?〃 said tirian。

〃aint we all blind in the dark!〃 said diggle。

〃but it isnt dark; you poor stupid dwarfs;〃 said lucy。 〃cant you see?  look up! look round! cant you see the sky and the trees and the flowers? cant you see  me?鈥�

〃how in the name of all humbug can i see what aint there? and how can i  see you any more than you can see me in this pitch darkness?鈥�

〃but i can see you;〃 said lucy。 〃ill prove i can see you。 youve got a  pipe in your mouth。鈥�

〃anyone that knows the smell of baccy could tell that;〃 said diggle。

〃oh the poor things! this is dreadful;〃 said lucy。 then she had an idea。  she stopped and picked some wild violets。 〃listen; dwarf;〃 she said。 〃even if your eyes are  wrong; perhaps your nose is all right: can you smell that?〃 she leaned across and  held the fresh; damp flowers to diggles ugly nose。 but she had to jump back quickly in  order to avoid a blow from his hard little fist。

〃none of that!〃 he shouted。 〃how dare you! what do you mean by shoving a  lot of filthy stable…litter in my face? there was a thistle in it too。 its like your  sauce! and who are you anyway?鈥�

〃earth…man;〃 said tirian; 〃she is the queen lucy; sent hither by aslan out  of the deep past。 and it is for her sake alone that i; tirian your lawful king; do not  cut all your heads from your shoulders; proved and twice…proved traitors that you are。鈥�

〃well if that doesnt beat everything!〃 exclaimed diggle。 〃how can you go  on talking all that rot? your wonderful lion didnt e and help you; did he? thought  not。 and now … even now … when youve been beaten and shoved into this black hole; just  the same as the rest of us; youre still at your old game。 starting a new lie! trying to  make us believe were none of us shut up; and it aint dark; and heaven knows what。鈥�

〃there is no black hole; save in your own fancy; fool;〃 cried tirian。 〃e  out of it。鈥�

and; leaning forward; he caught diggle by the belt and the hood and swung  him right out of the circle of dwarfs。 but the moment tirian put him down; diggle darted  back to his place among the others; rubbing his nose and howling:  〃ow! ow! what dyou do that for! banging my face against the wall。 youve  nearly broken my nose。鈥�

〃oh dear!〃 said lucy; 〃what are we to do for them?鈥�

〃let em alone;〃 said eustace: but as he spoke the earth trembled。 the  sweet air grew suddenly sweeter。 a brightness flashed behind them。 all turned。 tirian  turned last because he was afraid。 there stood his hearts desire; huge and real; the  golden lion; aslan himself; and already the others were kneeling in a circle round his  forepaws and burying their hands and faces in his mane as he stooped his great head to  touch them with his tongue。 then he fixed his eyes upon tirian; and tirian came near;  trembling; and flung himself at the lions feet; and the lion kissed him and said; 〃well  done; last of the kings of narnia who stood firm at the darkest hour。鈥�

〃aslan;〃 said lucy through her tears; 〃could you … will you … do something  for these poor dwarfs?鈥�

〃dearest;〃 said aslan; 〃i will show you both what i can; and what i cannot;  do。〃 he came close to the dwarfs and gave a low growl: low; but it set all the air  shaking。 but the dwarfs said to one another; 〃hear that? thats the gang at the other end of  the stable。

trying to frighten us。 they do it with a machine of some kind。 dont take  any notice。

they wont take us in again!鈥�

aslan raised his head and shook his mane。 instantly a glorious feast  appeared on the dwarfs knees: pies and tongues and pigeons and trifles and ices; and each  dwarf had a goblet of good wine in his right hand。 but it wasnt much use。 they began  eating and drinking greedily enough; but it was clear that they couldnt taste it  properly。 they thought they were eating and drinking only the sort of things you might  find in a stable。

one said he was trying to eat hay and another said he had a bit of an old  turnip and a third said hed found a raw cabbage leaf。 and they raised golden goblets of rich  red wine to their lips and said 〃ugh! fancy drinking dirty water out of a trough that a  donkeys been at! never thought wed e to this。〃 but very soon every dwarf began  suspecting that every other dwarf had found something nicer than he had; and they started  grabbing and snatching; and went on to quarrelling; till in a few minutes there was a  free fight and all the good food was smeared on their faces and clothes or trodden under foot。  but when at last they sat down to nurse their black eyes and their bleeding noses; they  all said:  〃well; at any rate theres no humbug here。 we havent let anyone take us  in。 the dwarfs are for the dwarfs。鈥�

〃you see; 〃 said aslan。 〃they will not let us help them。 they have chosen  cunning instead of belief。 their prison is only in their own minds; yet they are in  that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out。 but e;  children。 i have other work to do。鈥�

he went to the door and they all followed him。 he raised his head and  roared; 〃now it is time!〃 then louder; 〃time!〃; then so loud that it could have shaken the  stars; 〃time。鈥�

the door flew open。



night falls on narnia   they all stood beside aslan; on his right side; and looked through the open  doorway。

the bonfire had gone out。 on the earth all was blackness: in fact you could  not have told that you were looking into a wood if you had not seen where the dark shapes  of the trees ended and the stars began。 but when aslan had roared yet again; out on  their left they saw another black shape。 that is; they saw another patch where there were  no stars: and the patch rose up higher and higher and became the shape of a man; the  hugest of all giants。 they all knew narnia well enough to work out where he must be  standing。 he must be on the high moorlands that stretch away to the north beyond the  river shribble。

then jill and eustace remembered how once long ago; in the deep caves  beneath those moors; they had seen a great giant asleep and been told that his name was  father time; and that he would wake on the day the world ended。

〃yes;〃 said aslan; though they had not spoken。 〃while he lay dreaming his  name was time。 now that he is awake he will have a new one。鈥�

then the great giant raised a horn to his mouth。 they could see this by the  change of the black shape he made against the stars。 after that … quite a bit later;  because sound travels so slowly … they heard the sound of the horn: high and terrible; yet of a  strange; deadly beauty。

immediately the sky became full of shooting stars。 even one shooting star  is a fine thing to see; but these were dozens; and then scores; and then hundreds; till it  was like silver rain: and it went on and on。 and when it had gone on for some while; one or  two of them began to think that there was another dark shape against the sky as well as  the giants。 it was in a different place; right overhead; up in the very roof of the sky as  you might call it。

〃perhaps it is a cloud;〃 thought edmund。 at any rate; there were no stars  there: just blackness。 but all around; the downpour of stars went on。 and then the  starless patch  

began to grow; spreading further and further out from the centre of the  sky。 and presently a quarter of the whole sky was black; and then a half; and at last the rain  of shooting sta

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