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the last battle_c·s·刘易斯-第5章

小说: the last battle_c·s·刘易斯 字数: 每页3500字

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〃lord king! dear lord king;〃 said their shrill voices; 〃we are so sorry for  you。 we darent untie you because aslan might be angry with us。 but weve brought  you your supper。鈥

at once the first mouse climbed nimbly up till he was perched on the rope  that bound tirians chest and was wrinkling his blunt nose in front of tirians face。  then the second mouse climbed up and hung on just below the first mouse。 the other beasts  stood on the ground and began handing things up。

〃drink; sire; and then youll find you are able to eat;〃 said the topmost  mouse; and tirian found that a little wooden cup was being held to his lips。 it was only the  size of an egg cup so that he had hardly tasted the wine in it before it was empty。 but  then the mouse passed it down and the others re…filled it and it was passed up again and  tirian emptied it a second time。 in this way they went on till he had quite a good drink;  which was all the better for ing in little doses; for that is more thirst…quenching than  one long draught。

〃here is cheese; sire;〃 said the first mouse; 〃but not very much; for fear  it would make you too thirsty。〃 and after the cheese they fed him with oat…cakes and  fresh butter; and then with some more wine。

〃now hand up the water;〃 said the first mouse; 〃and ill wash the kings  face。 there is blood on it。鈥

then tirian felt something like a tiny sponge dabbing his face; and it was  most refreshing。

〃little friends;〃 said tirian; 〃how can i thank you for all this?鈥

〃you neednt; you neednt;〃 said the little voices。 〃what else could we do?  we dont want any other king。 were your people。 if it was only the ape and the  calormenes who were against you we would have fought till we were cut into pieces before wed  let them tie you up。 we would; we would indeed。 but we cant go against aslan。鈥

〃do you think it really is aslan?〃 asked the king。

〃oh yes; yes;〃 said the rabbit。 〃he came out of the stable last night。 we  all saw him。鈥

〃what was he like?〃 said the king。

〃like a terrible; great lion; to be sure;〃 said one of the mice。

〃and you think it is really aslan who is killing the wood…nymphs and making  you all slaves to the king of calormen?鈥

〃ah; thats bad; isnt it?〃 said the second mouse。 〃it would have been  better if wed died before all this began。 but theres no doubt about it。 everyone says it is  aslans orders。

and weve seen him。 we didnt think aslan would be like that。 why; we … we  wanted him to e back to narnia。鈥

〃he seems to have e back very angry this time;〃 said the first mouse。  〃we must all have done something dreadfully wrong without knowing it。 he must be  punishing us for something。 but i do think we might be told what it was!鈥

〃i suppose what were doing now may be wrong;〃 said the rabbit。

〃i dont care if it is;〃 said one of the moles。 〃id do it again。鈥

but the others said; 〃oh hush;〃 and 〃do be careful;〃 and then they all  said; 〃were sorry; dear king; but we must go back now。 it would never do for us to be caught  here。鈥

〃leave me at once; dear beasts;〃 said tirian。 〃i would not for all narnia  bring any of you into danger。鈥

〃goodnight; goodnight;〃 said the beasts; rubbing their noses against his  knees。 〃we will e back … if we can。〃 then they all pattered away and the wood seemed  darker and colder and lonelier than it had been before they came。

the stars came out and time went slowly on … imagine how slowly … while  that last king of narnia stood stiff and sore and upright against the tree in his bonds。  but at last something happened。

far away there appeared a red light。 then it disappeared for a moment and  came back again; bigger and stronger。 then he could see dark shapes going to and fro  on this side of the light and carrying bundles and throwing them down。 he knew now what he  was looking at。 it was a bonfire; newly lit; and people were throwing bundles  of brushwood on to it。 presently it blazed up and tirian could see that it was on the  very top of the hill。

he could see quite clearly the stable behind it; all lit up in the red  glow; and a great crowd of beasts and men between the fire and himself。 a small figure; hunched up  beside the fire; must be the ape。 it was saying something to the crowd; but he could  not hear what。

then it went and bowed three times to the ground in front of the door of  the stable。 then it got up and opened the door。 and something on four legs … something that  walked rather stiffly … came out of the stable and stood facing the crowd。

a great wailing or howling went up; so loud that tirian could hear some of  the words。

〃aslan! aslan! aslan!〃 cried the beasts。 〃speak to us。 fort us。 be angry  with us no more。鈥

from where tirian was he could not make out very clearly what the thing  was; but he could see that it was yellow and hairy。 he had never seen the great lion。  he had never seen a mon lion。 he couldnt be sure that what he saw was not the real  aslan。 he had not expected aslan to look like that stiff thing which stood and said  nothing。 but how could one be sure? for a moment horrible thoughts went through his mind:  then he remembered the nonsense about tash and aslan being the same and knew that  the whole thing must be a cheat。

the ape put his head close up to the yellow things head as if he were  listening to something it was whispering to him。 then he turned and spoke to the crowd;  and the crowd wailed again。 then the yellow thing turned clumsily round and walked  … you might almost say; waddled … back into the stable and the ape shut the door behind  it。 after that the fire must have been put out for the light vanished quite suddenly; and  tirian was once more alone with the cold and the darkness。

he thought of other kings who had lived and died in narnia in old times and  it seemed to him that none of them had ever been so unlucky as himself。 he thought of  his great…grandfathers great…grandfather king rilian who had been stolen away by a  witch when he was only a young prince and kept hidden for years in the dark caves  beneath the land of the northern giants。 but then it had all e; right in the end; for two  mysterious  

children had suddenly appeared from the land beyond the worlds end and had  rescued him so that he came home to narnia and had a long and prosperous reign。  〃its not like that with me;〃 said tirian to himself。 then he went further back and:  thought about rilians father; caspian the seafarer; whose wicked uncle king miraz had  tried to murder him and how caspian had fled away into the woods and lived among the  dwarfs。 but that story too had all e right in the end: for caspian also had been helped  by children … only there were four of them that time … who came from somewhere beyond the  world and fought a great battle and set him on his fathers throne。 〃but it was  all long ago;〃 said tirian to himself。 〃that sort of thing doesnt happen now。〃 and then he  remembered (for he had always been good at history when he was a boy) how those same four  children who had helped caspian had been in narnia over a thousand years before; and  it was then that they had done the most remarkable thing of all。 for then they had  defeated the terrible white witch and ended the hundred years of winter; and after that  they had reigned (all four of them together) at cair paravel; till they were no  longer children but great kings and lovely queens; and their reign had been the golden age of  narnia。 and aslan had e into that story a lot。 he had e into all the other  stories too; as tirian now remembered。 〃aslan … and children from another world;〃 thought tirian。  〃they have always e in when things were at their worst。 oh; if only they could  now。鈥

and he called out 〃aslan! aslan! aslan! e and help us now。鈥

but the darkness and the cold and the quietness went on just the same。

〃let me be killed;〃 cried the king。 〃i ask nothing for myself。 but e and  save all narnia。鈥

and still there was no change in the night or the wood; but there began to  be a kind of change inside tirian。 without knowing why; he began to feel a faint hope。  and he felt somehow stronger。 〃oh aslan; aslan;〃 he whispered。 〃if you will not e  yourself; at least send me the helpers from beyond the world。 or let me call them。 let  my voice carry beyond the world。〃 then; hardly knowing that he was doing it; he suddenly  cried out in a great voice:  〃children! children! friends of narnia! quick。 e to me。 across the  worlds i call you; i tirian; king of narnia; lord of cair paravel; and emperor of the  lone islands!鈥

and immediately he was plunged into a dream (if it was a dream) more vivid  than any he had had in his life。

he seemed to be standing in a lighted room where seven people sat round a  table。 it looked as if they had just finished their meal。 two of those people were  very old; an old man with a white beard and an old woman with wise; merry; twinkling eyes。  he who sat at the right hand of the old man was hardly full grown; certainly younger  than tirian himself; but his face had already the look of a king and a warrior。 and you  could almost say the same of the other youth who sat at the right hand of the old woman。  facing tirian across the table sat a fair…haired girl younger than either of these; and  on either side of her  

a boy and girl who were younger still。 they were all dressed in what seemed  to tirian the oddest kind of clothes。

but he had no time to think about details like that; for instantly the  younger boy and both the girls started to their feet; and one of them gave a little scream。 the  old woman started and drew in her breath sharply。 the old man must have made some sudden  movement too for the wine glass which stood at his right hand was swept off the table:  tirian could hear the tinkling noise as it broke on the floor。

then tirian realized that these people could see him; they were staring at  him as if they saw a ghost。 but he noticed that the king…like one who sat at the old mans  right never moved (though he turned pale) except that he clenched his hand very tight。  then he said:  〃speak; if youre not a phantom or a dream。 you have a narnian look about  you and we are the seven friends of narnia。鈥

tirian was longing to speak; and he tried to cry out aloud that he was  tirian of narnia; in great need of help。 but he found (as i have sometimes found in dreams too)  that his voice made no noise at all。

the one who had already spoken to him rose to his feet。 〃shadow or spirit  or whatever you are;〃 he said; fixing his eyes full upon tirian。 〃if you are from  narnia; i charge you in the name of aslan; speak to me。 i am peter the high king。鈥

the room began to swim before tirians eyes。 he heard the voices of those  seven people all speaking at once; and all getting fainter every second; and they were  saying things like; 〃look! its fading。〃 〃its melting away。〃 〃its vanishing。〃 next  moment he was wide awake; still tied to the tree; colder and stiffer than ever。 the wood was  full of the pale; dreary light that es before sunrise; and he was soaking wet with dew; it  was nearly morning。

that waking was about the worst moment he had ever had in his life。




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