the zincali-第12章
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make the attempt。 There is no time to be lost; let us; therefore;
warn those of our townsmen who still survive; in order that they
may make preparations for their defence。'
Whereupon the two friends proceeded to the chief magistrate; who
had been but slightly affected by the disorder; he heard the tale
of the bookseller with horror and astonishment; and instantly took
the best measures possible for frustrating the designs of the
Gitanos; all the men capable of bearing arms in Logrono were
assembled; and weapons of every description put in their hands。 By
the advice of the bookseller all the gates of the town were shut;
with the exception of the principal one; and the little band of
defenders; which barely amounted to sixty men; was stationed in the
great square; to which; he said; it was the intention of the
Gitanos to penetrate in the first instance; and then; dividing
themselves into various parties; to sack the place。 The bookseller
was; by general desire; constituted leader of the guardians of the
It was considerably past noon; the sky was overcast; and tempest
clouds; fraught with lightning and thunder; were hanging black and
horrid over the town of Logrono。 The little troop; resting on
their arms; stood awaiting the arrival of their unnatural enemies;
rage fired their minds as they thought of the deaths of their
fathers; their sons; and their dearest relatives; who had perished;
not by the hand of God; but; like infected cattle; by the hellish
arts of Egyptian sorcerers。 They longed for their appearance;
determined to wreak upon them a bloody revenge; not a word was
uttered; and profound silence reigned around; only interrupted by
the occasional muttering of the thunder…clouds。 Suddenly; Alvarez;
who had been intently listening; raised his hand with a significant
gesture; presently; a sound was heard … a rustling like the waving
of trees; or the rushing of distant water; it gradually increased;
and seemed to proceed from the narrow street which led from the
principal gate into the square。 All eyes were turned in that
direction。 。 。 。
That night there was repique or ringing of bells in the towers of
Logrono; and the few priests who had escaped from the pestilence
sang litanies to God and the Virgin for the salvation of the town
from the hands of the heathen。 The attempt of the Gitanos had been
most signally defeated; and the great square and the street were
strewn with their corpses。 Oh! what frightful objects: there lay
grim men more black than mulattos; with fury and rage in their
stiffened features; wild women in extraordinary dresses; their
hair; black and long as the tail of the horse; spread all
dishevelled upon the ground; and gaunt and naked children grasping
knives and daggers in their tiny hands。 Of the patriotic troop not
one appeared to have fallen; and when; after their enemies had
retreated with howlings of fiendish despair; they told their
numbers; only one man was missing; who was never seen again; and
that man was Alvarez。
In the midst of the combat; the tempest; which had for a long time
been gathering; burst over Logrono; in lightning; thunder;
darkness; and vehement hail。
A man of the town asserted that the last time he had seen Alvarez;
the latter was far in advance of his companions; defending himself
desperately against three powerful young heathen; who seemed to be
acting under the direction of a tall woman who stood nigh; covered
with barbaric ornaments; and wearing on her head a rude silver
crown。 (18)
Such is the tale of the Bookseller of Logrono; and such is the
narrative of the attempt of the Gitanos to sack the town in the
time of pestilence; which is alluded to by many Spanish authors;
but more particularly by the learned Francisco de Cordova; in his
DIDASCALIA; one of the most curious and instructive books within
the circle of universal literature。
THE Moors; after their subjugation; and previous to their expulsion
from Spain; generally resided apart; principally in the suburbs of
the towns; where they kept each other in countenance; being hated
and despised by the Spaniards; and persecuted on all occasions。 By
this means they preserved; to a certain extent; the Arabic
language; though the use of it was strictly forbidden; and
encouraged each other in the secret exercise of the rites of the
Mohammedan religion; so that; until the moment of their final
expulsion; they continued Moors in almost every sense of the word。
Such places were called Morerias; or quarters of the Moors。
In like manner there were Gitanerias; or quarters of the Gitanos;
in many of the towns of Spain; and in more than one instance
particular barrios or districts are still known by this name;
though the Gitanos themselves have long since disappeared。 Even in
the town of Oviedo; in the heart of the Asturias; a province never
famous for Gitanos; there is a place called the Gitaneria; though
no Gitano has been known to reside in the town within the memory of
man; nor indeed been seen; save; perhaps; as a chance visitor at a
The exact period when the Gitanos first formed these colonies
within the towns is not known; the laws; however; which commanded
them to abandon their wandering life under penalty of banishment
and death; and to become stationary in towns; may have induced them
first to take such a step。 By the first of these laws; which was
made by Ferdinand and Isabella as far back as the year 1499; they
are commanded to seek out for themselves masters。 This injunction
they utterly disregarded。 Some of them for fear of the law; or
from the hope of bettering their condition; may have settled down
in the towns; cities; and villages for a time; but to expect that a
people; in whose bosoms was so deeply rooted the love of lawless
independence; would subject themselves to the yoke of servitude;
from any motive whatever; was going too far; as well might it have
been expected; according to the words of the great poet of Persia;
In these Gitanerias; therefore; many Gypsy families resided; but
ever in the Gypsy fashion; in filth and in misery; with little of
the fear of man; and nothing of the fear of God before their eyes。
Here the swarthy children basked naked in the sun before the doors;
here the women prepared love draughts; or told the buena ventura;
and here the men plied the trade of the blacksmith; a forbidden
occupation; or prepared for sale; by disguising them; animals
stolen by themselves or their accomplices。 In these places were
harboured the strange Gitanos on their arrival; and here were
discussed in the Rommany language; which; like the Arabic; was
forbidden under severe penalties; plans of fraud and plunder; which
were perhaps intended to be carried into effect in a distant
province and a distant city。
The great body; however; of the Gypsy race in Spain continued
independent wanderers of the plains and the mountains; and indeed
the denizens of the Gitanerias were continually sallying forth;
either for the purpose of reuniting themselves with the wandering
tribes; or of strolling about from town to town; and from fair to
fair。 Hence the continual complaints in the Spanish laws against
the Gitanos who have left their places of domicile; from doing
which they were interdicted; even as they were interdicted from
speaking their language and following the occupations of the
blacksmith and horse…dealer; in which they still persist even at
the present day。
The Gitanerias at evening fall were frequently resorted to by
individuals widely differing in station from the inmates of these
places … we allude to the young and dissolute nobility and hidalgos
of Spain。 This was generally the time of mirth and festival; and
the Gitanos; male and female; danced and sang in the Gypsy fashion
beneath the smile of the moon。 The Gypsy women and girls were the
principal attractions to these visitors; wild and singular as these
females are in their appearance; there can be no doubt; for the
fact has been frequently proved; that they are capable of exciting
passion of the most ardent description; particularly in the bosoms
of those who are not of their race; which passion of course becomes
the more violent when the almost utter impossibility of gratifying
it is known。 No females in the world can be more licentious in
word and gesture; in dance and in song; than the Gitanas; but there
they stop: and so of old; if their titled visitors presumed to
seek for more; an unsheathed dagger or gleaming knife speedily
repulsed those who expected that the gem most dear amongst the sect
of the Roma was within the reach of a Busno。
Such visitors; however; were always encouraged to a certain point;
and by this and various other means the Gitanos acquired
connections which frequently stood them in good stead in the hour
of need。 What availed it to the honest labourers of the
neighbourhood; or the citizens of the town; to make complaints to
the corregidor concerning the thefts and frauds committed by the
Gitanos; when perhaps the sons of that very corregidor frequented
the nightly dances at the Gitaneria; and were deeply enamoured with
some of the dark…eyed singing…girls? What availed making
complaints; when perhaps a Gypsy sibyl; the mother of those very
girls; had free admission to the house of the corregidor at all
times and seasons; and spaed the good fortune to his daughters;
promising them counts and dukes; and Andalusian knights in
marriage; or prepared philtres for his lady by which she was always
to reign supreme in the affections of her husband? And; above all;
what availed it to the plundered party to complain that his mule or
horse had been stolen; when the Gitano robber; perhaps the husband
of the sibyl and the father of the black…eyed Gitanillas; was at
that moment actually in treaty with my lord the corregidor himself
for supplying him with some splendid thick…maned; long…tailed steed
at a small price; to be obtained; as the reader may well suppose;
by an infraction of the laws? The favour and protection which the
Gitanos experienced from people of high rank is alluded to in the
Spanish laws; and can only be accounted for by the motives above
The Gitanerias were soon considered a