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albert savarus-第22章

小说: albert savarus 字数: 每页3500字

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In the month of February 1838 Rosalie; who was eagerly courted by many
young men; achieved the purpose which had brought her to Paris。 This
was to meet the Duchesse de Rhetore; to see this wonderful woman; and
to overwhelm her with perennial remorse。 Rosalie gave herself up to
the most bewildering elegance and vanities in order to face the
Duchess on an equal footing。

They first met at a ball given annually after 1830 for the benefit of
the pensioners on the old Civil List。 A young man; prompted by
Rosalie; pointed her out to the Duchess; saying:

〃There is a very remarkable young person; a strong…minded young lady
too! She drove a clever man into a monasterythe Grand Chartreusea
man of immense capabilities; Albert de Savarus; whose career she
wrecked。 She is Mademoiselle de Watteville; the famous Besancon

The Duchess turned pale。 Rosalie's eyes met hers with one of those
flashes which; between woman and woman; are more fatal than the pistol
shots of a duel。 Francesca Soderini; who had suspected that Albert
might be innocent; hastily quitted the ballroom; leaving the speaker
at his wits' end to guess what terrible blow he had inflicted on the
beautiful Duchesse de Rhetore。

〃If you want to hear more about Albert; come to the Opera ball on
Tuesday with a marigold in your hand。〃

This anonymous note; sent by Rosalie to the Duchess; brought the
unhappy Italian to the ball; where Mademoiselle de Watteville placed
in her hand all Albert's letters; with that written to Leopold
Hannequin by the Vicar…General; and the notary's reply; and even that
in which she had written her confession to the Abbe de Grancey。

〃I do not choose to be the only sufferer;〃 she said to her rival; 〃for
one has been as ruthless as the other。〃

After enjoying the dismay stamped on the Duchess' beautiful face;
Rosalie went away; she went out no more; and returned to Besancon with
her mother。

Mademoiselle de Watteville; who lived alone on her estate of les
Rouxey; riding; hunting; refusing two or three offers a year; going to
Besancon four or five times in the course of the winter; and busying
herself with improving her land; was regarded as a very eccentric
personage。 She was one of the celebrities of the Eastern provinces。

Madame de Soulas has two children; a boy and a girl; and she has grown
younger; but Monsieur de Soulas has aged a good deal。

〃My fortune has cost me dear;〃 said he to young Chavoncourt。 〃Really
to know a bigot it is unfortunately necessary to marry her!〃

Mademoiselle de Watteville behaves in the most extraordinary manner。
〃She has vagaries;〃 people say。 Every year she goes to gaze at the
walls of the Grande Chartreuse。 Perhaps she dreams of imitating her
grand…uncle by forcing the walls of the monastery to find a husband;
as Watteville broke through those of his monastery to recover his

She left Besancon in 1841; intending; it was said; to get married; but
the real reason of this expedition is still unknown; for she returned
home in a state which forbids her ever appearing in society again。 By
one of those chances of which the Abbe de Grancey had spoken; she
happened to be on the Loire in a steamboat of which the boiler burst。
Mademoiselle de Watteville was so severely injured that she lost her
right arm and her left leg; her face is marked with fearful scars;
which have bereft her of her beauty; her health; cruelly upset; leaves
her few days free from suffering。 In short; she now never leaves the
Chartreuse of les Rouxey; where she leads a life wholly devoted to
religious practices。

PARIS; May 1842。


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