爱爱小说网 > 科幻电子书 > [科幻]宿主 >



小说: [科幻]宿主 字数: 每页3500字

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lanky arms and legs sprawl out; leaving little room for me where I am meant to sleep。 He is so much 
bigger in reality than the way I see him in my head。 Almost ten—soon he won’t be a child at all。 Except 
that he will always be a child to me。

 Jamie breathes evenly; sleeping sound。 There is no fear in his dream; for this moment at least。

 I shut the door quietly and go back to the small couch where Jared waits。

 “Thank you;” I whisper; though I know shouting the words wouldn’t wake Jamie now。 “I feel bad。 This 

couch is much too short for you。 Maybe you should take the bed with Jamie。”

 Jared chuckles。 “Mel; you’re only a few inches shorter than I am。 Sleep fortably; for once。 Next 
time I’m out; I’ll steal myself a cot or something。”

 I don’t like this; for lots of reasons。 Will he be leaving soon? Will he take us with him when he goes? 

Does he see this room assignment as a permanent thing? 


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touching him has my heart aching again。 
“Why the frown?” he asks。

 “When will you… when willwe have to leave again?” 
He shrugs。 “We scavenged enough on our way up that we’re set for a few months。 I can do a few short 
raids if you want to stay in one place for a while。 I’m sure you’re tired of running。”

 “Yes; I am;” I agree。 I take a deep breath to make me brave。 “But if you go; I go。” 
He hugs me tighter。 “I’ll admit; I prefer it that way。 The thought of being separated from you…” He 

laughs quietly。 “Does it sound crazy to say that I’d rather die? Too melodramatic?” 
“No; I know what you mean。” 
Hemust feel the same way I do。 Would he say these things if he thought of me as just another human; 

and not as a woman? 
I realize that this is the first time we’ve ever been really alone since the night we met—the first time 
there’s been a door to close between a sleeping Jamie and the two of us。 So many nights we’ve stayed 
awake; talking in whispers; telling all of our stories; the happy stories and the horror stories; always with 

Jamie’s head cradled on my lap。 It makes my breath e faster; that simple closed door。 
“I don’t think you need to find a cot; not yet。” 
I feel his eyes on me; questioning; but I can’t meet them。 I’m embarrassed now; too late。 The words are 

“We’ll stay here until the food is gone; don’t worry。 I’ve slept on worse things than this couch。” 
“That’s not what I mean;” I say; still looking down。 
“You get the bed; Mel。 I’m not budging on that。” 
“That’s not what I mean; either。” It’s barely a whisper。 “I meant the couch is plenty big for Jamie。 He 

won’t outgrow it for a long time。 I could share the bed with… you。”

 There is a pause。 I want to look up; to read the expression on his face; but I’m too mortified。 What if he 
is disgusted? How will I stand it? Will he make me go away? 
His warm; callused fingers tug my chin up。 My heart throbs when our eyes meet。 
“Mel; I…” His face; for once; has no smile。 
I try to look away; but he holds my chin so that my gaze can’t escape his。 Does he not feel the fire 

between his body and mine? Is that all me? How can it all be me? It feels like a flat sun trapped between 
us—pressed like a flower between the pages of a thick book; burning the paper。 Does it feel like 
something else to him? Something bad? 


 It’s hard for me to swallow。 “I’m not saying… I didn’t mean that I feltobligated。 And… you shouldn’t; 
either。 Forget I said anything。”

 “Not likely; Mel。”

 He sighs; and I want to disappear。 Give up—lose my mind to the invaders if that’s what it takes to erase 
this huge blunder。 Trade the future to blot out the last two minutes of the past。 Anything。

 Jared takes a deep breath。 He squints at the floor; his eyes and jaw tight。 “Mel; it doesn’t have to be like 
that。 Just because we’re together; just because we’re the last man and woman on Earth…” He struggles 
for words; something I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do before。 “That doesn’t mean you have to do 
anything you don’t want to。 I’m not the kind of man who would expect… You don’t have to…”

 He looks so upset; still frowning away; that I find myself speaking; though I know it’s a mistake before I 
start。 “That’s not what I mean;” I mutter。 “‘Have to’ is not what I’m talking about; and I don’t think 
you’re ‘that kind of man。’ No。 Of course not。 It’s just that —”

 Just that I love him。 I grit my teeth together before I can humiliate myself more。 I should bite my tongue 
off right now before it ruins anything else。

 “Just that… ?” he asks。

 I try to shake my head; but he’s still holding my chin tight between his fingers。


 I yank free and shake my head fiercely。

 He leans closer to me; and his face is different suddenly。 There’s a new conflict I don’t recognize in his 
expression; and even though I don’t understand it pletely; it erases the feeling of rejection that’s 
making my eyes sting。

 “Will you talk to me? Please?” he murmurs。 I can feel his breath on my cheek; and it’s a few seconds 
before I can think at all。

 His eyes make me forget that I am mortified; that I wanted to never speak again。

 “If I got to pick anyone; anyone at all; to be stranded on a deserted planet with; it would be you;” I 
whisper。 The sun between us burns hotter。 “I always want to be with you。 And not just… not just to talk 
to。 When you touch me…” I dare to let my fingers brush lightly along the warm skin of his arm; and it 
feels like the flames are flowing from their tips now。 His arm tightens around me。 Does he feel the fire? “I 
don’t want you to stop。” I want to be more exact; but I can’t find the words。 That’s fine。 It’s bad enough 
having admitted this much。 “If you don’t feel the same way; I understand。 Maybe it isn’t the same for 
you。 That’s okay。” Lies。

 “Oh; Mel;” he sighs in my ear; and pulls my face around to meet his。 


 But his lips move to my ear; and he holds my face when I try to find them again。

 “It was a miracle—more than a miracle—when I found you; Melanie。 Right now; if I was given the 

choice between having the world back and having you; I wouldn’t be able to give you up。 Not to save 
five billion lives。”

 “That’s wrong。”

 “Very wrong but very true。”

 “Jared;” I breathe。 I try to reach for his lips again。 He pulls away; looking like he has something to say。 

What more can there be?


 “But?” How can there be abut? What could possibly follow all this fire that starts with abut?

 “But you’re seventeen; Melanie。 And I’m twenty…six。”

 “What’s that got to do with anything?”

 He doesn’t answer。 His hands stroke my arms slowly; painting them with fire。

 “You’ve got to be kidding me。” I lean back to search his face。 “You’re going to worry about 

conventions when we’re past the end of the world?”

 He swallows loudly before he speaks。 “Most conventions exist for a reason; Mel。 I would feel like a bad 
person; like I was taking advantage。 You’re very young。”

 “No one’s young anymore。 Anyone who’s survived this long is ancient。”

 There’s a smile pulling up one corner of his mouth。 “Maybe you’re right。 But this isn’t something we 

need to rush。”

 “What is there to wait for?” I demand。

 He hesitates for a long moment; thinking。

 “Well; for one thing; there are some… practical matters to consider。”

 I wonder if he is just searching for a distraction; trying to stall。 That’s what it feels like。 I raise one 

eyebrow。 I can’t believe the turn this conversation has taken。 If he really does want me; this is senseless。

 “See;” he explains; hesitating。 Under the deep golden tan of his skin; it looks like he might be blushing。 
“When I was stocking this place; I wasn’t much planning for… guests。 What I mean is…” The rest 
es out in a rush。 “Birth control was pretty much the last thing on my mind。” 


 The smile is gone from his face; and for one short second there is a flash of anger I’ve never seen there 
before。 It makes him look dangerous in a way I hadn’t imagined he could。 “This isn’t the kind of world 
I’d want to bring a child into。”

 The words sink in; and I cringe at the thought of a tiny; innocent baby opening his eyes to this place。 It’s 
bad enough to watch Jamie’s eyes; to know what this life will bring him; even in the best possible 

 Jared is suddenly Jared again。 The skin around his eyes crinkles。 “Besides; we’ve got plenty of time to… 
think about this。” Stalling again; I suspect。 “Do you realize how very; very little time we’ve been together 
so far? It’s been just four weeks since we found each other。”

 This floors me。 “That can’t be。”

 “Twenty…nine days。 I’m counting。”

 I think back。 It’s not possible that it has been only twenty…nine days since Jared changed our lives。 It 
seems like Jamie and I have been with Jared every bit as long as we were alone。 Two or three years; 

 “We’ve got time;” Jared says again。

 An abrupt panic; like a warning premonition; makes it impossible for me to speak for a long moment。 He 
watches the change on my face with worried eyes。

 “You don’t know that。” The despair that softened when he found me strikes like the lash of a whip。 
“You can’t know how much time we’ll have。 You don’t know if we should be counting in months or days 
or hours。”

 He laughs a warm laugh; touching his lips to the tense place where my eyebrows pull together。 “Don’t 
worry; Mel。 Miracles don’t work that way。 I’ll never lose you。 I’ll never let you get away from me。”

 She brought me back to the present—to the thin ribbon of the highway winding through the Arizona 
wasteland; baking under the fierce noon sun—without my choosing to return。 I stared at the empty place 
ahead and felt the empty place inside。

 Her thought sighed faintly in my head:You never know how much time you’ll have。

 The tears I was crying belonged to both of us。



 Idrove quickly through the I…10 junction as the sun fell behind me。 I didn’t see much besides the white 
and yellow lines on the pavement; and the occasional big green sign pointing me farther east。 I was in a 
hurry now。

 I wasn’t sure exactly what I was in a hurryfor; though。 To be out of this; I supposed。 Out of pain; out of 


 If I could find a way; I would keep Melanie out of the Seeker’s hands。 It would be very hard。 No; it 
would be impossible。

 I would try。

 I promised her this; but she wasn’t listening。 She was still dreaming。 Giving up; I thought; now that it was 
too late for giving up to help。

 I tried to stay clear of the red canyon in her head; but I was there; too。 No matter how hard I tried to 
see the cars zooming beside me; the shuttles gliding in toward the port; the few; fine clouds drifting 
overhead; I couldn’t pull pletely free of her dreams。 I memorized Jared’s face from a thousand 
different angles。 I watched Jamie shoot up in a sudden growth spurt; always skin and bones。 My arms 

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