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小说: [科幻]宿主 字数: 每页3500字

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more? Besides; what’s the point of money when everyone is perfectly honest?I paused; feeling the 
guilt again so strongly that it was an actual pain。Everyone but me; of course。 
Melanie shied away from my feelings; worried by the depth of them; worried that I might change my 

mind。 Instead she focused on her raging desire to be away from here; to be moving toward her objective。 
Her anxiety leaked through to me; and I walked faster。 
I carried the stack to the car and set it on the ground beside the passenger door。 
“Let me help you with that。” 
I jerked up to see the other man from the store; a plastic bag in his hand; standing beside me。 
“Ah… thank you;” I finally managed; my pulse thudding behind my ears。 
We waited; Melanie tensed as if to run; while he lifted our acquisitions into the car。

 There’s nothing to fear。 He’s being kind; too。

 She continued to watch him distrustfully。 
“Thank you;” I said again as he shut the door。 
“My pleasure。” 
He walked off to his own vehicle without a backward glance at us。 I climbed into my seat and grabbed 

the bag of potato chips。 
Look at the map;she said。Wait till he’s out of sight。 
No one is watching us;I promised her。 But; with a sigh; I unfolded the map and ate with one hand。 It 

was probably a good idea to have some sense of where we were headed。 


 Look around;she manded。If we can’t see it here; we’ll try the south side of the peak。

 See what?

 She placed the memorized image before me: a ragged zigzagging line; four tight switchbacks; the fifth 
point strangely blunt; like it was broken。 Now I saw it as I should; a jagged range of four pointed 
mountain peaks with the broken…looking fifth…

 I scanned the skyline; east to west across the northern horizon。 It was so easy it felt false; as though I’d 
made the image up onlyafter seeing the mountain silhouette that created the northeast line of the horizon。

 That’s it;Melanie almost sang in her excitement。Let’s go! She wanted me to be out of the car; on my 
feet; moving。

 I shook my head; bending over the map again。 The mountain ridge was so far in the distance I couldn’t 
guess at the miles between us and it。 There was no way I was walking out of this parking lot and into the 
empty desert unless I had no other option。

 Let’s be rational;I suggested; tracing my finger along a thin ribbon on the map; an unnamed road that 
connected to the freeway a few miles east and then continued in the general direction of the range。

 Sure;she agreed placently。The faster the better。

 We found the unpaved road easily。 It was just a pale scar of flat dirt through the sparse shrubbery; 
barely wide enough for one vehicle。 I had a feeling that the road would be overgrown with lack of use in 
a different region—some place with more vital vegetation; unlike the desert plants that needed decades to 
recover from such a violation。 There was a rusted chain stretched across the entrance; screwed into a 
wooden post on one end; looped loosely around another post at the other。 I moved quickly; pulling the 
chain free and piling it at the base of the first post; hurrying back to my running car; hoping no one would 
pass and stop to offer me help。 The highway stayed clear as I drove onto the dirt and then rushed back 
to refasten the chain。

 We both relaxed when the pavement disappeared behind us。 I was glad that there was apparently no 
one left I would have to lie to; whether with words or silence。 Alone; I felt less of a renegade。

 Melanie was perfectly at home here in the middle of nothing。 She knew the names of all the spiny plants 
around us。 She hummed their names to herself; greeting them like old friends。

 Creosote; ocotillo; cholla; prickly pear; mesquite…

 Away from the highway; the trappings of civilization; the desert seemed to take on a new life for 
Melanie。 Though she appreciated the speed of the jolting car—our vehicle didn’t have the ground 
clearance necessary for this off…road trip; as the shocks reminded me with every pit in the dirt—she 
itched to be on her feet; loping through the safety of the baking desert。

 We would probably have to walk; and all too soon for my taste; but when that time came; I doubted it 
would satisfy her。 I could feel the real desire beneath the surface。 Freedom。 To move her body to the 
familiar rhythm of her long stride with only her will for guidance。 For a moment; I allowed myself to see 
the prison that was life without a body。 To be carried inside but unable to influence the shape around you。 


 I shuddered and refocused on the rough road; trying to stave off the mingled pity and horror。 No other 
host had made me feel such guilt for what I was。 Of course; none of the others had stuck around to 
plain about the situation。

 The sun was close to the tips of the western hills when we had our first disagreement。 The long shadows 
created strange patterns across the road; making it hard to avoid the rocks and craters。

 There it is!Melanie crowed as we caught sight of another formation farther east: a smooth wave of rock; 
interrupted by a sudden spur that swung a thin; long finger out against the sky。

 She was all for turning immediately into the brush; no matter what that did to the car。

 Maybe we’re supposed to go all the way to the first landmark;I pointed out。 The little dirt road 
continued to wind in more or less the right direction; and I was terrified to leave it。 How else would I find 
my way back to civilization? Wasn’t I going back?

 I imagined the Seeker right at this moment; as the sun touched the dark; zigzagging line of the western 
horizon。 What would she think when I didn’t arrive in Tucson? A spasm of glee made me laugh out loud。 
Melanie also enjoyed the picture of the Seeker’s furious irritation。 How long would it take her to go back 
to San Diego to see if this had all been a ploy to get rid of her? And then what steps would she take 
when I wasn’t there? When I wasn’t anywhere?

 I just couldn’t picture very clearly whereI would be at that point。

 Look; a dry wash。 It’s wide enough for the car—let’s follow it;Melanie insisted。

 I’m not sure we’re supposed to go that way yet。

 It will be dark soon and we’ll have to stop。 You’re wasting time!She was silently shouting in her 

 Or saving time; if I’m right。 Besides; it’smytime; isn’t it?

 She didn’t answer in words。 She seemed to stretch inside my mind; reaching back toward the 
convenient wash。

 I’m the one doing this; so I’m doing it my way。

 Melanie fumed wordlessly in response。

 Why don’t you show me the rest of the lines?I suggested。We could see if anything is visible before 

night falls。

 No;she snapped。I’ll do that part myway。

 You’re being childish。

 Again she refused to answer。 I continued toward the four sharp peaks; and she sulked。 


 Have you lost your mind?Melanie hissed。Do you have any idea how visible headlights would be 
out here? Someone is sure to see us。

 So what do we do now?

 Hope the seat reclines。

 I let the engine idle as I tried to think of options besides sleeping in the car; surrounded by the black 
emptiness of the desert night。 Melanie waited patiently; knowing I would find none。

 This is crazy; you know;I told her; throwing the car into park and twisting the keys out of the ignition。 
The whole thing。 There can’t really be anyone out here。 We won’t find anything。 And we’re going 
to get hopelessly lost trying。 I had an abstract sense of the physical danger in what we were 
planning—wandering out into the heat with no backup plan; no way to return。 I knew Melanie 
understood the danger far more clearly; but she held the specifics back。

 She didn’t respond to my accusations。 None of these problems bothered her。 I could see that she’d 
rather wander alone in the desert for the rest of her life than go back to the life I’d had before。 Even 
without the threat of the Seeker; this was preferable to her。

 I leaned the seat back as far as it would go。 It wasn’t close to far enough for fort。 I doubted that I 
would be able to sleep; but there were so many things I wasn’t allowing myself to think about that my 
mind was vacant and uninteresting。 Melanie was silent; too。

 I closed my eyes; finding little difference between my lids and the moonless night; and drifted into 
unconsciousness with unexpected ease。



 Okay! You were right; you were right!” I said the words out loud。 There was no one around to hear me。

 Melanie wasn’tsaying “I told you so。” Not in so many words。 But I could feel the accusation in her 

 I was still unwilling to leave the car; though it was useless to me now。 When the gas ran out; I had let it 
roll forward with the remaining momentum until it took a nosedive into a shallow gorge—a thick rivulet 
cut by the last big rain。 Now I stared out the windshield at the vast; vacant plain and felt my stomach 
twist with panic。

 We have to move; Wanderer。 It’s only going to get hotter。

 If I hadn’t wasted more than a quarter of a tank of gas stubbornly pushing on to the very base of the 
second landmark—only to find that the third milestone was no longer visible from that vantage and to 
have to turn around and backtrack—we would have been so much farther down this sandy wash; so 
much closer to our next goal。 Thanks to me; we were going to have to travel on foot now。 


 C’mon; c’mon; c’mon;she chanted until I lurched; stiff and awkward; out of the car。 My back throbbed 
as I straightened up。 It hurt from sleeping so contorted last night; not from the weight of the pack; the 
pack wasn’t that heavy when I used my shoulders to lift it。

 Now cover the car;she instructed; picturing me ripping thorny branches from the nearby creosotes and 
palo verdes and draping them over the silver top of the car。


 Her tone implied that I was quite stupid for not understanding。So no one finds us。

 But what if I want to be found? What if there’s nothing out here but heat and dirt? We have no 
way to get home!

 Home?she questioned; throwing cheerless images at me: the vacant apartment in San Diego; the 
Seeker’s most obnoxious expression; the dot that marked Tucson on the map… a brief; happier flash of 
the red canyon that slipped in by accident。Where would that be?

 I turned my back on the car; ignoring her advice。 I was in too far already。 I wasn’t going to give up all 
hope of return。 Maybe someone would find the car and then find me。 I could easily and honestly explain 
what I was doing here to any rescuer: I was lost。 I’d lost my way… lost my control… lost my mind。

 I followed the wash at first; letting my body fall into its natural long…strided rhythm。 It wasn’t the way I 
walked on the sidewalks to and from the university—it wasn’tmy walk at all。 But it fit the rugged terrain 
here and moved me smoothly forward with a speed that surprised me until I got used to it。

 “What if I hadn’t e this way?” I wondered as I walked farther into the desert waste。 “What if Healer 
Fords were still in Chicago? What if my path hadn’t taken us s

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