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小说: [科幻]宿主 字数: 每页3500字

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‘unkind’… ?” 
It wasn’t something Ihad explained; but I was pretty sure he wasn’t really that interested—this was just 
the first question he’d been able to think of。

 My informal class ended earlier than usual。 The questions were slow; and most of them supplied by 

Jamie and Ian。 Geoffrey’s questions had left everyone else preoccupied。 
“Well; we’ve got an early one tomorrow; tearing down the stalks…” Jeb mused after yet another 
awkward silence; making the words a dismissal。 People rose to their feet and stretched; talking in low 
voices that weren’t casual enough。

 “What did I say?” I whispered to Ian。 
“Nothing。 They’ve got mortality on their minds。” He sighed。 
My human brain made one of those leaps in understanding that they called intuition。 
“Where’s Walter?” I demanded; still whispering。 
Ian sighed again。 “He’s in the south wing。 He’s… not doing well。” 
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” 


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I shook my head impatiently at that consideration。 “What’s wrong with him?” 
Jamie was there beside me now; he took my hand。 
“Some of Walter’s bones snapped; they’re so brittle;” he said in a hushed voice。 “Doc’s sure it’s 

cancer—final stages; he says。” 
“Walt must have been keeping quiet about the pain for a long while now;” Ian added somberly。 
I winced。 “And there’s nothing to be done? Nothing at all?” 
Ian shook his head; keeping his brilliant eyes on mine。 “Not for us。 Even if we weren’t stuck here; there 

would be no help for him now。 We never cured that one。” 
I bit my lip against the suggestion I wanted to make。 Of course there was nothing to do for Walter。 Any 

of these humans would rather die slowly and in pain than trade their mind for their body’s cure。 I could 
understand that… now。 
“He’s been asking for you;” Ian continued。 “Well; he says your name sometimes; it’s hard to tell what he 

means—Doc’s keeping him drunk to help with the pain。” 
“Doc feels real bad about using so much of the alcohol himself;” Jamie added。 “Bad timing; all around。” 
“Can I see him?” I asked。 “Or will that make the others unhappy?” 
Ian frowned and snorted。 “Wouldn’t that be just like some people; to get worked up over this?” He 

shook his head。 “Who cares; though; right? If it’s Walt’s final wish…” 
“Right;” I agreed。 The wordfinal had my eyes burning。 “If seeing me is what Walter wants; then I guess 
it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks; or if they get mad。” 
“Don’t worry about that—I’m not going to let anybody harass you。” Ian’s white lips pressed into a thin 
I felt anxious; like I wanted to look at a clock。 Time had ceased to mean much to me; but suddenly I felt 

the weight of a deadline。 “Is it too late to go tonight? Will we disturb him?” 
“He’s not sleeping regular hours。 We can go see。” 
I started walking at once; dragging Jamie because he still gripped my hand。 The sense of passing time; of 

endings and finality; propelled me forward。 Ian caught up quickly; though; with his long stride。

 In the moonlit garden cavern; we passed others who for the most part paid us no mind。 I was too often 
in the pany of Jamie and Ian to cause any curiosity; though we weren’t headed for the usual tunnels。 
The one exception was Kyle。 He froze midstride when he saw his brother beside me。 His eyes flashed 

down to see Jamie’s hand in mine; and then his lips twisted into a snarl。 


 When we were in the blackness of the long tunnel south; I tried to free that hand。 Ian gripped it tighter。

 “I wish you wouldn’t make him angrier;” I muttered。

 “Kyle is wrong。 Being wrong is sort of a habit with him。 He’ll take longer than anyone else to get over it; 

but that doesn’t mean we should make allowances for him。”

 “He frightens me;” I admitted in a whisper。 “I don’t want him to have more reasons to hate me。”

 Ian and Jamie squeezed my hands at the same time。 They spoke simultaneously。

 “Don’t be afraid;” Jamie said。

 “Jeb’s made his opinion very clear;” Ian said。

 “What do you mean?” I asked Ian。

 “If Kyle can’t accept Jeb’s rules; then he’s no longer wele here。”

 “But that’s wrong。 Kyle belongs here。”

 Ian grunted。 “He’s staying… so he’ll just have to learn to deal。”

 We didn’t talk again through the long walk。 I was feeling guilty—it seemed to be a permanent emotional 

state here。 Guilt and fear and heartbreak。 Why had I e?

 Because you do belong here; oddly enough;Melanie whispered。 She was very aware of the warmth of 
Ian’s and Jamie’s hands; wrapped around and twined with mine。Where else have you ever had this?

 Nowhere;I confessed; feeling only more depressed。But it doesn’t make me belong。 Not the way you 


 We’re a package deal; Wanda。

 As if I needed reminding。…

 I was a little surprised to hear her so clearly。 She’d been quiet the last two days; waiting; anxious; hoping 
to see Jared again。 Of course; I’d been similarly occupied。

 Maybe he’s with Walter。 Maybe that’s where he’s been;Melanie thought hopefully。

 That’s not why we’re going to see Walter。

 No。 Of course not。Her tone was repentant; but I realized that Walter did not mean as much to her as he 
did to me。 Naturally; she was sad that he was dying; but she had accepted that oute from the 
beginning。 I; on the other hand; could not bring myself to accept it; even now。 Walter was my friend; not 
hers。 I was the one he’d defended。 


 I hated this room。 In the darkness; with the odd shadows thrown by the weak glow; it seemed only 

more forbidding。 There was a new smell—the room reeked of slow decay and stinging alcohol and bile。 
Two of the cots were occupied。 Doc’s feet hung over the edge of one; I recognized his light snore。 On 
the other; looking hideously withered and misshapen; Walter watched us approach。

 “Are you up for visitors; Walt?” Ian whispered when Walter’s eyes drifted in his direction。

 “Ungh;” Walter moaned。 His lips drooped from his slack face; and his skin gleamed wetly in the low 
“Is there anything you need?” I murmured。 I pulled my hands free—they fluttered helplessly in the air 

between me and Walter。 
His loosely rolling eyes searched the darkness。 I took a step closer。 
“Is there anything we can do for you? Anything at all?” 
His eyes roamed till they found my face。 Abruptly; they focused through the drunken stupor and the 

“Finally;” he gasped。 His breath wheezed and whistled。 “I knew you would e if I waited long 
enough。 Oh; Gladys; I have so much to tell you。”



 Ifroze and then looked quickly over my shoulder to see if someone was behind me。 
“Gladys was his wife;” Jamie whispered almost silently。 “She didn’t escape。” 
“Gladys;” Walter said to me; oblivious to my reaction。 “Would you believe I went and got cancer? What 

are the odds; eh? Never took a sick day in my life…” His voice faded out until I couldn’t hear it; but his 
lips continued to move。 He was too weak to lift his hand; his fingers dragged themselves toward the edge 
of the cot; toward me。

 Ian nudged me forward。 
“What should I do?” I breathed。 The sweat beading on my forehead had nothing to do with the humid 
“。 。 。 grandfather lived to be a hundred and one;” Walter wheezed; audible again。 “Nobody ever had 
cancer in my family; not even the cousins。 Didn’t your aunt Regan have skin cancer; though?” 
He looked at me trustingly; waiting for an answer。 Ian poked me in the back。 


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“Maybe that was Bill’s aunt;” Walter allowed。 
I shot a panicked glance at Ian; who shrugged。 “Help;” I mouthed at him。 
He motioned for me to take Walter’s searching fingers。 
Walter’s skin was chalk white and translucent。 I could see the faint pulse of blood in the blue veins on 

the back of his hand。 I lifted his hand gingerly; worried about the slender bones that Jamie had said were 

so brittle。 It felt too light; as if it were hollow。 
“Ah; Gladdie; it’s been hard without you。 It’s a nice place here; you’ll like it; even when I’m gone。 
Plenty of people to talk to—I know how you need to have your conversation。…” The volume of his 
voice sank until I couldn’t make out the words anymore; but his lips still shaped the words he wanted to 
share with his wife。 His mouth kept moving; even when his eyes closed and his head lolled to the side。

 Ian found a wet cloth and began wiping Walter’s shining face。 
“I’m not good at… at deception;” I whispered; watching Walter’s mumbling lips to make sure he wasn’t 

listening to me。 “I don’t want to upset him。” 
“You don’t have to say anything;” Ian reassured me。 “He’s not lucid enough to care。” 
“Do I look like her?” 
“Not a bit—I’ve seen her picture。 Stocky redhead。” 
“Here; let me do that。” 
Ian gave me the rag; and I cleaned the sweat off Walter’s neck。 Busy hands always made me feel more 

fortable。 Walter continued to mumble。 I thought I heard him say; “Thanks; Gladdie; that’s nice。”

 I didn’t notice that Doc’s snores had stopped。 His familiar voice was suddenly there behind me; too 
gentle to startle。 
“How is he?” 
“Delusional;” Ian whispered。 “Is that the brandy or the pain?” 
“More the pain; I would think。 I’d trade my right arm for some morphine。” 
“Maybe Jared will produce another miracle;” Ian suggested。 
“Maybe;” Doc sighed。 
I wiped absently at Walter’s pallid face; listening more intently now; but they didn’t speak of Jared 

Not here;Melanie whispered。 


 Alone;she added。

 I thought about the last time I’d seen him—the kiss; the belief…He probably wanted some time to 


 I hope he isn’t out there convincing himself that you’re a very talented actress…slash…Seeker 

 That’s possible; of course。

 Melanie groaned silently。 
Ian and Doc murmured in quiet voices about inconsequential things; mostly Ian catching Doc up on what 

was going on in the caves。

 “What happened to Wanda’s face?” Doc whispered; but I could still hear him easily。

 “More of the same;” Ian said in a tight voice。

 Doc made an unhappy noise under his breath and then clicked his tongue。

 Ian told him a bit about tonight’s awkward class; about Geoffrey’s questions。

 “It would have been convenient if Melanie had been possessed by a Healer;” Doc mused。

 I flinched; but they were behind me and probably didn’t notice。

 “We’re lucky it was Wanda;” Ian murmured in my defense。 “No one else —”

 “I know;” Doc interrupted; good…natured as always。 “I guess I should say; it’s too bad Wanda didn’t 

have more of an interest in medicine。”

 “I’m sorry;” I murmured。 Iwas careless to reap the benefits of perfect health without ever being curious 
about the cause。

 A hand touched my shoulder。 “You have nothing to apologize for;” Ian said。

 Jamie was being very quiet。 I looked around and saw that he was curled up on the cot wh

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