爱爱小说网 > 科幻电子书 > [科幻]宿主 >



小说: [科幻]宿主 字数: 每页3500字

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He closed his eyes as he leaned toward me; an automatic thing。 His lips pressed lightly against mine 
once; and then he pulled back to look at me with the same worried expression。 


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“No; Ian。 Reallykiss me。 Like… like you’retrying to get slapped。 Do you understand?” 
“No。 What’s wrong? Tell me first。” 
I put my arms around his neck。 It felt strange; I wasn’t at all sure how to do this right。 I pushed up on my 

toes and pulled his head down at the same time until I could reach his lips with mine。 
This wouldn’t have worked with another species。 Another mind wouldn’t have been so easily 

overwhelmed by its body。 Other species had their priorities in better order。 But Ian was human; and his 
body responded。 
I shoved my mouth against his; gripping his neck tighter with my arms when his first reaction was to hold 

me away。 Remembering how his mouth had moved with mine before; I tried to mimic that movement 
now。 His lips opened with mine; and I felt an odd thrill of triumph at my success。 I caught his lower lip 
between my teeth and heard a low; wild sound break from his throat in surprise。

 And then I didn’t have to try anymore。 One of Ian’s hands trapped my face; while the other clamped 
around the small of my back; holding me so close that it was hard to pull a breath into my constricted 
chest。 I was gasping; but so was he。 His breath mingled with mine。 I felt the stone wall touch my back; 
press against it。 He used it to bind me even closer。 There was no part of me that wasn’t fused to part of 

 It was just the two of us; so close that we hardly counted as two。 
Just us。 
No one else。 
Ian felt it when I gave up。 He must have been waiting for this—not as entirely ruled by his body as I’d 

imagined。 He eased back as soon as my arms went limp; but kept his face next to mine; the tip of his 

nose touching the tip of mine。 
I dropped my arms; and he took a deep breath。 Slowly; he loosened both his hands and then placed 
them lightly on my shoulders。

 “Explain;” he said。 
“She’s not here;” I whispered; still breathing in gasps。 “I can’t find her。 Not even now。” 
“I can’t hear her! Ian; how can I go back in to Jamie? He’ll know that I’m lying! How can I tell him that 

I’ve lost his sisternow? Ian; he’s sick! I can’t tell him that! I’ll upset him; make it harder for him to get 
well。 I —” 
Ian’s fingers pressed against my lips。 “Shh; shh。 Okay。 Let’s think about this。 When was the last time 


Jamie; but he’s going to be fine regardless。 So; consider—would it be better; just for you; if —” 
“No! I can’t erase Melanie! I can’t。 That would be wrong! That would make me a monster; too!” 
“Okay; okay! Okay。 Shh。 So we have to find her?” 
I nodded urgently。 
He took another deep breath。 “Then you need to… really be overwhelmed; don’t you?” 
“I don’t know what you mean。” 
I was afraid I did; though。 
Kissing Ian was one thing—even a pleasant thing; maybe; if I wasn’t so racked with worry—but 

anything more… elaborate… Could I? Mel would be furious if I used her body that way。 Was that what 
I had to do to find her? But what about Ian? It was so grossly unfair to him。 
“I’ll be right back;” Ian promised。 “Stayhere。 ”

 He pressed me against the wall for emphasis and then ducked back out into the hallway。 
It was hard to obey。 I wanted to follow him; to see what he was doing and where he was going。 We had 
to talk about this; I had to think it through。 But I had no time。 Jamie was waiting for me; with questions 
that I couldn’t answer with lies。 No; he wasn’t waiting for me; he was waiting for Melanie。 How could I 
have done this? What if she was really gone?

 Mel; Mel; Mel; e back! Melanie; Jamie needs you。 Not me—he needsyou。He’s sick; Mel。 Mel; 
can you hear that? Jamie is sick!

 I was talking to myself。 No one heard。 
My hands were trembling with fear and stress。 I wouldn’t be able to wait here much longer。 I felt like the 

anxiety was going to make me swell until I popped。 
Finally; I heard footsteps。 And voices。 Ian wasn’t alone。 Confusion swept through me。 
“Just think of it as… an experiment;” Ian was saying。 
“Are you crazy?” Jared answered。 “Is this some sick joke?” 
My stomach dropped through the floor。 
Overwhelmed。That’s what he’d meant。 


 Ian and Jared came into view in the room where the tunnels met。 Ian’s face was expressionless; he had 
one hand on Jared’s shoulder and was guiding him; almost pushing him forward。 Jared was staring at Ian 
with anger and doubt。

 “Through here;” Ian encouraged; forcing Jared toward me。 I flattened my back against the rock。 
Jared saw me; saw my mortified expression; and stopped。 
“Wanda; what’s this about?” 
I threw Ian one blazing glance of reproach and then tried to meet Jared’s eyes。 
I couldn’t do it。 I looked at his feet instead。 
“I lost Melanie;” I whispered。 
“Youlost her!” 
I nodded miserably。 
His voice was hard and angry。 “How?” 
“I’m not sure。 I made her be quiet… but she always es back… always before… I can’t hear her 

now… and Jamie…” 
“She’s gone?” Muted agony in his voice。 
“I don’t know。 I can’t find her。” 
Deep breath。 “Why does Ian think I have to kiss you?” 
“Not kissme; ” I said; my voice so faint I could barely hear it myself。 “Kiss her。 Nothing upset her more 

than when you kissed us… before。 Nothing pulled her to the surface like that。 Maybe… No。 You don’t 
have to。 I’ll try to find her myself。” 
I still had my eyes on his feet; so I saw him step toward me。 
“You think; if I kiss her… ?”

 I couldn’t even nod。 I tried to swallow。 
Familiar hands brushed my neck; tracing down either side to my shoulders。 My heart thudded loud 
enough that I wondered if he could hear it。

 I was so embarrassed; forcing him to touch me this way。 What if he thought it was a trick—my idea; not 


 One hand continued; as I knew it would; down my arm to my wrist; leaving a trail of fire behind it。 The 
other cupped beneath my jaw; as I knew it must; and pulled my face up。

 His cheek pressed against mine; the skin burning where we were connected; and he whispered in my 


 “Melanie。 I know you’re there。 e back to me。”

 His cheek slowly slid back; and his chin tilted to the side so that his mouth covered mine。

 Hetried to kiss me softly。 I could tell that he tried。 But his intentions went up in smoke; just like before。

 There was fireeverywhere; becausehe was everywhere。 His hands traced my skin; burning it。 His lips 

tasted every inch of my face。 The rock wall slammed into my back; but there was no pain。 I couldn’t feel 

anything besides the burning。

 My hands knotted in his hair; pulling him to me as if there were any possible way for us to be closer。 My 
legs wrapped around his waist; the wall giving me the leverage I needed。 His tongue twisted with mine; 
and there was no part of my mind that was not invaded by the insane desire that possessed me。

 He pulled his mouth free and pressed his lips to my ear again。

 “Melanie Stryder!” It was so loud in my ear; a growl that was almost a shout。 “You willnot leave me。 
Don’t you love me? Prove it!Prove it! Damn it; Mel! Get back here!”

 His lips attacked mine again。

 Ahhh;she groaned weakly in my head。

 I couldn’t think to greet her。 I was on fire。

 The fire burned its way to her; back to the tiny corner where she drooped; nearly lifeless。

 My hands fisted around the fabric of Jared’s T…shirt; yanking it up。 This was their idea; I didn’t tell them 

what to do。 His hands burned on the skin of my back。

 Jared?she whispered。 She tried to orient herself; but the mind we shared was so disoriented。

 I felt the muscles of his stomach under my palms; my hands crushed between us。

 What? Where…Melanie struggled。

 I broke away from his mouth to breathe; and his lips scorched their way down my throat。 I buried my 

face in his hair; inhaling the scent。

 Jared! Jared! NO!

 I let her flow through my arms; knowing this was what I wanted; though I could barely pay attention 
now。 The hands on his stomach turned hard; angry。 The fingers clawed at his skin and then shoved him as 


 “NO!” she shouted through my lips。

 Jared caught her hands; then caught me against the wall before I could fall。 I sagged; my body confused 

by the conflicting directions it was receiving。

 “Mel? Mel!”

 “What are youdoing? ”

 He groaned in relief。 “I knew you could do it! Ah; Mel!”

 He kissed her again; kissed the lips that she now controlled; and we could both taste the tears that ran 

down his face。

 She bit him。

 Jared jumped back from us; and I slid to the floor; landing in a wilted heap。

 He started laughing。 “That’s my girl。 You still got her; Wanda?”

 “Yes;” I gasped。

 What the hell; Wanda?she screeched at me。

 Where have youbeen?Do you have any idea what I’ve been going through trying to find you?

 Yeah; I can see that you were really suffering。

 Oh; I’ll suffer;I promised her。 I could already feel it ing on。 Just like before…

 She was flipping through my thoughts as fast as she could。Jamie?

 That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you。 He needs you。

 Then why aren’t we with him?

 Because he’s probably a bit young to watch this kind of thing。

 She searched through some more。Wow; Ian; too。 I’m glad I missed that part。

 I was so worried。 I didn’t know what to do。…

 Well; c’mon。 Let’s go。

 “Mel?” Jared asked。 
“She’s here。 She’s furious。 She wants to see Jamie。” 
Jared put his arm around me and helped me up。 “You can be as mad as you want; Mel。 Just stick 


 How long was I gone? 
Three days is all。 
Her voice was suddenly smaller。Where was I? 
You don’t know? 
I can’t remember… anything。

 We shuddered。 
“You okay?” Jared asked。 
“Sort of。” 
“Was that her before; talking to me—talking out loud?” 
“Can she… can you let her do that now?” 
I sighed。 I was already exhausted。 “I can try。” I closed my eyes。 
Can you get past me?I asked her。Can you talk to him? 
I… How? Where?

 I tried to flatten myself against the inside of my head。 “C’mon;” I murmured。 “Here。” 
Melanie struggled; but there was no way out。 
Jared’s lips came down on mine; hard。 My eyes flew open in shock。 His gold…flecked eyes were open; 

too; half an inch away。 
She jerked our head back。 “Cut thatout! Don’t touch her!” 
He smiled; the little creases feathering out around his eyes。 “Hey; baby。”

 That’s not funny。

 I tried to breathe again。 “She’s not laughing。”

 He left his arm around me。 Around us。 We walked out into the tunnel junction; and there was no one 
there。 No Ian。

 “I’m warning you; Mel;” Jared said; still smiling widely。 Teasing。 “You better stay right here。 I’m not 
making any guarantees about what I will or won’t do to get you back。” 


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Tell him I’ll throttle him if he t

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