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the cruise of the jasper b[1].(杰斯帕·b·之游)-第28章

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had stood on the larboard side of the cabin; had disappeared。 

     〃It might have been blown into the canal during the storm;〃 suggested 

the   Rev。   Mr。   Calthrop。   All   of   the   crew   of   the   Jasper   B。   knew   Lady 

Agatha's     story; and were aware of the importance of the box。 

     〃It   was   on   the   lee   side   of   the   cabin;〃   objected   Dr。   Farnsworth;   〃and 

while it might have been blown flat to the deck; in spite of its protected 

position;   it   would   scarcely   have   been   picked   up   by   the   wind   again   and 

wafted over the port bulwarks。〃 

     〃If you was to ask me;〃 said Cap'n Abernethy; who had joined in the 

discussion; 〃I'd give it as MY opinion it's a good riddance of bad rubbish。〃 

     〃Rubbish?〃   said   Miss   Pringle。     〃Rubbish;   indeed!     I   am   confident 

that that box contained my plum preserves!〃 

     〃It has been stolen!〃 cried Cleggett; with conviction。          〃Fool that I was; 

not to have taken it into the cabin!〃 

     〃But; if you had; you know;〃 said Lady Agatha; 〃one would scarcely 

have cared to stay in there with it。〃 

     〃Loge   has   outgeneraled   me;〃   murmured   Cleggett;   well…nigh   frantic 

with self…reproach。      〃While he made the attack in front; he sent some of 

his men to the rear of the vessel and it was quietly made off with while we 

were   fighting。〃    Had   the   disappearance   of   the   box   concerned   himself 

alone Cleggett's sense of disaster might have been less poignant。              But the 

thought that his own carelessness had enabled the enemy to get possession 


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                               THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B。 

of   a   thing   likely   to   involve   Lady   Agatha   in   further   trouble   was   nearly 

insupportable。       He   gritted   his   teeth   and   clenched   his   hands   in   impotent 


     〃No doubt Loge caught sight of it during the early part of the skirmish; 

by a flash of lightning;〃 said Dr。 Farnsworth; 〃and acted as you suggest; 

Mr。   Cleggett。     But   does   he   believe   it   to   be   the   box   which   contains   the 

evidence   against   him?      Or   can   he;   by   any   chance;   be   aware   of   its   real 


     〃No   matter   which;〃 groaned   Cleggett;  〃no   matter   which!          For   when 

he opens it; he will learn what is in it。         Don't you see that he has us now? 

If he offers to trade it back to us for the other oblong box; how can I refuse? 

If we have his secret; Loge has ours!〃 

     But Dr。 Farnsworth was not listening。             He had suddenly leaned over 

the   port   rail   and   was   staring   down   the   canal。 The   others   followed   his 


     The house boat Annabel Lee; they perceived; had got under weigh; and 

was slowly approaching the Jasper B。 in the moonlight。                    They  watched 

her gradual approach in silence。           She stopped within a few yards of the 

Jasper    B。;   and   a  voice   which    Cleggett    recognized      as  that  of  Wilton 

Barnstable; the great detective; sang out: 

     〃Jasper B。; ahoy!〃 

     〃Aye; aye!〃 shouted Cleggett。 

     〃Is Mr。 Cleggett on board?〃 

     〃He is speaking。〃 

     〃Mr。 Cleggett; have you lost anything from your canal boat?〃 

     Cleggett did not answer; and for a moment he did not move。                      Then; 

tightening his sword belt; and cocking his hat a trifle; he climbed over the 

starboard rail and walked along the bank of the canal a few yards until he 

was    opposite    the   Annabel     Lee。  The    great   detective;   on   his  part;  also 

stepped ashore。 They stood and faced each other in the moonlight; silently; 

and their followers; also in silence; gathered in the bows of the respective 

vessels and watched them。 


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                               THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B。 

     Finally; Cleggett; with one hand on his hip; and standing with his feet 

wide apart; said very incisively: 

     〃Sir; the Jasper B。 is NOT a canal boat。〃 

     〃Eh?〃      Wilton   Barnstable   started   at   the   emphasis。                   〃The 

Jasper   B。;〃   pursued   Cleggett; staring steadily  at Wilton   Barnstable;  〃is   a 


     〃Ah!〃 said the other。       〃Indeed?〃 

     〃A schooner;〃 repeated Cleggett; 〃indeed; sir! Indeed; sir; a schooner!〃 

     There   was   another   silence;   in   which   neither   man   would   look   aside; 

they   held   each   other   with   their   eyes;   the   nervous   strain   communicated 

itself   to   the   crews   of   the   two   vessels。 At   last;   however;   the   detective; 

although he did not lower his gaze; and although he strove to give his new 

attitude    an   effect   of  ease   and    jauntiness    by   twisting   the   end   of   his 

mustache as he spoke; said to Cleggett: 

     〃A schooner; then; Mr。 Cleggett; a schooner!              No offense; I hope?〃 

     〃None at all;〃 said Cleggett; heartily enough; now that the point had 

been established。       And the tension relaxed on both ships。 

     〃You   have   lost   an    oblong    box;   Mr。   Cleggett。〃   The   great   detective 

affirmed it rather than interrogated。 

     〃How did you know that?〃 

     The other laughed。        〃We know a great many thingsit is our business 

to know things;〃 he said。 Then he dropped his voice to a whisper; and said 

rapidly;   〃Mr。   Cleggett;   do   you   know   who   I   am?〃   Before   Cleggett   could 

reply   he   continued;   〃Brace   yourselfdo   not   make   an   outcry   when   I   tell 

you who I am。        I am Wilton Barnstable。〃 

     〃I knew you;〃 said Cleggett。            The other appeared disappointed for a 

moment。       And then he inquired anxiously; 〃How did you know me?〃 

     〃Why; from your pictures in the magazines;〃 said Cleggett。 

     The detective brightened perceptibly。            〃Ah; yesthe magazines!           Yes; 

yes;   indeed!     publicity  is   unavoidable;  unavoidable;   Mr。   Cleggett!          But 

this box; now〃 

     The     great   detective    interrupted     himself     to  laugh    again;    a  trifle 


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                               THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B。 

complacently; Cleggett thought。 

     〃I will not mystify you; Mr。 Cleggett; about the box。               Mystification is 

one of the tricks of the older schools of detection。             I never practice it; Mr。 

Cleggett。      With me; the detection of crime is a businessyes; a business。 

I will tell you presently how the box came into my possession。〃 

     〃It IS in your possession?〃         Cleggett felt a dull pang of the heart。           If 

the box of Reginal Maltravers were in the hands of Logan Black he could 

at   least   trade   the   other   oblong   box   to   Loge   for   it;   and   thus   save   Lady 

Agatha。      But in the possession of Wilton Barnstable; the great detective 

!   Cleggett   pulled   himself   together;   he   thought   rapidly;   he   recognized 

that    the   situation   called;    above    all  things    else;   for  diplomacy      and 

adroitness。      He went on; nonchalantly: 

     〃I suppose you are aware of the contents of the box?〃 

     The   other   laughed   again   as   if   Cleggett   had   made   an   excellent   jest; 

there was something urbane and benign in his manner; it appeared as if he 

regarded the contents of the box of Reginald Maltravers as anything but 

serious; his tone puzzled Cleggett。 

     〃Suppose I bring the box on board the Jasper B。;〃 suggested the great 

detective。     〃It   interests   me;   that   box。 I   have   no   doubt   it   has   its   story。 

And perhaps; while you are telling me some things about it; I may be able 

to give you some information in turn。〃 

     There   was     no   mistaking   the    fact  that   the  man;   whether     genuinely 

friendly or no; wished to appear so。 

     〃Have it brought into my cabin;〃 said Cleggett; 〃and we will discuss 


     A few   minutes later Wilton Barnstable;  Cleggett;  Lady Agatha;  Miss 

Pringle; and two of Wilton Barnstable's men sat in the cabin of the Jasper 

B。; with the two oblong boxes before themthe one which had contained 

Loge's incriminating diary; and the one which had caused Lady Agatha so 

much trouble。 

     In   the   light   of  the   cabin    the  three   detectives     were    revealed    as 

startlingly     alike。    Barton     Ward     and   Watson     Bard;    Barnstable's     two 


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                              THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B。 

assistants; might; indeed; almost have been taken for Barnstable himself; 

at a casual glance。       In height; in bulk; in dress; in facial expression; they 

seemed   Wilton   Barnstable   all   over   again。      But;   looking   intently   at   the 

three men; Cleggett began to perceive a difference between the real Wilton 

Barnstable and his two counterfeits。 It was the difference between the face 

which is informed of genius; and the countenance which is indicative of 

mere talent。 

     〃Mr。 Cleggett;〃 began Wilton Barnstable; 〃as I said before; I will make 

no attempt to mystify you。 I was a witness to the attack upon your vessel。 

Mr。 Ward; Mr。 Bard; and myself; in fact; had determined to assist you; had 

we   seen   that   the   combat   was   going   against   you。     We   lay;   during   the 

struggle;    in   the  lee   of  youryourer;     schooner!in     the   lee  of  your 

schooner; armed; and ready to bear a hand。             We have our own little matter 

to settle with Logan Black。          Why Logan Black should desire possession 

of this particular box; I am unable to state。           Nevertheless; at the moment 

when he was leading his assault upon your starboard bow; two of his men; 

who     had   made    a  detour    to  the  stern   of  your   vessel;   had   clambered 

stealthily aboard; and were quietly pushing the box over the side into the 

canal。    They let themselves down into the water; and swam towards the 

mouth     of  the   canal;   pushing    it  ahead   of  them。    We    followed     in  our 

rowboat; Mr。 Ward; Mr。 Bard; and myself; at a discreet distance。                   We let 

them push the box as far south as the Annabel Lee。               And then〃 

     He   paused   a   moment;   and   smiled   reminiscently。       Barton   Ward   and 

Watson      Bard     also   smiled     reminiscently;     and    the   three    detectives 

exchanged crafty glances。 

     〃Then; to be brief; we took the box away from them。                  They were so 

ill…advised   as   to   struggle。 They  are   in   ir

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