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the cruise of the jasper b[1].(杰斯帕·b·之游)-第40章

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I hope our friendship will not cease; but I must tell you flatly that I desire 

to hear no more of this。         You will oblige me by not mentioning it again; 

Your Majesty。〃 

     The King begged Cleggett's pardon with a becoming sincerity; and was 

about    to  withdraw。      Cleggett;    who    liked   him   immensely;      was   sudden 


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                               THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B。 

smitten with a regret that it had been so impossible to oblige him。 

     〃Your   Majesty;〃   he   cried   impulsively;   〃I   BEG   of   you   not   to   get   the 

idea that there is anything personal in this refusal。〃 

     〃I   respect   principle;〃   said   the   King   gravely。   But   he   WAS   hurt   and 

could not help showing it; and he was a little stiff。 

     〃We will compromise;〃 said Cleggett; with a flash of inspiration。 

     〃I will let you have my second son; Athos Cleggett。                   You may make 

him Earl of Claiborne; if you choose。             After all; HE is half English!〃 

     〃That   is   like   your   generosity;   Cleggett;〃   said   the   King;   smiling;   and 

giving Cleggett his hand。 

     End Project Gutenberg Etext of The Cruise of the Jasper B。 


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