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小说: 千万不要学英语 字数: 每页3500字

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r  universal  acceptance  and  popularity  the  world  over。  It  is  not  theEnglish literature is superior to the literatures of other countries or that Shakespeare was abetter writer than other authors。 Although he was; of course; a great writer; still; I believethe  universality  of  his  themes  and  stories  which  makes  him great。  Almost  anyone  fromany  country  at  any  time  in  history  can  identify  with  these  themes。  For  all  people  in  alltimes  experience  love;  hatred;  jealousy  and  greed。  Everyone  at  one  time  or  another  hasquestioned the meaning of existence; or wanted to take revenge on an enemy。 Yes; class; itis these subjects and questions which transcend time and place that make Shakespeare notonly popular but also great。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 9 Getting Ready for the Party'news:/s/11:28。9…12:27。5'(Mike es out of the bathroom。)
  Mike: Damn; I cut myself shaving。
  Charles: No problem; just put some toilet paper on it。
  Mike: I know that; but I'm going to have a big scab on my neck all through the party。
  Charles: No one will notice it。
  Mike: Why not?
  Charles: Because of that big pimple you have on your chin。 They'll all be too busy staringat that to notice a little cut on your neck。
  Mike: Thanks a lot。 If I keep talking to you I'll be too embarrassed to go to this party at all。And I'm the one who got you invited。 You owe me。
  Charles: Sorry; I was just trying to help。 Here; let me get you that tie。
  Mike: That's more like it。 Now you're making yourself useful。
  Charles: Do you like stripes or solids?
  Mike: Give me a stripe one。 My shirt is solid white; I don't want to look too plain。
  Charles: Good thinking。 Do you want a matching handkerchief?
  Mike: God no。 Charles; this is only a semi…formal occasion。 Don't get too fancy。
  Charles: I know; but when I dress up I like to go all out。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 10 Calling for Directions
  (Mike calls Sarah's sorority to get directions to the party。)
  Mike: Hello; may I speak with Sarah; please?
  Cindy: Sarah's not here。 Can I take a messasge?
  Mike: No; no message。 I was just calling for directions to the party tonight。 Do you knowwhere it is?
  Cindy: Sure; I'm going too。 It's in the grand ballroom of the Hyatt Hotel。
  Mike: And what's the best way to get there from school?
  Cindy: Would you be driving?
  Mike: Well; I won't。 But my friend Bill has a car; and my roommate and I will be goingwith him。
  Cindy: Okay; it's really easy。 Just go straight down Main Street heading toward downtown。Then turn right on Brattle Street; you know where Brattle is; right?
  Mike: Yeah; isn't there a Gap clothing store on the corner?
  Cindy: Right。 And from there just go down about four blocks and Hyatt is on the cornerof Brattle and Kearney Street。 And the grand ballroom is on the second floor。 Did you getall that?
  Mike: Got it。 Anything else I should know?
  Cindy: No; just be there a little early or all the good food will be gone。
  Mike: Okay; we'll be there at eight o'clock sharp。
  Cindy: Fine; but the party starts at seven。
  Mike: That's right。 I forgot。 We'll be there no later than quarter after seven; okay?
  Cindy: Great。 See you then。
  Mike: See you then。 Bye。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 11 Mike Introduces Charles to Bill
  (Bill arrive at the dormitory to drive Mike and Charles to the party。 He knocks on theirdoor。)
  Charles: Who is it?
  Bill: It's Bill。 Is Mike in?
  Mike: Yeah; Bill; I'm right here。 e on in。 (Bill es into the room。) Bill; how areyou? I'd like you to meet my roommate; Charles。
  Bill: (Reaching out to shake Charles' hand。) Nice to meet you; Charles。 My name's BillRodriguez。
  Charles: Hi; my name's Charles Malizewski。 Nice to meet you too。
  Bill: What year are you; Charles?
  Charles: I'm a junior。 How about you?
  Bill: I'm a freshman。 Mike and I entered together。 What's your major?
  Charles: I'm majoring in English literature; and you?
  Bill: Engineering; even though I'm terrible at math and science。
  Charles: I'm just the opposite。 Math and science are easy for me; but I really like Englishlit。 But I'm really not good at it。
  Bill: Well; you can't be good at everything。
  Charles: I guess not。
  Mike: Are you girls done chatting yet? We're going to be late。
  Bill: Very funny。 And don't worry; it's only six twenty。 We've got plenty of time。 You justkeep getting ready; I'm enjoying talking to Charles。 So; Charles; where are you from?
  Charles: Delaware; have you ever been there?
  Bill: Sure; I'm from Pennsylvania; but my grandparents live in Delaware。 I go there everysummer。 It's great。
  Charles: Where in Pennsylvania are you from?
  Bill: A little town outside of Philadelphia。 You've probably never heard of it。
  Charles: Probably not。 But I do know Philadelphia。
  Mike: Charles; everyone knows Philadelphia。 Let's get going。
  Bill: You're right。 It's always good to arrive a bit early。 Let's go。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 12 Driving to the Hotel
  (Mike; Charles and Bill are all in Bill's car。)
  Bill: What's the best way to get there?
  Mike: (Looking in the pockets for the directions。) I wrote down the directions but can'tseem to find them。 Anyway; I think I remember。 It's at the Hyatt; do you know how to getthere?
  Bill: No。
  Mike: Charles; do you?
  Charles: No。
  Mike: That's all right。 I think I remember。 Take a left here and get on Main Street。
  Bill: Okay。 (Bill turns left。) And which way should I turn on Main Street?
  Mike: Towards downtown。
  Bill: That will be another left turn; right?
  Mike: Right。
  Bill: Do you mean make a right turn or that a left turn is correct?
  Mike: A left turn is correct。
  Bill: Are you sure about that?
  Mike: Yes; I'm sure。 What I'm not sure about is where to turn after that。 It was either onBrattle or Barry Street。
  Charles: Oh yeah; now I remember。 The Hyatt is on the corner of Brattle and Kearney。
  Bill: That sounds right。 So that means a right turn on to Brattle; right?
  Charles: Correct。
  Bill: And from there it's easy。千万别学英语提高版 2B
  Situation 13: Arriving at the Party_x_i_                                            e_ _g_u_a_n_g_l_i_a_n_g
  (Mike; Charles and Bill arrive at the hotel and the doorman for directions。)
  Mike: Excuse me; but can you tell us where the grand ballroom is?
  Doorman: Of course; sir。 The grand ballroom is located on the second floor in the rear ofthe hotel。
  Mike: Thank you。
  (Mike;  Charles  and  Bill  go  up  to  the  second  floor  and  arrive  the  entrance  to  the  grandballroom。 There is a woman standing in front of the door。)
  Woman: Good evening; gentleman。 May I see your invitations?
  Bill: Mike; you didn't tell me about any invitations。
  Charles: Yeah; Mike。 I thought you called Sarah and took care of it。
  Mike: I did。 Look; Miss。。。
  (The woman cuts Mike off。)
  Woman: My name is not Miss; it's Barbara。
  Mike: I'm sorry; Barbara。 If I could just go in there and talk to my friend Sarah; I'm sureshe can straighten this out。
  Woman: I'm sorry; Not without an invitation。
  Mike: Yes; I understand。 But to get our invitation I have to go in and talk to Sarah。
  Woman: Well; okay; but only you; your friends will have to wait here until you all haveinvitations。
  Mike:  That's  fine;  I'll  be  right  back。  (Mike  goes  in;  finds  Sarah  and  returns  with  threeinvitations。) Here you are; Barbara; three invitations; sorry to bother you。
  Woman: No bother; I was just doing my job。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 14: At the Party
  Sarah: You guys finally made it!
  Mike: Thanks to you。
  Bill: Yeah; Sarah; thanks a lot。
  Sarah: Don't mention it。 What fun is a sorority party if no guys show up?
  Charles: True; but I really appreciate you getting me in on such short notice。
  Sarah: Don't mention it。 Any friend of Mike's is a friend of mine。 Hey; that's a nice tie; isit a clip…on?
  (Sarah smiles; Mike and Bill try not to laugh。)
  Charles: No; I tied it myself。 Do you really like it?
  Sarah: Yeah; and the stripes make you look taller。
  Charles: I'll take all the help I can get。
  Mike: e on; Charles; Sarah's my date。 Let me talk to her a little。 Why don't you andBill go meet some nice girls?
  Bill: I didn't e here and meet nice girls。
  Sarah: You devil。 I know what kind of girls you like。
  Bill: Then introduce me to a couple of them。
  Sarah: I'm sorry; Bill; but you'll just have to be content with one tonight。
  Bill: Whatever you say; where is she?
  Sarah: Give me a second and I'll find someone。
  Bill: Ok; but only one second。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 15 At a Brew Pub After the Party
  (After the party Bill goes home with his new girlfriend; while Mike and Charles go outfor a beer。)
  Mike: Charles; how about a beer before going home?
  Charles: That sounds good。 I didn't meet a single girl tonight。
  Mike: Sarah tried to introduce you; but you're so shy。
  Charles: I know; I know。 I don't want to think about it。 Let's go to a brew pub。
  Mike: What's brew pub?
  Charles: Oh yeah。 I forgot you are a freshman。 A brew pub is bar at restaurant where theybrew  their  own  beer。  They  have  lots  of  different  beers  and  all  of  them  are  fresh  andhomemade。
  Mike: Sounds interesting。 Is it far away?
  Charles: No。 It's right around the corner。 e on。
  (Mike and Charles go into the brew pub; sit down and are greeted by the waitress。)
  Waitress: Good evening。 Will you be having dinner or just beer?
  Charles: Just beer。 What do you have?
  Waitress: Do you like light or dark beers?
  Charles: Dark。 What about you; Mike?
  Mike: Me too。
  Waitress: For dark beers we have a honey porter; and oatmeal stout; and special winter ale。
  Charles: I'll take a stout。
  Mike: Could I have the winter ale; please?
  Waitress: Sure; one stout and one ale ing right up。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 16 The Morning After
  (Charles and Mike both wake up late。)
  Mike: Hey; Charles; do you know what time it is?
  Charles: Let me check。 It's twelve fifteen。
  Mike: Damn; I knew we shouldn't have had those last two beers。
  Charles: What? You're the one who insisted we stay until that place closed。
  Mike: Yeah; but you're older than I am。 You should have known better。
  Charles: Okay; whatever you say。 But don't yell at me next time I tell you to stop drinking。
  Mike: Well; I can't promise anything; but I'll try。
  Charles: By the way; don't you have class at one o'clock?
  Mike: Class? What class?
  Charles: Your Sociology class; perhaps?
  Mike: That's right。 I forgot。 How is it that you remember my schedule 

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