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  Mr。 Wang: And what about after…service and upgrades?
  Steve: All our products are guaranteed for one year。 As for upgrades; they will also be freefor one year and can be downloaded / from the internet。
  Mr。 Wang: I am also curious about patibility with Apple puters。 Do you have aseparate product for Apple or。。。?
  Steve: Perhaps my colleague should answer that; as it is more on the techinal side。
  James: Mr。 Wang; I developed this product to work on both PC's and Macs。 I assume yourpany is mainly interested in the PC version; but I assure you Mac users will have noproblems with our product either。
  Mr。 Wang: That's what I was afraid of。 I want Mac users to have problems。 Otherwise /they'll keep buying from Apple / and not / from my pany。
  Steve: I apologize; sir; but I cannot help you with that。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 11 With a Co…Worker
  Larry: Steve; James; how did the presentation go?
  Steve: Don't ask。
  James: Oh; it wasn't that bad。 Steve did really well; I think they are sold。
  Steve:  They  were  until  you  told  them  that  we  were  making  the  same  product  for  theirpetitors。 You never tell them that。
  James: I am sorry; but I cannot lie just to make a sale。 Maybe that's why I'm terrible atsales。
  Steve: Yeah; that's right。 From now on you just stick to designing and programming; andleave the selling to me。
  Larry: Don't be too hard on him; Steve。 Mr。 Wang might appreciate his honesty。 Even ifyou  have  lied  to  him;  he's  a  smart  guy;  especially  when  it  es  to  puters;  and  heprobably  would  have  known  anyway。  Now  he  knows  you  guys  and  our  pany  arehonest; we'll just see what happens。
  James: True。 And besides; Apple is really a tiny pany when pared to all these PCgiants。 I don't think Mr。 Wang feels threatened by them。
  Steve: I am sure we'll know soon enough。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 12 Backing the Boss's Office
  Mr。 Barnes: (Seeming quite upset) I hope you two know what you have done。
  James: I'm sorry; Mr。 Barnes。 It was all my fault。 Steve was doing just fine until I openedmy big mouth。 I take full responsibility。
  Steve:  Yes;  sir。  I  told  him  to  keep  quiet  about  that  Mac  stuff  /  and  just  let  me  do  thetalking。
  Mr。 Barnes: Is that so?
  James: Yes; sir。
  Mr。 Barnes: (Now seeming quite happy) Well; that's interesting since Mr。 Wang has 'is'just signed a contract to order fifty…thousand units。 Good job; Goddard。 He said he wasimpressed  both  by  your  technical  knowledge  /  and  your  honesty。  As  for  you  Dawson;we'll talk tomorrow; right now; I'm too happy to think about anything negative。
  Steve: But; Mr。 Barnes; sir。
  Mr。 Barnes: That will be all。
  James:  e  on;  Steve。  You  can  only  make  it  worse  by  talking  now。  Good…bye;  Mr。Barnes; and thank you。
  Mr。 Barnes: No; thank you; Goddard。 You did a fine job today。 This pany needs moremen like you。 We may be talking about a promotion soon。 Now get out {of} here。
  James/Steve: Yes; sir。 Good…bye。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Situation 13 In the Parking Lot
  Steve: James; wait。 I really want to say I'm sorry for my behavior before。
  James: Don't mention it。
  Steve: No; really; I did a rotten thing back there and I just wanted to apologize。
  James: Forget about it。 You are under a lot of pressure over the last few weeks; I knowhow important this project was to you。
  Steve: Yeah; but it was important to you too; and I shouldn't have turned on you like that。
  James: Well; you may have a chance to make it up to me。
  Steve: How?
  James: If I bee vice president I'll need my own good men to work for me。
  Steve: Would you do that for me?
  James: Of course I would。 I've seen you work; and you're very talented。 Even today youwere much better prepared than I was; I just got lucky。
  Steve:  It  wasn't  all  luck。  You  have  so  much  more  technical  knowledge  than  I  do;  andyou're not afraid to tell the truth。
  James: Exactly; and that's why; like today; we make a good team。 I'd hate to lose you and Iknow the pany would too。
  Steve: I'm not so sure about that after hearing Mr。 Barnes today。
  James: That's nonsense。 He just tried to scare you。 And besides; if he's so happy with myperformance;  he'll  have  to  listen  when  I  tell  him  you're  one  of  the  best  men  at  hispany。
  Steve: I hope you're right。
  James: You know I'm right。 Would you like something 'some' to drink?
  Steve: Not only would I like it; I need it。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 14 In a Bar
  Bartender: What can I get for you / gentlemen tonight?
  James: I'd like a gin and tonic; please。
  Steve: Make mine a double scotch; straight up。
  Bartender: Did you have a rough day?
  Steve: I don't want to 'wanna' talk about it? but let's just say you should keep the bottleclose at hand。
  Bartender: 'Now' I understand。
  James: Hey; where's my gin and tonic?
  Bartender: Okay; okey。 Just give me a second here。
  (Bartender goes to make the drinks。)
  Steve: Man; I just wanted to apologize again for。。。
  James: (Cutting Steve off。) Stop。 We're at a bar now; not at the office; and I don't want totalk about work。 I said it was okay and I meant it。 If it's really still bothering you we cantalk about it on Monday。
  Steve: You are right。 I'll shut up now。
  Bartender: (Returning with a drink in each hand。) Here's a gin and tonic for you; and adouble scotch; straight up; for my friend who had the hard day。 I hope this helps。
  Steve: You know it will。 James; a toast to your ing promotion。
  James: No; you are getting ahead of yourself。 First; let's drink to our successful deal today。Cheers。
  (They touch glasses。)
  Steve: Cheers; to a good day's work。千万别学英语提高版 1BSituation 15 Back at Home
  Catherine: Wow; you're home early。 It's only eight forty…five。
  James: Yeah; it was a strange day at the office。
  Catherine: Why? Did your presentation go poorly?
  James: No。 Nothing like that。 In fact; it went really well。 It's just that I had some troublewith a colleague。
  Catherine: Who?
  James: Do you remember Steve Dawson?
  Catherine: Let me think。 Didn't I meet him at the Christmas party?
  James: Yes。 That's him。
  Catherine: That's right 'fine'。 I told you to be careful when working with him。 He seemsso aggressive。 What did he do?
  James: Oh; nothing really。 I just thought we were supposed to be working together; but heseemed to be working against me。
  Catherine: I told you to watch out for him。 I remember I said。。。
  James: (Cutting her off。) Yes; you told me。 But I don't want to 'wanna' talk about it now。Tomorrow is Saturday and I just want to 'wanna' rest。 Besides; we haven't had much timetogether either。 How was your day?
  Catherine: The same as always。 I like teaching but sometimes the children are so wild。
  James: But they love you and need you; just like me。
  Catherine: Oh; stop。 And; anyway; I don't want to 'wanna' talk about my day either。 Haveyou eaten?
  James: Not since lunch。 You?
  Catherine: I was waiting for you。 I thought you might be home early。
  James: Great。 What do you want?
  Catherine:  Let's  order  some  Chinese  food。  I  feel  like  staying  at  home  and  watching  avedio。
  James: Perfect。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 16 Getting up in the Morning
  (The alarm goes off but James is already up。)
  James: Catherine; are you going to sleep all day or do I get some breakfast?
  Catherine: Ah。。。 What are you doing up so early? You never get up before me!
  James:  I'm  so  excited  about  the  deal  with  Wang  yesterday  /  that  I'm  actually  lookingforward to going to work。
  Catherine: James honey; It is so nice to see you happy about your job。 I know how longyou have been waiting for some recognition from your boss。 And look; now your honestyand hard work are paying off。
  James: Well; are you just going to lie in bed? Why don't you make some eggs; toast andcoffee while I take a shower?
  Catherine: All right; all right; I'm getting up。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 17 Breakfast
  Catherine: Are two eggs going to be enough?
  James: Plenty 'Pleny'。 I wouldn't mind another cup of coffee; though。
  Catherine: You should eat a little more。 It looks like you are going to have a big day at theoffice。
  James:  You  may  be  right。  But  I  can't  really  think  of  food  right  now;  I've  got  too  manyother things on my mind。
  Catherine: I just don't want you to run out of energy today。
  James: Don't worry。 I'll stop off on the way to the office at Dunkin Donuts and pick up afew donuts in case I get hungry between now and lunch。
  Catherine: Oh; James! Donuts? Why don't you eat a more nutritious breakfast? You arenot a college kid anymore。
  James: You're right; but the fact is I love donuts; always have; always will。 Well; I shouldget  going。  I  want  to  get  to  the  office  a  little  early  today;  I  have  to  figure  out  a  way  tosmooth things out between Steve and Mr。 Barnes。
  Catherine: Okay; honey。 Have a good day。 Ah。。。 What time will you be home?
  James: I have a feeling Mr。 Barnes is planning to take us out to dinner tonight to celebrateyesterday's deal。
  Catherine: Would it do any good for me to ask you not to drink too much at the dinnertonight?
  James: Probably not。
  Catherine: Hn。。。 I didn't think so; but you know I had to ask anyway。
  James: Don't worry honey。 If I drink tonight I'll take a texi home。
  Catherine: Okay。 Have a good day。 I'll see you tonight。
  James: See you tonight。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 18 At Dunkin Donuts(James enters Dunkin Donuts。)
  Clerk: Good morning。 Wele to Dunkin Donuts。James: Good morning。 Are the donuts fresh this morning?
  Clerk: Yes sir; we made them about an hour ago。
  James: Good。 In that case I'd better pick up a few for the rest of guys at the office。 Do youhave a special if I order more than a dozen?
  Clerk:  As  a matter  of  fact;  we  are  having  a  September  special。  For  every  dozen  donutsyou order we'll give you a thirteenth donut free。
  James: In that case; give me a dozen chocolate and a dozen jelly filled?
  Clerk: Yes sir; here you are。 Will that be all?
  James: Also; would you fill my thermos up with coffee? We have a coffee machine at theoffice; but it's not as good as your coffee。
  Clerk: There you are; sir。 Two dozen donuts / and one thermos of coffee。 That will be sixdollars and seventy…five cents。
  James: All I have is a fifty dollar bill。 Can you make change this early in the morning?
  Clerk: No problem。 Here is your change。 Have a nice day。
  James: Thanks。 You too。~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Situation 19 At the Office
  (When Ja

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