castle rackrent-第18章
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'My Lady Rackrent!' says Sir Condy; in a surprise; 'why it's but two days since we parted; as you very well know; Thady; in her full health and spirits; and she; and her maid along with her; going to Mount Juliet's Town on her jaunting…car。
'She'll never ride no more on her jaunting…car;' said Judy; 'for it has been the death of her; sure enough。'
And is she dead then?' says his honour。
'As good as dead; I hear;' says Judy; 'but there's Thady here as just learnt the whole truth of the story as I had it; and it's fitter he or anybody else should be telling it you than I; Sir Condy: I must be going home to the childer。'
But he stops her; but rather from civility in him; as I could see very plainly; than anything else; for Judy was; as his honour remarked at her first coming in; greatly changed; and little likely; as far as I could seethough she did not seem to be clear of it herselflittle likely to be my Lady Rackrent now; should there be a second toss…up to be made。 But I told him the whole story out of the face; just as Judy had told it to me; and he sent off a messenger with his compliments to Mount Juliet's Town that evening; to learn the truth of the report; and Judy bid the boy that was going call in at Tim M'Enerney's shop in O'Shaughlin's Town and buy her a new shawl。
'Do so;' Said Sir Condy; 'and tell Tim to take no money from you; for I must pay him for the shawl myself。' At this my shister throws me over a look; and I says nothing; but turned the tobacco in my mouth; whilst Judy began making a many words about it; and saying how she could not be beholden for shawls to any gentleman。 I left her there to consult with my shister; did she think there was anything in it; and my shister thought I was blind to be asking her the question; and I thought my shister must see more into it than I did; and recollecting all past times and everything; I changed my mind; and came over to her way of thinking; and we settled it that Judy was very like to be my Lady Rackrent after all; if a vacancy should have happened。
The next day; before his honour was up; somebody comes with a double knock at the door; and I was greatly surprised to see it was my son Jason。
'Jason; is it you?' said I; 'what brings you to the Lodge?' says I。 'Is it my Lady Rackrent? We know that already since yesterday。'
'Maybe so;' says he; 'but I must see Sir Condy about it。'
'You can't see him yet;' says I; 'sure he is not awake。'
'What then;' says he; 'can't he be wakened; and I standing at the door?'
'I'll not: be disturbing his honour for you; Jason;' says I; 'many's the hour you've waited in your time; and been proud to do it; till his honour was at leisure to speak to you。 His honour;' says I; raising my voice; at which his honour wakens of his own accord; and calls to me from the room to know who it was I was speaking to。 Jason made no more ceremony; but follows me into the room。
'How are you; Sir Condy?' says he; 'I'm happy to see you looking so well; I came up to know how you did to…day; and to see did you want for anything at the Lodge;'
'Nothing at all; Mr。 Jason; I thank you;' says he; for his honour had his own share of pride; and did not choose; after all that had passed; to be beholden; I suppose; to my son; 'but pray take a chair and be seated; Mr。 Jason。'
Jason sat him down upon the chest; for chair there was none; and after he had set there some time; and a silence on all sides。
'What news is there stirring in the country; Mr。 Jason M'Quirk?' says Sir Condy; very easy; yet high like。
'None that's news to you; Sir Condy; I hear;' says Jason。 'I am sorry to hear of my Lady Rackrent's accident。'
'I'm much obliged to you; and so is her ladyship; I'm sure;' answered Sir Condy; still stiff; and there was another sort of a silence; which seemed to lie the heaviest on my son Jason。
'Sir Condy;' says he at last; seeing Sir Condy disposing himself to go to sleep again;'Sir Condy; I daresay you recollect mentioning to me the little memorandum you gave to Lady Rackrent about the L500 a year jointure。'
'Very true;' said Sir Condy; 'it is all in my recollection。' 'But if my Lady Rackrent dies; there's an end of all jointure;' says Jason。
'Of course;' says Sir Condy。
'But it's not a matter of certainty that my Lady Rackrent won't recover;' says Jason。
'Very true; sir;' says my master。
'It's a fair speculation; then; for you to consider what the chance of the jointure of those lands; when out of custodiam; will be to you。'
'Just five hundred a year; I take it; without any speculation at all;' said Sir Condy。
'That's supposing the life dropt; and the custodiam off; you know; begging your pardon; Sir Condy; who understands business; that is a wrong calculation。'
'Very likely so;' said Sir Condy; 'but; Mr。 Jason; if you have anything to say to me this morning about it; I'd be obliged to you to say it; for I had an indifferent night's rest last night; and wouldn't be sorry to sleep a little this morning。'
'I have only three words to say; and those more of consequence to you; Sir Condy; than me。 You are a little cool; I observe; but I hope you will not be offended at what I have brought here in my pocket;' and he pulls out two long rolls; and showers down golden guineas upon the bed。
'What's this?' said Sir Condy; 'it's long since'but his pride stops him。
'All these are your lawful property this minute; Sir Condy; if you please;' said Jason。
'Not for nothing; I'm sure;' said Sir Condy; and laughs a little。 'Nothing for nothing; or I'm under a mistake with you; Jason。'
'Oh; Sir Condy; we'll not be indulging ourselves in any unpleasant retrospects;' says Jason; 'it's my present intention to behave; as I'm sure you will; like a gentleman in this affair。 Here's two hundred guineas; and a third I mean to add if you should think proper to make over to me all your right and title to those lands that you know of。'
'I'll consider of it;' said my master; and a great deal more; that I was tired listening to; was said by Jason; and all that; and the sight of the ready cash upon the bed; worked with his honour; and the short and the long of it was; Sir Condy gathered up the golden guineas; and tied them up in a handkerchief; and signed some paper Jason brought with him as usual; and there was an end of the business: Jason took himself away; and my master turned himself round and fell asleep again。
I soon found what had put Jason in such a hurry to conclude this business。 The little gossoon we had sent off the day before with my master's compliments to Mount Juliet's Town; and to know how my lady did after her accident; was stopped early this morning; coming back with his answer through O'Shaughlin's Town; at Castle Rackrent; by my son Jason; and questioned of all he knew of my lady from the servant at Mount Juliet's Town; and the gossoon told him my Lady Rackrent was not expected to live over night; so Jason thought it high time to he moving to the Lodge; to make his bargain with my master about the jointure afore it should be too late; and afore the little gossoon should reach us with the news。 My master was greatly vexedthat is; I may say; as much as ever I seen him when he found how he had been taken in; but it was some comfort to have the ready cash for immediate consumption in the house; anyway。
And when Judy came up that evening; and brought the childer to see his honour; he unties the handkerchief; andGod bless him! whether it was little or much he had; 'twas all the same with himhe gives 'em all round guineas apiece。
'Hold up your head;' says my shister to Judy; as Sir Condy was busy filling out a glass of punch for her eldest boy'Hold up your head; Judy; for who knows but we may live to see you yet at the head of the Castle Rackrent estate?'
'Maybe so;' says she; 'but not the way you are thinking of。'
I did not rightly understand which way Judy was looking when she made this speech till a while after。
'Why; Thady; you were telling me yesterday that Sir Condy had sold all entirely to Jason; and where then does all them guineas in the handkerchief come from?'
'They are the purchase…money of my lady's jointure;' says I。
Judy looks a little bit puzzled at this。 'A penny for your thoughts; Judy;' says my shister; 'hark; sure Sir Condy is drinking her health。'
He was at the table in the room 'THE ROOMthe principal room in the house'; drinking with the excise…man and the gauger; who came up to see his honour; and we were standing over the fire in the kitchen。
'I don't much care is he drinking my health or not;' says Judy; 'and it is not Sir Condy I'm thinking of; with all your jokes; whatever he is of me。'
'Sure you wouldn't refuse to be my Lady Rackrent; Judy; if you had the offer?' says I。
'But if I could do better!' says she。
'How better?' says I and my shister both at once。
'How better?' says she。 'Why; what signifies it to be my Lady Rackrent and no castle? Sure what good is the car; and no horse to draw it?'
'And where will ye get the horse; Judy?' says I。
'Never mind that;' says she; 'maybe it is your own son Jason might find that。'
'Jason!' says I; 'don't be trusting to him; Judy。 Sir Condy; as I have good reason to know; spoke well of you when Jason spoke very indifferently of you; Judy。'
'No matter;' says Judy; 'it's often men speak the contrary just to what they think of us。'
'And you the same way of them; no doubt;' answered I。 'Nay; don't he denying it; Judy; for I think the better of ye for it; and shouldn't be proud to call ye the daughter of a shister's son of mine; if I was to hear ye talk ungrateful; and anyway disrespectful of his honour。'
'What disrespect;' says she; 'to say I'd rather; if it was my luck; be the wife of another man?'
'You'll have no luck; mind my words; Judy;' says I; and all I remembered about my poor master's goodness in tossing up for her afore he married at all came across me; and I had a choking in my throat that hindered me to say more。
'Better luck; anyhow; Thady;' says she; 'than to be like some folk; following the fortunes of them that have none left。'
Oh! King of Glory!' says I; 'hear the pride and ungratitude of her; and he giving his last guineas but a minute ago to her childer; and she with the fine shawl on her he made her a present of but yesterday!'
'Oh; troth; Judy; you're wrong now;' says my shister; looking at the shawl。
'And was not he wrong yesterday; then;' says she; 'to be telling me I was greatly altered; to affront me?'
'But; Judy;' says I; 'what is it brings you here then at all。 in the mind you are in; is it to make Jason think the better of you?'
'I'll tell you no more of my secrets; Thady;' says she; 'nor would have told you this much; had I taken you for such an unnatural fader as I find you are; not to wish your own son prefarred to another。'
'Oh; troth; you are wrong now; Thady;' says my shister。
Well; I was never so put to it in my life: between these womens; and my son and my master; and all I felt and thought just now; I could not; upon my conscience; tell which was the wrong from the right。 So I said not a word more; but was only glad his honour had not the luck to hear all Judy had been saying of him; for I reckoned it would have