castle rackrent-第22章
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my?〃 says I。 〃Very well; I thank ye kindly; Bryan;〃 says he; 〃shall we turn back to Paddy Salmon's and take a naggin of whisky to our better acquaintance?〃 〃I don't care if I did; Jemmy;〃 says I; 〃only it is what I can't take the whisky; because I'm under an oath against it for a month。〃 Ever since; please your honour; the day your honour met me on the road; and observed to me I could hardly stand; I had taken so much; though upon my conscience your honour wronged me greatly that same timeill…luck to them that belied me behind my back to your honour! Well; please your honour; as I was telling you; as he was taking the whisky; and we talking of one thing or t'other; he makes me an offer to swop his mare that he couldn't sell at the fair of Gurtishannon; because nobody would be troubled with the beast; please your honour; against my horse; and to oblige him I took the maresorrow take her! and him along with her! She kicked me a new car; that was worth three pounds ten; to tatters the first time I ever put her into it; and I expect your honour will make him pay me the price of the car; anyhow; before I pay the grazing; which I've no right to pay at…all…at…all; only to oblige him。 But I leave it all to your honour; and the whole grazing he ought to be charging for the beast is but two and eightpence halfpenny; anyhow; please your honour。 So I'll abide by what your honour says; good or bad。 I'll leave it all to your honour。
I'll leave IT all to your honourliterally means; I'll leave all the trouble to your honour。
The Editor knew a justice of the peace in Ireland who had such a dread of HAVING IT ALL LEFT TO HIS HONOUR; that he frequently gave the complainants the sum about which they were disputing; to make peace between them; and to get rid of the trouble of hearing their stories OUT OF THE FACE。 But he was soon cured of this method of buying off disputes; by the increasing multitude of those who; out of pure regard to his honour; came 'to get justice from him; because they would sooner come before him than before any man in all Ireland。'
GLOSSARY 25。 A RAKING POT OF TEA。we should observe; this custom has long since been banished from the higher orders of Irish gentry。 The mysteries of a raking pot of tea; like those of the Bona Dea; are supposed to be sacred to females; but now and then it has happened that some of the male species; who were either more audacious; or more highly favoured than the rest of their sex; have been admitted by stealth to these orgies。 The time when the festive ceremony begins varies according to circumstances; but it is never earlier than twelve o'clock at night; the joys of a raking pot of tea depending on its being made in secret; and at an unseasonable hour。 After a ball; when the more discreet part of the company has departed to rest; a few chosen female spirits; who have footed it till they can foot it no longer; and till the sleepy notes expire under the slurring hand of the musician; retire to a bedchamber; call the favourite maid; who alone is admitted; bid her PUT DOWN THE KETTLE; lock the door; and amidst as much giggling and scrambling as possible; they get round a tea…table; on which all manner of things are huddled together。 Then begin mutual railleries and mutual confidences amongst the young ladies; and the faint scream and the loud laugh is heard; and the romping for letters and pocket…books begins; and gentlemen are called by their surnames; or by the general name of fellows! pleasant fellows! charming fellows! odious fellows! abominable fellows! and then all prudish decorums are forgotten; and then we might be convinced how much the satirical poet was mistaken when he said
There is no woman where there's no reserve。
The merit of the original idea of a raking pot of tea evidently belongs to the washerwoman and the laundry…maid。 But why should not we have LOW LIFE ABOVE STAIRS as well as HIGH LIFE BELOW STAIRS?
GLOSSARY 26。 WE GAINED THE DAY BY THIS PIECE OF HONESTY。In a dispute which occurred some years ago in Ireland; between Mr。 E。 and Mr。 M。; about the boundaries of a farm; an old tenant of Mr。 M。's cut a SOD from Mr。 M。's land; and inserted it in a spot prepared for its reception in Mr。 E。's land; so nicely was it inserted; that no eye could detect the junction of the grass。 The old man; who was to give his evidence as to the property; stood upon the inserted sod when the VIEWERS came; and swore that the ground he THEN STOOD UPON belonged to his landlord; Mr。 M。
The Editor had flattered himself that the ingenious contrivance which Thady records; and the similar subterfuge of this old Irishman; in the dispute concerning boundaries; were instances of 'CUTENESS unparalleled in all but Irish story: an English friend; however; has just mortified the Editor's national vanity by an account of the following custom; which prevails in part of Shropshire。 It is discreditable for women to appear abroad after the birth of their children till they have been CHURCHED。 To avoid this reproach; and at the same time to enjoy the pleasure of gadding; whenever a woman goes abroad before she has been to church; she takes a tile from the roof of her house; and puts it upon her head: wearing this panoply all the time she pays her visits; her conscience is perfectly at ease; for she can afterwards safely declare to the clergyman; that she 'has never been from under her own roof till she came to be churched。'
GLOSSARY 27。 CARTON AND HALF…CARTON;Thady means cartron; and half…cartron。 (According to the old record in the black book of Dublin; a CANTRED is said to contain 30 VILLATAS TERRAS; which are also called QUARTERS of land (quarterons; CARTRONS); every one of which quarters must contain so much ground as will pasture 400 cows; and 17 plough…lands。 A knight's fee was composed of 8 hydes; which amount to 160 acres; and that is generally deemed about a PLOUGH…LAND'
The Editor was favoured by a learned friend with the above extract; from a MS。 of Lord Totness's in the Lambeth library。
GLOSSARY 28。 WAKE。A wake in England means a festival held upon the anniversary of the saint of the parish。 At these wakes; rustic games; rustic conviviality; and rustic courtship; are pursued with all the ardour and all the appetite which accompany such pleasures as occur but seldom。 In Ireland a wake is a midnight meeting; held professedly for the indulgence of holy sorrow; but usually it is converted into orgies of unholy joy。 When an Irish man or woman of the lower order dies; the straw which composed the bed; whether it has been contained in a bag to form a mattress; or simply spread upon the earthen floor; is immediately taken out of the house; and burned before the cabin door; the family at the same time setting up the death howl。 The ears and eyes of the neighbours being thus alarmed; they flock to the house of the deceased; and by their vociferous sympathy excite and at the same time soothe the sorrows of the family。
It is curious to observe how good and bad are mingled in human institutions。 In countries which were thinly inhabited; this custom prevented private attempts against the lives of individuals; and formed a kind of coroner's inquest upon the body which had recently expired; and burning the straw upon which the sick man lay became a simple preservative against infection。 At night the dead body is waked; that is to say; all the friends and neighbours of the deceased collect in a barn or stable; where the corpse is laid upon some boards; or an unhinged door; supported upon stools; the face exposed; the rest of the body covered with a white sheet。 Round the body are stuck in brass candlesticks; which have been borrowed perhaps at five miles' distance; as many candles as the poor person can beg or borrow; observing always to have an odd number。 Pipes and tobacco are first distributed; and then; according to the ABILITY of the deceased; cakes and ale; and sometimes whisky; are DEALT to the company
Deal on; deal on; my merry men all; Deal on your cakes and your wine; For whatever is dealt at her funeral to…day Shall be dealt to…morrow at mine。
After a fit of universal sorrow; and the comfort of a universal dram; the scandal of the neighbourhood; as in higher circles; occupies the company。 The young lads and lasses romp with one another; and when the fathers and mothers are at last overcome with sleep and whisky (VINO ET SOMNO); the youth become more enterprising; and are frequently successful。 It is said that more matches are made at wakes than at weddings。
GLOSSARY 29。 KILT。This word frequently occurs in the preceding pages; where it means not KILLED; but much HURT。 In Ireland; not only cowards; but the brave 'die many times before their death。'There KILLING IS NO MURDER。