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engaged to her when traveling last winter; and she

came down to be introduced to his people; with her

brother as escort。  Then came the smash; and she

stayed on to nurse her lover; while brother Joseph;

finding himself pretty snug; stayed on too。  I've been

making a few independent inquiries; you see。  But

to…day must be a day of inquiries。〃

〃My practice〃 I began。

〃Oh; if you find your own cases more interesting than

mine〃 said Holmes; with some asperity。

〃I was going to say that my practice could get along

very well for a day or two; since it is the slackest

time in the year。〃

〃Excellent;〃 said he; recovering his good…humor。 

〃Then we'll look into this matter together。  I think

that we should begin be seeing Forbes。  He can

probably tell us all the details we want until we know

from what side the case is to be approached。

〃You said you had a clue?〃

〃Well; we have several; but we can only test their

value by further inquiry。  The most difficult crime to

track is the one which is purposeless。  Now this is

not purposeless。  Who is it who profits by it?  There

is the French ambassador; there is the Russian; there

is who…ever might sell it to either of these; and

there is Lord Holdhurst。〃

〃Lord Holdhurst!〃

〃Well; it is just conceivable that a statesman might

find himself in a position where he was not sorry to

have such a document accidentally destroyed。〃

〃Not a statesman wit the honorable record of Lord


〃It is a possibility and we cannot afford to disregard

it。  We shall see the noble lord to…day and find out

if he can tell us anything。  Meanwhile I have already

set inquiries on foot。〃


〃Yes; I sent wires from Woking station to every

evening paper in London。  This advertisement will

appear in each of them。〃

He handed over a sheet torn from a note…book。  On it

was scribbled in pencil:  〃L10 reward。  The number of

the cab which dropped a fare at or about the door of

the Foreign Office in Charles Street at quarter to ten

in the evening of May 23d。  Apply 221 B; Baker


〃You are confident that the thief came in a cab?〃

〃If not; there is no harm done。  But if Mr。 Phelps is

correct in stating that there is no hiding…place

either in the room or the corridors; then the person

must have come from outside。  If he came from outside

on so wet a night; and yet left no trace of damp upon

the linoleum; which was examined within a few minutes

of his passing; then it is exceeding probably that he

came in a cab。  Yes; I think that we may safely deduce

a cab。〃

〃It sounds plausible。〃

〃That is one of the clues of which I spoke。  It may

lead us to something。  And then; of course; there is

the bellwhich is the most distinctive feature of the

case。  Why should the bell ring?  Was it the thief who

did it out of bravado?  Or was it some one who was

with the thief who did it in order to prevent the

crime?  Or was it an accident?  Or was it?〃  He sank

back into the state of intense and silent thought from

which he had emerged; but it seemed to me; accustomed

as I was to his every mood; that some new possibility

had dawned suddenly upon him。

It was twenty past three when we reached our terminus;

and after a hasty luncheon at the buffet we pushed on

at once to Scotland Yard。  Holmes had already wired to

Forbes; and we found him waiting to receive usa

small; foxy man with a sharp but by no means amiable

expression。  He was decidedly frigid in his manner to

us; especially when he heard the errand upon which we

had come。

〃I've heard of your methods before now; Mr。 Holmes;〃

said he; tartly。  〃You are ready enough to use all the

information that the police can lay at your disposal;

and then you try to finish the case yourself and bring

discredit on them。〃

〃On the contrary;〃 said Holmes; 〃out of my last

fifty…three cases my name has only appeared in four;

and the police have had all the credit in forty…nine。 

I don't blame you for not knowing this; for you are

young and inexperienced; but if you wish to get on in

your new duties you will work with me and not against


〃I'd be very glad of a hint or two;〃 said the

detective; changing his manner。  〃I've certainly had

no credit from the case so far。〃

〃What steps have you taken?〃

〃Tangey; the commissionnaire; has been shadowed。  He

left the Guards with a good character and we can find

nothing against him。  His wife is a bad lot; though。 

I fancy she knows more about this than appears。〃

〃Have you shadowed her?〃

〃We have set one of our women on to her。  Mrs。 Tangey

drinks; and our woman has been with her twice when she

was well on; but she could get nothing out of her。〃

〃I understand that they have had brokers in the


〃Yes; but they were paid off。〃

〃Where did the money come from?〃

〃That was all right。  His pension was due。  They have

not shown any sign of being in funds。〃

〃What explanation did she give of having answered the

bell when Mr。 Phelps rang for the coffee?〃

〃She said that he husband was very tired and she

wished to relieve him。〃

〃Well; certainly that would agree with his being found

a little later asleep in his chair。  There is nothing

against them then but the woman's character。  Did you

ask her why she hurried away that night?  Her haste

attracted the attention of the police constable。〃

〃She was later than usual and wanted to get home。〃

〃Did you point out to her that you and Mr。 Phelps; who

started at least twenty minutes after he; got home

before her?〃

〃She explains that by the difference between a 'bus

and a hansom。〃

〃Did she make it clear why; on reaching her house; she

ran into the back kitchen?〃

〃Because she had the money there with which to pay off

the brokers。〃

〃She has at least an answer for everything。  Did you

ask her whether in leaving she met any one or saw any

one loitering about Charles Street?〃

〃She saw no one but the constable。〃

〃Well; you seem to have cross…examined her pretty

thoroughly。  What else have you done?〃

〃The clerk Gorot has been shadowed all these nine

weeks; but without result。  We can show nothing

against him。〃

〃Anything else?〃

〃Well; we have nothing else to go uponno evidence of

any kind。〃

〃Have you formed a theory about how that bell rang?〃

〃Well; I must confess that it beats me。  It was a cool

hand; whoever it was; to go and give the alarm like


〃Yes; it was queer thing to do。  Many thanks to you

for what you have told me。  If I can put the man into

your hands you shall hear from me。  Come along;


〃Where are we going to now?〃 I asked; as we left the


〃We are now going to interview Lord Holdhurst; the

cabinet minister and future premier of England。〃

We were fortunate in finding that Lord Holdhurst was

still in his chambers in Downing Street; and on Holmes

sending in his card we were instantly shown up。  The

statesman received us with that old…fashioned courtesy

for which he is remarkable; and seated us on the two

luxuriant lounges on either side of the fireplace。 

Standing on the run between us; with his slight; tall

figure; his sharp features; thoughtful face; and

curling hair prematurely tinged with gray; he seemed

to represent that not to common type; a nobleman who

is in truth noble。

〃You name is very familiar to me; Mr。 Holmes;〃 said

he; smiling。  〃And; of course; I cannot pretend to be

ignorant of the object of your visit。  There has only

been once occurrence in these offices which could call

for your attention。  In whose interest are you acting;

may I ask?〃

〃In that of Mr。 Percy Phelps;〃 answered Holmes。

〃Ah; my unfortunate nephew!  You can understand that

our kinship makes it the more impossible for me to

screen him in any way。  I fear that the incident must

have a very prejudicial effect upon his career。〃

〃But if the document if found?〃

〃Ah; that; of course; would be different。〃

〃I had one or two questions which I wished to ask you;

Lord Holdhurst。〃

〃I shall be happy to give you any information in my


〃Was it in this room that you gave your instructions

as to the copying of the document?〃

〃It was。〃

〃Then you could hardly have been overheard?〃

〃It is out of the question。〃

〃Did you ever mention to any one that it was your

intention to give any one the treaty to be copied?〃


〃You are certain of that?〃


〃Well; since you never said so; and Mr。 Phelps never

said so; and nobody else knew anything of the matter;

then the thief's presence in the room was purely

accidental。  He saw his chance and he took it。〃

The statesman smiled。  〃You take me out of my province

there;〃 said he。

Holmes considered for a moment。  〃There is another

very important point which I wish to discuss with

you;〃 said he。  〃You feared; as I understand; that

very grave results might follow from the details of

this treaty becoming known。〃

A shadow passed over the expressive face of the

statesman。  〃Very grave results indeed。〃

〃Any have they occurred?〃

〃Not yet。〃

〃If the treaty had reached; let us say; the French or

Russian Foreign Office; you would expect to hear of


〃I should;〃 said Lord Holdhurst; with a wry face。

〃Since nearly ten weeks have elapsed; then; and

nothing has been heard; it is not unfair to suppose

that for some reason the treaty has not reached them。〃

Lord Holdhurst shrugged his shoulders。

〃We can hardly suppose; Mr。 Holmes; that the thief

took the treaty in order to frame it and hang it up。〃

〃Perhaps he is waiting for a better price。〃

〃If he waits a little longer he will get no price at

all。  The treaty will cease to be secret in a few


〃That is most important;〃 said Holmes。  〃Of course; it

is a possible supposition that the thief has had a

sudden illness〃

〃An attack of brain…fever; for example?〃 asked the

statesman; flashing a swift glance at him。

〃I did not say so;〃 said Holmes; imperturbably。  〃And

now; Lord Holdhurst; we have already taken up too much

of your valuable time; and we shall wish you


〃Every success to your investigation; be the criminal

who it may;〃 answered the nobleman; as he bowed us out

the door。

〃He's a fine fellow;〃 said Holmes; as we came out into

Whitehall。  〃But he has a struggle to keep up his

position。  He is far from rich and has many calls。 

You noticed; of course; that his boots had been

resoled。  Now; Watson; I won't detain you from your

legitimate work any longer。  I shall do nothing more

to…day; unless I have an answer to my cab

advertisement。  But I sho

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