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r. f. murray-his poems with a memoir-第9章

小说: r. f. murray-his poems with a memoir 字数: 每页3500字

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But if the love I feel to…day

Depart; ‘tis treason!

If this depart; not once again

Will I on paper

Declare the loves that waste and wane;

Like some poor taper。

No; no!  This flame; I cannot doubt;

Despite your laughter;

Will burn till Death shall put it out;

And may be after。


These verses have I pilfered like a bee

Out of a letter from my C。 C。 C。

In London; showing what befell him there;

With other things; of interest to me。

One page described a night in open air

He spent last summer in Trafalgar Square;

With men and women who by want are driven

Thither for lodging; when the nights are fair。

No roof there is between their heads and heaven;

No warmth but what by ragged clothes is given;

No comfort but the company of those

Who with despair; like them; have vainly striven。

On benches there uneasily they doze;

Snatching brief morsels of a poor repose;

And if through weariness they might sleep sound;

Their eyes must open almost ere they close。

With even tramp upon the paven ground;

Twice every hour the night patrol comes round

To clear these wretches off; who may not keep

The miserable couches they have found。

Yet the stern shepherds of the poor black sheep

Will soften when they see a woman weep。

There was a mother there who strove in vain;

With sobs; to hush a starving child to sleep。

And through the night which took so long to wane;

He saw sad sufferers relieving pain;

And daughters of iniquity and scorn

Performing deeds which God will not disdain。

There was a girl; forlorn of the forlorn;

Whose dress was white; but draggled; soiled; and torn;

Who wandered like a ghost without a home。

She spoke to him before the day was born。

She; who all night; when spoken to; was dumb;

Earning dislike from most; abuse from some;

Now asked the hour; and when he told her ‘Two;'

Wailed; ‘O my God; will daylight never come?'

Yes; it will come; and change the sky anew

From star…besprinkled black to sunlit blue;

And bring sweet thoughts and innocent desires

To countless girls。  What will it bring to you?


Never was sun so bright before;

No matin of the lark so sweet;

No grass so green beneath my feet;

Nor with such dewdrops jewelled o'er。

I stand with thee outside the door;

The air not yet is close with heat;

And far across the yellowing wheat

The waves are breaking on the shore。

A lovely day!  Yet many such;

Each like to each; this month have passed;

And none did so supremely shine。

One thing they lacked:  the perfect touch

Of theeand thou art come at last;

And half this loveliness is thine。


The fire burns bright

And the hearth is clean swept;

As she likes it kept;

And the lamp is alight。

She is coming to…night。

The wind's east of late。

When she comes; she'll be cold;

So the big chair is rolled

Close up to the grate;

And I listen and wait。

The shutters are fast;

And the red curtains hide

Every hint of outside。

But hark; how the blast

Whistled then as it passed!

Or was it the train?

How long shall I stand;

With my watch in my hand;

And listen in vain

For the wheels in the lane?

Hark!  A rumble I hear

(Will the wind not be still?);

And it comes down the hill;

And it grows on the ear;

And now it is near。

Quick; a fresh log to burn!

Run and open the door;

Hold a lamp out before

To light up the turn;

And bring in the urn。

You are come; then; at last!

O my dear; is it you?

I can scarce think it true

I am holding you fast;

And sorrow is past。


Dear Ritchie; I am waiting for the signal word to fly;

And tell me that the visit which has suffered such belating

Is to be a thing of now; and no more of by…and…by。

Dear Ritchie; I am waiting。

The sea is at its bluest; and the Spring is new creating

The woods and dens we know of; and the fields rejoicing lie;

And the air is soft as summer; and the hedge…birds all are mating。

The Links are full of larks' nests; and the larks possess the sky;

Like a choir of happy spirits; melodiously debating;

All is ready for your coming; dear Ritchieyes; and I;

Dear Ritchie; I am waiting。


Fickle Summer's fled away;

Shall we see her face again?

Hearken to the weeping rain;

Never sunbeam greets the day。

More inconstant than the May;

She cares nothing for our pain;

Nor will hear the birds complain

In their bowers that once were gay。

Summer; Summer; come once more;

Drive the shadows from the field;

All thy radiance round thee fling;

Be our lady as of yore;

Then the earth her fruits shall yield;

Then the morning stars shall sing。


I made a truce last night with Sorrow;

The queen of tears; the foe of sleep;

To keep her tents until the morrow;

Nor send such dreams to make me weep。

Before the lusty day was springing;

Before the tired moon was set;

I dreamed I heard my dead love singing;

And when I woke my eyes were wet。


Years grow and gathereach a gem

Lustrous with laughter and with tears;

And cunning Time a crown of years

Contrives for her who weareth them。

No chance can snatch this diadem;

It trembles not with hopes or fears;

It shines before the rose appears;

And when the leaves forsake her stem。

Time sets his jewels one by one。

Then wherefore mourn the wreaths that lie

In attic chambers of the past?

They withered ere the day was done。

This coronal will never die;

Nor shall you lose it at the last。


When the weary night is fled;

And the morning sky is red;

Then my heart doth rise and say;

‘Surely she will come to…day。'

In the golden blaze of noon;

‘Surely she is coming soon。'

In the twilight; ‘Will she come?'

Then my heart with fear is dumb。

When the night wind in the trees

Plays its mournful melodies;

Then I know my trust is vain;

And she will not come again。


The life of earth; how full of pain;

Which greets us on our day of birth;

Nor leaves us while we yet retain

The life of earth。

There is a shadow on our mirth;

Our sun is blotted out with rain;

And all our joys are little worth。

Yet oh; when life begins to wane;

And we must sail the doubtful firth;

How wild the longing to regain

The life of earth!


Golden dream of summer morn;

By a well…remembered stream

In the land where I was born;

Golden dream!

Ripples; by the glancing beam

Lightly kissed in playful scorn;

Meadows moist with sunlit steam。

When I lift my eyelids worn

Like a fair mirage you seem;

In the winter dawn forlorn;

Golden dream!


Mourn that which will not come again;

The joy; the strength of early years。

Bow down thy head; and let thy tears

Water the grave where hope lies slain。

For tears are like a summer rain;

To murmur in a mourner's ears;

To soften all the field of fears;

To moisten valleys parched with pain。

And though thy tears will not awake

What lies beneath of young or fair

And sleeps so sound it draws no breath;

Yet; watered thus; the sod may break

In flowers which sweeten all the air;

And fill with life the place of death。


When we have laid aside our last endeavour;

And said farewell to one or two that weep;

And issued from the house of life for ever;

To find a lodging in the house of sleep …

With eyes fast shut; in sunless chambers lying;

With folded arms unmoved upon the breast;

Beyond the noise of sorrow and of crying;

Beyond the dread of dreaming; shall we rest?

Or shall there come at last desire of waking;

To walk again on hillsides that we know;

When sunrise through the cold white mist is breaking;

Or in the stillness of the after…glow?

Shall there be yearning for the sound of voices;

The sight of faces; and the touch of hands;

The will that works; the spirit that rejoices;

The heart that feels; the mind that understands?

Shall dreams and memories crowding from the distance;

Shall ghosts of old ambition or of mirth;

Create for us a shadow of existence;

A dim reflection of the life of earth?

And being dead; and powerless to recover

The substance of the show whereon we gaze;

Shall we be likened to the hapless lover;

Who broods upon the unreturning days?

Not so:  for we have known how swift to perish

Is man's delight when youth and health take wing;

Until the winter leaves him nought to cherish

But recollections of a vanished spring。

Dream as we may; desire of life shall never

Disturb our slumbers in the house of sleep。

Yet oh; to think we may not greet for ever

The one or two that; when we leave them; weep!


The sun is banished;

The daylight vanished;

No rosy traces

Are left behind。

Here in the meadow

I watch the shadow

Of forms and faces

Upon your blind。

Through swift transitions;

In new positions;

My eyes still follow

One shape most fair。

My heart delaying

Awhile; is playing

With pleasures hollow;

Which mock despair。

I feel so lonely;

I long once only

To pass an hour

With you; O sweet!

To touch your fingers;

Where fragrance lingers

From some rare flower;

And kiss your feet。

But not this even

To me is given。

Of all sad mortals

Most sad am I;

Never to meet you;

Never to greet you;

Nor pass your portals

Before I die。

All men scorn me;

Not one will mourn me;

When from their city

I pass away。

Will you to…morrow

Recall with sorrow

Him whom with pity

You saw to…day?

Outcast and lonely;

One thing only

Beyond misgiving

I hold for true;

That; had you known me;

You would have shown me

A life worth living …

A life for you。

Yes:  five years younger

My manhood's hunger

Had you come filling

With plenty sweet;

My life so nourished;

Had grown and flourished;

Had God been willing

That we should meet。

How vain to fashion

From dreams and passion

The rich existence

Which might have been!

Can God's own power

Recall the hour;

Or bridge the distance

That lies between?

Before the morning;

From pain and scorning

I sail death's river

To sleep or hell。

To you is given

The life of heaven。

Farewell for ever;

Farewell; farewell!


Beside the drowsy streams that creep

Within this island of repose;

Oh; let us rest from cares and woes;

Oh; let u

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