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小说: resurrection(复活) 字数: 每页3500字

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woman's groans: 〃Oh; oh; oh! O God! Oh; oh! O God!〃

Nekhludoff passed this carriage and went up to a window of the
third carriage; which a soldier pointed out to him。 When he
approached his face to the window; he felt the hot air; filled
with the smell of perspiration; coming out of it; and heard
distinctly the shrill sound of women's voices。 All the seats were
filled with red; perspiring; loudly…talking women; dressed in
prison cloaks and white jackets。 Nekhludoff's face at the window
attracted their attention。 Those nearest ceased talking and drew
closer。 Maslova; in her white jacket and her head uncovered; sat
by the opposite window。 The white…skinned; smiling Theodosia sat
a little nearer。 When she recognised Nekhludoff; she nudged
Maslova and pointed to the window。 Maslova rose hurriedly; threw
her kerchief over her black hair; and with a smile on her hot;
red face came up to the window and took hold of one of the bars。

〃Well; it is hot;〃 she said; with a glad smile。

〃Did you get the things?

〃Yes; thank you。〃

〃Is there anything more you want?〃 asked Nekhludoff; while the
air came out of the hot carriage as out of an oven。

〃I want nothing; thank you。〃

〃If we could get a drink?〃 said Theodosia。

〃Yes; if we could get a drink;〃 repeated Maslova。

〃Why; have you not got any water?〃

〃They put some in; but it is all gone。〃

〃Directly; I will ask one of the convoy men。 Now we shall not see
each other till we get to Nijni。〃

〃Why? Are you going?〃 said Maslova; as if she did not know it;
and looked joyfully at Nekhludoff。

〃I am going by the next train。〃

Maslova said nothing; but only sighed deeply。

〃Is it true; sir; that 12 convicts have been done to death?〃 said
a severe…looking old prisoner with a deep voice like a man's。

It was Korableva。

〃I did not hear of 12; I have seen two;〃 said Nekhludoff。

〃They say there were 12 they killed。 And will nothing be done to
them? Only think! The fiends!〃

〃And have none of the women fallen ill?〃 Nekhludoff asked。

〃Women are stronger;〃 said another of the prisonersa short
little woman; and laughed; 〃only there's one that has taken it
into her head to be delivered。 There she goes;〃 she said;
pointing to the next carriage; whence proceeded the groans。

〃You ask if we want anything;〃 said Maslova; trying to keep the
smile of joy from her lips; 〃could not this woman be left behind。
suffering as she is? There; now; if you would tell the

〃Yes; I will。〃

〃And one thing more; could she not see her husband; Taras?〃 she
added; pointing with her eyes to the smiling Theodosia。

〃He is going with you; is he not?〃

〃Sir; you must not talk;〃 said a convoy sergeant; not the one who
had let Nekhludoff come up。 Nekhludoff left the carriage and went
in search of an official to whom he might speak for the woman in
travail and about Taras; but could not find him; nor get an
answer from any of the convoy for a long time。 They were all in a
bustle; some were leading a prisoner somewhere or other; others
running to get themselves provisions; some were placing their
things in the carriages or attending on a lady who was going to
accompany the convoy officer; and they answered Nekhludoff's
questions unwillingly。 Nekhludoff found the convoy officer only
after the second bell had been rung。 The officer with his short
arm was wiping the moustaches that covered his mouth and
shrugging his shoulders; reproving the corporal for something or

〃What is it you want?〃 he asked Nekhludoff。

You've got a woman there who is being confined; so I thought

〃Well; let her be confined; we shall see later on;〃 and briskly
swinging his short arms; he ran up to his carriage。 At the moment
the guard passed with a whistle in his hand; and from the people
on the platform and from the women's carriages there arose a
sound of weeping and words of prayer。

Nekhludoff stood on the platform by the side of Taras; and looked
how; one after the other; the carriages glided past him; with the
shaved heads of the men at the grated windows。 Then the first of
the women's carriages came up; with women's heads at the windows;
some covered with kerchiefs and some uncovered; then the second;
whence proceeded the same groans; then the carriage where Maslova
was。 She stood with the others at the window; and looked at
Nekhludoff with a pathetic smile。



There were still two hours before the passenger train by which
Nekhludoff was going would start。 He had thought of using this
interval to see his sister again; but after the impressions of
the morning he felt much excited and so done up that; sitting
down on a sofa in the first…class refreshment…room; he suddenly
grew so drowsy that he turned over on to his side; and; laying
his face on his hand; fell asleep at once。 A waiter in a dress
coat with a napkin in his hand woke him。

〃Sir; sir; are you not Prince Nekhludoff? There's a lady looking
for you。〃

Nekhludoff started up and recollected where he was and all that
had happened in the morning。

He saw in his imagination the procession of prisoners; the dead
bodies; the railway carriages with barred windows; and the women
locked up in them; one of whom was groaning in travail with no
one to help her; and another who was pathetically smiling at him
through the bars。

The reality before his eyes was very different; i。e。; a table
with vases; candlesticks and crockery; and agile waiters moving
round the table; and in the background a cupboard and a counter
laden with fruit and bottles; behind it a barman; and in front
the backs of passengers who had come up for refreshments。 When
Nekhludoff had risen and sat gradually collecting his thoughts;
he noticed that everybody in the room was inquisitively looking
at something that was passing by the open doors。

He also looked; and saw a group of people carrying a chair on
which sat a lady whose head was wrapped in a kind of airy fabric。

Nekhludoff thought he knew the footman who was supporting the
chair in front。 And also the man behind; and a doorkeeper with
gold cord on his cap; seemed familiar。 A lady's maid with a
fringe and an apron; who was carrying a parcel; a parasol; and
something round in a leather case; was walking behind the chair。
Then came Prince Korchagin; with his thick lips; apoplectic neck;
and a travelling cap on his head; behind him Missy; her cousin
Misha; and an acquaintance of Nekhludoff'sthe long…necked
diplomat Osten; with his protruding Adam's apple and his
unvarying merry mood and expression。 He was saying something very
emphatically; though jokingly; to the smiling Missy。 The
Korchagins were moving from their estate near the city to the
estate of the Princess's sister on the Nijni railway。 The
processionthe men carrying the chair; the maid; and the
doctorvanished into the ladies' waiting…room; evoking a feeling
of curiosity and respect in the onlookers。 But the old Prince
remained and sat down at the table; called a waiter; and ordered
food and drink。 Missy and Osten also remained in the
refreshment…room and were about to sit down; when they saw an
acquaintance in the doorway; and went up to her。 It was Nathalie
Rogozhinsky。 Nathalie came into the refreshment…room accompanied
by Agraphena Petrovna; and both looked round the room。 Nathalie
noticed at one and the same moment both her brother and Missy。
She first went up to Missy; only nodding to her brother; but;
having kissed her; at once turned to him。

〃At last I have found you;〃 she said。 Nekhludoff rose to greet
Missy; Misha; and Osten; and to say a few words to them。 Missy
told him about their house in the country having been burnt down;
which necessitated their moving to her aunt's。 Osten began
relating a funny story about a fire。 Nekhludoff paid no
attention; and turned to his sister。

〃How glad I am that you have come。〃

〃I have been here a long time;〃 she said。 〃Agraphena Petrovna is
with me。〃 And she pointed to Agraphena Petrovna; who; in a
waterproof and with a bonnet on her head; stood some way off; and
bowed to him with kindly dignity and some confusion; not wishing
to intrude。

〃We looked for you everywhere。〃

〃And I had fallen asleep here。 How glad I am that you have come;〃
repeated Nekhludoff。 〃I had begun to write to you。〃

〃Really?〃 she said; looking frightened。 〃What about?〃

Missy and the gentleman; noticing that an intimate conversation
was about to commence between the brother and sister; went away。
Nekhludoff and his sister sat down by the window on a
velvet…covered sofa; on which lay a plaid; a box; and a few other

〃Yesterday; after I left you; I felt inclined to return and
express my regret; but I did not know how he would take it;〃 said
Nekhludoff。 〃I spoke hastily to your husband; and this tormented

〃I knew;〃 said his sister; 〃that you did not mean to。 Oh; you
know!〃 and the tears came to her eyes; and she touched his hand。
The sentence was not clear; but he understood it perfectly; and
was touched by what it expressed。 Her words meant that; besides
the love for her husband which held her in its sway; she prized
and considered important the love she had for him; her brother;
and that every misunderstanding between them caused her deep

〃Thank you; thank you。 Oh! what I have seen to…day!〃 he said;
suddenly recalling the second of the dead convicts。 〃Two
prisoners have been done to death。〃

〃Done to death? How?〃

〃Yes; done to death。 They led them in this heat; and two died of

〃Impossible! What; to…day? just now?〃

〃Yes; just now。 I have seen their bodies。〃

〃But why done to death? Who killed them?〃 asked Nathalie。

〃They who forced them to go killed them;〃 said Nekhludoff; with
irritation; feeling that she looked at this; too; with her
husband's eyes。

〃Oh; Lord!〃 said Agraphena Petrovna; who had come up to them。

〃Yes; we have not the slightest idea of what is being done to
these unfortunate beings。 But it ought to be known;〃 added
Nekhludoff; and looked at old Korchagin; who sat with a napkin
tied round him and a bottle before him; and who looked round at

〃Nekhludoff;〃 he called out; 〃won't you join me and take some
refreshment? It is excellent before a journey。〃

Nekhludoff refused; and turned away。

〃But what are you going to do?〃 Nathalie continued。

〃What I can。 I don't know; but I feel I must do something。 And I
shall do what I am able to。〃

〃Yes; I understand。 And how about them?〃 she continued; with a
smile and a look towards Korchagin。 〃Is it possible that it is
all over?〃

〃Completely; and I think without any regret on either side。〃

〃It is a pity。 I am sorry。 I am fond of her。 However; it's all
right。 But why do you wish to bind yourself?〃 she added shyly。
〃Why are you going?〃

〃I go because I must;〃 answered Nekhludoff; seriously and dryly;
as if wishing to stop this conversation。 But he felt ashamed of
his coldness towards his sister at once。 〃Why not tell her all I
am thinking?〃 he thought; 〃and let Agraphena Petrovna also hear
it;〃 he thought; with a look at the old servant; whose presence
made the wish to repeat his decision to his 

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