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小说: resurrection(复活) 字数: 每页3500字

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up with such a severe and suffering expression that Nekhludoff
did not care to bother him with questions; but advised the elder
man to give him quinine; and wrote down the name of the medicine。
He wished to give him some money; but the old workman said he
would pay for it himself。

〃Well; much as I have travelled; I have never met such a
gentleman before。 Instead of punching your head; he actually
gives up his place to you;〃 said the old man to Taras。 〃It seems
there are all sorts of gentlefolk; too。〃

〃Yes; this is quite a new and different world;〃 thought
Nekhludoff; looking at these spare; sinewy; limbs; coarse;
home…made garments; and sunburnt; kindly; though weary…looking
faces; and feeling himself surrounded on all sides with new
people and the serious interests; joys; and sufferings of a life
of labour。

〃Here is le vrai grand monde;〃 thought Nekhludoff; remembering
the words of Prince Korchagin and all that idle; luxurious world
to which the Korchagins belonged; with their petty; mean
interests。 And he felt the joy of a traveller on discovering a
new; unknown; and beautiful world。




The gang of prisoners to which Maslova belonged had walked about
three thousand three hundred miles。 She and the other prisoners
condemned for criminal offences had travelled by rail and by
steamboats as far as the town of Perm。 It was only here that
Nekhludoff succeeded in obtaining a permission for her to
continue the journey with the political prisoners; as Vera
Doukhova; who was among the latter; advised him to do。 The
journey up to Perm had been very trying to Maslova both morally
and physically。 Physically; because of the overcrowding; the
dirt; and the disgusting vermin; which gave her no peace;
morally; because of the equally disgusting men。 The men; like the
vermin; though they changed at each halting…place; were
everywhere alike importunate; they swarmed round her; giving her
no rest。 Among the women prisoners and the men prisoners; the
jailers and the convoy soldiers; the habit of a kind of cynical
debauch was so firmly established that unless a female prisoner
was willing to utilise her position as a woman she had to be
constantly on the watch。 To be continually in a state of fear and
strife was very trying。 And Maslova was specially exposed to
attacks; her appearance being attractive and her past known to
every one。 The decided resistance with which she now met the
importunity of all the men seemed offensive to them; and awakened
another feeling; that of ill…will towards her。 But her position
was made a little easier by her intimacy with Theodosia; and
Theodosia's husband; who; having heard of the molestations his
wife was subject to; had in Nijni been arrested at his own desire
in order to be able to protect her; and was now travelling with
the gang as a prisoner。 Maslova's position became much more
bearable when she was allowed to join the political prisoners;
who were provided with better accomodations; better food; and
were treated less rudely; but besides all this Maslova's
condition was much improved because among the political prisoners
she was no longer molested by the men; and could live without
being reminded of that past which she was so anxious to forget。
But the chief advantage of the change lay in the fact that she
made the acquaintance of several persons who exercised a decided
and most beneficial influence on her character。 Maslova was
allowed to stop with the political prisoners at all the
halting…places; but being a strong and healthy woman she was
obliged to march with the criminal convicts。 In this way she
walked all the way from Tomsk。 Two political prisoners also
marched with the gang; Mary Pavlovna Schetinina; the girl with
the hazel eyes who had attracted Nekhludoff's attention when he
had been to visit Doukhova in prison; and one Simonson; who was
on his way to the Takoutsk district; the dishevelled dark young
fellow with deep…lying eyes; whom Nekhludoff had also noticed
during that visit。 Mary Pavlovna was walking because she had
given her place on the cart to one of the criminals; a woman
expecting to be confined; and Simonson because he did not dare to
avail himself of a class privilege。

These three always started early in the morning before the rest
of the political prisoners; who followed later on in the carts。

They were ready to start in this way just outside a large town;
where a new convoy officer had taken charge of the gang。

It was early on a dull September morning。 It kept raining and
snowing alternately; and the cold wind blew in sudden gusts。 The
whole gang of prisoners; consisting of four hundred men and fifty
women; was already assembled in the court of the halting station。
Some of them were crowding round the chief of the convoy; who was
giving to specially appointed prisoners money for two days' keep
to distribute among the rest; while others were purchasing food
from women who had been let into the courtyard。 One could hear
the voices of the prisoners counting their money and making their
purchases; and the shrill voices of the women with the food。

Simonson; in his rubber jacket and rubber overshoes fastened with
a string over his worsted stockings (he was a vegetarian and
would not wear the skin of slaughtered animals); was also in the
courtyard waiting for the gang to start。 He stood by the porch
and jotted down in his notebook a thought that had occurred to
him。 This was what he wrote: 〃If a bacteria watched and examined
a human nail it would pronounce it inorganic matter; and thus we;
examining our globe and watching its crust; pronounce it to be
inorganic。 This is incorrect。〃

Katusha and Mary Pavlovna; both wearing top…boots and with shawls
tied round their heads; came out of the building into the
courtyard where the women sat sheltered from the wind by the
northern wall of the court; and vied with one another; offering
their goods; hot meat pie; fish; vermicelli; buckwheat porridge;
liver; beef; eggs; milk。 One had even a roast pig to offer。

Having bought some eggs; bread; fish; and some rusks; Maslova was
putting them into her bag; while Mary Pavlovna was paying the
women; when a movement arose among the convicts。 All were silent
and took their places。 The officer came out and began giving the
last orders before starting。 Everything was done in the usual
manner。 The prisoners were counted; the chains on their legs
examined; and those who were to march in couples linked together
with manacles。 But suddenly the angry; authoritative voice of the
officer shouting something was heard; also the sound of a blow
and the crying of a child。 All was silent for a moment and then
came a hollow murmur from the crowd。 Maslova and Mary Pavlovna
advanced towards the spot whence the noise proceeded。



This is what Mary Pavlovna and Katusha saw when they came up to
the scene whence the noise proceeded。 The officer; a sturdy
fellow; with fair moustaches; stood uttering words of foul and
coarse abuse; and rubbing with his left the palm of his right
hand; which he had hurt in hitting a prisoner on the face。 In
front of him a thin; tall convict; with half his head shaved and
dressed in a cloak too short for him and trousers much too short;
stood wiping his bleeding face with one hand; and holding a
little shrieking girl wrapped in a shawl with the other。

〃I'll give it you〃 (foul abuse); 〃I'll teach you to reason〃 (more
abuse); 〃you're to give her to the women!〃 shouted the officer。
〃Now; then; on with them。〃

The convict; who was exiled by the Commune; had been carrying his
little daughter all the way from Tomsk; where his wife had died
of typhus; and now the officer ordered him to be manacled。 The
exile's explanation that he could not carry the child if he was
manacled irritated the officer; who happened to be in a bad
temper; and he gave the troublesome prisoner a beating。 'A fact
described by Lineff in his 〃Transportation〃。' Before the injured
convict stood a convoy soldier; and a black…bearded prisoner with
manacles on one hand and a look of gloom on his face; which he
turned now to the officer; now to the prisoner with the little

The officer repeated his orders for the soldiers to take away the
girl。 The murmur among the prisoners grew louder。

〃All the way from Tomsk they were not put on;〃 came a hoarse
voice from some one in the rear。 〃It's a child; and not a puppy。〃

〃What's he to do with the lassie? That's not the law;〃 said some
one else。

〃Who's that?〃 shouted the officer as if he had been stung; and
rushed into the crowd。

〃I'll teach you the law。 Who spoke。 You? You?〃

〃Everybody says so; because…〃 said a short; broad…faced prisoner。

Before he had finished speaking the officer hit him in the face。

〃Mutiny; is it? I'll show you what mutiny means。 I'll have you
all shot like dogs; and the authorities will be only too
thankful。 Take the girl。〃

The crowd was silent。 One convoy soldier pulled away the girl;
who was screaming desperately; while another manacled the
prisoner; who now submissively held out his hand。

〃Take her to the women;〃 shouted the officer; arranging his sword

The little girl; whose face had grown quite red; was trying to
disengage her arms from under the shawl; and screamed
unceasingly。 Mary Pavlovna stepped out from among the crowd and
came up to the officer。

〃Will you allow me to carry the little girl?〃 she said。

〃Who are you?〃 asked the officer。

〃A political prisoner。〃

Mary Pavlovna's handsome face; with the beautiful prominent eyes
(he had noticed her before when the prisoners were given into his
charge); evidently produced an effect on the officer。 He looked
at her in silence as if considering; then said: 〃I don't care;
carry her if you like。 It is easy for you to show pity; if he ran
away who would have to answer?〃

〃How could he run away with the child in his arms?〃 said Mary

〃I have no time to talk with you。 Take her if you like。〃

〃Shall I give her?〃 asked the soldier。

〃Yes; give her。〃

〃Come to me;〃 said Mary Pavlovna; trying to coax the child to
come to her。

But the child in the soldier's arms stretched herself towards her
father and continued to scream; and would not go to Mary

〃Wait a bit; Mary Pavlovna;〃 said Maslova; getting a rusk out of
her bag; 〃she will come to me。〃

The little girl knew Maslova; and when she saw her face and the
rusk she let her take her。 All was quiet。 The gates were opened;
and the gang stepped out; the convoy counted the prisoners over
again; the bags were packed and tied on to the carts; the weak
seated on the top。 Maslova with the child in her arms took her
place among the women next to Theodosia。 Simonson; who had all
the time been watching what was going on; stepped with large;
determined strides up to the officer; who; having given his
orders; was just getting into a trap; and said; 〃You have behaved

〃Get to your place; it is no business of yours。〃

〃It is my business to tell you that you have behaved badly and I
have said it;〃 said Simonso

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