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小说: resurrection(复活) 字数: 每页3500字

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His inner life was of a nature directly opposite to that of
Simonson's。 Simonson was one of those people (of an essentially
masculine type) whose actions follow the dictates of their
reason; and are determined by it。 Novodvoroff belonged; on the
contrary; to the class of people of a feminine type; whose reason
is directed partly towards the attainment of aims set by their
feelings; partly to the justification of acts suggested by their
feelings。 The whole of Novodvoroff's revolutionary activity;
though he could explain it very eloquently and very convincingly;
appeared to Nekhludoff to be founded on nothing but ambition and
the desire for supremacy。 At first his capacity for assimilating
the thoughts of others; and of expressing them correctly; had
given him a position of supremacy among pupils and teachers in
the gymnasium and the university; where qualities such as his are
highly prized; and he was satisfied。 When he had finished his
studies and received his diploma he suddenly altered his views;
and from a modern liberal he turned into a rabid Narodovoletz; in
order (so Kryltzoff; who did not like him; said) to gain
supremacy in another sphere。

As he was devoid of those moral and aesthetic qualities which
call forth doubts and hesitation; he very soon acquired a
position in the revolutionary world which satisfied himthat of
the leader of a party。 Having once chosen a direction; he never
doubted or hesitated; and was therefore certain that he never
made a mistake。 Everything seemed quite simple; clear and
certain。 And the narrowness and one…sidedness of his views did
make everything seem simple and clear。 One only had to be
logical; as he said。 His self…assurance was so great that it
either repelled people or made them submit to him。 As he carried
on his work among very young people; his boundless self…assurance
led them to believe him very profound and wise; the majority did
submit to him; and he had a great success in revolutionary
circles。 His activity was directed to the preparation of a rising
in which he was to usurp the power and call together a council。 A
programme; composed by him; should he proposed before the
council; and he felt sure that this programme of his solved every
problem; and that it would he impossible not to carry it out。

His comrades respected but did not love him。 He did not love any
one; looked upon all men of note as upon rivals; and would have
willingly treated them as old male monkeys treat young ones if he
could have done it。 He would have torn all mental power; every
capacity; from other men; so that they should not interfere with
the display of his talents。 He behaved well only to those who
bowed before him。 Now; on the journey he behaved well to
Kondratieff; who was influenced by his propaganda; to Vera
Doukhova and pretty little Grabetz; who were both in love with
him。 Although in principle he was in favour of the woman's
movement; yet in the depth of his soul he considered all women
stupid and insignificant except those whom he was sentimentally
in love with (as he was now in love with Grabetz); and such women
he considered to be exceptions; whose merits he alone was capable
of discerning。

The question of the relations of the sexes he also looked upon as
thoroughly solved by accepting free union。 He had one nominal and
one real wife; from both of whom he was separated; having come to
the conclusion that there was no real love between them; and now
he thought of entering on a free union with Grabetz。 He despised
Nekhludoff for 〃playing the fool;〃 as Novodvoroff termed it; with
Maslova; but especially for the freedom Nekhludoff took of
considering the defects of the existing system and the methods of
correcting those defects in a manner which was not only not
exactly the same as Novodvoroff's; but was Nekhludoff's owna
prince's; that is; a fool's manner。 Nekhludoff felt this relation
of Novodvoroff's towards him; and knew to his sorrow that in
spite of the state of good will in which he found himself on this
journey he could not help paying this man in his own coin; and
could not stifle the strong antipathy he felt for him。



The voices of officials sounded from the next room。 All the
prisoners were silent; and a sergeant; followed by two convoy
soldiers; entered。 The time of the inspection had come。 The
sergeant counted every one; and when Nekhludoff's turn came he
addressed him with kindly familiarity。

〃You must not stay any longer; Prince; after the inspection; you
must go now。〃

Nekhludoff knew what this meant; went up to the sergeant and
shoved a three…rouble note into his hand。

〃Ah; well; what is one to do with you; stay a bit longer; if you
like。〃 The sergeant was about to go when another sergeant;
followed by a convict; a spare man with a thin beard and a bruise
under his eye; came in。

〃It's about the girl I have come;〃 said the convict。

〃Here's daddy come;〃 came the ringing accents of a child's voice;
and a flaxen head appeared from behind Rintzeva; who; with
Katusha's and Mary Pavlovna's help; was making a new garment for
the child out of one of Rintzeva's own petticoats。

〃Yes; daughter; it's me;〃 Bousovkin; the prisoner; said softly。

〃She is quite comfortable here;〃 said Mary Pavlovna; looking with
pity at Bousovkin's bruised face。 〃Leave her with us。〃

〃The ladies are making me new clothes;〃 said the girl; pointing
to Rintzeva's sewing〃nice red ones;〃 she went on; prattling。

〃Do you wish to sleep with us?〃 asked Rintzeva; caressing the

〃Yes; I wish。 And daddy; too。〃

〃No; daddy can't。 Well; leave her then;〃 she said; turning to the

〃Yes; you may leave her;〃 said the first sergeant; and went out
with the other。

As soon as they were out of the room Nabatoff went up to
Bousovkin; slapped him on the shoulder; and said: 〃I say; old
fellow; is it true that Karmanoff wishes to exchange?〃

Bousovkin's kindly; gentle face turned suddenly sad and a veil
seemed to dim his eyes。

〃We have heard nothinghardly;〃 he said; and with the same
dimness still over his eyes he turned to the child。

〃Well; Aksutka; it seems you're to make yourself comfortable with
the ladies;〃 and he hurried away。

〃It's true about the exchange; and he knows it very well;〃 said

〃What are you going to do?〃

〃I shall tell the authorities in the next town。 I know both
prisoners by sight;〃 said Nekhludoff。

All were silent; fearing a recommencement of the dispute。

Simonson; who had been lying with his arms thrown back behind his
head; and not speaking; rose; and determinately walked up to
Nekhludoff; carefully passing round those who were sitting。

〃Could you listen to me now?

〃Of course;〃 and Nekhludoff rose and followed him。

Katusha looked up with an expression of suspense; and meeting
Nekhludoff's eyes; she blushed and shook her head。

〃What I want to speak to you about is this;〃 Simonson began; when
they had come out into the passage。 In the passage the din of the
criminal's voices and shouts sounded louder。 Nekhludoff made a
face; but Simonson did not seem to take any notice。

〃Knowing of your relations to Katerina Maslova;〃 he began
seriously and frankly; with his kind eyes looking straight into
Nekhludoff's face; 〃I consider it my duty〃He was obliged to
stop because two voices were heard disputing and shouting; both
at once; close to the door。

〃I tell you; blockhead; they are not mine;〃 one voice shouted。

〃May you choke; you devil;〃 snorted the other。

At this moment Mary Pavlovna came out into the passage。

〃How can one talk here?〃 she said; 〃go in; Vera is alone there;〃
and she went in at the second door; and entered a tiny room;
evidently meant for a solitary cell; which was now placed at the
disposal of the political women prisoners; Vera Doukhova lay
covered up; head and all; on the bed。

〃She has got a headache; and is asleep; so she cannot hear you;
and I will go away;〃 said Mary Pavlovna。

〃On the contrary; stay here;〃 said Simonson; 〃I have no secrets
from any one; certainly none from you。〃

〃All right;〃 said Mary Pavlovna; and moving her whole body from
side to side; like a child; so as to get farther back on to the
bed; she settled down to listen; her beautiful hazel eyes seeming
to look somewhere far away。

〃Well; then; this is my business;〃 Simonson repeated。 〃Knowing of
your relations to Katerina Maslova; I consider myself bound to
explain to you my relations to her。〃

Nekhludoff could not help admiring the simplicity and
truthfulness with which Simonson spoke to him。

〃What do you mean?〃

〃I mean that I should like to marry Katerina Maslova〃

〃How strange!〃 said Mary Pavlovna; fixing her eyes on Simonson。

〃And so I made up my mind to ask her to be my wife;〃 Simonson

〃What can I do? It depends on her;〃 said Nekhludoff。

〃Yes; but she will not come to any decision without you。〃


〃Because as long as your relations with her are unsettled she
cannot make up her mind。〃

〃As far as I am concerned; it is finally settled。 I should like
to do what I consider to be my duty and also to lighten her fate;
but on no account would I wish to put any restraint on her。〃

〃Yes; but she does not wish to accept your sacrifice。〃

〃It is no sacrifice。〃

〃And I know that this decision of hers is final。〃

〃Well; then; there is no need to speak to me;〃 said Nekhludoff。

〃She wants you to acknowledge that you think as she does。〃

〃How can I acknowledge that I must not do what I consider to be
my duty? All I can say is that I am not free; but she is。〃

Simonson was silent; then; after thinking a little; he said:
〃Very well; then; I'll tell her。 You must not think I am in love
with her;〃 he continued; 〃I love her as a splendid; unique;
human being who has suffered much。 I want nothing from her。 I
have only an awful longing to help her; to lighten her posi〃

Nekhludoff was surprised to hear the trembling in Simonson's

〃To lighten her position;〃 Simonson continued。 〃If she does not
wish to accept your help; let her accept mine。 If she consents; I
shall ask to be sent to the place where she will be imprisoned。
Four years are not an eternity。 I would live near her; and
perhaps might lighten her fate〃 and he again stopped; too
agitated to continue。

〃What am I to say?〃 said Nekhludoff。 〃I am very glad she has
found such a protector as you〃

〃That's what I wanted to know;〃 Simonson interrupted。

〃I wanted to know if; loving her and wishing her happiness; you
would consider it good for her to marry me?〃

〃Oh; yes;〃 said Nekhludoff decidedly。

〃It all depends on her; I only wish that this suffering soul
should find rest;〃 said Simonson; with such childlike tenderness
as no one could have expected from so morose…looking a man。

Simonson rose; and stretching his lips out to Nekhludoff; smiled
shyly and kissed him。

〃So I shall tell her;〃 and he went away。



〃What do you think of that?〃 said Mary Pavlovna。 〃In lovequite
in love。 Now; that's a thing I never should have expected; that
Valdemar Simonson should be in love; and in the sil

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