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小说: resurrection(复活) 字数: 每页3500字

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The soldiers; who had evidently been drinking; followed by the
side of the road; chatting merrily。 There were a great many
carts。 In each of the first carts sat six invalid criminal
convicts; close packed。 On each of the last two were three
political prisoners。 Novodvoroff; Grabetz and Kondratieff sat on
one; Rintzeva; Nabatoff and the woman to whom Mary Pavlovna had
given up her own place on the other; and on one of the carts lay
Kryltzoff on a heap of hay; with a pillow under his head; and
Mary Pavlovna sat by him on the edge of the cart。 Nekhludoff
ordered his driver to stop; got out and went up to Kryltzoff。 One
of the tipsy soldiers waved his hand towards Nekhludoff; but he
paid no attention and started walking by Kryltzoff's side;
holding on to the side of the cart with his hand。 Dressed in a
sheepskin coat; with a fur cap on his head and his mouth bound up
with a handkerchief; he seemed paler and thinner than ever。 His
beautiful eyes looked very large and brilliant。 Shaken from side
to side by the jottings of the cart; he lay with his eyes fixed
on Nekhludoff; but when asked about his health; he only closed
his eyes and angrily shook his head。 All his energy seemed to be
needed in order to bear the jolting of the cart。 Mary Pavlovna
was on the other side。 She exchanged a significant glance with
Nekhludoff; which expressed all her anxiety about Kryltzoff's
state; and then began to talk at once in a cheerful manner。

〃It seems the officer is ashamed of himself;〃 she shouted; so as
to be heard above the rattle of the wheels。 〃Bousovkin's manacles
have been removed; and he is carrying his little girl himself。
Katusha and Simonson are with him; and Vera; too。 She has taken
my place。〃

Kryltzoff said something that could not be heard because of the
noise; and frowning in the effort to repress his cough shook his
head。 Then Nekhludoff stooped towards him; so as to hear; and
Kryltzoff; freeing his mouth of the handkerchief; whispered:

〃Much better now。 Only not to catch cold。〃

Nekhludoff nodded in acquiescence; and again exchanged a glance
with Mary Pavlovna。

〃How about the problem of the three bodies?〃 whispered Kryltzoff;
smiling with great difficulty。 〃The solution is difficult。〃

Nekhludoff did not understand; but Mary Pavlovna explained that
he meant the well…known mathematical problem which defined the
position of the sun; moon and earth; which Kryltzoff compared to
the relations between Nekhludoff; Katusha and Simonson。
Kryltzoff nodded; to show that Mary Pavlovna had explained his
joke correctly。

〃The decision does not lie with me;〃 Nekhludoff said。

〃Did you get my note? Will you do it?〃 Mary Pavlovna asked。

〃Certainly;〃 answered Nekhludoff ; and noticing a look of
displeasure on Kryltzoff's face; he returned to his conveyance;
and holding with both hands to the sides of the cart; got in;
which jolted with him over the ruts of the rough road。 He passed
the gang; which; with its grey cloaks and sheepskin coats; chains
and manacles; stretched over three…quarters of a mile of the
road。 On the opposite side of the road Nekhludoff noticed
Katusha's blue shawl; Vera Doukhova's black coat; and Simonson's
crochet cap; white worsted stockings; with bands; like those of
sandals; tied round him。 Simonson was walking with the woman and
carrying on a heated discussion。

When they saw Nekhludoff they bowed to him; and Simonson raised
his hat in a solemn manner。 Nekhludoff; having nothing to say;
did not stop; and was soon ahead of the carts。 Having got again
on to a smoother part of the road; they drove still more quickly;
but they had continually to turn aside to let pass long rows of
carts that were moving along the road in both directions。

The road; which was cut up by deep ruts; lay through a thick pine
forest; mingled with birch trees and larches; bright with yellow
leaves they had not yet shed。 By the time Nekhludoff had passed
about half the gang he reached the end of the forest。 Fields now
lay stretched along both sides of the road; and the crosses and
cupolas of a monastery appeared in the distance。 The clouds had
dispersed; and it had cleared up completely; the leaves; the
frozen puddles and the gilt crosses and cupolas of the monastery
glittered brightly in the sun that had risen above the forest。 A
little to the right mountains began to gleam white in the
blue…grey distance; and the trap entered a large village。 The
village street was full of people; both Russians and other
nationalities; wearing peculiar caps and cloaks。 Tipsy men and
women crowded and chattered round booths; traktirs; public houses
and carts。 The vicinity of a town was noticeable。 Giving a pull
and a lash of the whip to the horse on his right; the driver sat
down sideways on the right edge of the scat; so that the reins
hung over that side; and with evident desire of showing off; he
drove quickly down to the river; which had to be crossed by a
ferry。 The raft was coming towards them; and had reached the
middle of the river。 About twenty carts were waiting to cross。
Nekhludoff had not long to wait。 The raft; which had been pulled
far up the stream; quickly approached the landing; carried by the
swift waters。 The tall; silent; broad…shouldered; muscular
ferryman; dressed in sheepskins; threw the ropes and moored the
raft with practised hand; landed the carts that were on it; and
put those that were waiting on the bank on board。 The whole raft
was filled with vehicles and horses shuffling at the sight of the
water。 The broad; swift river splashed against the sides of the
ferryboats; tightening their moorings。

When the raft was full; and Nekhludoff's cart; with the horses
taken out of it; stood closely surrounded by other carts on the
side of the raft; the ferryman barred the entrance; and; paying
no heed to the prayers of those who had not found room in the
raft; unfastened the ropes and set off。

All was quiet on the raft; one could hear nothing but the tramp
of the ferryman's boots and the horses changing from foot to



Nekhludoff stood on the edge of the raft looking at the broad
river。 Two pictures kept rising up in his mind。 One; that of
Kryltzoff; unprepared for death and dying; made a heavy;
sorrowful impression on him。 The other; that of Katusha; full of
energy; having gained the love of such a man as Simonson; and
found a true and solid path towards righteousness; should have
been pleasant; yet it also created a heavy impression on
Nekhludoff's mind; and he could not conquer this impression。

The vibrating sounds of a big brass bell reached them from the
town。 Nekhludoff's driver; who stood by his side; and the other
men on the raft raised their caps and crossed themselves; all
except a short; dishevelled old man; who stood close to the
railway and whom Nekhludoff had not noticed before。 He did not
cross himself; but raised his head and looked at Nekhludoff。 This
old man wore a patched coat; cloth trousers and worn and patched
shoes。 He had a small wallet on his back; and a high fur cap with
the fur much rubbed on his head。

〃Why don't you pray; old chap?〃 asked Nekhludoff's driver as he
replaced and straightened his cap。 〃Are you unbaptized?〃

〃Who's one to pray to?〃 asked the old man quickly; in a
determinately aggressive tone。

〃To whom? To God; of course;〃 said the driver sarcastically。

〃And you just show me where he is; that god。〃 There was something
so serious and firm in the expression of the old man; that the
driver felt that he had to do with a strong…minded man; and was a
bit abashed。 And trying not to show this; not to be silenced; and
not to be put to shame before the crowd that was observing them;
he answered quickly。

〃Where? In heaven; of course。〃

〃And have you been up there?〃

〃Whether I've been or not; every one knows that you must pray to

〃〃No one has ever seen God at any time。 The only begotten Son who
is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him;〃 said the old
man in the same rapid manner; and with a severe frown on his

〃It's clear you are not a Christian; but a hole worshipper。 You
pray to a hole;〃 said the driver; shoving the handle of his whip
into his girdle; pulling straight the harness on one of the

Some one laughed。

〃What is your faith; Dad?〃 asked a middle…aged man; who stood by
his cart on the same side of the raft。

〃I have no kind of faith; because I believe no oneno one but
myself;〃 said the old man as quickly and decidedly as before。

〃How can you believe yourself?〃 Nekhludoff asked; entering into a
conversation with him。 〃You might make a mistake。〃

〃Never in your life;〃 the old man said decidedly; with a toss of
his head。

〃Then why are there different faiths?〃 Nekhludoff asked。

〃It's just because men believe others and do not believe
themselves that there are different faiths。 I also believed
others; and lost myself as in a swamp;lost myself so that I had
no hope of finding my way out。 Old believers and new believers
and Judaisers and Khlysty and Popovitzy; and Bespopovitzy and
Avstriaks and Molokans and Skoptzy every faith praises itself
only; and so they all creep about like blind puppies。 There are
many faiths; but the spirit is onein me and in you and in him。
So that if every one believes himself all will he united。 Every
one he himself; and all will be as one。〃

The old man spoke loudly and often looked round; evidently
wishing that as many as possible should hear him。

〃And have you long held this faith?〃

〃I? A long time。 This is the twenty…third year that they
persecute me。〃

〃Persecute you? How?

〃As they persecuted Christ; so they persecute me。 They seize me;
and take me before the courts and before the priests; the Scribes
and the Pharisees。 Once they put me into a madhouse; but they can
do nothing because I am free。 They say; 'What is your name?'
thinking I shall name myself。 But I do not give myself a name。 I
have given up everything: I have no name; no place; no country;
nor anything。 I am just myself。 'What is your name?' 'Man。' 'How
old are you?' I say; 'I do not count my years and cannot count
them; because I always was; I always shall be。' ' Who are your
parents?' 'I have no parents except God and Mother Earth。 God is
my father。' 'And the Tsar? Do you recognise the Tsar?' they say。
I say; 'Why not? He is his own Tsar; and I am my own Tsar。'
'Where's the good of talking to him;' they say; and I say; 'I do
not ask you to talk to me。' And so they begin tormenting me。〃

〃And where are you going now?〃 asked Nekhludoff。

〃Where God will lead me。 I work when I can find work; and when I
can't I beg。〃 The old man noticed that the raft was approaching
the bank and stopped; looking round at the bystanders with a look
of triumph。

Nekhludoff got out his purse and offered some money to the old
man; but he refused; saying:

〃I do not accept this sort of thingbread I do accept。〃

〃Well; then; excuse me。〃

〃There is nothing to excuse; you have not offended me。 And it is
not possible to offend me。〃 And the old man put the wallet he had
taken off again on his back。 Meanwhile; the post…cart had been
landed and t

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