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the lion, the witch and the war_c·s·刘易斯-第13章

小说: the lion, the witch and the war_c·s·刘易斯 字数: 每页3500字

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face looked; now it suddenly came into her head  that he looked sad as well。 but next minute that expression was quite gone。 the lion shook  his mane and clapped his paws together (〃terrible paws;〃 thought lucy; 〃if he didnt  know how to velvet them!〃) and said;  〃meanwhile; let the feast be prepared。 ladies; take these daughters of eve  to the pavilion and minister to them。鈥

when the girls had gone aslan laid his paw … and though it was velveted it  was very heavy … on peters shoulder and said; 〃e; son of adam; and i will show  you a far…off sight of the castle where you are to be king。鈥

and peter with his sword still drawn in his hand went with the lion to the  eastern edge of the hilltop。 there a beautiful sight met their eyes。 the sun was setting  behind their backs。

that meant that the whole country below them lay in the evening light …  forest and hills and valleys and; winding away like a silver snake; the lower part of the  great river。 and beyond all this; miles away; was the sea; and beyond the sea the sky; full  of clouds which were just turning rose colour with the reflection of the sunset。 but just  where the land of narnia met the sea … in fact; at the mouth of the great river … there was  something on a little hill; shining。 it was shining because it was a castle and of course  the sunlight was reflected from all the windows which looked towards peter and the sunset;  but to peter it looked like a great star resting on the seashore。

〃that; o man;〃 said aslan; 〃is cair paravel of the four thrones; in one of  which you must sit as king。 i show it to you because you are the first…born and you will  be high king over all the rest。鈥

and once more peter said nothing; for at that moment a strange noise woke  the silence suddenly。 it was like a bugle; but richer。

〃it is your sisters horn;〃 said aslan to peter in a low voice; so low as  to be almost a purr; if it is not disrespectful to think of a lion purring。

for a moment peter did not understand。 then; when he saw all the other  creatures start forward and heard aslan say with a wave of his paw; 〃back! let the prince  win his spurs;〃 he did understand; and set off running as hard as he could to the  pavilion。 and there he saw a dreadful sight。

the naiads and dryads were scattering in every direction。 lucy was running  towards him as fast as her short legs would carry her and her face was as white as  paper。 then he saw susan make a dash for a tree; and swing herself up; followed by a huge grey  beast。 at first peter thought it was a bear。 then he saw that it looked like an  alsatian; though it was far too big to be a dog。 then he realized that it was a wolf … a wolf  standing on its hind legs; with its front paws against the tree…trunk; snapping and snarling。  all the hair on its back stood up on end。 susan had not been able to get higher than the second  big branch。

one of her legs hung down so that her foot was only an inch or two above  the snapping teeth。 peter wondered why she did not get higher or at least take a better  grip; then he realized that she was just going to faint and that if she fainted she would  fall off。

peter did not feel very brave; indeed; he felt he was going to be sick。 but  that made no difference to what he had to do。 he rushed straight up to the monster and  aimed a slash of his sword at its side。 that stroke never reached the wolf。 quick as  lightning it turned round; its eyes flaming; and its mouth wide open in a howl of anger。 if it  had not been so angry that it simply had to howl it would have got him by the throat at  once。 as it was …  

though all this happened too quickly for peter to think at all … he had  just time to duck down and plunge his sword; as hard as he could; between the brutes  forelegs into its heart。 then came a horrible; confused moment like something in a nightmare。  he was tugging and pulling and the wolf seemed neither alive nor dead; and its  bared teeth knocked against his forehead; and everything was blood and heat and hair。 a  moment later he found that the monster lay dead and he had drawn his sword out of  it and was straightening his back and rubbing the sweat off his face and out of his  eyes。 he felt tired all over。

then; after a bit; susan came down the tree。 she and peter felt pretty  shaky when they met and i wont say there wasnt kissing and crying on both sides。 but in  narnia no one thinks any the worse of you for that。

〃quick! quick!〃 shouted the voice of aslan。 〃centaurs! eagles! i see  another wolf in the thickets。 there … behind you。 he has just darted away。 after him; all of  you。 he will be going to his mistress。 now is your chance to find the witch and rescue the  fourth son of adam。〃 and instantly with a thunder of hoofs and beating of wings a dozen  or so of the swiftest creatures disappeared into the gathering darkness。

peter; still out of breath; turned and saw aslan close at hand。

〃you have forgotten to clean your sword;〃 said aslan。

it was true。 peter blushed when he looked at the bright blade and saw it  all smeared with the wolfs hair and blood。 he stooped down and wiped it quite clean on the  grass; and then wiped it quite dry on his coat。

〃hand it to me and kneel; son of adam;〃 said aslan。 and when peter had done  so he struck him with the flat of the blade and said; 〃rise up; sir peter wolfs …bane。 and; whatever happens; never forget to wipe your sword。鈥

now we must get back to edmund。 when he had been made to walk far further  than he had ever known that anybody could walk; the witch at last halted in a dark  valley all overshadowed with fir trees and yew trees。 edmund simply sank down and lay  on his face doing nothing at all and not even caring what was going to happen next  provided they would let him lie still。 he was too tired even to notice how hungry  and thirsty he was。 the witch and the dwarf were talking close beside him in low tones。

〃no;〃 said the dwarf; 〃it is no use now; o queen。 they must have reached  the stone table by now。鈥

〃perhaps the wolf will smell us out and bring us news;〃 said the witch。

〃it cannot be good news if he does;〃 said the dwarf。

〃four thrones in cair paravel;〃 said the witch。 〃how if only three were  filled? that would not fulfil the prophecy。鈥

〃what difference would that make now that he is here?〃 said the dwarf。 he  did not dare; even now; to mention the name of aslan to his mistress。

〃he may not stay long。 and then … we would fall upon the three at cair。鈥

〃yet it might be better;〃 said the dwarf; 〃to keep this one〃 (here he  kicked edmund) 〃for bargaining with。鈥



deep magic from the dawn of time  〃yes! and have him rescued;〃 said the witch scornfully。

〃then;〃 said the dwarf; 〃we had better do what we have to do at once。鈥

〃i would like to have it done on the stone table itself;〃 said the witch。  〃that is the proper place。 that is where it has always been done before。鈥

〃it will be a long time now before the stone table can again be put to its  proper use;鈥

said the dwarf。

〃true;〃 said the witch; and then; 〃well; i will begin。鈥

at that moment with a rush and a snarl a wolf rushed up to them。

〃i have seen them。 they are all at the stone table; with him。 they have  killed my captain; maugrim。 i was hidden in the thickets and saw it all。 one of the  sons of adam killed him。 fly! fly!鈥

〃no;〃 said the witch。 〃there need be no flying。 go quickly。 summon all our  people to meet me here as speedily as they can。 call out the giants and the  werewolves and the spirits of those trees who are on our side。 call the ghouls; and the  boggles; the ogres and the minotaurs。 call the cruels; the hags; the spectres; and the people of  the toadstools。

we will fight。 what? have i not still my wand? will not their ranks turn  into stone even as they e on? be off quickly; i have a little thing to finish here while  you are away。鈥

the great brute bowed its head; turned; and galloped away。

〃now!〃 she said; 〃we have no table … let me see。 we had better put it  against the trunk of a tree。鈥

edmund found himself being roughly forced to his feet。 then the dwarf set  him with his back against a tree and bound him fast。 he saw the witch take off her outer  mantle。 her arms were bare underneath it and terribly white。 because they were so very  white he could see them; but he could not see much else; it was so dark in this  valley under the dark trees。

〃prepare the victim;〃; said the witch。 and the dwarf undid edmunds collar  and folded back his shirt at the neck。 then he took edmunds hair and pulled his head  back so that he had to raise his chin。 after that edmund heard a strange noise … whizz  whizz … whizz。 for a moment he couldnt think what it was。 then he realized。 it was the sound  of a knife being sharpened。

at that very moment he heard loud shouts from every direction … a drumming  of hoofs and a beating of wings … a scream from the witch … confusion all round him。  and then he found he was being untied。 strong arms were round him and he heard big;  kind voices saying things like …  〃let him lie down … give him some wine … drink this … steady now … youll  be all right in a minute。鈥

then he heard the voices of people who were not talking to him but to one  another。 and they were saying things like 〃whos got the witch?〃 〃i thought you had  her。〃 〃i didnt see her after i knocked the knife out of her hand … i was after the dwarf … do  you mean to say shes escaped?〃 〃… a chap cant mind everything at once … whats that? oh;  sorry; its only an old stump!〃 but just at this point edmund went off in a dead faint。

presently the centaurs and unicorns and deer and birds (they were of course  the rescue party which aslan had sent in the last chapter) all set off to go back to  the stone table; carrying edmund with them。 but if they could have seen what happened in  that valley after they had gone; i think they might have been surprised。

it was perfectly still and presently the moon grew bright; if you had been  there you would have seen the moonlight shining on an old tree…stump and on a fairsized  boulder。 but if you had gone on looking you would gradually have begun to think there was  something odd about both the stump and the boulder。 and next you would have thought  that the stump did look really remarkably like a little fat man crouching on the  ground。 and if you had watched long enough you would have seen the stump walk across to  the boulder and the boulder sit up and begin talking to the stump; for in reality the  stump and the boulder were simply the witch and the dwarf。 for it was part of her magic  that she could make things look like what they arent; and she had the presence of mind to  do so at the very moment when the knife was knocked out of her hand。 she had kept hold  of her wand; so it had been kept safe; too。

when the other children woke up next morning (they had been sleeping on  piles of cushions in the pavilion) the first thing they heard …from mrs beaver … was  that their brother had been rescued and brought into camp late last night; and was at  that moment with aslan。 as soon as they had breakfasted4 they all went out;

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