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小说: 二十年后 字数: 每页3500字

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  〃Oh! oh!〃
  〃And do you know who is his lieutenant?〃
  〃His lieutenant? There is none;〃 said Athos。 〃They don't have lieutenants in a felucca manned by a crew of four。〃
  〃Yes; but Monsieur Groslow is not a captain of the ordinary kind; he has a lieutenant; and that lieutenant is Monsieur Mordaunt。〃
  This time the musketeers did more than shudder  they almost cried out。 Those invincible men were subject to a mysterious and fatal influence which that name had over them; the mere sound of it filled them with terror。
  〃What shall we do?〃 said Athos。
  〃We must seize the felucca;〃 said Aramis。
  〃And kill him;〃 said Porthos。
  〃The felucca is mined;〃 said D'Artagnan。 〃Those casks which I took for casks of port wine are filled with powder。 When Mordaunt finds himself discovered he will destroy all; friends and foes; and on my word he would be bad pany in going either to Heaven or to hell。〃
  〃You have some plan; then?〃 asked Athos。
  〃What is it?〃
  〃Have you confidence in me?〃
  〃Give your orders;〃 said the three musketeers。
  〃Wry well; e this way。〃
  D'Artagnan went toward a very small; low window; just large enough to let a man through。 He turned it gently on its hinges。
  〃There;〃 he said; 〃is our road。〃
  〃The deuce! it is a very cold one; my dear friend;〃 said Aramis。
  〃Stay here; if you like; but I warn you 'twill be rather too warm presently。〃
  〃But we cannot swim to the shore。〃
  〃The longboat is yonder; lashed to the felucca。 We will take possession of it and cut the cable。 e; my friends。〃
  〃A moment's delay;〃 said Athos; 〃our servants?〃
  〃Here we are!〃 they cried。
  Meantime the three friends were standing motionless before the awful sight which D'Artagnan; in raising the shutters; had disclosed to them through the narrow opening of the window。
  Those who have once beheld such a spectacle know that there is nothing more solemn; more striking; than the raging sea; rolling; with its deafening roar; its dark billows beneath the pale light of a wintry moon。
  〃Gracious Heaven; we are hesitating!〃 cried D'Artagnan; 〃if we hesitate what will the servants do?〃
  〃I do not hesitate; you know;〃 said Grimaud。
  〃Sir;〃 interposed Blaisois; 〃I warn you that I can only swim in rivers。〃
  〃And I not at all;〃 said Musqueton。
  But D'Artagnan had now slipped through the window。
  〃You have decided; friend?〃 said Athos。
  〃Yes;〃 the Gascon answered; 〃Athos! you; who are a perfect being; bid spirit triumph over body。 Do you; Aramis; order the servants。 Porthos; kill every one who stands in your way。〃
  And after pressing the hand of Athos; D'Artagnan chose a moment when the ship rolled backward; so that he had only to plunge into the water; which was already up to his waist。
  Athos followed him before the felucca rose again on the waves; the cable which tied the boat to the vessel was then seen plainly rising out of the sea。
  D'Artagnan swam to it and held it; suspending himself by this rope; his head alone out of water。
  In one second Athos joined him。
  Then they saw; as the felucca turned; two other heads peeping; those of Aramis and Grimaud。
  〃I am uneasy about Blaisois;〃 said Athos; 〃he can; he says; only swim in rivers。〃
  〃When people can swim at all they can swim anywhere。 To the boat! to the boat!〃
  〃But Porthos; I do not see him。〃
  〃Porthos is ing  he swims like Leviathan。〃
  In fact; Porthos did not appear; for a scene; half tragedy and half edy; had been performed by him with Musqueton and Blaisois; who; frightened by the noise of the sea; by the whistling of the wind; by the sight of that dark water yawning like a gulf beneath them; shrank back instead of going forward。
  〃e; e!〃 said Porthos; 〃jump in。〃
  〃But; monsieur;〃 said Musqueton; 〃I can't swim; let me stay here。〃
  〃And me; too; monsieur;〃 said Blaisois。
  〃I assure you; I shall be very much in the way in that little boat;〃 said Musqueton。
  〃And I know I shall drown before reaching it;〃 continued Blaisois。
  〃e along! I shall strangle you both if you don't get out;〃 said Porthos at last; seizing Musqueton by the throat。 〃Forward; Blaisois!〃
  A groan; stifled by the grasp of Porthos; was all the reply of poor Blaisois; for the giant; taking him neck and heels; plunged him into the water headforemost; pushing him out of the window as if he had been a plank。
  〃Now; Musqueton;〃 he said; 〃I hope you don't mean to desert your master?〃
  〃Ah; sir;〃 replied Musqueton; his eyes filling with tears; 〃why did you re…enter the army? We were all so happy in the Chateau de Pierrefonds!〃
  And without any other plaint; passive and obedient; either from true devotion to his master or from the example set by Blaisois; Musqueton leaped into the sea headforemost。 A sublime action; at all events; for Musqueton looked upon himself as dead。 But Porthos was not a man to abandon an old servant; and when Musqueton rose above the water; blind as a new…born puppy; he found he was supported by the large hand of Porthos and that he was thus enabled; without having occasion even to move; to advance toward the cable with the dignity of a very triton。
  In a few minutes Porthos had rejoined his panions; who were already in the boat; but when; after they had all got in; it came to his turn; there was great danger that in putting his huge leg over the edge of the boat he would upset the little vessel。 Athos was the last to enter。
  〃Are you all here?〃 he asked。
  〃Ah! have you your sword; Athos?〃 cried D'Artagnan。
  〃Cut the cable; then。〃
  Athos drew a sharp poniard from his belt and cut the cord。 The felucca went on; the boat continued stationary; rocked only by the swashing waves。
  〃e; Athos!〃 said D'Artagnan; giving his hand to the count; 〃you are going to see something curious;〃 added the Gascon。
  Scarcely had D'Artagnan uttered these words when a ringing and sudden noise was heard resounding through the felucca; which had now bee dim in the obscurity of the night。
  〃That; you may be sure;〃 said the Gascon; 〃means something。〃
  They then at the same instant perceived a large lantern carried on a pole appear on the deck; defining the forms of shadows behind it。
  Suddenly a terrible cry; a cry of despair; was wafted through space; and as if the shrieks of anguish had driven away the clouds; the veil which hid the moon was cleated away and the gray sails and dark shrouds of the felucca were plainly visible beneath the silvery light。
  Shadows ran; as if bewildered; to and fro on the vessel; and mournful cries acpanied these delirious walkers。 In the midst of these screams they saw Mordaunt upon the poop with a torch in hand。
  The agitated figures; apparently wild with terror; consisted of Groslow; who at the hour fixed by Mordaunt had collected his men and the sailors。 Mordaunt; after having listened at the door of the cabin to hear if the musketeers were still asleep; had gone down into the cellar; convinced by their silence that they were all in a deep slumber。 Then he had run to the train; impetuous as a man who is excited by revenge; and full of confidence; as are those whom God blinds; he had set fire to the wick of nitre。
  All this while Groslow and his men were assembled on deck。
  〃Haul up the cable and draw the boat to us;〃 said Groslow。
  One of the sailors got down the side of the ship; seized the cable; and drew it; it came without the least resistance。
  〃The cable is cut!〃 he cried; 〃no boat!〃
  〃How! no boat!〃 exclaimed Groslow; 〃it is impossible。〃
  〃'Tis true; however;〃 answered the sailor; 〃there's nothing in the wake of the ship; besides; here's the end of the cable。〃
  〃What's the matter?〃 cried Mordaunt; who; ing up out of the hatchway; rushed to the stern; waving his torch。
  〃Only that our enemies have escaped; they have cut the cord and gone off with the boat。〃
  Mordaunt bounded with one step to the cabin and kicked open the door。
  〃Empty!〃 he exclaimed; 〃the infernal demons!〃
  〃We must pursue them;〃 said Groslow; 〃they can't be gone far; and we will sink them; passing over them。〃
  〃Yes; but the fire;〃 ejaculated Mordaunt; 〃I have lighted it。〃
  〃Ten thousand devils!〃 cried Groslow; rushing to the hatchway; 〃perhaps there is still time to save us。〃
  Mordaunt answered only by a terrible laugh; threw his torch into the sea and plunged in after it。 The instant Groslow put his foot upon the hatchway steps the ship opened like the crater of a volcano。 A burst of flame rose toward the skies with an explosion like that of a hundred cannon; the air burned; ignited by flaming embers; then the frightful lightning disappeared; the brands sank; one after another; into the abyss; where they were extinguished; and save for a slight vibration in the air; after a few minutes had elapsed one would have thought that nothing had happened。
  Only  the felucca had disappeared from the surface of the sea and Groslow and his three sailors were consumed。
  The four friends saw all this  not a single detail of this fearful scene escaped them。 At one moment; bathed as they were in a flood of brilliant light; which illumined the sea for the space of a league; they might each be seen; each by his own peculiar attitude and manner expressing the awe which; even in their hearts of bronze; they could not help experiencing。 Soon a torrent of vivid sparks fell around them  then; at last; the volcano was extinguished  then all was dark and still  the floating bark and heaving ocean。
  They sat silent and dejected。
  〃By Heaven!〃 at last said Athos; the first to speak; 〃by this time; I think; all must be over。〃
  〃Here; my lords! save me! help!〃 cried a voice; whose mournful accents; reaching the four friends; seemed to proceed from some phantom of the ocean。
  All looked around; Athos himself stared。
  〃'Tis he! it is his voice!〃
  All still remained silent; the eyes of all were turned in the direction where the vessel had disappeared; endeavoring in vain to penetrate the darkness。 After a minute or two they were able to distinguish a man; who approached them; swimming vigorously。
  Athos extended his arm toward him; pointing him out to his panions。
  〃Yes; yes; I see him well enough;〃 said D'Artagnan。
  〃He  again!〃 cried Porthos; who was breathing like a blacksmith's bellows; 〃why; he is made of iron。〃
  〃Oh; my God!〃 muttered Athos。
  Aramis and D'Artagnan whispered to each other。
  Mordaunt made several strokes more; and raising his arm in sign of distress above the waves: 〃Pity; pity on me; gentlemen; in Heaven's name! my strength is failing me; I am dying。〃
  The voice that implored aid was so piteous that it awakened pity in the heart of Athos。
  〃Poor fellow!〃 he exclaimed。
  〃Indeed!〃 said D'Artagnan; 〃monsters have only to plain to gain your sympathy。 I believe he's swimming toward us。 Does he think we are going to take him in? Row; Porthos; row。〃 And setting the example he plowed his oar into the sea; two strokes took the bark on twenty fathoms further。
  〃Oh! you will not abandon me! You will not leave me to perish! You will not be pitiless!〃 cried Mordaunt。
  〃Ah! ah!〃

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