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小说: 二十年后 字数: 每页3500字

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  〃Here;〃 said the prince; handing him a purse; 〃here is for Rocroy。 Now; do you want a horse; or will you go afoot?〃
  〃Afoot; my lord; I have served always in the infantry。 Besides; I expect to lead your highness into places where you will have to walk。〃
  〃e; then;〃 said the prince; 〃let us lose no time。〃
  The peasant started off; running before the prince's horse; then; a hundred steps from the village; he took a narrow road hidden at the bottom of the valley。 For a half league they proceeded thus; the cannon…shot sounding so near that they expected at each discharge to hear the hum of the balls。 At length they entered a path which; going out from the road; skirted the mountainside。 The prince dismounted; ordered one of his aids and Raoul to follow his example; and directed the others to await his orders; keeping themselves meanwhile on the alert。 He then began to ascend the path。
  In about ten minutes they reached the ruins of an old chateau; those ruins crowned the summit of a hill which overlooked the surrounding country。 At a distance of hardly a quarter of a league they looked down on Lens; at bay; and before Lens the enemy's entire army。
  With a single glance the prince took in the extent of country that lay before him; from Lens as far as Vimy。 In a moment the plan of the battle which on the following day was to save France the second time from invasion was unrolled in his mind。 He took a pencil; tore a page from his tablets and wrote:
  My Dear Marshal;  In an hour Lens will be in the enemy's possession。 e and rejoin me; bring with you the whole army。 I shall be at Vendin to place it in position。 To…morrow we shall retake Lens and beat the enemy。〃
  Then; turning toward Raoul: 〃Go; monsieur;〃 he said; 〃ride fast and give this letter to Monsieur de Grammont。〃
  Raoul bowed; took the letter; went hastily down the mountain; leaped on his horse and set out at a gallop。 A quarter of an hour later he was with the marshal。
  A portion of the troops had already arrived and the remainder was expected from moment to moment。 Marshal de Grammont put himself at the head of all the available cavalry and infantry and took the road to Vendin; leaving the Duc de Chatillon to await and bring on the rest。 All the artillery was ready to move; and started off at a moment's notice。
  It was seven o'clock in the evening when the marshal arrived at the appointed place。 The prince awaited him there。 As he had foreseen; Lens had fallen into the hands of the enemy immediately after Raoul's departure。 The event was announced by the cessation of the firing。
  As the shadows of night deepened the troops summoned by the prince arrived in successive detachments。 Orders were given that no drum should be beaten; no trumpet sounded。
  At nine o'clock the night had fully e。 Still a last ray of twilight lighted the plain。 The army marched silently; the prince at the head of the column。 Presently the army came in sight of Lens; two or three houses were in flames and a dull noise was heard which indicated what suffering was endured by a town taken by assault。
  The prince assigned to every one his post。 Marshal de Grammont was to hold the extreme left; resting on Mericourt。 The Duc de Chatillon manded the centre。 Finally; the prince led the right wing; resting on Aunay。 The order of battle on the morrow was to be that of the positions taken in the evening。 Each one; on awaking; would find himself on the field of battle。
  The movement was executed in silence and with precision。 At ten o'clock every one was in his appointed position; at half…past ten the prince visited the posts and gave his final orders for the following day。
  Three things were especially urged upon the officers; who were to see that the soldiers observed them scrupulously: the first; that the different corps should so march that cavalry and infantry should be on the same line and that each body should protect its gaps; the second; to go to the charge no faster than a walk; the third; to let the enemy fire first。
  The prince assigned the Count de Guiche to his father and kept Bragelonne near his own person; but the two young men sought the privilege of passing the night together and it was accorded them。 A tent was erected for them near that of the marshal。
  Although the day had been fatiguing; neither of them was inclined to sleep。 And besides; even for old soldiers the evening before a battle is a serious time; it was so with greater reason to two young men who were about to witness for the first time that terrible spectacle。 On the evening before a battle one thinks of a thousand things forgotten till then; those who are indifferent to one another bee friends and those who are friends bee brothers。 It need not be said that if in the depths of the heart there is a sentiment more tender; it reaches then; quite naturally; the highest exaltation of which it is capable。 Some sentiment of this kind must have been cherished by each one of these two friends; for each of them almost immediately sat down by himself at an end of the tent and began to write。
  The letters were long  the four pages were covered with closely written words。 The writers sometimes looked up at each other and smiled; they understood without speaking; their organizations were so delicate and sympathetic。 The letters being finished; each put his own into two envelopes; so that no one; without tearing the first envelope; could discover to whom the second was addressed; then they drew near to each other and smilingly exchanged their letters。
  〃In case any evil should happen to me;〃 said Bragelonne。
  〃In case I should be killed;〃 said De Guiche。
  They then embraced each other like two brothers; and each wrapping himself in his cloak they soon passed into that kindly sleep of youth which is the prerogative of birds; flowers and infants。
  A Dinner in the Old Style
  The second interview between the former musketeers was not so formal and threatening as the first。 Athos; with his superior understanding; wisely deemed that the supper table would be the most plete and satisfactory point of reunion; and at the moment when his friends; in deference to his deportment and sobriety; dared scarcely speak of some of their former good dinners; he was the first to propose that they should all assemble around some well spread table and abandon themselves unreservedly to their own natural character and manners  a freedom which had formerly contributed so much to that good understanding between them which gave them the name of the inseparables。 For different reasons this was an agreeable proposition to them all; and it was therefore agreed that each should leave a very exact address and that upon the request of any of the associates a meeting should be convoked at a famous eating house in the Rue de la Monnaie; of the sign of the Hermitage。 The first rendezvous was fixed for the following Wednesday; at eight o'clock in the evening precisely。
  On that day; in fact; the four friends arrived punctually at the hour; each from his own abode or occupation。 Porthos had been trying a new horse; D'Artagnan was on guard at the Louvre; Aramis had been to visit one of his penitents in the neighborhood; and Athos; whose domicile was established in the Rue Guenegaud; found himself close at hand。 They were; therefore; somewhat surprised to meet altogether at the door of the Hermitage; Athos starting out from the Pont Neuf; Porthos by the Rue de la Roule; D'Artagnan by the Rue des Fosse Saint Germain l'Auxerrois; and Aramis by the Rue de Bethisy。
  The first words exchanged between the four friends; on account of the ceremony which each of them mingled with their demonstration; were somewhat forced and even the repast began with a kind of stiffness。 Athos perceived this embarrassment; and by way of supplying an effectual remedy; called for four bottles of champagne。
  At this order; given in Athos's habitually calm manner; the face of the Gascon relaxed and Porthos's brow grew smooth。 Aramis was astonished。 He knew that Athos not only never drank; but more; that he had a kind of repugnance to wine。 This astonishment was doubled when Aramis saw Athos fill a bumper and toss it off with all his former enthusiasm。 His panions followed his example。 In a very few minutes the four bottles were empty and this excellent specific succeeded in dissipating even the slightest cloud that might have rested on their spirits。 Now the four friends began to speak loud; scarcely waiting till one had finished before another began; and each assumed his favorite attitude on or at the table。 Soon  strange fact  Aramis undid two buttons of his doublet; seeing which; Porthos unfastened his entirely。
  Battles; long journeys; blows given and received; sufficed for the first themes of conversation; which turned upon the silent struggles sustained against him who was now called the great cardinal。
  〃Faith;〃 said Aramis; laughing; 〃we have praised the dead enough; let us revile the living a little; I should like to say something evil of Mazarin; is it permissible?〃
  〃Go on; go on;〃 replied D'Artagnan; laughing heartily; 〃relate your story and I will applaud it if it is a good one。〃
  〃A great prince;〃 said Aramis; 〃with whom Mazarin sought an alliance; was invited by him to send him a list of the conditions on which he would do him the honor to negotiate with him。 The prince; who had a great repugnance to treat with such an ill…bred fellow; made out a list; against the grain; and sent it。 In this list there were three conditions which displeased Mazarin and he offered the prince ten thousand crowns to renounce them。〃
  〃Ah; ha; ha!〃 laughed the three friends; 〃not a bad bargain; and there was no fear of being taken at his word; what did the prince do then?〃
  〃The prince immediately sent fifty thousand francs to Mazarin; begging him never to write to him again; and offered twenty thousand francs more; on condition that he would never speak to him。 What did Mazarin do?〃
  〃Stormed!〃 suggested Athos。
  〃Beat the messenger!〃 cried Porthos。
  〃Accepted the money!〃 said D'Artagnan。
  〃You have guessed it;〃 answered Aramis; and they all laughed so heartily that the host appeared in order to inquire whether the gentlemen wanted anything; he thought they were fighting。
  At last their hilarity calmed down and:
  〃Faith!〃 exclaimed D'Artagnan to the two friends; 〃you may well wish ill to Mazarin; for I assure you; on his side he wishes you no good。〃
  〃Pooh! really?〃 asked Athos。 〃If I thought the fellow knew me by my name I would be rebaptized; for fear it might be thought I knew him。〃
  〃He knows you better by your actions than your name; he is quite aware that there are two gentlemen who greatly aided the escape of Monsieur de Beaufort; and he has instigated an active search for them; I can answer for it。〃
  〃By whom?〃
  〃By me; and this morning he sent for me to ask me if I had obtained any information。〃
  〃And what did you reply?〃
  〃That I had none as yet; but that I was to dine to…day with two gentlemen; who would be able to give me some。〃
  〃You told him that?〃 said Porthos; a broad smile spreading over his honest face。 〃Bravo! and you are not afraid of that

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