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which the gipsies are described in Parisian slang。 This is a corruption of 

/romane   tchave/〃gipsy   lads。〃   But   a   piece   of   etymology   of   which   I   am 

really proud is that of the word /frimousse/; 〃face;〃 〃countenance〃a word 

which every schoolboy uses; or did use; in my time。 Note; in the first place; 

the   Oudin;   in   his   curious   dictionary;   published   in   1640;   wrote   the   word 

/firlimouse/。 Now in /Romany/; /firla/; or /fila/; stands for 〃face;〃 and has 

the same meaningit is exactly the /os/ of the Latins。 The combination of 

/firlamui/ was instantly understood by a genuine gipsy; and I believe it to 

be true to the spirit of the gipsy language。 

     I have surely said enough to give the readers of Carmen a favourable 

idea of my /Romany/ studies。 I will conclude with the following proverb; 

which comes in very appropriately: /En retudi panda nasti abela macha/。 

〃Between closed lips no fly can pass。〃 


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