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the wandering jew, volume 10-第7章

小说: the wandering jew, volume 10 字数: 每页3500字

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ever call me anything else?〃

〃And did my mother consult you about my marriage; speak to you of the
rare beauty of my bride; beg you to come and see her; and study her
character; in the hope that the instinct of your affection for me would
warn youif I made a bad choice?  Did my mother have this cruelty?No;
it was I; who thus pierced your heart!〃

The fears of the hearer were again aroused; there could be but little
doubt that Agricola knew her secret。  She felt herself sinking with
confusion; yet; making a last effort not to believe the discovery; she
murmured in a feeble voice: 〃True; Agricola!  It was not your mother; but
yourself; who made me that requestand I was grateful to you for such a
mark of confidence。〃

〃Grateful; my poor girl!〃 cried the smith; whilst his eyes filled with
tears; 〃no; it is not true。  I pained you fearfullyI was merciless
heaven knows; without being aware of it!〃

〃But;〃 said the other; in a voice now almost unintelligible; 〃what makes
you think so?〃

〃Your love for me!〃 cried the smith; trembling with emotion; as he
clasped Mother Bunch in a brotherly embrace。

〃Oh heaven!〃 murmured the unfortunate creature; as she covered her face
with her hands; 〃he knows all。〃

〃Yes; I know all;〃 resumed Agricola; with an expression of ineffable
tenderness and respect: 〃yes; I know all; and I will not have you blush
for a sentiment; which honors me; and of which I feel so justly proud。
Yes; I know all; and I say to myself with joy and pride; that the best;
the most noble heart in the world is minewill be mine always。  Come;
Magdalen; let us leave shame to evil passions。  Raise your eyes; and look
at me!  You know; if my countenance was ever falseif it ever reflected
a feigned emotion。  Then look and tell me; if you cannot read in my
features; how proud I am; Magdalen; how justly proud of your love!〃

Overwhelmed with grief and confusion; Mother Bunch had not dared to look
on Agricola; but his words expressed so deep a conviction; the tones of
his voice revealed so tender an emotion; that the poor creature felt her
shame gradually diminish; particularly when Agricola added; with rising
animation: 〃Be satisfied; my sweet; my noble Magdalen; I will be worthy
of this love。  Believe me; it shall yet cause you as much happiness as it
has occasioned tears。  Why should this love be a motive for estrangement;
confusion; fear?  For what is love; in the sense in which it is held by
your generous heart?  Is it not a continual exchange of devotion;
tenderness; esteem; of mutual and blind confidence?Why; Magdalen! we
may have all this for one anotherdevotion; tenderness; confidenceeven
more than in times past; for; on a thousand occasions; your secret
inspired you with fear and suspicionwhile; for the future; on the
contrary; you will see me take such delight in the place I fill in your
good and valiant heart; that you will be happy in the happiness you
bestow。  What I have just said may seem very selfish and conceited; so
much the worse!  I do not know how to lie。〃

The longer the smith spoke; the less troubled became Mother Bunch。  What
she had above all feared in the discovery of her secret was to see it
received with raillery; contempt; or humiliating compassion; far from
this; joy and happiness were distinctly visible on the manly and honest
face of Agricola。  The hunchback knew him incapable of deception;
therefore she exclaimed; this time without shame or confusion; but rather
with a sort of pride。

〃Every sincere and pure passion is so far good and con soling as to end
by deserving interest and sympathy; when it has triumphed over its first
excess! It is alike honorable to the heart which feels and that which
inspires it!Thanks to you; Agricolathanks to the kind words; which
have raised me in my own esteemI feel that; instead of blushing; I
ought to be proud of this love。  My benefactress is rightyou are right:
why should I be ashamed of it?  Is it not a true and sacred love?  To be
near you; to love you; to tell you so; to prove it by constant devotion;
what did I ever desire more?  And yet shame and fear; joined with that
dizziness of the brain which extreme misery produces; drove me to
suicide!But then some allowance must be made for the suspicions of a
poor creature; who has been the subject of ridicule from her cradle。  So
my secret was to die with me; unless some unforeseen accident should
reveal it to you; and; in that case; you are rightsure of myself; sure
of you; I ought to have feared nothing。  But I may claim some indulgence;
mistrust; cruel mistrust of one's self makes one doubt others also。  Let
us forget all that。  Agricola; my generous brother; I will say to you; as
you said to me just now; ‘Look at me; you know my countenance cannot lie。
Look at me: see if I shun your gaze; see if; ever in my life; I looked so
happy'and yet; even now; I was about to die!〃

She spoke the truth。  Agricola himself could not have hoped so prompt an
effect from his words。  In spite of the deep traces which misery; grief;
and sickness had imprinted on the girl's features; they now shone with
radiant happiness and serenity; whilst her blue eyes; gentle and pure as
her soul; were fixed; without embarrassment; on those of Agricola。

〃Oh! thanks; thanks!〃 cried the smith; in a rapture of delight: 〃when I
see you so calm; and so happy; Magdalen; I am indeed grateful。〃

〃Yes; I am calm; I am happy;〃 replied she; 〃and happy I shall be; for I
can now tell you my most secret thoughts。  Yes; happy; for this day;
which began so fatally; ends like a divine dream。  Far from being afraid;
I now look at you with hope and joy。  I have again found my generous
benefactress; and I am tranquil as to the fate of my poor sister。  Oh!
shall we not soon see her?  I should like her to take part in this

She seemed so happy; that the smith did not dare to inform her of the
death of Cephyse; and reserved himself to communicate the same at a more
fitting opportunity。  Therefore he answered: 〃Cephyse; being the
stronger; has been the more shaken; it will not be prudent; I am told; to
see her to…day。〃

〃I will wait then。  I can repress my impatience; I have so much to say to

〃Dear; gentle Magdalen!〃

〃Oh; my friend!〃 cried the girl; interrupting Agricola; with tears of
joy: 〃I cannot tell you what I feel; when I hear you call me Magdalen。
It is so sweet; so soothing; that my heart expands with delight。〃

〃Poor girl! how dreadfully she must have suffered!〃 cried the smith; with
inexpressible emotion; 〃when she displays so much happiness; so much
gratitude; at being called by her own poor name!〃

〃But consider; my friend; that word in your mouth contains a new life for
me。  If you only knew what hopes; what pleasures I can now see gleaming
in the future!  If you knew all the cherished longings of my tenderness!
Your wife; the charming Angela; with her angel face and angel…souloh!
in my turn; I can say to; you; ‘Look at me; and see how sweet that name
is to my lips and heart!'  Yes; your charming; your good Angela will call
me Magdalenand your children; Agricola; your children!dear little
creatures!to them also I shall be Magdalentheir good Magdalenand
the love I shall bear them will make them mine; as well as their
mother'sand I shall have my part in every maternal careand they will
belong to us three; will they not; Agricola?Oh! let me; let me weep!
These tears without bitterness do me so much good; they are tears that
need not be concealed。  Thank heaven! thank you; my friend! those other
tears are I trust dried forever。〃

For some seconds; this affecting scene had been overlooked by an
invisible witness。  The smith and Mother Bunch had not perceived Mdlle。
de Cardoville standing on the threshold of the door。  As Mother Bunch had
said; this day; which dawned with all under such fatal auspices; had
become for all a day of ineffable felicity。  Adrienne; too; was full of
joy; for Djalma had been faithful to her; Djalma loved her with passion。
The odious appearances; of which she had been the dupe and victim;
evidently formed part of a new plot of Rodin; and it only remained for
Mdlle。 de Cardoville to discover the end of these machinations。

Another joy was reserved for her。  The happy are quick in detecting
happiness in others; and Adrienne guessed; by the hunchback's last words;
that there was no longer any secret between the smith and the sempstress。
She could not therefore help exclaiming; as she entered: 〃Oh! this
will be the brightest day of my life; for I shall not be happy alone!〃

Agricola and Mother Bunch turned round hastily。  〃Lady;〃 said the smith;
〃in spite of the promise I made you; I could not conceal from Magdalen
that I knew she loved me!〃

〃Now that I no longer blush for this love before Agricola; why should I
blush for it before you; lady; that told me to be proud of it; because it
is noble and pure?〃 said Mother Bunch; to whom her happiness gave
strength enough to rise; and to lean upon Agricola's arm。

〃It is well; my friend;〃 said Adrienne; as she threw her arms round her
to support her; 〃only one word; to excuse the indiscretion with which you
will perhaps reproach me。  If I told your secret to M。 Agricola〃

〃Do you know why it was; Magdalen?〃 cried the smith; interrupting
Adrienne。  〃It was only another proof of the lady's delicate generosity。
‘I long hesitate to confide to you this secret;' said she to me this
morning; ‘but I have at length made up my mind to it。  We shall probably
find your adopted sister; you have been to her the best of brothers: but
many times; without knowing it; you have wounded her feelings cruelly
and now that you know her secret; I trust in your kind heart to keep it
faithfully; and so spare the poor child a thousand pangspangs the more
bitter; because they come from you; and are suffered in silence。  Hence;
when you speak to her of your wife; your domestic happiness; take care
not to gall that noble and tender heart。'Yes; Magdalen; these were the
reasons that led the lady to commit what she called an indiscretion。〃

〃I want words to thank you now and ever;〃 said Mother Bunch。

〃See; my friend;〃 replied Adrienne; 〃how often the designs of the wicked
turn against themselves。  They feared your devotion to me; and therefore
employed that unhappy Florine to steal your journal〃

〃So as to drive me from your house with shame; lady; When I supposed my
most secret thoughts an object of ridicule to all。  There can be no doubt
such was their plan;〃 said Mother Bunch。

〃None; my child。  Well! this horrible wickedness; which nearly caused
your death; now turns to the confusion of the criminals。  Their plot is
discoveredand; luckily; many other of their designs;〃 said Adrienne; as
she thought of Rose…Pompon。

Then she resumed; with heartfelt joy: 〃At last; we are again united;
happier than ever; and in our very happiness we shall find new resources
to combat our enemies。  I say our enemiesfor all that love me are
odious to these wretches。  But courage; the hour is come; and the good
people will have their turn。〃

〃Thank heaven; lady;〃 said the smith; 〃or my part; I shall not be wanting
in zeal。  What delight to strip the

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