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小说: inferno 字数: 每页3500字

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  We came along; and held the summit; when

We halted to behold another fissure
  Of Malebolge and other vain laments;
  And I beheld it marvellously dark。

As in the Arsenal of the Venetians
  Boils in the winter the tenacious pitch
  To smear their unsound vessels o'er again;

For sail they cannot; and instead thereof
  One makes his vessel new; and one recaulks
  The ribs of that which many a voyage has made;

One hammers at the prow; one at the stern;
  This one makes oars; and that one cordage twists;
  Another mends the mainsail and the mizzen;

Thus; not by fire; but by the art divine;
  Was boiling down below there a dense pitch
  Which upon every side the bank belimed。

I saw it; but I did not see within it
  Aught but the bubbles that the boiling raised;
  And all swell up and resubside compressed。

The while below there fixedly I gazed;
  My Leader; crying out: 〃Beware; beware!〃
  Drew me unto himself from where I stood。

Then I turned round; as one who is impatient
  To see what it behoves him to escape;
  And whom a sudden terror doth unman;

Who; while he looks; delays not his departure;
  And I beheld behind us a black devil;
  Running along upon the crag; approach。

Ah; how ferocious was he in his aspect!
  And how he seemed to me in action ruthless;
  With open wings and light upon his feet!

His shoulders; which sharp…pointed were and high;
  A sinner did encumber with both haunches;
  And he held clutched the sinews of the feet。

From off our bridge; he said: 〃O Malebranche;
  Behold one of the elders of Saint Zita;
  Plunge him beneath; for I return for others

Unto that town; which is well furnished with them。
  All there are barrators; except Bonturo;
  No into Yes for money there is changed。〃

He hurled him down; and over the hard crag
  Turned round; and never was a mastiff loosened
  In so much hurry to pursue a thief。

The other sank; and rose again face downward;
  But the demons; under cover of the bridge;
  Cried: 〃Here the Santo Volto has no place!

Here swims one otherwise than in the Serchio;
  Therefore; if for our gaffs thou wishest not;
  Do not uplift thyself above the pitch。〃

They seized him then with more than a hundred rakes;
  They said: 〃It here behoves thee to dance covered;
  That; if thou canst; thou secretly mayest pilfer。〃

Not otherwise the cooks their scullions make
  Immerse into the middle of the caldron
  The meat with hooks; so that it may not float。

Said the good Master to me: 〃That it be not
  Apparent thou art here; crouch thyself down
  Behind a jag; that thou mayest have some screen;

And for no outrage that is done to me
  Be thou afraid; because these things I know;
  For once before was I in such a scuffle。〃

Then he passed on beyond the bridge's head;
  And as upon the sixth bank he arrived;
  Need was for him to have a steadfast front。

With the same fury; and the same uproar;
  As dogs leap out upon a mendicant;
  Who on a sudden begs; where'er he stops;

They issued from beneath the little bridge;
  And turned against him all their grappling…irons;
  But he cried out: 〃Be none of you malignant!

Before those hooks of yours lay hold of me;
  Let one of you step forward; who may hear me;
  And then take counsel as to grappling me。〃

They all cried out: 〃Let Malacoda go;〃
  Whereat one started; and the rest stood still;
  And he came to him; saying: 〃What avails it?〃

〃Thinkest thou; Malacoda; to behold me
  Advanced into this place;〃 my Master said;
  〃Safe hitherto from all your skill of fence;

Without the will divine; and fate auspicious?
  Let me go on; for it in Heaven is willed
  That I another show this savage road。〃

Then was his arrogance so humbled in him;
  That he let fall his grapnel at his feet;
  And to the others said: 〃Now strike him not。〃

And unto me my Guide: 〃O thou; who sittest
  Among the splinters of the bridge crouched down;
  Securely now return to me again。〃

Wherefore I started and came swiftly to him;
  And all the devils forward thrust themselves;
  So that I feared they would not keep their compact。

And thus beheld I once afraid the soldiers
  Who issued under safeguard from Caprona;
  Seeing themselves among so many foes。

Close did I press myself with all my person
  Beside my Leader; and turned not mine eyes
  From off their countenance; which was not good。

They lowered their rakes; and 〃Wilt thou have me hit him;〃
  They said to one another; 〃on the rump?〃
  And answered: 〃Yes; see that thou nick him with it。〃

But the same demon who was holding parley
  With my Conductor turned him very quickly;
  And said: 〃Be quiet; be quiet; Scarmiglione;〃

Then said to us: 〃You can no farther go
  Forward upon this crag; because is lying
  All shattered; at the bottom; the sixth arch。

And if it still doth please you to go onward;
  Pursue your way along upon this rock;
  Near is another crag that yields a path。

Yesterday; five hours later than this hour;
  One thousand and two hundred sixty…six
  Years were complete; that here the way was broken。

I send in that direction some of mine
  To see if any one doth air himself;
  Go ye with them; for they will not be vicious。

Step forward; Alichino and Calcabrina;〃
  Began he to cry out; 〃and thou; Cagnazzo;
  And Barbariccia; do thou guide the ten。

Come forward; Libicocco and Draghignazzo;
  And tusked Ciriatto and Graffiacane;
  And Farfarello and mad Rubicante;

Search ye all round about the boiling pitch;
  Let these be safe as far as the next crag;
  That all unbroken passes o'er the dens。〃

〃O me! what is it; Master; that I see?
  Pray let us go;〃 I said; 〃without an escort;
  If thou knowest how; since for myself I ask none。

If thou art as observant as thy wont is;
  Dost thou not see that they do gnash their teeth;
  And with their brows are threatening woe to us?〃

And he to me: 〃I will not have thee fear;
  Let them gnash on; according to their fancy;
  Because they do it for those boiling wretches。〃

Along the left…hand dike they wheeled about;
  But first had each one thrust his tongue between
  His teeth towards their leader for a signal;

And he had made a trumpet of his rump。

Inferno: Canto XXII

I have erewhile seen horsemen moving camp;
  Begin the storming; and their muster make;
  And sometimes starting off for their escape;

Vaunt…couriers have I seen upon your land;
  O Aretines; and foragers go forth;
  Tournaments stricken; and the joustings run;

Sometimes with trumpets and sometimes with bells;
  With kettle…drums; and signals of the castles;
  And with our own; and with outlandish things;

But never yet with bagpipe so uncouth
  Did I see horsemen move; nor infantry;
  Nor ship by any sign of land or star。

We went upon our way with the ten demons;
  Ah; savage company! but in the church
  With saints; and in the tavern with the gluttons!

Ever upon the pitch was my intent;
  To see the whole condition of that Bolgia;
  And of the people who therein were burned。

Even as the dolphins; when they make a sign
  To mariners by arching of the back;
  That they should counsel take to save their vessel;

Thus sometimes; to alleviate his pain;
  One of the sinners would display his back;
  And in less time conceal it than it lightens。

As on the brink of water in a ditch
  The frogs stand only with their muzzles out;
  So that they hide their feet and other bulk;

So upon every side the sinners stood;
  But ever as Barbariccia near them came;
  Thus underneath the boiling they withdrew。

I saw; and still my heart doth shudder at it;
  One waiting thus; even as it comes to pass
  One frog remains; and down another dives;

And Graffiacan; who most confronted him;
  Grappled him by his tresses smeared with pitch;
  And drew him up; so that he seemed an otter。

I knew; before; the names of all of them;
  So had I noted them when they were chosen;
  And when they called each other; listened how。

〃O Rubicante; see that thou do lay
  Thy claws upon him; so that thou mayst flay him;〃
  Cried all together the accursed ones。

And I: 〃My Master; see to it; if thou canst;
  That thou mayst know who is the luckless wight;
  Thus come into his adversaries' hands。〃

Near to the side of him my Leader drew;
  Asked of him whence he was; and he replied:
  〃I in the kingdom of Navarre was born;

My mother placed me servant to a lord;
  For she had borne me to a ribald knave;
  Destroyer of himself and of his things。

Then I domestic was of good King Thibault;
  I set me there to practise barratry;
  For which I pay the reckoning in this heat。〃

And Ciriatto; from whose mouth projected;
  On either side; a tusk; as in a boar;
  Caused him to feel how one of them could rip。

Among malicious cats the mouse had come;
  But Barbariccia clasped him in his arms;
  And said: 〃Stand ye aside; while I enfork him。〃

And to my Master he turned round his head;
  〃Ask him again;〃 he said; 〃if more thou wish
  To know from him; before some one destroy him。〃

The Guide: 〃Now tell then of the other culprits;
  Knowest thou any one who is a Latian;
  Under the pitch?〃  And he: 〃I separated

Lately from one who was a neighbour to it;
  Would that I still were covered up with him;
  For I should fear not either claw nor hook!〃

And Libicocco: 〃We have borne too much;〃
  And with his grapnel seized him by the arm;
  So that; by rending; he tore off a tendon。

Eke Draghignazzo wished to pounce upon him
  Down at the legs; whence their Decurion
  Turned round and round about with evil look。

When they again somewhat were pacified;
  Of him; who still was looking at his wound;
  Demanded my Conductor without stay:

〃Who was that one; from whom a luckless parting
  Thou sayest thou hast made; to come ashore?〃
  And he replied: 〃It was the Friar Gomita;

He of Gallura; vessel of all fraud;
  Who had the enemies of his Lord in hand;
  And dealt so with them each exults thereat;

Money he took; and let them smoothly off;
  As he says; and in other offices
  A barrator was he; not mean but sovereign。

Foregathers with him one Don Michael Zanche
  Of Logodoro; and of Sardinia
  To gossip never do their tongues feel tired。

O me! see that one; how he grinds his teeth;
  Still farther would I speak; but am afraid
  Lest he to scratch my itch be making ready。〃

And the grand Provost; turned to Farfarello;
  Who rolled his eyes about as if to strike;
  Said: 〃Stand aside there; thou malicious bird。〃

〃If you desire either to see or hear;〃
  The terror…stricken recommenced thereon;
  〃Tuscans or Lombards; I will make them come。

But let the Malebranche cease a little;
  So that these may not their revenges fear;
  And I; down sitting in this very place;

For one that I am will make seven come;
  When I shall whistle; as our custom is
  To do whenever one of us comes out。〃

Cagnazzo at these words his muzzle lifted;
  Shaking his head; and said: 〃Just hear the trick
  Which he has thought of; down to throw himself!〃

Whence he; who snares in great abundance had;
  Responded: 〃I by far too cunning am;
  When I pro

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