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under the greenwood tree-第26章

小说: under the greenwood tree 字数: 每页3500字

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to be seen。  Nan; the charwoman; was sweeping the kitchen。

〃Where's my da'ter?〃 said the keeper。

〃Well; you see she was tired with the week's teaching; and this

morning she said; 〃Nan; I sha'n't get up till the evening。〃  You

see; Mr。 Day; if people don't eat; they can't work; and as she've

gie'd up eating; she must gie up working。〃

〃Have ye carried up any dinner to her?〃

〃No; she don't want any。  There; we all know that such things don't

come without good reasonnot that I wish to say anything about a

broken heart; or anything of the kind。〃

Geoffrey's own heart felt inconveniently large just then。  He went

to the staircase and ascended to his daughter's door。


〃Come in; father。〃

To see a person in bed from any cause whatever; on a fine afternoon;

is depressing enough; and here was his only child Fancy; not only in

bed; but looking very pale。  Geoffrey was visibly disturbed。

〃Fancy; I didn't expect to see thee here; chiel;〃 he said。  〃What's

the matter?〃

〃I'm not well; father。〃

〃How's that?〃

〃Because I think of things。〃

〃What things can you have to think o' so mortal much?〃

〃You know; father。〃

〃You think I've been cruel to thee in saying that that penniless

Dick o' thine sha'n't marry thee; I suppose?〃

No answer。

〃Well; you know; Fancy; I do it for the best; and he isn't good

enough for thee。  You know that well enough。〃  Here he again looked

at her as she lay。  〃Well; Fancy; I can't let my only chiel die; and

if you can't live without en; you must ha' en; I suppose。〃

〃O; I don't want him like that; all against your will; and

everything so disobedient!〃 sighed the invalid。

〃No; no; 'tisn't against my will。  My wish is; now I d'see how 'tis

hurten thee to live without en; that he shall marry thee as soon as

we've considered a little。  That's my wish flat and plain; Fancy。

There; never cry; my little maid!  You ought to ha' cried afore; no

need o' crying now 'tis all over。  Well; howsoever; try to step over

and see me and mother…law to…morrow; and ha' a bit of dinner wi'


〃AndDick too?〃

〃Ay; Dick too; 'far's I know。〃

〃And WHEN do you think you'll have considered; father; and he may

marry me?〃 she coaxed。

〃Well; there; say next Midsummer; that's not a day too long to


On leaving the school Geoffrey went to the tranter's。  Old William

opened the door。

〃Is your grandson Dick in 'ithin; William?〃

〃No; not just now; Mr。 Day。  Though he've been at home a good deal


〃O; how's that?〃

〃What wi' one thing; and what wi' t'other; he's all in a mope; as

might be said。  Don't seem the feller he used to。  Ay; 'a will sit

studding and thinking as if 'a were going to turn chapel…member; and

then do nothing but traypse and wamble about。  Used to be such a

chatty boy; too; Dick did; and now 'a don't speak at all。  But won't

ye step inside?  Reuben will be home soon; 'a b'lieve。〃

〃No; thank you; I can't stay now。  Will ye just ask Dick if he'll do

me the kindness to step over to Yalbury to…morrow with my da'ter

Fancy; if she's well enough?  I don't like her to come by herself;

now she's not so terrible topping in health。〃

〃So I've heard。  Ay; sure; I'll tell him without fail。〃


The visit to Geoffrey passed off as delightfully as a visit might

have been expected to pass off when it was the first day of smooth

experience in a hitherto obstructed love…course。  And then came a

series of several happy days; of the same undisturbed serenity。

Dick could court her when he chose; stay away when he chose;which

was never; walk with her by winding streams and waterfalls and

autumn scenery till dews arid twilight sent them home。  And thus

they drew near the day of the Harvest Thanksgiving; which was also

the time chosen for opening the organ in Mellstock Church。

It chanced that Dick on that very day was called away from

Mellstock。  A young acquaintance had died of consumption at

Charmley; a neighbouring village; on the previous Monday; and Dick;

in fulfilment of a long…standing promise; was to assist in carrying

him to the grave。  When on Tuesday; Dick went towards the school to

acquaint Fancy with the fact; it is difficult to say whether his own

disappointment at being denied the sight of her triumphant debut as

organist; was greater than his vexation that his pet should on this

great occasion be deprived of the pleasure of his presence。

However; the intelligence was communicated。  She bore it as she best

could; not without many expressions of regret; and convictions that

her performance would be nothing to her now。

Just before eleven o'clock on Sunday he set out upon his sad errand。

The funeral was to be immediately after the morning service; and as

there were four good miles to walk; driving being inconvenient; it

became necessary to start comparatively early。  Half an hour later

would certainly have answered his purpose quite as well; yet at the

last moment nothing would content his ardent mind but that he must

go a mile out of his way in the direction of the school; in the hope

of getting a glimpse of his Love as she started for church。

Striking; therefore; into the lane towards the school; instead of

across the ewelease direct to Charmley; he arrived opposite her door

as his goddess emerged。

If ever a woman looked a divinity; Fancy Day appeared one that

morning as she floated down those school steps; in the form of a

nebulous collection of colours inclining to blue。  With an audacity

unparalleled in the whole history of village…school…mistresses at

this datepartly owing; no doubt; to papa's respectable

accumulation of cash; which rendered her profession not altogether

one of necessityshe had actually donned a hat and feather; and

lowered her hitherto plainly looped…up hair; which now fell about

her shoulders in a profusion of curls。  Poor Dick was astonished:

he had never seen her look so distractingly beautiful before; save

on Christmas…eve; when her hair was in the same luxuriant condition

of freedom。  But his first burst of delighted surprise was followed

by less comfortable feelings; as soon as his brain recovered its

power to think。

Fancy had blushed;was it with confusion?  She had also

involuntarily pressed back her curls。  She had not expected him。

〃Fancy; you didn't know me for a moment in my funeral clothes; did


〃Good…morning; Dickno; really; I didn't know you for an instant in

such a sad suit。〃

He looked again at the gay tresses and hat。  〃You've never dressed

so charming before; dearest。〃

〃I like to hear you praise me in that way; Dick;〃 she said; smiling

archly。  〃It is meat and drink to a woman。  Do I look nice really?〃

〃Fie! you know it。  Did you remember;I mean didn't you remember

about my going away to…day?〃

〃Well; yes; I did; Dick; but; you know; I wanted to look well;

forgive me。〃

〃Yes; darling; yes; of course;there's nothing to forgive。  No; I

was only thinking that when we talked on Tuesday and Wednesday and

Thursday and Friday about my absence to…day; and I was so sorry for

it; you said; Fancy; so were you sorry; and almost cried; and said

it would be no pleasure to you to be the attraction of the church

to…day; since I could not be there。〃

〃My dear one; neither will it be so much pleasure to me 。 。 。 But I

do take a little delight in my life; I suppose;〃 she pouted。

〃Apart from mine?〃

She looked at him with perplexed eyes。  〃I know you are vexed with

me; Dick; and it is because the first Sunday I have curls and a hat

and feather since I have been here happens to be the very day you

are away and won't be with me。  Yes; say it is; for that is it!  And

you think that all this week I ought to have remembered you wouldn't

be here to…day; and not have cared to be better dressed than usual。

Yes; you do; Dick; and it is rather unkind!〃

〃No; no;〃 said Dick earnestly and simply; 〃I didn't think so badly

of you as that。  I only thought thatif YOU had been going away; I

shouldn't have tried new attractions for the eyes of other people。

But then of course you and I are different; naturally。〃

〃Well; perhaps we are。〃

〃Whatever will the vicar say; Fancy?〃

〃I don't fear what he says in the least!〃 she answered proudly。

〃But he won't say anything of the sort you think。  No; no。〃

〃He can hardly have conscience to; indeed。〃

〃Now come; you say; Dick; that you quite forgive me; for I must go;〃

she said with sudden gaiety; and skipped backwards into the porch。

〃Come here; sir;say you forgive me; and then you shall kiss me;

you never have yet when I have worn curls; you know。  Yes; just

where you want to so much;yes; you may!〃

Dick followed her into the inner corner; where he was probably not

slow in availing himself of the privilege offered。

〃Now that's a treat for you; isn't it?〃 she continued。  〃Good…bye;

or I shall be late。  Come and see me to…morrow:  you'll be tired to


Thus they parted; and Fancy proceeded to the church。  The organ

stood on one side of the chancel; close to and under the immediate

eye of the vicar when he was in the pulpit; and also in full view of

the congregation。  Here she sat down; for the first time in such a

conspicuous position; her seat having previously been in a remote

spot in the aisle。

〃Good heavensdisgraceful!  Curls and a hat and feather!〃 said the

daughters of the small gentry; who had either only curly hair

without a hat and feather; or a hat and feather without curly hair。

〃A bonnet for church always;〃 said sober matrons。

That Mr。 Maybold was conscious of her presence close beside him

during the sermon; that he was not at all angry at her development

of costume; that he admired her; she perceived。  But she did not see

that he loved her during that sermon…time as he had never loved a

woman before; that her proximity was a strange delight to him; and

that he gloried in her musical success that morning in a spirit

quite beyond a mere cleric's glory at the inauguration of a new

order of things。

The old choir; with humbled hearts; no longer took their seats in

the gallery as heretofore (which was now given up to the school…

children who were not singers; and a pupil…teacher); but were

scattered about with their wives in different parts of the church。

Having nothing to do with conducting the service for almost the

first time in their lives; they all felt awkward; out of place;

abashed; and inconvenienced by their hands。  The tranter had

proposed that they should stay away to…day and go nutting; but

grandfather William would not hear of such a thing for a moment。

〃No;〃 he replied reproachfully; and quoted a verse 〃Though this has

come upon us; let not our hearts be turned 

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