旅游时代 2005年05期-第3章
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理论之4 卡朱拉霍的工匠们可能只是在用石刻表现他们那个时代的社会风貌。或许昌德拉王朝是一个道德松弛的世俗社会,浮雕上的画面在当时并不被认为是淫乱、堕落和猥亵,而是日常的、优美的、欢快的场面。在清坚决绝的一神教信仰征服世界以前,或许人类确曾有过所谓“纯真的童年”。
卡朱拉霍寺庙的性爱雕刻其实无关色情,纯粹只是一种想象艺术或宗教形式。尽管世人对于这些雕刻的主题和动机,提出许多不同见解,但是没有人可以否认卡朱拉霍寺庙的雕刻, 无论形状、线条、姿势、体态、都是精美绝伦的艺术创作。
印度著名诗人泰戈尔说过,“中国和印度是极老而又极亲爱的兄弟”。早在盛唐的风雨中;一灯一竹篓;一伞一草鞋的玄奘就曾一步步的;用他的足迹连接了如同神话中一般的两个东方神秘国度。从此,旅游、文化、经济、饮食……彼此的渗透深入骨髓。 中印建交55周年之际,我们除了缅怀那位遥远的民间大使玄奘,更想倾听来自印度现代使者的声音。因此,本刊记者特地专访了印度驻华大使苏理宁(NALIN SURIE)先生。
TOURISM TIMES(以下简称T): Do you have interest in Chinese ancient history? Do you think that both China and India; through their cultural exchanges have influenced each other? If so; in which aspects。 旅游时代:大使先生,您对中国古代文明感兴趣吗?在您的眼中,中印文明有互相渗透及影响的地方吗?您觉得是哪些呢? SURIE:India and China are neighbours and we have interacted over the centuries。 I have read a little on Chinese history both out of interest and also because of the requirements of my professional career。 I believe that in the past; our interaction was not only substantial but has left a lasting impact on our cultures and day to day life that is not only visible today but is also very relevant today。 As one example I would like to recall the journey of Buddhism from India to China。 As part of this journey there was movement of scholars from both sides and their works have left a deep impact in both our countries。 For our part; as part of this interaction we have received many things from China including in day to day life。 Examples which immediately e to mind are tea; refined sugar; brocade; fishing nets etc。 Both our countries have agreed that we need to strengthen cultural exchanges。 This was an aspect that was highlighted during Premier Wen Jiabao痵 recent visit to India。 We will be building an Indian style Buddhist temple in Luoyang outside the White Horse temple。 There are going to be youth exchanges。 We would like to establish our Cultural Centre in Beijing。 Cultural tourism between our two countries has great potential and needs to be actively encouraged。 苏里宁:中国和印度是友好邻邦,我们已经彼此影响了几个世纪。我曾经读过一些关于中国历史的书籍,不仅仅是出于兴趣,也是我作为大使职业方面的需要。我相信,过去两国之间的相互交流和影响所建立起来的关系不仅在当时是坚不可摧的,直到今天,这些文化的渗透还在无形中影响着人们的生活,比如当年佛教从印度传入中国。在这个过程中间,正是当时两国学者间的彼此学习和交流给后世带来了深远的影响。对于我们印度人来说,这些影响至今在我们的日常生活中还可以深切地感受到,我随口就可以举出一些,譬如茶、绵白糖、织锦、中国渔网等等。 我们两国都认为应该加强彼此间的文化交流。这也是温总理在印度访问期间被突出强调的部分。我们将在洛阳白马寺外建一座印度佛教寺塔。这只是我们初期的合作,我们更希望可以在北京建立起我们的文化中心。我相信,两国间的旅游文化有着巨大的发展潜力并且也需要我们做出更多的努力。 T:Premier Wen Jiabao has just visited India。 What agreement was signed during his visit to promote cooperation in the fields of tourism and culture? 旅游时代:我们国家的温家宝总理近期刚刚访问了贵国,作为中国的百姓也很关注两个大国之间的对话。在温总理访印期间,两国在旅游文化领域方面会有哪些合作 ? SURIE:Premier Wen Jiabao’s visit to India was very successful。 A number of agreements were signed that will help further develop and diversify our bilateral relationship。 Several of these agreements will have a direct impact on developing cultural and tourist interaction between our two countries。 These include agreements on enhancement of civil aviation links; construction of an Indian style Buddhist temple in Luoyang (Henan) and the establishment of a Joint Film mission。 苏里宁:温家宝总理对印度这次的访问是非常成功的。在访问期间,两国就促进未来双边关系发展达成了一系列的共识并签署了协议。其中很大一部分刚签署的协定将直接促进到两国的旅游文化交流发展。这些协定包括增加民航线路及航班,在河南洛阳建造一座印度风格的佛教寺庙以及成立一个电影合作委员会。 T:India has 28 world heritage sites。 How does Government of India and Indian people protect these? 旅游时代:我们知道印度已经有28个世界自然文化遗产,印度政府在印度世界文化遗产保护方面的方法以及经验是举世闻名的,我们非常想请您介绍一下。另外,我们也想知道印度百姓对国家文化遗产的保护做出了哪些努力? SURIE:We are very proud of our cultural heritage。 In fact many of our ancient monuments such as temples are still in use。 The Archaeological Survey of India; which is one of the main organizations responsible in this matter; has wide experience in preservation and restoration of cultural heritage sites。 It manages a large number of cultural heritage sites and lays down the guidelines for use of the sites and its surrounding environs。 In case of heritage sites which are environmentally fragile; no vehicular pollution is permitted; in the vicinity of such sites。 In addition; no mercial activities are also permitted in close proximity of such monuments。 苏里宁:说到这里,我真的非常开心。我们为我们拥有如此多的文化遗产而感到自豪。事实上,我们国家很多历史遗存,譬如一些寺庙,直到今天都还在使用。在保护与修复文化遗产方面,印度考古研究所是主要政府机构之一,有着非常丰富的经验。它管理着大批的文化遗产,并负责制定、规划遗产的开发利用及周边环境的监控和保护。如果某处文化遗产环境非常脆弱,那么,任何有可能污染这些遗迹附近环境的活动都会被禁止。此外,任何近距离接触这些文化遗迹的商业活动也是不被允许的,以免对不可再生的历史文化遗产造成不可弥补的破坏。