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小说: 专门替中国人写的英语文法 字数: 每页3500字

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I          (invite) to a dancing party last week。 The music          (be) so noisy。 I          (leave) the party as early as I          (can)。
Did you          (write) that report? Yes; it          (write) by me。
He          (not like) music when he was a child。 After he          (get) into college; he          (teach) by a good music professor。 Now; he          (enjoy) music very much and          (listen) to classical music every morning。
I          (buy) a red car yesterday。 It          (make) in Japan。 It will __________ (deliver) to me tomorrow。
I          (not go) to school yesterday because my bicycle          (steal)。
I          (buy) a new bike yesterday。
Where          (do) you go last night? I          (can) not          (find) you。 You          (see) by no one。
A:           (do) he          (smoke)?
B: No; he          (do not)。 Smoking has never          (try) by him。
Was the book          (write) by him?
I          (buy) three books lately。 One          (write) by Graham Greene。
I          (finish) reading it。 There          (be) many interesting stories in it。
*This is a book which wrote by Dickens。
*Are the music enjoyed by those elderly people?
*When are you visited by your father yesterday?
*This book written by John。
*He is invited to e to my home by my father yesterday。
*This house is built in 1913。
*This letter was wrote by him。
*This letter has never finished。
*Was you given a book?
*I have never called by my father。 I always call him first。

第九章 动词如何转换成名词     动名词(Gerund)和不定词(Infinitive)
9§1 问题的来源
*Sing is good for you。   或者是  *I like sing。
9§2 动名词(Gerund)
I like singing。
Playing basketball is good for you。
Do you enjoy listening to classical music?
Is traveling around the world meaningful to you?
Studying English is not difficult。
Playing tennis is enjoyed by many people。
Taking drugs is avoided by most people。
eing kind to others is important for every one。
Respecting your parents shows good character。
I enjoy studying English。
He does not mind walking long distances。
I have never enjoyed being alone in my life。
He loves swimming。
3。动名词可以用作介系词(preposition)的受词,英文里有很多介系词,at; in; about; of; on等等都是介系词,介系词后面必定跟一个名词,也是它的受词,举例来说
on the table
in my home
about Hitler
of my life
on this island
This book is about traveling。
He is responsible for cleaning the kitchen。
My brother is capable of writing programs。
You just keep on going straight。
Instead of swimming; he walks every morning。
He likes walking in the woods。
Are you interested in playing tennis?
Loving is to be kind to others。
Reading is important to students。
In addition to traveling; he also likes reading novels。
You will be happy by helping others。
He is worried about being late。
I finished writing the report yesterday。
They thanked me for lending them money。
He has never finished writing the novel。
She is in change of teaching English in our school。
My father objected to my going to the summer camp。
Please stop joking about my brother。
I look forward to seeing you。
He has never enjoyed traveling。
She was excited about going abroad。
I consider gambling a bad thing to do。
I have never dreamed of flying an airplane。
He suggested talking to our teacher。
I believe in doing some kind of exercise every day。
Playing the piano is no fun at all。
Nancy is accustomed to sleeping late。
Are you tired of driving for so long?
You should forgive others for doing wrong things。
He insists on getting up early every morning。
Thank you for participating in my concert。
He is used to studying alone。
They are not used to speaking English。
He is accustomed to being polite to others。
I object to seeing dirty movies。
You should take advantage of studying in such a good place。
1。*Play tennis is fun。
2。*I hate swim。
3。*Stop talk about me。
4。*In addition to read interesting books; you should also watch TV from time to time。
5。*I am not interested in swim。
6。*He talks about go to America。
7。*I believe in do exercise every day。
8。*The cost of transfer a student to another school is very high。
9。*Please forgive me for make this mistake。
10。*Swim keeps me from getting cold。
1。 I am interested            (listen)            to music。
2。 Please forgive me            (be)            so late。
3。 In addition            (study)            ; you should also have some exercises every day。
4。 We talked            (build)            a house next year。
5。 Thank you            (help)            me。
6。 He is excited            (travel)            to Japan。
7。 I am looking forward            (meet)            you。
8。 He insists            (talk)            to me personally。
9。 I believe            (exercise)            every day。
10。 Did you participate            that (swim)            match。
11。 He was not used            (listen)            to classic music。
12。 My mother objected            (visit)            my aunt tomorrow。
13。 I am not accustomed            (go)            to bed so late。
14。 I am interested            (swim)           。
15。 Are you responsible            (write)            this report?
16。 He is excited            (see) me tomorrow。
17。 He is looking forward             (see) that movie。
18。 I am not used            (hear)            that kind of noise。
19。 You should take advantage            (have)            such a good family。
20。He is in charge            (send)            students to other schools。
4。我们昨天谈到(talk about)教英文的事。
5。我不习惯(be not used to)抽烟。
6。我反对(object to)在公开场合哭泣(cry in public)。
7。除了游泳以外,他还应该打棒球(用in addition to)。
8。他可以(be capable of)每天跑一公里。
9。他负责(be in charge of)找寻一个好的地方。
10。我已习惯了(be accustomed to)早起。
9§3 不定词(Infinitives)
  不定词=to+动词的原式。例如to go; to love; to eat等等,都是不定词,不定词和动名词的用法相似,以下全是用不定词用作名词的例子:
To love is to forgive。
To forgive your enemies will make you happy。
I like to eat chicken。
I asked my brother to e here。
He continued to read。
*I am interested in to play piano。
*He is worried about to go abroad。
*I am in charge of to prepare for the party。
To play tennis is great fun。
To play safe in the stock market is necessary。
To be kind to others is important for every one。
To respect your parents shows good character。
I like to swim。
He loves to listen to jokes。
My brother seems to be different。
I agree to lend him money。
Do you like to sing?
I told him to work hard。
I asked my brother to e back home。
He expects his friends to help him。
My teacher told me to wait for him。
I invited my sister to go to see a movie。
He was told to work hard。
My brother was asked to e back home。
His friend is expected to help me。
I was told by my teacher to wait。
My sister was invited to go to see a movie。
To give is more meaningful than to receive。
I love to swim in cold weather。
He agreed to listen to my story。
He decided to go anyway。
I told him to buy my book。
I invited him to e to my house。
I asked him to cook for me tonight。
Students are asked to work hard。
He needs to work hard。
I want you to send this letter to my father。
He requires every student to read one novel every week。
Every student is required to read one novel every week。
  有些动词后面可以跟动名词或不定词:love; like; hate; start; begin;以下的动词,后面只能跟动名词:
I enjoy eating good food。
I appreciate your being kind to others。
You should avoid making mistakes。
keep on
Keep on working hard。
Keep singing。
He considered leaving home。
He finished writing this book。
May I suggest drinking a cup of coffee?
We discussed traveling to New Zealand。
I agree to sign this letter。
He plans to go away。
They want to rent a car。
He decided to work hard。
He seems to be very happy。
He appears to be very sad。
     stop smoking  指不再抽烟了
     stop to smoke  指停下来,开始抽烟
9§4 动名词和不定词的被动和否定形式
Everyone likes to be loved。
This cup needs to be washed。
Being trusted is important。
I told him not to leave this house。
He asked me not to cry。
I was told not to fall asleep in class。
To be given a good gift on Christmas Eve makes me happy。
Being invited to that party is a great honor to me。
1。 I enjoy          (listen) to rock and roll music。
2。 I asked him          (go) away。
3。 He was asked          (leave)。
4。 I suggest          (have) some fun。
5。 He seems          (be) a kind person。
6。 You appear          (be) quite tired。
7。 I told him          (have) a cup of wine。
8。 I invited him          (e) over。
9。 Every one of you is required          (work) hard。
10。 Do you like          (swim)?
11。 I ordered him          (read) my book。
12。 I was expected          (write) a letter to you。
13。 He asked me          (read) this letter to him。
14。 Please keep          (talk) to me。
15。 Stop          (drive) s fast。 It is dangerous to drive too fast。
16。 I hate          (smoke)。
17。          (pass) the test is important。
18。          (work) hard is the key to success。
19。 My wife asked me to          (bring) some flowers home。
20。 He avoided          (tell) lies。

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