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the religion of babylonia and assyria-第7章

小说: the religion of babylonia and assyria 字数: 每页3500字

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nd other less important shrines; the Assyrians sometimes name Bêltu the spouse of A??ur; their national god; suggesting an identification; in the minds of the priests; with that deity。

                        ênu…rê?tu or Nirig。'*'

Whether /ênu…rê?tu/ be a translation of /Nirig/ or not; is uncertain; but not improbable; the meaning being 〃primeval lord;〃 or something similar; and 〃lord〃 that of the first element; /ni/; in the Sumerian form。 In support of this reading and rendering may be quoted the fact; that one of the descriptions of this divinity is /a?sarid ?lani ahê…?u/; 〃the eldest of the gods his brothers。〃 It is noteworthy that this deity was a special favourite among the Assyrians; many of whose kings; to say nothing of private persons; bore his name as a component part of theirs。 In the bilingual poem entitled /Ana…kime gimma/ (〃Formed like Anu〃); he is described as being the son of Bel (hence his appearance after Bel in the list printed above); and in the likeness of Anu; for which reason; perhaps; his divinity is called 〃Anuship。〃 Beginning with words praising him; it seems to refer to his attitude towards the gods of hostile lands; against whom; apparently; he rode in a chariot of the sacred lapis…lazuli。 Anu having endowed him with terrible glory; the gods of the earth feared to attack him; and his onrush was as that of a storm…flood。 By the command of Bel; his course was directed towards ê…kur; the temple of Bel at Niffur。 Here he was met by Nusku; the supreme messenger of Bel; who; with words of respect and of praise; asks him not to disturb the god Bel; his father; in his seat; nor make the gods of the earth tremble in Up?ukennaku (the heavenly festival…hall of the gods); and offers him a gift。'?' It will thus be seen that ênu…rê?tu was a rival to the older Bel; whose temple was the great tower in stages called ê…kura; in which; in all probability; ê…?u…me…du; the shrine of ênu…rê?tu; was likewise situated。 The inscriptions call him 〃god of war;〃 though; unlike Nergal; he was not at the same time god of disease and pestilence。 To all appearance he was the god of the various kinds of stones; of which another legend states that he 〃determined their fate。〃 He was 〃the hero; whose net overthrows the enemy; who summons his army to plunder the hostile land; the royal son who caused his father to bow down to him from afar。〃 〃The son who sat not with the nurse; and eschewed(?) the strength of milk;〃 〃the offspring who did not know his father。〃 〃He rode over the mountains and scattered seedunanimously the plants proclaimed his name to their dominion; among them like a great wild bull he raises his horns。〃

'*' /ênu…rê?tu/ is the reading which I have adopted as the Semitic     Babylonian equivalent of the name of this divinity; in consequence     of the Aramaic transcription given by certain contract…tablets     discovered by the American expedition to Niffer; and published by     Prof。 Clay of Philadelphia。

'?' The result of this request is not known; in consequence of the     defective state of the tablets。

Many other interesting descriptions of the deity Nirig (generally read Nin…ip) occur; and show; with those quoted here; that his story was one of more than ordinary interest。


This deity was especially invoked by the Assyrian kings; but was in no wise exclusively Assyrian; as is shown by the fact that his name occurs in many Babylonian inscriptions。 He was the great messenger of the gods; and is variously given as 〃the offspring of the abyss; the creation of êa;〃 and 〃the likeness of his father; the first…born of Bel。〃 As Gibil; the fire…god; has likewise the same diverse parentage; it is regarded as likely that these two gods were identical。 Nusku was the god whose command is supreme; the counsellor of the great gods; the protector of the Igigi (the gods of the heavens); the great and powerful one; the glorious day; the burning one; the founder of cities; the renewer of sanctuaries; the provider of feasts for all the Igigi; without whom no feast took place in ê…kura。 Like Nebo; he bore the glorious spectre; and it was said of him that he attacked mightily in battle。 Without him the sun…god; the judge; could not give judgment。

All this points to the probability; that Nusku may not have been the fire…god; but the brother of the fire…god; i。e。 either flame; or the light of fire。 The sun…god; without light; could not see; and therefore could not give judgment: no feast could be prepared without fire and its flame。 As the evidence of the presence of the shining orbs in the heavensthe light of their fireshe was the messenger of the gods; and was honoured accordingly。 From this idea; too; he became their messenger in general; especially of Bel…Merodach; the younger Bel; whose requests he carried to the god êa in the Deep。 In one inscription he is identified with Nirig or ênu…rê?tu; who is described above。


Concerning this god; and how he arose to the position of king of all the gods of heaven; has been fully shown in chapter III。 Though there is but little in his attributes to indicate any connection with ?ama?; there is hardly any doubt that he was originally a sun…god; as is shown by the etymology of his name。 The form; as it has been handed down to us; is somewhat shortened; the original pronunciation having been /Amar…uduk/; 〃the young steer of day;〃 a name which suggests that he was the morning sun。 Of the four names given at the end of chapter III。; two〃lord of Babylon;〃 and 〃lord god of heaven and earth;〃may be regarded as expressing his more well…known attributes。 /En…ab…?ar… u/; however; is a provisional; though not impossible; reading and rendering; and if correct; the 〃36;000 wild bulls〃 would be a metaphorical way of speaking of 〃the 36;000 heroes;〃 probably meaning the gods of heaven in all their grades。 The signification of /En… bilulu/ is unknown。 Like most of the other gods of the Babylonian pantheon; however; Merodach had many other names; among which may be mentioned /Asari/; which has been compared with the Egyptian Osiris; /Asari…lu…duga/; 〃/Asari/ who is good;〃 compared with Osiris Unnefer; /Namtila/; 〃life〃; /Tutu/; 〃begetter (of the gods); renewer (of the gods);〃 /?ar…azaga/; 〃the glorious incantation;〃 /Mu…azaga/; 〃the glorious charm;〃 and many others。 The last two refer to his being the god who; by his kindness; obtained from his father êa; dwelling in the abyss; those charms and incantations which benefited mankind; and restored the sick to health。 In this connection; a frequent title given to him is 〃the merciful one;〃 but most merciful was he in that he spared the lives of the gods who; having sided with Taiwath; were his enemies; as is related in the tablet of the fifty…one names。 In connection with the fight he bore also the names; 〃annihilator of the enemy;〃 〃rooter out of all evil;〃 〃troubler of the evil ones;〃 〃life of the whole of the gods。〃 From these names it is clear that Merodach; in defeating Tiawath; annihilated; at the same time; the spirit of evil; Satan; the accuser; of which she was; probably; the Babylonian type。 But unlike the Saviour in the Christian creed; he saved not only man; at that time uncreated; but the gods of heaven also。 As 〃king of the heavens;〃 he was identified with the largest of the planets; Jupiter; as well as with other heavenly bodies。 Traversing the sky in great zigzags; Jupiter seemed to the Babylonians to superintend the stars; and this was regarded as emblematic of Merodach shepherding them〃pasturing the gods like sheep;〃 as the tablet has it。

A long list of gods gives as it were the court of Merodach; held in what was apparently a heavenly /ê…sagila/; and among the spiritual beings mentioned are /Mina…?kul…bêli/ and /Mina…i?t?…bêli/; 〃what my lord has eaten;〃 and 〃what has my lord drunk;〃 /Nadin…mê…gati/; 〃he who gives water for the hands;〃 also the two door…keepers; and the four dogs of Merodach; wherein people are inclined to see the four satellites of Jupiter; which; it is thought; were probably visible to certain of the more sharp…sighted stargazers of ancient Babylonia。 These dogs were called /Ukkumu/; /Akkulu/; /Ik?suda/; and /Iltebu/; 〃Seizer;〃 〃Eater;〃 〃Grasper;〃 and 〃Holder。〃 Images of these beings were probably kept in the temple of ê…sagila at Babylon。


This was the name of the consort of Merodach; and is generally read Sarp(b)anituma transcription which is against the native orthography and etymology; namely; 〃seed…creatress〃 (Zer…ban?tum)。 The meaning attributed to this word is partly confirmed by another name which Lehmann has pointed out that she possessed; namely; /Erua/ or /Aru'a/; who; in an inscription of Antiochus Soter (280…260 B。C。) is called 〃the queen who produces birth;〃 but more especially by the circumstance; that she must be identical with Aruru; who created the seed of mankind along with Merodach。 Why she was called 〃the lady of the abyss;〃 and elsewhere 〃the voice of the abyss〃 (/Me…abzu/) is not known。 Zer…pan?tum was no mere reflection of Merodach; but one of the most important goddesses in the Babylonian pantheon。 The tendency of scholars has been to identify her with the moon; Merodach being a solar deity and the meaning 〃silvery〃/Sarpanitum/; from /sarpu/; one of the words for 〃silver;〃 was regarded as supporting this idea。 She was identified with the Elamite goddess named Elagu; and with the Lahamum of the island of Bahrein; the Babylonian Tilmun。

                          Nebo and Ta?mêtum。

As 〃the teacher〃 and 〃the hearer〃 these were among the most popular of the deities of Babylonia and Assyria。 Nebo (in Semitic Babylonian Nab?) was worshipped at the temple…tower known as ê…zida; 〃the ever… lasting house;〃 at Borsippa; now the Birs Nimroud; traditionally regarded as the site of the Tower of Babel; though that title; as has already been shown; would best suit the similar structure known as ê…sagila; 〃the house of the high head;〃 in Babylon itself。 In composition with men's names; this deity occurs more than any other; even including Merodach himselfa clear indication of the estimation in which the Babylonians and Assyrians held the possession of knowledge。 The character with which his name is written means; with the pronunciation of /ak/; 〃to make;〃 〃to create;〃 〃to receive;〃 〃to proclaim;〃 and with the pronunciation of /me/; 〃to be wise;〃 〃wisdom;〃 〃open of ear;〃 〃broad of ear;〃 and 〃to make; of a house;〃 the last probably referring to the design rather than to the actual building。 Under the name of /Dim…?ara/ he was 〃the creator of the writing of the scribes;〃 as /Ni…zu/; 〃the god who knows〃 (/zu/; 〃to know〃); as /Mermer/; 〃the speeder(?) of the command of the gods〃on the Sumerian side indicating some connection with Addu or Rimmon; the thunderer; and on the Semitic side with ênu…rê?tu; who was one of the gods' messengers。 A small fragment in the British Museum gave his attributes as god of the various cities of Babylonia; but unfortunately their names are lost or incomplete。 From what remains; however; we see that Nebo was god of ditching(?); commerce(?); granaries(?); fasting(?); and food; it was he who overthrew the land of the e

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