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the works of edgar allan poe-1-第36章

小说: the works of edgar allan poe-1 字数: 每页3500字

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assumption; then; amounts precisely to this … that the murder was not 
committed on Sunday at all … and; if we allow L'Etoile to assume 
this; we may permit it any liberties whatever。 The paragraph 
beginning 'It is folly to suppose that the murder; etc。;' however it 
appears as printed in L'Etoile; may be imagined to have existed 
actually thus in the brain of its inditer … 'It is folly to suppose 
that the murder; if murder was committed on the body; could have been 
committed soon enough to have enabled her murderers to throw the body 
into the river before midnight; it is folly; we say; to suppose all 
this; and to suppose at the same time; (as we are resolved to 
suppose;) that the body was not thrown in until after midnight'  a 
sentence sufficiently inconsequential in itself; but not so utterly 
preposterous as the one printed。 

〃Were it my purpose;〃 continued Dupin; 〃merely to _make out a case_ 
against this passage of L'Etoile's argument; I might safely leave it 
where it is。 It is not; however; with L'Etoile that we have to do; 
but with the truth。 The sentence in question has but one meaning; as 
it stands; and this meaning I have fairly stated: but it is material 
that we go behind the mere words; for an idea which these words have 
obviously intended; and failed to convey。 It was the design of the 
journalist to say that; at whatever period of the day or night of 
Sunday this murder was committed; it was improbable that the 
assassins would have ventured to bear the corpse to the river before 
midnight。 And herein lies; really; the assumption of which I 
complain。 It is assumed that the murder was committed at such a 
position; and under such circumstances; that the bearing it to the 
river became necessary。 Now; the assassination might have taken place 
upon the river's brink; or on the river itself; and; thus; the 
throwing the corpse in the water might have been resorted to; at any 
period of the day or night; as the most obvious and most immediate 
mode of disposal。 You will understand that I suggest nothing here as 
probable; or as c鰅ncident with my own opinion。 My design; so far; 
has no reference to the facts of the case。 I wish merely to caution 
you against the whole tone of L'Etoile's suggestion; by calling your 
attention to its ex parte character at the outset。 

〃Having prescribed thus a limit to suit its own preconceived notions; 
having assumed that; if this were the body of Marie; it could have 
been in the water but a very brief time; the journal goes on to say: 

'All experience has shown that drowned bodies; or bodies thrown into 
the water immediately after death by violence; require from six to 
ten days for sufficient decomposition to take place to bring them to 
the top of the water。 Even when a cannon is fired over a corpse; and 
it rises before at least five or six days' immersion; it sinks again 
if let alone。' 

〃These assertions have been tacitly received by every paper in Paris; 
with the exception of Le Moniteur。 {*15} This latter print endeavors 
to combat that portion of the paragraph which has reference to 
'drowned bodies' only; by citing some five or six instances in which 
the bodies of individuals known to be drowned were found floating 
after the lapse of less time than is insisted upon by L'Etoile。 But 
there is something excessively unphilosophical in the attempt on the 
part of Le Moniteur; to rebut the general assertion of L'Etoile; by a 
citation of particular instances militating against that assertion。 
Had it been possible to adduce fifty instead of five examples of 
bodies found floating at the end of two or three days; these fifty 
examples could still have been properly regarded only as exceptions 
to L'Etoile's rule; until such time as the rule itself should be 
confuted。 Admitting the rule; (and this Le Moniteur does not deny; 
insisting merely upon its exceptions;) the argument of L'Etoile is 
suffered to remain in full force; for this argument does not pretend 
to involve more than a question of the probability of the body having 
risen to the surface in less than three days; and this probability 
will be in favor of L'Etoile's position until the instances so 
childishly adduced shall be sufficient in number to establish an 
antagonistical rule。 

〃You will see at once that all argument upon this head should be 
urged; if at all; against the rule itself; and for this end we must 
examine the rationale of the rule。 Now the human body; in general; is 
neither much lighter nor much heavier than the water of the Seine; 
that is to say; the specific gravity of the human body; in its 
natural condition; is about equal to the bulk of fresh water which it 
displaces。 The bodies of fat and fleshy persons; with small bones; 
and of women generally; are lighter than those of the lean and 
large…boned; and of men; and the specific gravity of the water of a 
river is somewhat influenced by the presence of the tide from sea。 
But; leaving this tide out of question; it may be said that very few 
human bodies will sink at all; even in fresh water; of their own 
accord。 Almost any one; falling into a river; will be enabled to 
float; if he suffer the specific gravity of the water fairly to be 
adduced in comparison with his own … that is to say; if he suffer his 
whole person to be immersed; with as little exception as possible。 
The proper position for one who cannot swim; is the upright position 
of the walker on land; with the head thrown fully back; and immersed; 
the mouth and nostrils alone remaining above the surface。 Thus 
circumstanced; we shall find that we float without difficulty and 
without exertion。 It is evident; however; that the gravities of the 
body; and of the bulk of water displaced; are very nicely balanced; 
and that a trifle will cause either to preponderate。 An arm; for 
instance; uplifted from the water; and thus deprived of its support; 
is an additional weight sufficient to immerse the whole head; while 
the accidental aid of the smallest piece of timber will enable us to 
elevate the head so as to look about。 Now; in the struggles of one 
unused to swimming; the arms are invariably thrown upwards; while an 
attempt is made to keep the head in its usual perpendicular position。 
The result is the immersion of the mouth and nostrils; and the 
inception; during efforts to breathe while beneath the surface; of 
water into the lungs。 Much is also received into the stomach; and the 
whole body becomes heavier by the difference between the weight of 
the air originally distending these cavities; and that of the fluid 
which now fills them。 This difference is sufficient to cause the body 
to sink; as a general rule; but is insufficient in the cases of 
individuals with small bones and an abnormal quantity of flaccid or 
fatty matter。 Such individuals float even after drowning。 

〃The corpse; being。 supposed at the bottom of the river; will there 
remain until; by some means; its specific gravity again becomes less 
than that of the bulk of water which it displaces。 This effect is 
brought about by decomposition; or otherwise。 The result of 
decomposition is the generation of gas; distending the cellular 
tissues and all the cavities; and giving the puffedappearance which 
is to horrible。 When this distension has so far progressed that the 
bulk of the corpse is materially increased with。 out a corresponding 
increase of mass or weight; its specific gravity becomes less than 
that of the water displaced; and it forthwith makes its appearance at 
the surface。 But decomposition is modified by innumerable 
circumstances … is hastened or retarded by innumerable agencies; for 
example; by the heat or cold of the season; by the mineral 
impregnation or purity of the water; by its depth or shallowness; by 
its currency or stagnation; by the temperament of the body; by its 
infection or freedom from disease before death。 Thus it is evident 
that we can assign no period; with any thing like accuracy; at which 
the corpse shall rise through decomposition。 Under certain conditions 
this result would be brought about within an hour; under others; it 
might not take place at all。 There are chemical infusions by which 
the animal frame can be preserved foreverfrom corruption; the 
Bi…chloride of Mercury is one。 But; apart from decomposition; there 
may be; and very usually is; a generation of gas within the stomach; 
from the acetous fermentation of vegetable matter (or within other 
cavities from other causes) sufficient to induce a distension which 
will bring the body to the surface。 The effect produced by the firing 
of a cannon is that of simple vibration。 This may either loosen the 
corpse from the soft mud or ooze in which it is imbedded; thus 
permitting it to rise when other agencies have already prepared it 
for so doing; or it may overcome the tenacity of some putrescent 
portions of the cellular tissue; allowing the cavities to distend 
under the influence of the gas。 

〃Having thus before us the whole philosophy of this subject; we can 
easily test by it the assertions of L'Etoile。 'All experience shows;' 
says this paper; 'that drowned bodies; or bodies thrown into the 
water immediately after death by violence; require from six to ten 
days for sufficient decomposition to take place to bring them to the 
top of the water。 Even when a cannon is fired over a corpse; and it 
rises before at least five or six days' immersion; it sinks again if 
let alone。' 

〃The whole of this paragraph must now appear a tissue of 
inconsequence and incoherence。 All experience does not show that 
'drowned bodies' require from six to ten days for sufficient 
decomposition to take place to bring them to the surface。 Both 
science and experience show that the period of their rising is; and 
necessarily must be; indeterminate。 If; moreover; a body has risen to 
the surface through firing of cannon; it will not 'sink again if let 
alone;' until decomposition has so far progressed as to permit the 
escape of the generated gas。 But I wish to call your attention to the 
distinction which is made between 'drowned bodies;' and 'bodies 
thrown into the water immediately after death by violence。' Although 
the writer admits the distinction; he yet includes them all in the 
same category。 I have shown how it is that the body of a drowning man 
becomes specifically heavier than its bulk of water; and that he 
would not sink at all; except for the struggles by which he elevates 
his arms above the surface; and his gasps for breath while beneath 
the surface … gasps which supply by water the place of the original 
air in the lungs。 But these struggles and these gasps would not occur 
in the body 'thrown into the water immediately after death by 
violence。' Thus; in the latter instance; the body; as a general rule; 
would not sink at all … a fact of which L'Etoile is evidently 
ignorant。 When decomposition had proceeded to a very great extent … 
when the flesh had in a great measure left the bones … then; indeed; 
but not till then; should we lose sight of the corpse。 

〃And now what are we to make of the argument; that the body found 

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