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Movie Tunes 原声碟
Sister Suffragette
Cast off the shackles of yesterday  抛开昨天的束缚
Shoulder to shoulder into the fray   我们要去*
Our daughter's daughters will 
adore us ; and they'll  sing in grateful chorus  我们女儿的女儿会敬仰我们的,并且会为咱们唱一首颂歌
〃we'll done sister suffragette〃   加油吧!参政权姐姐!
#  cast off 抛开  #  shackle  束缚  #  shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 
#  fry 争论,辩论  #  a grateful chorus 一首颂歌

Action English    83
Movie dictionary 电影词典
American slang 美国俚语
Which seats him in the crazy but not stupid (片中)   crazy 疯了
例:He shouldn't drive his car so fast ; he's crazy; he's get into an accident someday。他不该开这么快的。他真是疯了!不定哪天得出事了。
     Are you crazy ? There's no way; I'm going out with her; she's ugly and she smells  (你疯了吗?我怎么能和她约会,她长得难看而且身上有种怪味道)
Classic film clips  经典对白    选自“Speed”生死时速
(1)You're the expert ; I just work here (片中)
I just work here 我只是干活的,不能做决定
例:I can't tell you how to run the pany; you're the boss; I just work here 。 我不知道如何经营公司。 你是老板,我只是个打工的。
Don't ask me how we choose the movies for this show; I just work here。          不要问我是如何为这个节目挑选影片的,我可作不了主。
(2)He's cutting it close做 。。。。。来不及(临时抱佛脚)
例:The test is tomorrow morning and we haven't even started study yet; that’s cutting it too close。 明早就测验了,咱们可还没开始复习哪。 咱们抓紧看看吧。
(3)I don't know ; Gut feeling (片中)  Gut feeling 预感
例:I have a gut feeling; she likes me; so I 'm gonna ask her out。
凭直觉,她喜欢我。  所以我要约她出去。
     I have a gut feeling; this landlord is honest; and so I think we should move in here。   我感觉这个房东挺厚道的。 所以我想咱们该搬进来吧。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Land of Million Drums   (鼓之地)
There is always something going on 
If you can't locate the way   might as well go on take you dead home 
In the land of a million drums   I catch a pattern that spits 
ring around you like Saturn。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
#  pattern 节奏   #  Saturn  火星   #  spits rings 无数的光环 
In the land of a million drums    在鼓之地中 
  I catch a pattern that spits rings around you like Saturn 。   无数个鼓点儿像火星光环一样围绕在你的周围~~~~~ 

@@@不好意思,今天jean哥哥在讲时,我没有反应过来,还在等着单词的出现,可是结束后,我才猛然回想起,原来jean哥哥在一开头就说:今天要讲的是一个概念,而不是词汇。所以没能记下美国四大电影学院(还是机构?) 现在特地奉上美国八大电影公司来弥补。
    1、华纳(WarnerBros')    2、哥伦比亚(Colombia) 
    3、20世纪福斯(20thCenturyFOX)   4、派拉蒙(Paramount) 
    5、环球(Universal)     6A(UnitedArtist)(007) 
    7、MGM(MetroDogwynMayer)  8、华德迪斯尼(WaltDisney)
20th Century Fox二十世纪福斯foxhome/index_frames。html
Columbia Tristar 哥伦比亚三星 columbiatristarfilms/ 
MGM Motion Pictures 米高梅 mgm/home。do
New Line Cinema 新线 newline/
Paramount Motion Pictures 派拉蒙 paramount/
Universal Pictures 环球 universalstudios/index。php
Walt Disney Studios 华特迪斯尼disney。go/DisneyPictures/main。html
Warner Brothers Movies 华纳兄弟 www2。warnerbros/web/main/index。jsp
另  Sony Pictures Entertainment 新力 sonypictures/
Miramax 米拉麦克斯 miramax/

Action English   84
Movie dictionary 电影词典
short movie 短片
American slang 美国俚语
Pop quiz; hot shot (片中)  hot shot 自大狂、自以为是的人
例:Ok; hot shot ; If you're so good at picking up women why don't you go talk to that group of models。  那么好吧,自大的哥们儿!既然你那么会追女人,为什么不去尝试一下那些模特呢?
     I know you're a good tennis player ; hot shot ; you don't have to remind me that you won the champion everytime I saw you。  我知道你是个好网球手。但你可别太傲,每次见到我时没必要总提醒我你曾获过冠军杯吧!
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)You've got blinders on to the world (片中)
#   shot the hostage 向人质射击
blinders on to the world 看不到周围发生的事情,对周围的事情都不知道  (事不关己,高高挂起)
例:Don't you know that today's a holiday or have you got blinders on to the world。 难道你不知道今天是节日吗?不要一副事不关己,高高挂起的样子!
(2)It's my nest egg (片中)
nest egg    two means  :养老金;父母为了孩子上大学,或者买房子,车存的钱。(存款)
例:We've been building out nest egg for years ; it wouldn't be wise to waste it on a bad investment 。把多年的积蓄投资在这上面是不明智的!
(3)At my age ;you gotta think ahead (片中)think ahead 早做打算
例:If you wanna have enough money for retirement you gotta think ahead and start saving now。  你若想在退休时有足够的钱,那得提早下手了,现在开始就得节省。 
Movie Tunes 原声碟
It's A Mystery  (故弄玄虚)
Open up your mystery book to chapter one verse three ; the part about you and me ; and the way our eyes met at the intersection that day 。。。。。。把书翻到第一章第三节,内容是关于我们的过去,那天,我们目光交错,汇合在十字路口。
#  mystery   it means sth is plicated ;and you don’t know the answer   神秘
#  chapter    it means numbered division of a book   章节
#  verse    it means (form of) writing arranged in lines 。诗体(用于圣经,*教中。现在不用)
#  eyes met 目光的交流,接触的一刹那。  #  intersection   it means crossroads   十字路口

Action English   85
Movie dictionary 电影词典
avant grade 先锋派电影
American slang 美国俚语
I  had to bail on the freeway (片中)bail on 放弃 = give up 
例:We had to bail on our golf game; It's pouring rain outside。
Why don't you bail on your girlfriend tonight and e out with the boys instead? 你为什么不能放弃今晚和女友的约会;来和哥几个玩去呢?
Classic film clips 经典对白   选自“生死时速”Speed
(1)we gotta get these people out of harm's way (片中)
&  oh ! jeez !   哦,天哪!
&   this man has no time 这个人快要死了
harm's way 危险    out of harm's way 脱离危险    in harm's way 陷入危险
例:If you walk home alone at night; you're putting yourself directly in harm's way。  如果你夜里独自回家,等于自找危险。
(2)an act of faith 很有信心
例:Moving to ShangHai required an act of faith ; I didn't know if I would be able to find work but I did。 定居上海需要足够的自信。很难说我能否找到工作,但是,我做到了。
(3)show a little charity 大方一点   means to be generous with your wealth 
例:  Your business is doing very well ; why don't you show a little charity and donate some money to our munity。  你挣那么多。为什么不大方些,为咱们社区捐点钱呢?
     You have so many girlfriends; can't you just introduce me to one of them? show a little charity ; man !  你有那么多女朋友,为什么不给我介绍一个呢?大方点吧,哥们~!
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Scooby…Doo ; Where are you?   史酷比,你在哪?

Action English  86
Movie dictionary 电影词典
black and white film 黑白片
American slang 美国俚语
floor it  加速,开快车;把油门踩到最大
e。g。 if someone asks you to 〃floor it 〃means they want you to drive really really fast 
例:We're gonna be late for the movie; if you floor it we might make it in time。
      Floor it; Mr。 Taxi driver; I have a train to catch。
Classic film clips  经典对白  选自“生死时速”
(1)He's been a step ahead every time (片中)
a step ahead 早一步;棋先一招
e。g。 you're thought through a problem and have anticipated possible moves ; it can acplish before anyone。
例:I can never beat my dad at chess; he's always thinking a step head 。
     It seams like you've been a step head of me our entire lives and now you’ve been married。
(2)Ok; jack ; this is it ; Don't get dead (片中)this is it 唯一的一次机会
another way of saying this is your one and only chance 。
例:This is it, the moment we've all been waiting for ; can he make this shot and win the championship?
     This is it; now or never; you either ask me to marry now or I 'm leaving you for good。 
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Freaks e Out At Night 
Broken glass everywhere 
people freak(怪人,不礼貌的,和别人与众不同的) the hallway 
freak the stairs    Ain't a case in the place   no style or grace 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

Action English   87
Movie dictionary 电影词典
theme song  主题曲
“My Heart Will Go On”from “Titanic”“我心依旧”席琳迪翁
American slang 美国俚语
sick   令人作呕的,不舒服的感觉。(一般的意思是生病)
例:  She is sick    She is very sick。  That movie was sick; it was too violent。
     Don't invite Dave to the party; he always offends the guests by telling sick jokes。
Classic film clips 经典对白
(1)Is any of this ringing a bell ?这个难道没有使你想起什么吗?
ring a bell  想起
例:A:Do you know Marry?
       B:Her name rings a bell。(名字很耳熟,但是想不起来)
      We made plans last night to meet today at 2pm to go food shopping; is any of this ringing a bell?
(2)I can take it from here 。(片中)take it from here 从某人手中接手做。。。。。
例:Don't worry mom; I’ll finish doing the dishes; you go sit down; I'll take it from here 。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
What I Like About You 
What i like about you 
you hold me tight。。。。。。。。。。。。
tell me you only one   keep on whispering   in my ear ; tell me all 
the things ; that I wanna hear ; 'cause  that's true that's why   what I like about you 

Action English  88
Movie dictionary 电影词典
Silhouette  剪影
American slang  美国俚语
His dad wiped out half of our pack !(片中) Wipe out 彻底
例:If we don’t stop hunting elephant, the whole species is gonna be wiped out forever 。
Classic film clip  经典对白   from  “  Ice Age ”冰河世纪
(1) you two are a bit of an odd couple (片中)an odd couple 不般配,不合适
例:I wonder if people think we’re an odd couple, you like Elvis and I like the Beatles 。(我想人们会觉得我们不般配,因为你喜欢猫王,我喜欢甲壳虫。)
(2)oh; yes; Nice try ; bucktooth (片中)
nice try  two means  :尝试很好,但结果不好,没能如愿以偿;讽刺(即使做了结果也不好)
例:It was a nice try to send me flowers but I’m still mad at you for forgetting our anniversary。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
Put a Little Love in Your Heart 
Think of your fellow man  lend him a helping hand  put a little love in your heart
You see; it's getting late  oh please don't hesitate  put a little love in your heart

Action English   89
Movie dictionary 电影词典
Gary Cooper 贾利。古柏
American slang 美国俚语
bring somebody down  削弱某人的优势,压制一下
例:That newspaper is starting to have too much influence, we need to try to bring it down。
    How are we gonna bring down that team? They're so good; they're won the championship 3 years in a row。 (连续三年的冠军)
Classic film clips 经典对白    选自“Ice Age〃
(1)I found a shortcut (片中)  take a shortcut 抄近路
例:If we take 

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