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 If you have a child; it's very difficult to survive on thirty grand a year in New York city。
(2) They love me because I bust their balls 。(片中) bust one's balls  批评,讥笑(友好的态度)
例:My dad always busted my balls for being a terrible soccer player。
    Those guys busted my balls when I told them that I was going to marry the actress。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
Only Hope    There's a song that's make of my soul    it's the one that I've tried to     write over and over again    I'm awake and in the infinite  but you sing to me    over and over again

Action English(155) 动感英语(155)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
prerecording  先期录音   拍摄前先记录一下音乐材料,演员可以对口型,载歌载舞。
American slang  美国俚语
I mean it ; or no treat  (片中)  treat 小的奖励 n; 款待,请客 v 
例:Our daughter Suzy was so quiet on the flight that we bought her ice cream as a treat。
     It was Nathan's birthday on Tuesday so we all treated him to dinner。
Classic film clips  经典对白  from “决战星球”
(1) He's off course 。 (片中)    off course 偏离方向,走错路
例:Because we didn't have an accurate map we went totally off course by mistake and arrived an hour late。    因为我们没有准确的地图,所以我们完全走错了路迟到了一个小时到达。
      I went off course during the boat race and got disqualified。
(2)Line him up again (片中)    line something up 排队
例: The teacher lined up the naughty students and punished them。
      We've lined up five tickets for the soccer game tomorrow night。
Movie Tunes 原声碟
This is Halloween   Boys and girls at every age; wouldn't you like to see something strange?  This our town of Halloween  This is Halloween; This is Halloween  pumpkins scream in the dead of night  everybody make a scene

Action English(156) 动感英语(156)
Movie dictionary 电影词典
stunt coordinator  武术指导  
American slang 美国俚语
I've lost my appetite (片中)    lose one's appetite  失去胃口,没有了食欲
例:I think drinking too much beer this eventing has made me lose my appetite。
    Watching this horror movie on TV has made me lose my appetite。
    我刚才看了一部恐怖片, 让我完全没有了胃口。
Classic film clips  经典对白
(1)I have contact (片中)   have contact 有联系= to be working munication with sb or sth
例:I haven't had any contact with the boss recently so I'm not sure what the pany's plans are。
     You should contact with the professor before you leave for your vacation。
(2)We're in control now 。(片中)    be in control  在掌控之中
例:Our pany is in control of six factories throughout China。
     It's very dangerous to drive if you're not totally in control of the car at all tmes。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
Jack's Lament  oh; somewhere deep in side of these bones an emptiness  began to grow on emptiness;  there's something out there   Far from my home   a longing that   I've never known   I'm the master of fight          lament 悲叹,伤心,遗憾,难过      longing 极度渴望

Action English(157) 动感英语(157)
Movie dictionary 电影词典
costume designer 服装设计  负责服装风格的设计,设计并制作影片所需的服装。
American slang 美国俚语
You said they'd e for us。(片中)    e for sb  来做。。。。为。。。。      sth  来送。。。。。
例:The postman is going to e for the parcels around 3pm。
     My mother can't e for me because her car broke down。
Classic film clips  经典对白   from“决战星球”
(1)This is what the messager was picking up (片中)
pick up  接收(和电子有关)   其他意思开车接。。。 / 买东西/ 捡起
例:My stereo isn't working very well; I can't pick up any radio stations。
(2)If I can access the database。(片中)    access 获得。。。。途径
例:If I lose my library card they won't let me access the book collections。
    A good password prevents other people from accessing your email accout。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
What's This     What's This ;What's This     There's something very wrong;     What's This ; there's people singing song; what's this ;streets are lined   路的两旁  with little creature   不能识别的东西,有生命的东西  laughing everybody seems so   happy have gone daffy     疯狂

Action English(158) 动感英语(158)
Movie dictionary   电影词典
tripod  三角架    tri   三个  是前缀, 摄像机放在上面起稳定作用,确保镜头的稳定和流畅。
American slang  美国俚语
Now ; clear them back 。 (片中)  clear back / clear out  驱除  remove it ; get it out of way 
例:I want you to clear out all the trash from your room before she es over。
     The spectators had to be cleared back from the field because they were getting too close to the players。
Classic film clips  经典对白  from “决战星球”
(1)I was just getting ready to make my move 。 (片中)    make one's move  采取行动
例:We need to have all the necessary information on the pany before we make our move and try to buy it 。
    Don't be sheep; be lion      Tomorrow I'll make my move and ask the girl out to dinner。
(2)Take good care of him; okay? (片中)    take good care of something 好好照顾
例:Alice takes very good care of her grandparents ; she visits them everyday。
      I have to take good care of the car while my parents are away。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
Jack's obsession    Christmastime is buzzing in my skull   kill it let me be ?   I cannot tell    There's so many things   I cannot grasp    when I think    
obsession  执迷,对。。。。感兴趣    Christmastime  圣诞节那段时间    buzzing 嗡嗡的响   
let me be  不要打扰我     grasp  把握

Action English(159) 动感英语(159)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
kirk Douglas  柯克。道格拉斯
American slang  美国俚语
It's really just blind luck 。(片中)    blind luck  运气
例:It was blind luck that I found 100 RMB on the ground 。
    Success is not gained through you have to work hard for it 。
Classic film clips   经典对白 from “异形2”
(1)You have my word on it (片中)  have one's word on something 保证。。。。
例:Will you drive me to work tomorrow?   你明天送我去工作吗?
      Yes; you have my word on it 。   你向我保证过。
  I can't believe you didn't call me last night; you gave me your word on it。
(2)All right ; I'm in。(片中)    I'm in 我也去,算我一个  
例:If you can find enough people to play baseball; I'm in。
Movie Tunes   原声碟
Kidnap the Sandy claws       I want to do it     let's draw straws    Jack said we should together ; three of a birds of  a forever 

Action English(160) 动感英语(160)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
Laurence Olivier   劳伦斯。奥利弗
American slang  美国俚语
hold up  慢一点;推迟,拖延
例:I asked my tennis partner to hold up so I could tie my shoelace。
     The plane was held up for 1 hour because of a snowstorm。
Classic film clips  经典对白  from “异形2”
(1)oh; give it a rest ; why don't you ? (片中)  give it a rest  停下来(厌烦) 
例:I'm tired of practicing the violin; I’m going to give it a rest for a while。
     Could you please give it a rest?      You're always plaining。
(2)Hard to believe there's a little girl under the all this 。(片中)  hard to believe 难以置信 
例:It's hard to believe that you're a grandfather; you look so young。
     It's hard to believe that I'm graduating from college; It feels like I just started。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
Making Christmas     Making Christmas; * Christmas    snakes and mice get wrapped up     so nice with spider legs and     pretty bows; it's ours this time     altogether that and this。

Action English(161) 动感英语(161)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
Rita Hayworth  丽塔。海华丝    19世纪四五十年代的女明星。
American slang  美国俚语
look sharp  提高警惕,振奋
例:Our boss told us to look sharp when the president es for a visit。
     It's hard for the soccer team to look sharp when it's 40 degrees outside。
Classic film clips  经典对白  from“异形2”
(1)It's worth a try 。 (片中)    worth a try  值得一试
例:Applying for that job is worth a try; you might get it。
     If you like her it's worth a try to ask her out she might say yes。
(2)but let's not make snap judgment; please 。(片中)    snap judgment  太草率,太仓促做决定  
例:I'm sorry; I called your bf playboy; It was a snap judgment;I don't even know him。
    You shouldn't have fired me without listening to my explanation; It was a snap judgment 。
Movie Tunes  原声碟
Oogie Boogie's song     Release me fast or     you will have to answer    for this heinous act     oh; brother     you're something you put     me in a spin  
Oogie Boogie's   妖怪,可怕的野兽,吓人的家伙   have to answer   受到惩罚    
heinous  罪恶之极,非常坏    oh; brother  哦,我的天啊    put me in a spin  站不稳    
Action English(162) 动感英语(162)
Movie dictionary  电影词典
Doctor  Zhivago      日瓦格医生   
American Slang   美国俚语 
We're rolling。 (片中)   let’s roll。  我们走,要离开了。 
例:If the waitress doesn't take our order; we're rolling。 
   I don't like this dance club; let's roll。 
Classic film clips   经典对白 
(1)。 We'll be set up for life(片中)   set up for life  衣食无忧 
例: If I win the lottery; I’ll be set up for life。 
    如果我中了彩票;以后生活就不用愁了 。
     Marry him; and she'll be set up for life。 
(2)。 I’m not sure if they’ll nail you right to the wall (片中) nail someone to the wal

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