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tales of trail and town-第29章

小说: tales of trail and town 字数: 每页3500字

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it is just as well; somebody would see them or hear them;that

neigh was quite human and awful;and they would hurry down to see

what was the matter。  SHE couldn't be expected to get out and look

after the horses in the snow。  Anyhow; she WOULDN'T!  She was a

good deal safer where she was; it might have been rats or mice

about that frightened them!  Goodness!

She was still watching with curious wonder the continued fright of

the animals; when suddenly she felt the wagon half bumped; half

lifted from behind。  It was such a lazy; deliberate movement that

for a moment she thought it came from the party; who had returned

noiselessly with the runners。  She scrambled over to the back seat;

unbuttoned the leather curtain; lifted it; but nothing was to be

seen。  Consequently; with feminine quickness; she said; 〃I see you

perfectly; Mr。 Waterhousedon't be silly!〃  But at this moment

there was another shock to the wagon; and from beneath it arose

what at first seemed to her to be an uplifting of the drift itself;

but; as the snow was shaken away from its heavy bulk; proved to be

the enormous head and shoulders of a bear!

Yet even then she was not WHOLLY frightened; for the snout that

confronted her had a feeble inoffensiveness; the small eyes were

bright with an eager; almost childish curiosity rather than a

savage ardor; and the whole attitude of the creature lifted upon

its hind legs was circus…like and ludicrous rather than aggressive。

She was enabled to say with some dignity; 〃Go away! Shoo!〃 and to

wave her luncheon basket at it with exemplary firmness。  But here

the creature laid one paw on the back seat as if to steady itself;

with the singular effect of collapsing the whole side of the wagon;

and then opened its mouth as if in some sort of inarticulate reply。

But the revelation of its red tongue; its glistening teeth; and;

above all; the hot; suggestive fume of its breath; brought the

first scream from the lips of Miss Amy。  It was real and

convincing; the horses joined in it; the three screamed together!

The bear hesitated for an instant; then; catching sight of the

honey…pot on the front seat; which the shrinking…back of the young

girl had disclosed; he slowly reached forward his other paw and

attempted to grasp it。  This exceedingly simple movement; however;

at once doubled up the front seat; sent the honey…pot a dozen feet

into the air; and dropped Miss Amy upon her knees in the bed of the

wagon。  The combined mental and physical shock was too much for

her; she instantly and sincerely fainted; the last thing in her

ears amidst this wreck of matter being the 〃wheep〃 of a bullet and

the sharp crack of a rifle。

        。        。        。        。        。        。

She recovered her consciousness in the flickering light of a fire

of bark; that played upon the rafters of a roof thatched with bark

and upon a floor of strewn and shredded bark。  She even suspected

she was lying upon a mattress of bark underneath the heavy bearskin

she could feel and touch。  She had a delicious sense of warmth;

and; mingled with this strange spicing of woodland freedom; even a

sense of home protection。  And surely enough; looking around; she

saw her father at her side。

He briefly explained the situation。  They had been at first

attracted by the cry of the frightened horses and their plunging;

which they could see distinctly; although they saw nothing else。

〃But; Mr。 Tenbrook〃

〃Mr。 Who?〃 said Amy; staring at the rafters。

〃The owner of this cabinthe man who helped uscaught up his gun;

and; calling us to follow; ran like lightning down the trail。  At

first we followed blindly; and unknowingly; for we could only see

the struggling horses; who; however; seemed to be ALONE; and the

wagon from which you did not seem to have stirred。  Then; for the

first time; my dear child; we suddenly saw your danger。  Imagine

how we felt as that hideous brute rose up in the road and began

attacking the wagon。  We called on Tenbrook to fire; but for some

inconceivable reason he did not; although he still kept running at

the top of his speed。  Then we heard you shriek〃

〃I didn't shriek; papa; it was the horses。〃

〃My child; I knew your voice。〃

〃Well; it was only a VERY LITTLE screambecause I had tumbled。〃

The color was coming back rapidly to her pink cheeks。

〃And; then; at your scream; Tenbrook fired!it was a wonderful

shot for the distance; so everybody saysand killed the bear;

though Tenbrook says it oughtn't to。  I believe he wanted to

capture the creature alive。  They've queer notions; those hunters。

And then; as you were unconscious; he brought you up here。〃

〃WHO brought me?〃

〃Tenbrook; he's as strong as a horse。  Slung you up on his shoulders

like a feather pillow。〃


〃And then; as the wagon required some repairing from the brute's

attack; we concluded to take it leisurely; and let you rest here

for a while。〃

〃And where iswhere are THEY?〃

〃At work on the wagon。  I determined to stay with you; though you

are perfectly safe here。〃

〃I suppose I oughtto thankthis man; papa?〃

〃Most certainly; though of course; I have already done so。  But he

was rather curt in reply。  These half…savage men have such singular

ideas。  He said the beast would never have attacked you except for

the honey…pot which it scented。  That's absurd。〃

〃Then it's all my fault?〃

〃Nonsense!  How could YOU know?〃

〃And I've made all this trouble。  And frightened the horses。  And

spoilt the wagon。  And made the man run down and bring me up here

when he didn't want to!〃

〃My dear child!  Don't be idiotic!  Amy!  Well; really!〃

For the idiotic one was really wiping two large tears from her

lovely blue eyes。  She subsided into an ominous silence; broken by

a single sniffle。  〃Try to go to sleep; dear; you've had quite a

shock to your nerves; added her father soothingly。  She continued

silent; but not sleeping。

〃I smell coffee。〃

〃Yes; dear。〃

〃You've been having coffee; papa?〃

〃We DID have some; I think;〃 said the wretched man apologetically;

though why he could not determine。

〃Before I came up? while the bear was trying to eat me?〃

〃No; after。〃

〃I've a horrid taste in my mouth。  It's the honey。  I'll never eat

honey again。  Never!〃

〃Perhaps it's the whiskey。〃


〃The whiskey。  You were quite faint and chilled; you know。  We gave

you some。〃

〃Out ofthatblackbottle?〃


Another silence。

〃I'd like some coffee。  I don't think he'd begrudge me that; if he

did save my life。〃

〃I dare say there's some left。〃  Her father at once bestirred

himself and presently brought her some coffee in a tin cup。  It was

part of Miss Amy's rapid convalescence; or equally of her

debilitated condition; that she made no comment on the vessel。  She

lay for some moments looking curiously around the cabin; she had no

doubt it had a worse look in the daylight; but somehow the

firelight brought out a wondrous luxury of color in the bark floor

and thatching。  Besides; it was not 〃smelly;〃 as she feared it

would be; on the contrary the spicy aroma of the woods was always

dominant。  She remembered that it was this that always made a

greasy; oily picnic tolerable。  She raised herself on her elbow;

seeing which her father continued confidently; 〃Perhaps; dear; if

you sat up for a few moments you might be strong enough presently

to walk down with me to the wagon。  It would save time。〃

Amy instantly lay down again。  〃I don't know what you can be

thinking of; papa。  After this shock really I don't feel as if I

could STAND alone; much less WALK。  But; of course;〃 with pathetic

resignation; 〃if you and Mr。 Waterhouse supported me; perhaps I

might crawl a few steps at a time。〃

〃Nonsense; Amy。  Of course; this man Tenbrook will carry you down

as he brought you up。  Only I thought;but there are steps;

they're coming now。  No!only HE。〃

The sound of crackling in the underbrush was followed by a

momentary darkening of the open door of the cabin。  It was the tall

figure of the mountaineer。  But he did not even make the pretense

of entering; standing at the door he delivered his news to the

interior generally。  It was to the effect that everything was

ready; and the two other men were even then harnessing the horses。

Then he drew back into the darkness。

〃Papa;〃 said Amy; in a sudden frightened voice; 〃I've lost my


〃Haven't you dropped it somewhere there in the bunk?〃 asked her


〃No。  It's on the floor of the wagon。  I remember now it fell off

when I tumbled!  And it will be trodden upon and crushed!  Couldn't

you run down; ahead of me; and warn them; papa; dear?  Mr。 Tenbrook

will have to go so slowly with me。〃  She tumbled out of the bunk

with singular alacrity; shook herself and her skirts into

instantaneous gracefulness; and fitted the velvet cap on her

straying hair。  Then she said hurriedly; 〃Run quick; papa dear; and

as you go; call him in and say I am quite ready。〃

Thus adjured; the obedient parent disappeared in the darkness。

With him also disappeared Miss Amy's singular alacrity。  Sitting

down carefully again on the edge of the bunk; she leaned against

the post with a certain indefinable languor that was as touching as

it was graceful。  I need not tell any feminine readers that there

was no dissimulation in all this;no coquetry; no ostentation;

and that the young girl was perfectly sincere!  But the masculine

reader might like to know that the simple fact was that; since she

had regained consciousness; she had been filled with remorse for

her capricious and ungenerous rejection of Tenbrook's proffered

service。  More than that; she felt she had periled her life in that

moment of folly; and that this manthis herohad saved her。  For

hero he was; even if he did not fulfill her ideal;it was only SHE

that was not a heroine。  Perhaps if he had been more like what she

wished she would have felt this less keenly; love leaves little

room for the exercise of moral ethics。  So Miss Amy Forester; being

a good girl at bottom; and not exactly loving this man; felt

towards him a frank and tender consideration which a more romantic

passion would have shrunk from showing。  Consequently; when

Tenbrook entered a moment later; he found Amy paler and more

thoughtful; but; as he fancied; much prettier than before; looking

up at him with eyes of the sincerest solicitude。

Nevertheless; he remained standing near the door; as if indicating

a possible intrusion; his face wearing a look of lowering

abstraction。  It struck her that this might be the effect of his

long hair and general uncouthness; and this only spurred her to a

fuller recognition of his other qualities。

〃I am afraid;〃 she began; with a charming embarrassment; 〃that

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