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disturbance; and only recently the study of the phenomena which
accompany vaccination has thrown an immense light in this direction;
tending to show by experiments of the same general character as that to
which I referred as performed by Helmholz; that there is a most
astonishing analogy between the contagion of that healing disease and
the contagion of destructive diseases。  For it has been made out quite
clearly; by investigations carried on in France and in this country;
that the only part of the vaccine matter which is contagious; which is
capable of carrying on its influence in the organism of the child who is
vaccinated; is the solid particles and not the fluid。  By experiments
of the most ingenious kind; the solid parts have been separated from
the fluid parts; and it has then been discovered that you may vaccinate
a child as much as you like with the fluid parts; but no effect takes
place; though an excessively small portion of the solid particles; the
most minute that can be separated; is amply sufficient to give rise to
all the phenomena of the cow pock; by a process which we can compare to
nothing but the transmission of fermentation from one vessel into
another; by the transport to the one of the torula particles which
exist in the other。  And it has been shown to be true of some of the
most destructive diseases which infect animals; such diseases as the
sheep pox; such diseases as that most terrible and destructive disorder
of horses; glanders; that in these; also; the active power is the
living solid particle; and that the inert part is the fluid。 However;
do not suppose that I am pushing the analogy too far。  I do not mean to
say that the active; solid parts in these diseased matters are of the
same nature as living yeast plants; but; so far as it goes; there is a
most surprising analogy between the two; and the value of the analogy
is this; that by following it out we may some time or other come to
understand how these diseases are propagated; just as we understand;
now; about fermentation; and that; in this way; some of the greatest
scourges which afflict the human race may be; if not prevented; at
least largely alleviated。

This is the conclusion of the statements which I wished to put before
you。  You see we have not been able to have any accessories。  If you
will come in such numbers to hear a lecture of this kind; all I can say
is; that diagrams cannot be made big enough for you; and that it is not
possible to show any experiments illustrative of a lecture on such a
subject as I have to deal with。  Of course my friends the chemists and
physicists are very much better off; because they can not only show you
experiments; but you can smell them and hear them!  But in my case such
aids are not attainable; and therefore I have taken a simple subject and
have dealt with it in such a way that I hope you all understand it; at
least so far as I have been able to put it before you in words; and
having once apprehended such of the ideas and simple facts of the case
as it was possible to put before you; you can see for yourselves the
great and wonderful issues of such an apparently homely subject。


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