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the uncommercial traveller-第50章

小说: the uncommercial traveller 字数: 每页3500字

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When I think I deserve particularly well of myself; and have earned

the right to enjoy a little treat; I stroll from Covent…garden into

the City of London; after business…hours there; on a Saturday; or …

better yet … on a Sunday; and roam about its deserted nooks and

corners。  It is necessary to the full enjoyment of these journeys

that they should be made in summer…time; for then the retired spots

that I love to haunt; are at their idlest and dullest。  A gentle

fall of rain is not objectionable; and a warm mist sets off my

favourite retreats to decided advantage。

Among these; City Churchyards hold a high place。  Such strange

churchyards hide in the City of London; churchyards sometimes so

entirely detached from churches; always so pressed upon by houses;

so small; so rank; so silent; so forgotten; except by the few

people who ever look down into them from their smoky windows。  As I

stand peeping in through the iron gates and rails; I can peel the

rusty metal off; like bark from an old tree。  The illegible

tombstones are all lop…sided; the grave…mounds lost their shape in

the rains of a hundred years ago; the Lombardy Poplar or Plane…Tree

that was once a drysalter's daughter and several common…councilmen;

has withered like those worthies; and its departed leaves are dust

beneath it。  Contagion of slow ruin overhangs the place。  The

discoloured tiled roofs of the environing buildings stand so awry;

that they can hardly be proof against any stress of weather。  Old

crazy stacks of chimneys seem to look down as they overhang;

dubiously calculating how far they will have to fall。  In an angle

of the walls; what was once the tool…house of the grave…digger rots

away; encrusted with toadstools。  Pipes and spouts for carrying off

the rain from the encompassing gables; broken or feloniously cut

for old lead long ago; now let the rain drip and splash as it list;

upon the weedy earth。  Sometimes there is a rusty pump somewhere

near; and; as I look in at the rails and meditate; I hear it

working under an unknown hand with a creaking protest:  as though

the departed in the churchyard urged; 'Let us lie here in peace;

don't suck us up and drink us!'

One of my best beloved churchyards; I call the churchyard of Saint

Ghastly Grim; touching what men in general call it; I have no

information。  It lies at the heart of the City; and the Blackwall

Railway shrieks at it daily。  It is a small small churchyard; with

a ferocious; strong; spiked iron gate; like a jail。  This gate is

ornamented with skulls and cross…bones; larger than the life;

wrought in stone; but it likewise came into the mind of Saint

Ghastly Grim; that to stick iron spikes a…top of the stone skulls;

as though they were impaled; would be a pleasant device。  Therefore

the skulls grin aloft horribly; thrust through and through with

iron spears。  Hence; there is attraction of repulsion for me in

Saint Ghastly Grim; and; having often contemplated it in the

daylight and the dark; I once felt drawn towards it in a

thunderstorm at midnight。  'Why not?' I said; in self…excuse。  'I

have been to see the Colosseum by the light of the moon; is it

worse to go to see Saint Ghastly Grim by the light of the

lightning?'  I repaired to the Saint in a hackney cab; and found

the skulls most effective; having the air of a public execution;

and seeming; as the lightning flashed; to wink and grin with the

pain of the spikes。  Having no other person to whom to impart my

satisfaction; I communicated it to the driver。  So far from being

responsive; he surveyed me … he was naturally a bottled…nosed; red…

faced man … with a blanched countenance。  And as he drove me back;

he ever and again glanced in over his shoulder through the little

front window of his carriage; as mistrusting that I was a fare

originally from a grave in the churchyard of Saint Ghastly Grim;

who might have flitted home again without paying。

Sometimes; the queer Hall of some queer Company gives upon a

churchyard such as this; and; when the Livery dine; you may hear

them (if you are looking in through the iron rails; which you never

are when I am) toasting their own Worshipful prosperity。

Sometimes; a wholesale house of business; requiring much room for

stowage; will occupy one or two or even all three sides of the

enclosing space; and the backs of bales of goods will lumber up the

windows; as if they were holding some crowded trade…meeting of

themselves within。  Sometimes; the commanding windows are all

blank; and show no more sign of life than the graves below … not so

much; for THEY tell of what once upon a time was life undoubtedly。

Such was the surrounding of one City churchyard that I saw last

summer; on a Volunteering Saturday evening towards eight of the

clock; when with astonishment I beheld an old old man and an old

old woman in it; making hay。  Yes; of all occupations in this

world; making hay!  It was a very confined patch of churchyard

lying between Gracechurch…street and the Tower; capable of

yielding; say an apronful of hay。  By what means the old old man

and woman had got into it; with an almost toothless hay…making

rake; I could not fathom。  No open window was within view; no

window at all was within view; sufficiently near the ground to have

enabled their old legs to descend from it; the rusty churchyard…

gate was locked; the mouldy church was locked。  Gravely among the

graves; they made hay; all alone by themselves。  They looked like

Time and his wife。  There was but the one rake between them; and

they both had hold of it in a pastorally…loving manner; and there

was hay on the old woman's black bonnet; as if the old man had

recently been playful。  The old man was quite an obsolete old man;

in knee…breeches and coarse grey stockings; and the old woman wore

mittens like unto his stockings in texture and in colour。  They

took no heed of me as I looked on; unable to account for them。  The

old woman was much too bright for a pew…opener; the old man much

too meek for a beadle。  On an old tombstone in the foreground

between me and them; were two cherubim; but for those celestial

embellishments being represented as having no possible use for

knee…breeches; stockings; or mittens; I should have compared them

with the hay…makers; and sought a likeness。  I coughed and awoke

the echoes; but the hay…makers never looked at me。  They used the

rake with a measured action; drawing the scanty crop towards them;

and so I was fain to leave them under three yards and a half of

darkening sky; gravely making hay among the graves; all alone by

themselves。  Perhaps they were Spectres; and I wanted a Medium。

In another City churchyard of similar cramped dimensions; I saw;

that selfsame summer; two comfortable charity children。  They were

making love … tremendous proof of the vigour of that immortal

article; for they were in the graceful uniform under which English

Charity delights to hide herself … and they were overgrown; and

their legs (his legs at least; for I am modestly incompetent to

speak of hers) were as much in the wrong as mere passive weakness

of character can render legs。  O it was a leaden churchyard; but no

doubt a golden ground to those young persons!  I first saw them on

a Saturday evening; and; perceiving from their occupation that

Saturday evening was their trysting…time; I returned that evening

se'nnight; and renewed the contemplation of them。  They came there

to shake the bits of matting which were spread in the church

aisles; and they afterwards rolled them up; he rolling his end; she

rolling hers; until they met; and over the two once divided now

united rolls … sweet emblem! … gave and received a chaste salute。

It was so refreshing to find one of my faded churchyards blooming

into flower thus; that I returned a second time; and a third; and

ultimately this befell:… They had left the church door open; in

their dusting and arranging。  Walking in to look at the church; I

became aware; by the dim light; of him in the pulpit; of her in the

reading…desk; of him looking down; of her looking up; exchanging

tender discourse。  Immediately both dived; and became as it were

non…existent on this sphere。  With an assumption of innocence I

turned to leave the sacred edifice; when an obese form stood in the

portal; puffily demanding Joseph; or in default of Joseph; Celia。

Taking this monster by the sleeve; and luring him forth on pretence

of showing him whom he sought; I gave time for the emergence of

Joseph and Celia; who presently came towards us in the churchyard;

bending under dusty matting; a picture of thriving and unconscious

industry。  It would be superfluous to hint that I have ever since

deemed this the proudest passage in my life。

But such instances; or any tokens of vitality; are rare indeed in

my City churchyards。  A few sparrows occasionally try to raise a

lively chirrup in their solitary tree … perhaps; as taking a

different view of worms from that entertained by humanity … but

they are flat and hoarse of voice; like the clerk; the organ; the

bell; the clergyman; and all the rest of the Church…works when they

are wound up for Sunday。  Caged larks; thrushes; or blackbirds;

hanging in neighbouring courts; pour forth their strains

passionately; as scenting the tree; trying to break out; and see

leaves again before they die; but their song is Willow; Willow … of

a churchyard cast。  So little light lives inside the churches of my

churchyards; when the two are co…existent; that it is often only by

an accident and after long acquaintance that I discover their

having stained glass in some odd window。  The westering sun slants

into the churchyard by some unwonted entry; a few prismatic tears

drop on an old tombstone; and a window that I thought was only

dirty; is for the moment all bejewelled。  Then the light passes and

the colours die。  Though even then; if there be room enough for me

to fall back so far as that I can gaze up to the top of the Church

Tower; I see the rusty vane new burnished; and seeming to look out

with a joyful flash over the sea of smoke at the distant shore of


Blinking old men who are let out of workhouses by the hour; have a

tendency to sit on bits of coping stone in these churchyards;

leaning with both hands on their sticks and asthmatically gasping。

The more depressed class of beggars too; bring hither broken meats;

and munch。  I am on nodding terms with a meditative turncock who

lingers in one of them; and whom I suspect of a turn for poetry;

the rather; as he looks out of temper when he gives the fire…plug a

disparaging wrench with that large tuning…fork of his which would

wear out the shoulder of his coat; but for a precautionary piece of

inlaid leather。  Fire…ladders; which I am satisfied nobody knows

anything about; and the keys of which w

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