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the origins of contemporary france-1-第26章

小说: the origins of contemporary france-1 字数: 每页3500字

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at seven o'clock; in winter and in summer; stationed himself; at his

father's command; at the foot of the small stairway leading to the

chapel; solely to shake hands with Mme。  de Maintenon on her leaving

for St。  Cyr。'31'  〃Pardon me; Madame;〃 writes the Duc de Richelieu to

her; 〃the great liberty I take in presuming to send you the letter

which I have written to the king; begging him on my knees that he will

occasionally allow me to pay my court to him at Ruel; for I would

rather die than pass two months without seeing him。〃 The true courtier

follows the prince as a shadow follows its body; such; under Louis

XIV; was the Duc de la Rochefoucauld; the master of the hounds。  〃He

never missed the king's rising or retiring; both changes of dress

every day; the hunts and the promenades; likewise every day; for ten

years in succession; never sleeping away from the place where the king

rested; and yet on a footing to demand leave; but not to stay away all

night; for he had not slept out of Paris once in forty years; but to

go and dine away from the court; and not be present on the promenade。〃

…  If; later; and under less exacting masters; and in the general

laxity of the eighteenth century; this discipline is relaxed; the

institution nevertheless subsists;'32' in default of obedience;

tradition; interest and amour…propre suffice for the people of the

court。  To approach the king; to be a domestic in his household; an

usher; a cloak…bearer; a valet; is a privilege that is purchased; even

in 1789; for thirty; forty; and a hundred thousand livres; so much

greater the reason why it is a privilege to form a part of his

society; the most honorable; the most useful; and the most coveted of

all。  …  In the first place; it is a proof of noble birth。  A man; to

follow the king in the chase; and a woman; to be presented to the

queen; must previously satisfy the genealogist; and by authentic

documents; that his or her nobility goes back to the year 1400。  …  In

the next place; it ensures good fortune。  This drawing room is the only

place within reach of royal favors; accordingly; up to 1789; the great

families never stir away from Versailles; and day and night they lie

in ambush。  The valet of the Marshal de Noaillles says to him one night

on closing his curtains;

 〃At what hour will Monseigneur be awakened?〃 〃At ten o'clock; if

no one dies during the night。〃'33'

Old courtiers are still found who; 〃at the age of eighty; have

passed forty…five on their feet in the antechambers of the king; of

the princes; and of the ministers。  。  。

You have only three things to do;〃 says one of them to a debutant;

〃speak well of everybody; ask for every vacancy; and sit down when you


 Hence; the king always has a crowd around him。  The Comtesse du

Barry says; on presenting her niece at court; the first of August;

1773; 〃the crowd is so great at a presentation; one can scarcely get

through the antechambers。〃'34' In December; 1774; at Fontainebleau;

when the queen plays at her own table every evening; 〃the apartment;

though vast; is never empty。  。  。  。  The crowd is so great that one can

talk only to the two or three persons with whom one is playing。〃 The

fourteen apartments; at the receptions of ambassadors are full to

overflowing with seigniors and richly dressed women。  On the first of

January; 1775; the queen 〃counted over two hundred ladies presented to

her to pay their court。  〃 In 1780; at Choisy; a table for thirty

persons is spread every day for the king; another with thirty places

for the seigniors; another with forty places for the officers of the

guard and the equerries; and one with fifty for the officers of the

bedchamber。  According to my estimate; the king; on getting up and on

retiring; on his walks; on his hunts; at play; has always around him

at least forty or fifty seigniors and generally a hundred; with as

many ladies; besides his attendants on duty。  At Fontainebleau; in

1756; although 〃there were neither fêtes nor ballets this year; one

hundred and six ladies were counted。〃 When the king holds a 〃grand

apartement;〃 when play or dancing takes place in the gallery of

mirrors; four or five hundred guests; the elect of the nobles and of

the fashion; range themselves on the benches or gather around the card

and cavanole tables。'35' This is a spectacle to be seen; not by the

imagination; or through imperfect records; but with our own eyes and

on the spot; to comprehend the spirit; the effect and the triumph of

monarchical culture。  In an elegantly furnished house; the drawing room

is the principal room; and never was one more dazzling than this。

Suspended from the sculptured ceiling peopled with sporting cupids;

descend; by garlands of flowers and foliage; blazing chandeliers;

whose splendor is enhanced by the tail mirrors; the light streams down

in floods on gilding; diamonds; and beaming; arch physiognomies; on

fine busts; and on the capacious; sparkling and garlanded dresses。  The

skirts of the ladies ranged in a circle; or in tiers on the benches;

〃form a rich espalier covered with pearls; gold; silver; jewels;

spangles; flowers and fruits; with their artificial blossoms;

gooseberries; cherries; and strawberries;〃 a gigantic animated bouquet

of which the eye can scarcely support the brilliancy。  There are no

black coats; as nowadays; to disturb the harmony。  With the hair

powdered and dressed; with buckles and knots; with cravats and ruffles

of lace; in silk coats and vests of the hues of fallen leaves; or of a

delicate rose tint; or of celestial blue; embellished with gold braid

and embroidery; the men are as elegant as the women。  Men and women;

each is a selection; they all are of the accomplished class; gifted

with every grace which good blood; education; fortune; leisure and

custom can bestow; they are perfect of their kind。  There is no toilet;

no carriage of the head; no tone of the voice; no expression in

language which is not a masterpiece of worldly culture; the distilled

quintessence of all that is exquisitely elaborated by social art。

Polished as the high society of Paris may be; it does not approach

this;'36' compared with the court; it seems provincial。  It is said

that a hundred thousand roses are required to make an ounce of the

unique perfume used by Persian kings; such is this drawing…room; the

frail vial of crystal and gold containing the substance of a human

vegetation。  To fill it; a great aristocracy had to be transplanted to

a hot…house and become sterile in fruit and flowers; and then; in the

royal alembic; its pure sap is concentrated into a few drops of aroma。

The price is excessive; but only at this price can the most delicate

perfumes be manufactured。


The king's occupations。  … Rising in the morning; mass; dinner;

walks; hunting; supper; play; evening receptions。  … He is always on

parade and in company。

An operation of this kind absorbs him who undertakes it as well as

those who undergo it。  A nobility for useful purposes is not

transformed with impunity into a nobility for ornament;'37' one falls

himself into the ostentation which is substituted for action。  The king

has a court which he is compelled to maintain。  So much the worse if it

absorbs all his time; his intellect; his soul; the most valuable

portion of his active forces and the forces of the State。  To be the

master of a house is not an easy task; especially when five hundred

persons are to be entertained; one must necessarily pass one's life in

public and all the time being on exhibition。  Strictly speaking it is

the life of an actor who is on the stage the entire day。  To support

this load; and work besides; required the temperament of Louis XIV;

the vigor of his body; the extraordinary firmness of his nerves; the

strength of his digestion; and the regularity of his habits; his

successors who come after him grow weary or stagger under the same

load。  But they cannot throw it off; an incessant; daily performance is

inseparable from their position and it is imposed on them like a

heavy; gilded; ceremonial coat。  The king is expected to keep the

entire aristocracy busy; consequently to make a display of himself; to

pay back with his own person; at all hours; even the most private;

even on getting out of bed; and even in his bed。  In the morning; at

the hour named by himself beforehand;'38' the head valet awakens him;

five series of persons enter in turn to perform their duty; and;

〃although very large; there are days when the waiting…rooms can hardly

contain the crowd of courtiers。〃  …  The first admittance is 〃l'entrée

familière;〃 consisting of the children of France; the princes and

princesses of the blood; and; besides these; the chief physician; the

chief surgeon and other serviceable persons。'39' Next; comes the

〃grande entrée;' which comprises the grand…chamberlain; the grand…

master and master of the wardrobe; the first gentlemen of the

bedchamber; the Ducs d'Orleans and de Penthièvre; some other highly

favored seigniors; the ladies of honor and in waiting of the queen;

Mesdames and other princesses; without enumerating barbers tailors and

various descriptions of valets。  Meanwhile spirits of wine are poured

on the king's hands from a service of plate; and he is then handed the

basin of holy water; he crosses himself and repeats a prayer。  Then he

gets out of bed before all these people and puts on his slippers。  The

grand…chamberlain and the first gentleman hand him his dressing…gown;

he puts this on and seats himself in the chair in which he is to put

on his clothes。  At this moment the door opens and a third group

enters; which is the 〃entrée des brevets;〃 the seigniors who compose

this enjoy; in addition; the precious privilege of assisting at the

〃petite coucher;〃 while; at the same moment there enters a detachment

of attendants; consisting of the physicians and surgeons in ordinary;

the intendants of the amusements; readers and others; and among the

latter those who preside over physical requirements; the publicity of

a royal life is so great that none of its functions can be exercised

without witnesses。  At the moment of the approach of the officers of

the wardrobe to dress him the first gentleman; notified by an usher;

advances to read to the king the names of the grandees who are waiting

at the door: this is the fourth entry called 〃la chambre;〃 and larger

than those preceding it; for; not to mention the cloak…bearers; gun…

bearers; rug…bearers and other valets it comprises most of the

superior officials; the grand…almoner; the almoners on duty; the

chaplain; the master of the oratory; the captain and major of the

body…guard; the colonel…general and major of the French guards; the

colonel of the king's regiment; the captain of the Cent Suisses; the

grand…huntsman; the grand wolf…huntsman; the grand…provost; th

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