the origins of contemporary france-1-第40章
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'48'。 Mme。 d'Oberkirk; I。 299。 … Mme。 de Genlis; 〃Mémoires;〃 ch。
'49'。 De Tilly; I。 24。
'50'。 Necker; 〃Oeuvres complètes;〃 XV; 259。
'51'。 Narrated by M。 de Bezenval; a witness of the duel。
'52'。 See especially: Saint…Aubin; 〃Le bal paré;〃 〃Le Concert;〃 …
Moreau; 〃Les Elégants;〃 〃La Vie d'un Seigneur à la mode;〃 the
vignettes of 〃La nouvelle Héloise;〃 Beaudouin; 〃La Toilette;〃 〃Le
Coucher de la Mariée;〃 Lawreince; 〃Qu'en dit l'abbé? 〃 … Watteau;
the first in date and in talent; transposes these customs and depicts
them the better by making them more poetic。 … Of the rest; reread
〃Marianne;〃 by Marivaux; 〃La Vérité dans le vin;〃 by Collé; 〃Le coin
du feu;〃 〃La nuit et le moment;〃 by Crébillon fils; and two letters in
the 〃Correspondance inédite〃 of Mme。 du Deffant; one by the Abbé
Barthélemy and the other by the Chevalier de Boufflers; (I。 258;
'53'。 〃Correspondence inédite de Mme。 du Deffant;〃 published by M。
de Saint…Aulaire; I。 235; 258; 296; 302; 363。
'54'。 Mme。 de Genlis; 〃Dict。 des Etiquettes;〃 II。 38。 〃Adèle et
Théodore; I; 312; II; 350; … George Sand; 〃Histoire de ma vie;〃 I。
228。 … De Goncourt; p。 111。
'55'。 George Sand; I。 59。
'56'。 〃A comparative view;〃 etc。; by John Andrews。
'57'。 Mme。 Vigée…Lebrun; I。 15; 154。
'58'。 Chateaubriand; I。 34。 … 〃Mémoires de Mirabeau;〃 passim。 …
George Sand; I。 59; 76。
'59'。 Comptes rendus de la société de Berry (1863…1864)。
'60'。 〃Histoire de Troyes pendant la Révolution;〃 by Albert Babeau;
I。 46。
'61'。 Foissets; 〃Le Président des Brosses;〃 65; 69; 70; 346。 …
〃Lettres du Président des Brosses;〃 (ed。 Coulomb); passim。 … Piron
being uneasy concerning his 〃Ode à Priape;〃 President Bouhier; a man
of great and fine erudition; and the least starched of learned ones;
sent for the young man and said to him; 〃You are a foolish fellow。 If
any one presses you to know the author of the offence tell him that I
am。〃 (Sainte…Beuve; 〃Nouveaux Lundis;〃 VII。 414。)
'62'。 Foisset; ibid。。 185。 Six audiences a week and often two a day
besides his labors as antiquarian; historian; linguist; geographer;
editor and academician。
'63'。 〃Souvenirs〃; by PASQUIER (Etienne…Dennis; duc); chancelier de
France。 in VI volumes; Librarie Plon; Paris 1893。
'64'。 De Valfons; 〃Souvenirs;〃 60。
'65'。 Montgaillard (an eye…witness)。 〃Histoire de France;〃 II。 246。
'66'。 M。 de Conzié is surprised at four o'clock in the morning by
his rival; an officer in the guards。 〃Make no noise;〃 he said to him;
〃a dress like yours will be brought to me and I will have a cock made
then we shall be on the same level。〃 A valet brings him his weapons。
He descends into the garden of the mansion; fights with the officer
and disarms him。 (〃Correspondance;〃 by Métra; XIV。 May 20; 1783。) …
〃Le Comte de Clermont;〃 by Jules Cousin; passim。 … 〃Journal de
Collé;〃 III。 232 (July; 1769)。
'67'。 De Loménie; 〃Beaumarchais et son temps; II。 304。
'68'。 De Luynes; XVL 161 (September; 1757)。 The village festival
given to King Stanislas; by Mme。 de Mauconseil at Bagatelle。 …
Bachaumont; III。 247 (September 7; 1767)。 Festival given by the Prince
de Condé。
'69'。 〃Correspondance;〃 by Métra; XIII。 97 (June 15; 1782); and V。
232 (June 24 and 25; 1777)。 … Mme。 de Genlis 〃Mémoires;〃 chap。 XIV。
'70'。 Bachaumont; November 17; 1770。 … 〃Journal de Collé;〃 III。
136 (April 29; 1767)。 … De Montlosier; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。 43。 〃At the
residence of the Commandant (at Clermont) they would have been glad to
enlist me in private theatricals。〃
'71'。 〃Correspondance。〃 by Métra; II。 245 (Nov。 18。 1775)。
'72'。 Julien。 〃Histoire du Théatre de Madame de Pompadour。〃 These
representations last seven years and cost during the winter alone of
1749; 300;000 livres。 … De Luynes; X。 45。 … Mme。 de Hausset; 230。
'73'。 Mme。 Campan; I。 130。 … Cf。 with caution; the Mémoires; are
suspect; as they have been greatly modified and arranged by Fleury。 …
De Goncourt; 114。
74。 Jules Cousin; 〃 Le Comte de Clermont;〃 p。21。 … Mme。 de
Genlis; 〃Mémoires;〃 chap。 3 and 11。 … De Goncourt; 114。
'75'。 Bachaumont; III。 343 (February 23; 1768) and IV。 174; III。
232。 … 〃Journal d Collé;〃 passim。 … Collé; Laujon and Poisinet are
the principal purveyors for these displays; the only one of merit is
〃La Verité dans le Vin。〃 In this piece instead of 〃Mylord。〃 there was
at first the 〃bishop of Avranches;〃 and the piece was thus performed
at Villers…Cotterets in the house of the Duc d'Orléans。
'76'。 Mme。 d'Oberkirk; II。 82。 … On the tone of the best society
see 〃Correspondance〃 by Métra; I。 50; III。 68; and Bezenval (Ed。
Barrière) 387 to 394。
'77'。 Mme。 de Genlis; 〃Adèle et Théodore;〃 II。 362。
'78'。 George Sand; I。 85。 〃At my grandmother's I have found boxes
full of couplets; madrigals and biting satires。。。。 I burned some of
them so obscene that I would not dare read them through; and these
written by abbés I had known to my infancy and by a marquis of the
best blood。〃 Among other examples; toned down; the songs on the Bird
and the Shepherdess; may be read in 〃Correspondance;〃 by Métra。
Its Barrenness and Artificiality。 … Return to Nature and sentiment。
MERE pleasure; in the long run; ceases to gratify; and however
agreeable this drawing room life may be; it ends in a certain
hollowness。 Something is lacking without any one being able to say
precisely what that something is; the soul becomes restless; and
slowly; aided by authors and artists; it sets about investigating the
cause of its uneasiness and the object of its secret longings。
Barrenness and artificiality are the two traits of this society; the
more marked because it is more complete; and; in this one; pushed to
extreme; because it has attained to supreme refinement。 In the first
place naturalness is excluded from it; everything is arranged and
adjusted; … decoration; dress; attitude; tone of voice; words; ideas
and even sentiments。 〃A genuine sentiment is so rare;〃 said M。 de V
; 〃that; when I leave Versailles; I sometimes stand still in the
street to see a dog gnaw a bone。〃'1' Man; in abandoning himself wholly
to society; had withheld no portion of his personality for himself
while decorum; clinging to him like so much ivy; had abstracted from
him the substance of his being and subverted every principle of
〃There was then;〃 says one who was educated in this style;'2' 〃a
certain way of walking; of sitting down; of saluting; of picking up a
glove; of holding a fork; of tendering any article; in short; a
complete set of gestures and facial expressions; which children had to
be taught at a very early age in order that habit might become a
second nature; and this conventionality formed so important an item in
the life of men and women in aristocratic circles that the actors of
the present day; with all their study; are scarcely able to give us an
idea of it。〃
Not only was the outward factitious but; again; the inward; there
was a certain prescribed mode of feeling and of thinking; of living
and of dying。 It was impossible to address a man without placing
oneself at his orders; or a woman without casting oneself at her feet;
Fashion; 'le bon ton;' regulated every important or petty proceeding;
the manner of making a declaration to a woman and of breaking an
engagement; of entering upon and managing a duel; of treating an
equal; an inferior and a superior。 If any one failed in the slightest
degree to conform to this code of universal custom; he is called 〃a
specimen。〃 A man of heart or of talent; D'Argenson; for example; bore
a surname of 〃simpleton;〃 because his originality transcended the
conventional standard。 〃That has no name; there is nothing like it!〃
embodies the strongest censure。 In conduct as in literature; whatever
departs from a certain type is rejected。 The quantity of authorized
actions is as great as the number of authorized words。 The same super…
refined taste impoverishes the initiatory act as well as the
initiatory expression; people acting as they write; according to
acquired formulas and within a circumscribed circle。 Under no
consideration can the eccentric; the unforeseen; the spontaneous;
vivid inspiration be accepted。 Among twenty instances I select the
least striking since it merely relates to a simple gesture; and is a
measure of other things。 Mademoiselle de … obtains; through family
influence; a pension for Marcel; a famous dancing…master; and runs
off; delighted; to his domicile to convey him the patent。 Marcel
receives it and at once flings it on the floor: 〃Mademoiselle; did I
teach you to offer an object in that manner? Pick up that paper and
hand it to me as you ought to。〃 She picks up the patent and presents
it to him with all suitable grace。 〃That's very well; Mademoiselle; I
accept it; although your elbow was not quite sufficiently rounded; and
I thank you。〃'3' So many graces end in becoming tiresome; after having
eaten rich food for years; a little milk and dry bread becomes
Among all these social flavorings one is especially abused; one
which; unremittingly employed; communicates to all dishes its frigid
and piquant relish; I mean insincerity (badinage)。 Society does not
tolerate passion; and in this it exercises its right。 One does not
enter company to be either vehement or somber; a strained air or one
of concentration would appear inconsistent。 The mistress of a house is
always right in reminding a man that his emotional constraint brings
on silence。 〃Monsieur Such…a…one; you are not amiable to day。〃 To be
always amiable is; accordingly; an obligation; and; through this
training; a sensibility that is diffused through innumerable little
channels never produces a broad current。 〃One has a hundred friends;
and out of these hundred friends two or three may have some chagrin
every day; but one could not award them sympathy for any length of
time as; in that event; one would be wanting in consideration for the
remaining ninety…seven;〃'4' one might sigh for an instant with some
one of the ninety…seven; and that would be all。 Madame du Deffant;
having lost her oldest friend; the President Hénault; that very day
goes to sup in a large assemblage: 〃Alas;〃 she exclaimed; 〃he died at
six o'clock this evening; otherwise you would not see me here。〃 Under
this constant régime of distractions and diversions there are no
longer any profound sentiments; we have nothing but an epidermic
exterior; love itself is reduced to 〃the exchange of two fantasies。〃 …
And; as one always falls on the side to which one inclines; levity