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the origins of contemporary france-1-第91章

小说: the origins of contemporary france-1 字数: 每页3500字

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One word more to complete the picture。  People seek shelter in the

towns and; indeed; compared with the country; the towns are a refuge。

But misery accompanies the poor; for; on the one hand; they are

involved in debt; and; on the other; the closed circles administering

municipal affairs impose taxation on the poor。  The towns being

oppressed by the fisc; they in their turn oppress the people by

passing to them the load which the king had imposed。  Seven times in

twenty…eight years'64' he withdraws and re…sells the right of

appointing their municipal officers; and; to get rid of 〃this enormous

financial burden;〃 the towns double their octrois。  At present;

although liberated; they still make payment; the annual charge has

become a perpetual charge; never does the fisc release its hold; once

beginning to suck it continues to suck。  〃Hence; in Brittany;〃 says an

intendant; 〃not a town is there whose expenses are not greater than

its revenue。〃'65'  They are unable to mend their pavements; and repair

their streets; 〃the approaches to them being almost impracticable。〃

What could they do for self…support; obliged; as they are; to pay over

again after having already paid? Their augmented octrois; in 1748;

ought to furnish during a period of eleven years a total of 606;000

livres; but; the eleven years having lapsed; the tax authorities; in

spite of having been paid; still maintains its exigencies; and to such

an extent that; in 1774; they have contributed 2;071;052 livres; the

provisional octroi being still maintained。   …  Now; this exorbitant

octroi bears heavily everywhere on the most indispensable necessities;

the artisan being more heavily burdened than the bourgeois。  In Paris;

as we have seen above; wine pays forty…seven livres a hogshead

entrance duty which; at the present standard of value; must be

doubled。  〃A turbot; taken on the coast at Harfleur and brought by

post; pays an entrance duty of eleven times its value; the people of

the capital therefore being condemned to dispense with fish from the

sea。〃'66'  At the gates of Paris; in the little parish of

Aubervilliers; I find 〃excessive duties on hay; straw; seeds; tallow;

candles; eggs; sugar; fish; faggots and firewood。〃'67' Compiegne pays

the whole amount of its taille by means of a tax on beverages and

cattle'68'。  〃In Toul and in Verdun the taxes are so onerous that but

few consent to remain in the town; except those kept there by their

offices and by old habits。〃'69'  At Coulommiers; 〃the merchants and

the people are so severely taxed they dread undertaking any

enterprise。〃 Popular hatred everywhere is profound against octroi;

barrier and clerk。  The bourgeois oligarchy everywhere first cares for

itself before caring for those it governs。  At Nevers and at

Moulins;'70' 〃all rich persons find means to escape their turn to

collect taxes by belonging to different commissions or through their

influence with the élus; to such an extent that the collectors of

Nevers; of the present and preceding year; might be mistaken for real

beggars; there is hardly any small village whose tax collectors are

solvent; since the tenant farmers (métayers) have had to be

appointed。〃 At Angers; 〃independent of presents and candles; which

annually consume 2;172 livres; the public pence are employed and

wasted in clandestine outlays according to the fancy of the municipal

officers。〃 In Provence; where the communities are free to tax

themselves and where they might be expected to show some consideration

for the poor; 〃most of the towns; and notably Aix; Marseilles and

Toulon;'71' pay their impositions;〃 local and general; 〃exclusively by

the tax called the 〃piquet。〃 This is a tax 〃on all species of flour

belonging to and consumed on the territory;〃 for example; of 254;897

livres; which Toulon expends; the piquet furnishes 233;405。  Thus the

taxation falls wholly on the people; while the bishop; the marquis;

the president; the merchant of importance pay less on their dinner of

delicate fish and becaficos than the caulker or porter on his two

pounds of bread rubbed with a piece of garlic! Bread in this country

is already too dear! And the quality is so poor that Malouet; the

intendant of the marine; refuses to let his workmen eat it!

〃Sire;〃 said M。 de la Fare; bishop of Nancy; from his pulpit; May

4th; 1789; 〃Sire; the people over which you reign has given

unmistakable proofs of its patience。  。  。  。  They are martyrs in whom

life seems to have been allowed to remain to enable them to suffer the



〃I am miserable because too much is taken from me。  Too much is

taken from me because not enough is taken from the privileged。  Not

only do the privileged force me to pay in their place; but; again;

they previously deduct from my earnings their ecclesiastic and feudal

dues。  When; out of my income of 100 francs; I have parted with fifty…

three francs; and more; to the collector; I am obliged again to give

fourteen francs to the seignior; also more than fourteen for

tithes;'73' and; out of the remaining eighteen or nineteen francs; I

have additionally to satisfy the excise men。  I alone; a poor man; pay

two governments; one the old government; local and now absent;

useless; inconvenient and humiliating; and active only through

annoyances; exemptions and taxes; and the other; recent; centralized;

everywhere present; which; taking upon itself all functions; has vast

needs; and makes my meager shoulders support its enormous weight。〃

These; in precise terms; are the vague ideas beginning to ferment

in the popular brain and encountered on every page of the records of

the States…General。

〃Would to God;〃 says a Normandy village;'74' 〃the monarch might

take into his own hands the defense of the miserable citizen pelted

and oppressed by clerks; seigniors; justiciary and clergy!〃

 〃Sire;〃 writes a village in Champagne;'75' 〃the only message to us

on your part is a demand for money。  We were led to believe that this

might cease; but every year the demand comes for more。  We do not hold

you responsible for this because we love you; but those whom you

employ; who better know how to manage their own affairs than yours。  We

believed that you were deceived by them and we; in our chagrin; said

to ourselves; If our good king only knew of this! 。  。  。  We are crushed

down with every species of taxation; thus far we have given you a part

of our bread; and; should this continue; we shall be in want。  。  。  。

Could you see the miserable tenements in which we live; the poor food

we eat; you would feel for us; this would prove to you better than

words that we can support this no longer and that it must be lessened。

。  。  。  That which grieves us is that those who possess the most; pay

the least。  We pay the tailles and for our implements; while the

ecclesiastics and nobles who own the best land pay nothing。  Why do the

rich pay the least and the poor the most? Should not each pay

according to his ability? Sire; we entreat that things may be so

arranged; for that is just。  。  。  。  Did we dare; we should undertake to

plant the slopes with vines; but we are so persecuted by the clerks of

the excise we would rather pull up those already planted; the wine

that we could make would all go to them; scarcely any of it remaining

for ourselves。  These exactions are a great scourge and; to escape

them; we would rather let the ground lie waste。  。  。  。  Relieve us of

all these extortions and of the excisemen; we are great sufferers

through all these devices; now is the time to change them; never shall

we be happy as long as these last。  We entreat all this of you; Sire;

along with others of your subjects as wearied as ourselves。  。  。  。  We

would entreat yet more but you cannot do all at one time。〃

Imposts and privileges; in the really popular registers; are the

two enemies against which complaints everywhere arise'76'。

〃We are overwhelmed by demands for subsidies; 。  。  。  we are burdened

with taxes beyond our strength; 。  。  。  we do not feel able to support

any more; we perish; overpowered by the sacrifices demanded of us。

Labor is taxed while indolence is exempt。  。  。  。  Feudalism is the most

disastrous of abuses; the evils it causes surpassing those of hail and

lightning。  。  。  。  Subsistence is impossible if three…quarters of the

crops are to be taken for field…rents; terrage; etc。  。  。  。  The

proprietor has a fourth part; the décimateur a twelfth; the harvester

a twelfth; taxation a tenth; not counting the depredations of vast

quantities of game which devour the growing crops: nothing is left for

the poor cultivator but pain and sorrow。〃

Why should the Third…Estate alone pay for roads on which the nobles

and the clergy drive in their carriages? Why are the poor alone

subject to militia draft? Why does 〃the subdelegate cause only the

defenseless and the unprotected to be drafted?〃 Why does it suffice to

be the servant of a privileged person to escape this service? Destroy

those dove…cotes; formerly only small pigeon…pens and which now

contain as many as 5;000 pairs。  Abolish the barbarous rights of

〃motte; quevaise and domaine congéable'77' under which more than

500;000 persons still suffer in Lower Brittany。〃 〃You have in your

armies; Sire; more than 30;000 Franche…Comté serfs;〃 should one of

these become an officer and be pensioned out of the service he would

be obliged to return to and live in the hut in which he was born;

otherwise; at his death; the seignior will take his pittance。  Let

there be no more absentee prelates; nor abbés…commendatory。  〃The

present deficit is not to be paid by us but by the bishops and

beneficiaries; deprive the princes of the church of two…thirds of

their revenues。〃 〃Let feudalism be abolished。  Man; the peasant

especially; is tyrannically bowed down to the impoverished ground on

which he lies exhausted。  。  。  。  There is no freedom; no prosperity; no

happiness where the soil is enthralled。  。  。  。  Let the lord's dues; and

other odious taxes not feudal; be abolished; a thousand times returned

to the privileged。  Let feudalism content itself with its iron scepter

without adding the poniard of the revenue speculator。〃'78'

 Here; and for some time before this; it is not the Countryman who

speaks but the procureur; the lawyer; who places professional

metaphors and theories at his service。  But the lawyer has simply

translated the countryman's sentiments into literary dialect。



'1'〃Collection des économistes;〃 II。  832。  See a tabular statement

by Beaudan。

'2' 〃Ephémérides du citoyen;〃 IX。  15; an article by M。 de Butré;


'3' 〃Collection des économistes;〃 I。  551; 562。

'4' 〃Procès…verbaux de l'assemblée provincia

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