the origins of contemporary france-4-第24章
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year II。 (7 Feb。 1794)。
'87' Moniteur; XIX (Rapport by Barère; Vent?se 21; an II)。 〃You
should detect and combat federalism in all your institutions; as your
natural enemy。。。。A grand central establishment for all the work of the
Republic is an effective means against federalism。〃 … Buchez et Roux;
XXXI; 351; et XXXII; 316 (Rapports by Saint…Just; Vent?se 23 et
Germinal 26; year II)。 〃Immorality is a federalism in the civil
state。。。Civil federalism; by isolating all parts of the state; has
dried up abundance。〃
'88' Decree of Germinal 26…29; year II。 Financial companies are and
hereby remain suppressed。 All bankers; commission merchants; and
other persons; are forbidden to form any establishment of this order
under any pretext or under any denomination。〃
'89' 〃 Memoires de Carnot;〃 I。; 278 (Report by Carnot)。 〃That is not
family life。 If there are local privileges there will soon be
individual privileges and local aristocracy will bring along in its
train the aristocracy of inhabitants。〃
'90' Moniteur; XIX。; 683 (Rapport by Barère; Vent?se 21; year II)。
This report should be read in full to comprehend the communistic and
centralizing spirit of the Jacobins。 (Undoubtedly Lenin; during his
years in Paris; had read Taine's footnote and asked the national
library for a copy of this rapport。 SR。)
'91' Fenet; 〃Travaux du Code civil;〃 105 (Rapports by Cambacérès;
August 9; 1793 and September 9; 1794)。 … Decrees of September 20;
1793 and Floréal 4; year II (On divorce)。 … Cf。 〃Institutions;〃 by
Saint…Just (Buchez et Roux; XXXV; 302)。 〃A man and woman who love
each other are married; if they have no children they may keep their
relationship secret。〃
'92' This article of the Jacobin program; like the others; has its
practical result。 … 〃At Paris; in the twenty…seven months after the
promulgation of the law of September; 1792; the courts granted five
thousand nine hundred and ninety…four divorces; and in year VI; the
number of divorces exceeded the marriages。〃 (Glasson; le Mariage civil
et le Divorce; 51。) … 〃The number of foundlings which; in 1790; in
France; did not exceed twenty…three thousand; is now (year X。) more
than sixty…three thousand。 〃Statistique de la Sarthe;〃 by Auvray;
prefect; year; X。) … In the Lot…et…Garonne (Statistique; by Peyre;
préfet; year X ); more than fifteen hundred foundlings are counted:
〃this extraordinary number increased during the Revolution through the
too easy admission of foundlings into the asylums; through the
temporary sojourning of soldiers in their homes; through the
disturbance of every moral and religious principle。〃 … 〃It is not rare
to find children of thirteen and fourteen talking and acting in a way
that would have formerly disgraced a young man of twenty。〃 (Moselle;
Analyse; by Ferrière。) … 〃The children of workmen are idle and
insubordinate; some indulge in the most shameful conduct against their
parents;〃 others try stealing and use the coarsest language。〃
(Meurthe; Statistique; by Marquis; préfet。) … Cf。 Anne Plumptre (A
Narrative of three years' residence in France from 1802 to 1805; I。
436)。 〃You would not believe it; Madame; said a gardener to her at
Nimes; that during the Revolution we dared not scold our children for
their faults。 Those who called themselves patriots regarded it as
against the fundamental principles of liberty to correct children。
This made them so unruly that; very often; when a parent presumed to
scold its child the latter would tell him to mind his business;
adding; 'we are free and equal; the Republic is our only father and
mother ; if you are not satisfied; I am。 Go where you like it
better。' Children are still saucy。 It will take a good many years to
bring them back to minding。'
'93' Buchez et Roux; XXXII。; 364 (Report by Robespierre; Floréal 8;
year II。)
'94' Buchez et Roux; XXXII。; 385 … (Address of a Jacobin deputation to
the Convention; Floréal 27; year II。) … At Bayeux; the young girl who
represented Liberty; had the following inscription on her breast or
back: 〃Do not make of me an instrument of licentiousness。〃 (Gustave
Flaubert; family souvenirs。)
'95' Buchez et Roux; XXXI。; 415。 (Report by Fabre d'Eglantine;
October 6; 1793。) … (Grégoire; 〃Memoires;〃 I。; 341。) 〃The new calendar
was invented by Romme in order to get rid of Sunday。 This was his
object; he admitted it to me。〃
'96' Ibid。; XXXII。; 274。 (Report by Robespierre; Floréal 18; year
II。) 〃National Festivals form an essential part of public
education。。。。 A system of national festivals is the most powerful
means of regeneration。〃
'97' Ibid。; XXXVIII。; 335。 Marat's heart; placed on a table in the
Cordéliers Club; was an object of religious reverence。 … (Grégoire;
〃Mémoires;〃 I。; 341。) 〃In some schools the pupils were obliged to make
the sign of the cross at the names of Marat; Lazowski; etc。〃
'98' Comte de Martel; 〃étude sur Fouché;〃 137。 Fête at Nevers; on the
inaguration of a bust of Brutus。 … Ibid。; 222; civic festival at
Nevers in honor of valor and morals。 … Dauban; 〃Paris en 1794。〃
Programme of the fête of the supreme Being at Sceaux。
'99' An expression by Rabaut Saint…Etienne。
'100' Ibid。; XXXII。; 373 (Report by Robespierre; Floréal 15; year II。)
… Danton had expressed precisely the same opinion; supported by the
same arguments; at the meeting of Frimaire 22; year II。 (Moniteur;
XVIII; 654。) 〃Children first belong to the Republic before belonging
to their parents。 Who will assure me that these children; inspired by
parental egoism; will not become dangerous to the Republic? What do we
care for the ideas of an individual alongside of national ideas? 。。。
Who among us does not know the danger of this constant isolation? It
is in the national schools that the child must suck republican milk!
。。。。 The Republic is one and indivisible。 Public instruction must
likewise relate to this center of unity。〃
'101' Decree of Vendémaire 30 and Brumaire 7; year II。 … Cf。 Sauzay;
VI。; 252; on the application of this decree in the provinces。
'102' Albert Duruy; 2L'Instruction publique et la Revolution;2 164; to
172 (extracts from various republican spelling…books and catechisms)。
… Decree of Frimaire 29; year II。; section I。; art。 I; 83; section
II。; art。 2; section III。; arts。 6 and 9。
'103' Moniteur; XVIII。; 653。 (Meeting of Frimaire 22; speech by
Bouquir; reporter。)
'104' Moniteur; XVIII。; 351…359。 (Meeting of Brumaire 15; year II。;
report by Chénier。) 〃You have made laws … create habits。 。 。 。 You
can apply to the public instruction of the nation the same course that
Rousseau follows in 'Emile。' 〃
'105' The words of Bouquier; reporter。 (Meeting of Frimaire 22; year
'106' Buchez et Roux; XXIV; 57 (Plan by Le Peletier de Saint…Fargeau;
read by Robespierre at the Convention; July 13; 1793。) … Ibid。; 35。
(Draft of a decree by the same hand。)
'107' Ibid。; XXX。; 229。 (〃Institutions;〃 by Saint…Just。)
'108' Buchez et Roux; XXXI。; 261。 (Meeting of Nivose 17。) On the
committee presenting the final draft of the decrees on public
instruction the Convention adopts the following article: 〃All boys
who; on leaving the primary schools of instruction; do not devote
themselves to tillage; will be obliged to learn some science; art or
occupation useful to society。 Otherwise; on reaching twenty; they
will be deprived of citizens' rights for ten years; and the same
penalty will be laid on their father; mother; tutor or guardian。〃
'109' Decree of Prairial 13; year II。
'110' Langlois; 〃Souvenirs de l'Ecole de Mars。〃
'111' Buchez et Roux; XXXII。; 355。 (Report by Robespierre; Floréal
18; year II。)
'112' Moniteur; XVIII。; 326。 (Meeting of the Commune; Brumaire 11;
year II。) the commissary announces that; at Fontainebleau and other
places; 〃he has established the system of equality in the prisons and
places of confinement; where the rich and the poor partake of the same
food。〃 … Ibid。; 210。 (Meeting of the Jacobins; Vendémiaire 29; year
II。 Speech by Laplance on his mission to Gers。) 〃Priests had every
comfort in their secluded retreats; the sans…culottes in the prisons
slept on straw。 The former provided me with mattresses for the
latter。〃 … Ibid。; XVIII。; 445。 (Meeting of the convention; Brumaire
26; year II。) 〃The Convention decrees that the food of persons kept in
places of confinement shall be simple and the same for all; the rich
paying for the poor。〃
'113' Archives Nationales。 (AF。 II。; 37; order of Lequinio; Saintes;
Nivose 1; year II。) 〃Citizens generally in all communes; are requested
to celebrate the day of the decade by a fraternal banquet which;
served without luxury or display 。 。 。 will render the man bowed
down with fatique insensible to his forlorn condition; which will fill
the soul of the poor and unfortunate with the sentiment of social
equality and raise man up to the full sense of his dignity; which will
suppress with the rich man the slightest feeling of pride and
extinguish in the public functionary all germs of haughtiness and
'114' Archives Nationales; AF。 II。; ii。; 48 (Act of Floréal 25; year
II。) 〃the Committee of Public Safety request David; representative of
the people; to present his views and plans in relation to modifying
the present national costume; so as to render it appropriate to
republican habits and the character of the Revolution。〃 … Ibid。; (Act
of Prairial 5; year II。) for engraving and coloring twenty thousand
impressions of the design for a civil uniform; and six thousand
impressions for the three designs for a military; judicial and
legislative uniform。
'115' An identical change took; strangely enough and as caused by some
hidden force; place in Denmark in the seventies。 (SR。)
'116' This is now the case in the entire Western 'democratic' sphere;
in newspapers; schools; and on television。 (SR。)
'117' Ibid; XXXI。; 271。 (Report by Robespierre; Pluviose 1; year II。)
〃This sublime principle supposes a preference for public interests
over all private interests; from which it follows that the love of
country supposes again; or produces; all the virtues。〃 〃As the essence
of a republic or of democracy is equality; it follows that love of
country necessarily comprises a love of equality。〃 〃The soul of the
Republic is virtue; equality。〃 … Lavalette; 〃Memoirs;〃 I。; 254。
(Narrated by Madame Lavalette。) She was compelled to attend public
festivals; and; every month; the patriotic processions。 〃I was rudely
treated by my associates; the low women of the quarter; the daughter
of an emigré; of a marquis; or of an imprisoned mother; ought not to
be allowed the honor of their company; 。。。。 it was all wrong that she
was not made an apprentice。。。。 Hortense de Beauharnais was
apprenticed to