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david elginbrod-第21章

小说: david elginbrod 字数: 每页3500字

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〃Shall we go home to luncheon now?〃 said Harry。

〃Yes;〃 replied Hugh。 〃Could we not go by the front of the house?  I
should like very much to see it。〃

〃Oh; certainly;〃 said Harry; and proceeded to direct Hugh how to go;
but evidently did not know quite to his own satisfaction。  There
being; however; but little foliage yet; Hugh could discover his way
pretty well。  He promised himself many a delightful wander in the
woody regions in the evenings。

They managed to get round to the front of the house; not without
some difficulty; and then Hugh saw to his surprise that; although
not imposing in appearance; it was in extent more like a baronial
residence than that of a simple gentleman。  The front was very long;
apparently of all ages; and of all possible styles of architecture;
the result being somewhat mysterious and eminently picturesque。  All
kinds of windows; all kinds of projections and recesses; a house
here; joined to a hall there; here a pointed gable; the very bell on
the top overgrown and apparently choked with ivy; there a wide front
with large bay windows; and next a turret of old stone; with not a
shred of ivy upon it; but crowded over with grey…green lichens;
which looked as if the stone itself had taken to growing; multitudes
of roofs; of all shapes and materials; so that one might very easily
be lost amongst the chimneys and gutters and dormer windows and
pinnaclesmade up the appearance of the house on the outside to
Hugh's first inquiring glance; as he paused at a little distance
with Harry on his back; and scanned the wonderful pile before him。
But as he looked at the house of Arnstead; Euphra was looking at
him with the boy on his back; from one of the smaller windows。  Was
she making up her mind?

〃You are as kind to me as Euphra;〃 said Harry; as Hugh set him down
in the hall。 〃I've enjoyed my ride very much; thank you; Mr。
Sutherland。  I am sure Euphra will like you very muchshe likes



     then purged with Euphrasy and Rue
The visual nerve; for he had much to see。

Paradise Lost; b。 xi。

Soft music came to mine ear。  It was like the rising breeze; that
whirls; at first; the thistle's beard; then flies; dark…shadowy;
over the grass。  It was the maid of Fu鋜fed wild: she raised the
nightly song; for she knew that my soul was a stream; that flowed at
pleasant sounds。


Harry led Hugh by the hand to the dining…room; a large oak hall with
Gothic windows; and an open roof supported by richly carved
woodwork; in the squares amidst which were painted many escutcheons
parted by fanciful devices。  Over the high stone carving above the
chimney hung an old piece of tapestry; occupying the whole space
between that and the roof。  It represented a hunting…party of ladies
and gentlemen; just setting out。  The table looked very small in the
centre of the room; though it would have seated twelve or fourteen。
It was already covered for luncheon; and in a minute Euphra entered
and took her place without a word。  Hugh sat on one side and Harry
on the other。  Euphra; having helped both to soup; turned to Harry
and said; 〃Well; Harry; I hope you have enjoyed your first lesson。〃

〃Very much;〃 answered Harry with a smile。 〃I have learned pigs and

〃The boy is positively clever;〃 thought Hugh。

〃Mr。 Sutherland〃he continued; 〃has begun to teach me to like

〃But I thought you were very fond of your wild…beast book; Harry。〃

〃Oh! yes; but that was only in the book; you know。  I like the
stories about them; of course。  But to like pigs; you know; is quite
different。  They are so ugly and ill…bred。  I like them though。〃

〃You seem to have quite gained Harry already;〃 said Euphra; glancing
at Hugh; and looking away as quickly。

〃We are very good friends; and shall be; I think;〃 replied he。

Harry looked at him affectionately; and said to him; not to Euphra;
〃Oh! yes; that we shall; I am sure。〃  Then turning to the lady〃Do
you know; Euphra; he is my big brother?〃

〃You must mind how you make new relations; though; Harry; for you
know that would make him my cousin。〃

〃Well; you will be a kind cousin to him; won't you?〃

〃I will try;〃 replied Euphra; looking up at Hugh with a na飗e
expression of shyness; and the slightest possible blush。

Hugh began to think her pretty; almost handsome。  His next thought
was to wonder how old she was。  But about this he could not at once
make up his mind。  She might be four…and…twenty; she might be
two…and…thirty。  She had black; lustreless hair; and eyes to match;
as far as colour was concernedbut they could sparkle; and probably
flash upon occasion; a low forehead; but very finely developed in
the faculties that dwell above the eyes; slender but very dark
eyebrowsjust black arched lines in her rather sallow complexion;
nose straight; and nothing remarkable〃an excellent thing in
woman;〃 a mouth indifferent when at rest; but capable of a beautiful
laugh。  She was rather tall; and of a pretty enough figure; hands
good; feet invisible。  Hugh came to these conclusions rapidly
enough; now that his attention was directed to her; for; though
naturally unobservant; his perception was very acute as soon as his
attention was roused。

〃Thank you;〃 he replied to her pretty speech。 〃I shall do my best to
deserve it。〃

〃I hope you will; Mr。 Sutherland;〃 rejoined she; with another arch
look。 〃Take some wine; Harry。〃

She poured out a glass of sherry; and gave it to the boy; who drank
it with some eagerness。  Hugh could not approve of this; but thought
it too early to interfere。  Turning to Harry; he said:

〃Now; Harry; you have had rather a tiring morning。  I should like
you to go and lie down a while。〃

〃Very well; Mr。 Sutherland;〃 replied Harry; who seemed rather
deficient in combativeness; as well as other boyish virtues。 〃Shall
I lie down in the library?〃

〃Nohave a change。〃

〃In my bed…room?〃

〃No; I think not。  Go to my room; and lie on the couch till I come
to you。〃

Harry went; and Hugh; partly for the sake of saying something; and
partly to justify his treatment of Harry; told Euphra; whose surname
he did not yet know; what they had been about all the morning;
ending with some remark on the view of the house in front。  She
heard the account of their proceedings with apparent indifference;
replying only to the remark with which he closed it:

〃It is rather a large house; is it not; for threeI beg your
pardon; for four persons to live in; Mr。 Sutherland?〃

〃It is; indeed; it quite bewilders me。〃

〃To tell the truth; I don't quite know above the half of it myself。〃

Hugh thought this rather a strange assertion; large as the house
was; but she went on:

〃I lost myself between the housekeeper's room and my own; no later
than last week。〃

I suppose there was a particle of truth in this; and that she had
taken a wrong turning in an abstracted fit。  Perhaps she did not
mean it to be taken as absolutely true。

〃You have not lived here long; then?〃

〃Not long for such a great place。  A few years。  I am only a poor

She accompanied this statement with another swift uplifting of the
eyelids。  But this time her eyes rested for a moment on Hugh's; with
something of a pleading expression; and when they fell; a slight
sigh followed。  Hugh felt that he could not quite understand her。  A
vague suspicion crossed his mind that she was bewitching him; but
vanished instantly。  He replied to her communication by a smile; and
the remark:

〃You have the more freedom; then。Did you know Harry's mother?〃 he
added; after a pause。

〃No。 She died when Harry was born。  She was very beautiful; and;
they say; very clever; but always in extremely delicate health。
Between ourselves; I doubt if there was much sympathythat is; if
my uncle and she quite understood each other。  But that is an old

A pause followed。  Euphra resumed:

〃As to the freedom you speak of; Mr。 Sutherland; I do not quite know
what to do with it。  I live here as if the place were my own; and
give what orders I please。  But Mr。 Arnold shows me little
attentionhe is so occupied with one thing and another; I hardly
know what; and if he did; perhaps I should get tired of him。  So;
except when we have visitors; which is not very often; the time
hangs rather heavy on my hands。〃

〃But you are fond of readingand writing; too; I suspect;〃 Hugh
ventured to say。

She gave him another of her glances; in which the apparent shyness
was mingled with something for which Hugh could not find a name。
Nor did he suspect; till long after; that it was in reality
slyness; so tempered with archness; that; if discovered; it might
easily pass for an expression playfully assumed。

〃Oh! yes;〃 she said; 〃one must read a book now and then; and if a
verse〃again a glance and a slight blush〃should come up from
nobody knows where; one may as well write it down。  But; please; do
not take me for a literary lady。  Indeed; I make not the slightest
pretensions。  I don't know what I should do without Harry; and
indeed; indeed; you must not steal him from me; Mr。 Sutherland。〃

〃I should be very sorry;〃 replied Hugh。 〃Let me beg you; as far as I
have a right to do so; to join us as often and as long as you
please。  I will go and see how he is。  I am sure the boy only wants
thorough rousing; alternated with perfect repose。〃

He went to his own room; where he found Harry; to his satisfaction;
fast asleep on the sofa。  He took care not to wake him; but sat down
beside him to read till his sleep should be over。  But; a moment
after; the boy opened his eyes with a start and a shiver; and gave a
slight cry。  When he saw Hugh he jumped up; and with a smile which
was pitiful to see upon a scared face; said:

〃Oh!  I am so glad you are there。〃

〃What is the matter; dear Harry?〃

〃I had a dreadful dream。〃

〃What was it?〃

〃I don't know。  It always comes。  It is always the same。  I know
that。  And yet I can never remember what it is。〃

Hugh soothed him as well as he could; and he needed it; for the cold
drops were standing on his forehead。  When he had grown calmer; he
went and fetched Gulliver; and; to the boy's great delight; read to
him till dinner…time。  Before the first bell rang; he had quite
recovered; and indeed seemed rather interested in the approach of

Dinner was an affair of some state at Arnstead。  Almost immediately
after the second bell had rung; Mr。 Arnold made his appearance in
the drawing…room; where the others were already waiting for him。
This room had nothing of the distinctive character of the parts of
the house which Hugh had already seen。  It was merely a handsome
modern room; of no great size。  Mr。 Arnold led Euphra to dinner; and
Hugh followed with Harry。

Mr。 Arnold's manner to Hugh was the same as in the
morningstudiously polite; without the smallest approach to
cordiality。  He addressed him as an equal; it is true; but an equal
who could never be in the smallest danger of thinking he meant it。
Hugh; who; without having seen a great deal of the world; yet felt
much the same wherever he was; took care to give him all that he
seemed to look for; as far at leas

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