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david elginbrod-第46章

小说: david elginbrod 字数: 每页3500字

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appearances。  Sorely bewildered; he returned to his own room。  After
speculating till thought was weary; he lay down beside Harry; whom
he was thankful to find in a still repose; and fell fast asleep。

Margaret lay on a couch in Lady Emily's room; and slept likewise;
but she started wide awake at every moan of the invalid; who often
moaned in her sleep。



She kent he was nae gentle knight;
  That she had letten in;
For neither when he gaed nor cam';
  Kissed he her cheek or chin。

He neither kissed her when he cam'
  Nor clappit her when he gaed;
And in and out at her bower window;
  The moon shone like the gleed。

Glenkindie。Old Scotch Ballad。

When Euphra recovered from the swoon into which she had fallenfor
I need hardly explain to my readers; that it was she who walked the
Ghost's Walk in whiteon seeing Margaret; whom; under the
irresistible influences of the moonlight and a bad conscience; she
took for the very being whom Euphra herself was personatingwhen
she recovered; I say; she found herself lying in the wood; with
Funkelstein; whom she had gone to meet; standing beside her。  Her
first words were of anger; as she tried to rise; and found she could

〃How long; Count Halkar; am I to be your slave?〃

〃Till you have learned to submit。〃

〃Have I not done all I can?〃

〃You have not found it。  You are free from the moment you place that
ring; belonging to me; in right of my family; into my hands。〃

I do not believe that the man really was Count Halkar; although he
had evidently persuaded Euphra that such was his name and title。  I
think it much more probable that; in the course of picking up a mass
of trifling information about various families of distinction; for
which his position of secretary in several of their houses had
afforded him special facilities; he had learned something about the
Halkar family; and this particular ring; of which; for some reason
or other; he wanted to possess himself。

〃What more can I do?〃 moaned Euphra; succeeding at length in raising
herself to a sitting posture; and leaning thus against a tree。 〃I
shall be found out some day。  I have been already seen wandering
through the house at midnight; with the heart of a thief。  I hate
you; Count Halkar!〃

A low laugh was the count's only reply。

〃And now Lady Euphrasia herself dogs my steps; to keep me from the
ring。〃  She gave a low cry of agony at the remembrance。

〃Miss CameronEuphraare you going to give way to such folly?〃

〃Folly!  Is it not worse folly to torture a poor girl as you do
meall for a worthless ring?  What can you want with the ring?  I
do not know that he has it even。〃

〃You lie。  You know he has。  You need not think to take me in。〃

〃You base man!  You dare not give the lie to any but a woman。〃


〃Because you are a coward。  You are afraid of Lady Euphrasia
yourself。  See there!〃

Von Funkelstein glanced round him uneasily。  It was only the
moonlight on the bark of a silver birch。  Conscious of having
betrayed weakness; he grew spiteful。

〃If you do not behave to me better; I will compel you。  Rise up!〃

After a moment's hesitation; she rose。

〃Put your arms round me。〃

She seemed to grow to the earth; and to drag herself from it; one
foot after another。  But she came close up to the Bohemian; and put
one arm half round him; looking to the earth all the time。

〃Kiss me。〃

〃Count Halkar!〃 her voice sounded hollow and harsh; as if from a
dead throat〃I will do what you please。  Only release me。〃

〃Go then; but mind you resist me no more。  I do not care for your
kisses。  You were ready enough once。  But that idiot of a tutor has
taken my place; I see。〃

〃Would to God I had never seen you!never yielded to your influence
over me!  Swear that I shall be free if I find you the ring。〃

〃You find the ring first。  Why should I swear?  I can compel you。
You know you laid yourself out to entrap me first with your arts;
and I only turned upon you with mine。  And you are in my power。  But
you shall be free; notwithstanding; and I will torture you till you
free yourself。  Find the ring。〃

〃Cruel! cruel!  You are doing all you can to ruin me。〃

〃On the contrary; I am doing all I can to save myself。  If you had
loved me as you allowed me to think once; I should never have made
you my tool。〃

〃You would all the same。〃

〃Take care。  I am irritable to…night。〃

For a few moments Euphra made no reply。

〃To what will you drive me?〃 she said at last。

〃I will not go too far。  I should lose my power over you if I did。
I prefer to keep it。〃

〃Inexorable man!〃


Another despairing pause。

〃What am I to do?〃

〃Nothing。  But keep yourself ready to carry out any plan that I may
propose。  Something will turn up; now that I have got into the house
myself。  Leave me to find out the means。  I can expect no invention
from your brains。  You can go home。〃

Euphra turned without another word; and went; murmuring; as if in
excuse to herself:

〃It is for my freedom。  It is for my freedom。〃

Of course this account must have come originally from Euphra
herself; for there was no one else to tell it。  She; at least;
believed herself compelled to do what the man pleased。  Some of my
readers will put her down as insane。  She may have been; but; for my
part; I believe there is such a power of one being over another;
though perhaps only in a rare contact of psychologically peculiar
natures。  I have testimony enough for that。  She had yielded to his
will once。  Had she not done so; he could not have compelled her;
but; having once yielded; she had not strength sufficient to free
herself again。  Whether even he could free her; further than by
merely abstaining from the exercise of the power he had gained; I
doubt much。

It is evident that he had come to the neighbourhood of Arnstead for
the sake of finding her; and exercising his power over her for his
own ends; that he had made her come to him once; if not oftener;
before he met Hugh; and by means of his acquaintance; obtained
admission into Arnstead。  Once admitted; he had easily succeeded; by
his efforts to please; in so far ingratiating himself with Mr。
Arnold; that now the house…door stood open to him; and he had even
his recognised seat at the dinner…table。



Next this marble venomed seat;
Smeared with gums of glutinous heat;
I touch with chaste palms moist and cold
Now the spell hath lost his hold。


Next morning Lady Emily felt better; and wanted to get up: but her
eyes were still too bright; and her hands too hot; and Margaret
would not hear of it。

Fond as Lady Emily was in general of Mrs。 Elton's society; she did
not care to have her with her now; and got tired of her when
Margaret was absent。

They had taken care not to allow Miss Cameron to enter the room; but
to…day there was not much likelihood of her making the attempt; for
she did not appear at breakfast; sending a message to her uncle that
she had a bad headache; but hoped to take her place at the

During the day; Lady Emily was better; but restless by fits。

〃Were you not out of the room for a little while last night;
Margaret?〃 she said; rather suddenly。

〃Yes; my lady。  I told you I should have to go; perhaps。〃

〃I remember I thought you had gone; but I was not in the least
afraid; and that dreadful man never came near me。  I do not know
when you returned。  Perhaps I had fallen asleep; but when I thought
about you next; there you were by my bedside。〃

〃I shall not have to leave you to…night;〃 was all Margaret's answer。

As for Hugh; when first he woke; the extraordinary experiences of
the previous night appeared to him to belong only to the night; and
to have no real relation to the daylight world。  But a little
reflection soon convinced him of the contrary; and then he went
through the duties of the day like one who had nothing to do with
them。  The phantoms he had seen even occupied some of the thinking
space formerly appropriated by the image of Euphra; though he knew
to his concern that she was ill; and confined to her room。  He had
heard the message sent to Mr。 Arnold; however; and so kept hoping
for the dinner…hour。

With it came Euphra; very pale。  Her eyes had an unsettled look; and
there were dark hollows under them。  She would start and look
sideways without any visible cause; and was thus very different from
her usual selfordinarily remarkable for self…possession; almost to
coolness; of manner and speech。  Hugh saw it; and became both
distressed and speculative in consequence。  It did not diminish his
discomfort that; about the middle of dinner; Funkelstein was
announced。  Was it; then; that Euphra had been tremulously expectant
of him?

〃This is an unforeseen pleasure; Herr von Funkelstein;〃 said Mr。

〃It is very good of you to call it a pleasure; Mr。 Arnold;〃 said he。
〃Miss Cameronbut; good heavens! how ill you look!〃

〃Don't be alarmed。  I have only caught the plague。〃

〃Only?〃 was all Funkelstein said in reply; yet Hugh thought he had
no right to be so solicitous about Euphra's health。

As the gentlemen sat at their wine; Mr。 Arnold said:

〃I am anxious to have one more trial of those strange things you
have brought to our knowledge。  I have been thinking about them ever

〃Of course I am at your service; Mr。 Arnold; but don't you think;
for the ladies' sakes; we have had enough of it?〃

〃You are very considerate; Herr von Funkelstein; but they need not
be present if they do not like it。〃

〃Very well; Mr。 Arnold。〃

They adjourned once more to the library instead of the drawing…room。
Hugh went and told Euphra; who was alone in the drawing…room; what
they were about。  She declined going; but insisted on his leaving
her; and joining the other gentlemen。

Hugh left her with much reluctance。

〃Margaret;〃 said Lady Emily; 〃I am certain that man is in the

〃He is; my lady;〃 answered Margaret。

〃They are about some more of those horrid experiments; as they call

〃I do not know。〃

Mrs。 Elton entering the room at the moment; Margaret said:

〃Do you know; ma'am; whether the gentlemen arein the library

〃I don't know; Margaret。  I hope not。  We have had enough of that。
I will go and find out; though。〃

〃Will you take my place for a few minutes first; please; ma'am?〃

Margaret had felt a growing oppression for some time。  She had
scarcely left the sick…room that day。

〃Don't leave me; dear Margaret;〃 said Lady Emily; imploringly。

〃Only for a little while; my lady。  I shall be back in less than a
quarter of an hour。〃

〃Very well; Margaret;〃 she answered dolefully。

Margaret went out into the moonlight; and walked for ten minutes。
She sought the more open parts; where the winds were。  She then
returned to the sick…chamber; refreshed and strong。

〃Now I will go and see what the gentlemen are about;〃 said Mrs。

The good lady did not like these proceedings; but she was
irresistibly attracted by them notwithstanding。  Having gone to see
for Lady Emily; she remained to see for herself。

After she had left; Lady Emily g

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