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david elginbrod-第49章

小说: david elginbrod 字数: 每页3500字

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〃Are you sure you have nerve enough for this; Hugh?〃 she said; still

〃I have had nerve enough to sit still and look at you for the last
half hour;〃 answered Hugh; rudely。

She turned pale; and glanced up at him with a troubled look。  Then;
without responding to his answer; said:

〃I daresay the count is not over…anxious to hold you to your bet。〃

〃Pray intercede for me with the count; madam;〃 answered Hugh;
sarcastically。 〃He would not wish the young fool to be frightened; I
daresay。  But perhaps he wishes to have an interview with the ghost
himself; and grudges me the privilege。〃

She turned deadly pale this time; and gave him one terrified glance;
but made no other reply to his words。  Still she played on。

〃You will arm yourself?〃

〃Against a ghost?  Yes; with a stout heart。〃

〃But don't forget the secret door through which we came that night;
Hugh。 I distrust the count。〃

The last words were spoken in a whisper; emphasized into almost a

〃Tell him I shall be armed。  I tell you I shall meet him
bare…handed。  Betray me if you like。〃

Hugh had taken his revenge; and now came the reaction。  He gazed at
Euphra; but instead of the injured look; which was the best he could
hope to see; an expression of 〃pity and ruth〃 grew slowly in her
face; making it more lovely than ever in his eyes。  At last she
seemed on the point of bursting into tears; and; suddenly changing
the music; she began playing a dead…march。  She kept her eyes on the
keys。  Once more; only; she glanced round; to see whether Hugh was
still by her side; and he saw that her face was pale as death; and
wet with silent tears。  He had never seen her weep before。  He would
have fallen at her feet; had he been alone with her。  To hide his
feelings; he left the room; and then the house。

He wandered into the Ghost's Walk; and; finding himself there;
walked up and down in it。  This was certainly throwing the lady a
bold challenge; seeing he was going to spend the night in her room。

The excitement into which jealousy had thrown him; had been suddenly
checked by the sight of Euphra's tears。  The reaction; too; after
his partial intoxication; had already begun to set in; to be
accounted for partly by the fact that its source had been chiefly
champagne; and partly by the other fact; that he had bound himself
in honour; to dare a spectre in her own favourite haunt。

On the other hand; the sight of Euphra's emotion had given him a far
better courage than jealousy or wine could afford。  Yet; after ten
minutes passed in the shadows of the Ghost's Walk; he would not have
taken the bet at ten times its amount。

But to lose it now would have been a serious affair for him; the
disgrace of failure unconsidered。  If he could have lost a hundred
guineas; it would have been comparatively a slight matter; but to
lose a bet; and be utterly unable to pay it; would be
disgracefulno better than positive cheating。  He had not thought
of this at the time。  Nor; even now; was it more than a passing
thought; for he had not the smallest desire to recede。  The ambition
of proving his courage to Euphra; and; far more; the strength just
afforded him by the sight of her tears; were quite sufficient to
carry him on to the ordeal。  Whether they would carry him through it
with dignity; he did not ask himself。

And; after all; would the ghost appear?  At the best; she might not
come; at the very worst; she would be but a ghost; and he could say
with Hamlet

       〃for my soul; what can it do to that;
     Being a thing as immortal as itself?〃

But then; his jealousy having for the moment intermitted; Hugh was
not able to say with Hamlet

     〃I do not set my life at a pin's fee;〃

and that had much to do with Hamlet's courage in the affair of the

He walked up and down the avenue; till; beginning to feel the night
chilly; he began to feel the avenue eerie; for cold is very
antagonistic to physical courage。  But what refuge would he find in
the ghost's room?

He returned to the drawing…room。  Von Funkelstein and Euphra were
there alone; but in no proximity。  Mr。 Arnold soon entered。

〃Shall I have the bed prepared for you; Mr。 Sutherland?〃 said

〃Which of your maids will you persuade to that office?〃 said Mr。
Arnold; with a facetious expression。

〃I must do it myself;〃 answered Euphra; 〃if Mr。 Sutherland

Hugh saw; or thought he saw; the Bohemian dart an angry glance at
Euphra; who shrank under it。  But before he could speak; Mr。 Arnold

〃You can make a bed; then?  That is the housemaid's phrase; is it

〃I can do anything another can; uncle。〃

〃Bravo!  Can you see the ghost?〃

〃Yes;〃 she answered; with a low lingering on the sibilant; looking
round; at the same time; with an expression that implied a hope that
Hugh had heard it; as indeed he had。

〃What!  Euphra too?〃 said Mr。 Arnold; in a tone of gentle contempt。

〃Do not disturb the ghost's bed for me;〃 said Hugh。 〃It would be a
pity to disarrange it; after it has lain so for an age。  Besides; I
need not rouse the wrath of the poor spectre more than can't be
helped。  If I must sleep in her room; I need not sleep in her bed。
I will lie on the old couch。  Herr von Funkelstein; what proof
shall I give you?〃

〃Your word; Mr。 Sutherland;〃 replied Funkelstein; with a bow。

〃Thank you。  At what hour must I be there。〃

〃Oh!  I don't know。  By eleven I should think。  Oh! any time before
midnight。  That's the ghost's own; is it not?  It is nowlet me
seealmost ten。〃

〃Then I will go at once;〃 said Hugh; thinking it better to meet the
gradual approach of the phantom…hour in the room itself; than to
walk there through the desolate house; and enter the room just as
the fear would be gathering thickest within it。  Besides; he was
afraid that his courage might have broken down a little by that
time; and that he would not be able to conceal entirely the
anticipative dread; whose inroad he had reason to apprehend。

〃I have one good cup of tea yet; Mr。 Sutherland;〃 said Euphra。 〃Will
you not strengthen your nerves with that; before we lead you to the

〃Then she will go with me;〃 thought Hugh。 〃I will; thank you; Miss

He approached the table at which she stood pouring out the cup of
tea。  She said; low and hurriedly; without raising her head:

〃Don't go; dear Hugh。 You don't know what may happen。〃

〃I will go; Euphra。  Not even you shall prevent me。〃

〃I will pay the wager for youlend you the money。〃

〃Euphra!〃The tone implied many things。

Mr。 Arnold approached。  Other conversation followed。  As half…past
ten chimed from the clock on the chimney…piece; Hugh rose to go。

〃I will just get a book from my room;〃 he said; 〃and then perhaps
Herr von Funkelstein will be kind enough to see me make a beginning
at least。〃

〃Certainly I will。  And I advise you to let the book be Edgar Poe's

〃No。 I shall need all the courage I have; I assure you。  I shall
find you here?〃


Hugh went to his room; and washed his face and hands。  Before doing
so; he pulled off his finger a ring of considerable value; which had
belonged to his father。  As he was leaving the room to return to the
company; he remembered that he had left the ring on the
washhand…stand。  He generally left it there at night; but now he
bethought himself that; as he was not going to sleep in the room; it
might be as well to place it in the escritoire。  He opened the
secret place; and laid the diamond beside his poems and the crystal
ring belonging to Mr。 Arnold。  This done; he took up his book again;
and; returning to the drawing…room; found the whole party prepared
to accompany him。  Mr。 Arnold had the keys。  Von Funkelstein and he
went first; and Hugh followed with Euphra。

〃We will not contribute to your discomfiture by locking the doors on
the way; Mr。 Sutherland;〃 said Mr。 Arnold。

〃That is; you will not compel me to win the wager in spite of my
fears;〃 said Hugh。

〃But you will let the ghost loose on the household;〃 said the
Bohemian; laughing。

〃I will be responsible for that;〃 replied Mr。 Arnold。

Euphra dropped a little behind with Hugh。

〃Remember the secret passage;〃 said she。 〃You can get out when you
will; whether they lock the door; or not。  Don't carry it too far;

〃The ghost you mean; Euphra。I don't think I shall;〃 said Hugh;
laughing。  But as he laughed; an involuntary shudder passed through

〃Have I stepped over my own grave?〃 thought he。

They reached the room; and entered。  Hugh would have begged them to
lock him in; had he not felt that his knowledge of the secret door;
would; although he intended no use of it; render such a proposal
dishonourable。  They gave him the key of the door; to lock it on the
inside; and bade him good night。  They were just leaving him; when
Hugh on whom a new light had broken at last; in the gradual
restoration of his faculties; said to the Bohemian:

〃One word with you; Herr von Funkelstein; if you please。〃

Funkelstein followed him into the room; when Hugh half…closing the
door; said:

〃I trust to your sympathy; as gentleman; not to misunderstand me。  I
wagered a hundred guineas with you in the heat of after…dinner talk。
I am not at present worth a hundred shillings。〃

〃Oh!〃 began Funkelstein; with a sneer; 〃if you wish to get off on
that ground〃

〃Herr von Funkelstein;〃 interrupted Hugh; in a very decided tone; 〃I
pointed to your sympathy as a gentleman; as the ground on which I
had hoped to meet you now。  If you have difficulty in finding that
ground; another may be found to…morrow without much seeking。〃

Hugh paused for a moment after making this grand speech; but
Funkelstein did not seem to understand him: he stood in a waiting
attitude。  Hugh therefore went on:

〃Meantime; what I wanted to say is this:I have just left a ring in
my room; which; though in value considerably below the sum mentioned
between us; may yet be a pledge of my good faith; in as far as it is
of infinitely more value to me than can be reckoned in money。  It
was the property of one who by birth; and perhaps by social position
as well; was Herr von Funkelstein's equal。  The ring is a diamond;
and belonged to my father。〃

Von Funkelstein merely replied:

〃I beg your pardon; Mr。 Sutherland; for misunderstanding you。  The
ring is quite an equivalent。〃  And making him a respectful bow; he
turned and left him。



The black jades of swart night trot foggy rings
'Bout heaven's brow。 'Tis now stark dead night。

JOHN MARSTON。Second Part of Antonio and Mellida。

As soon as Hugh was alone; his first action was to lock the door by
which he had entered; his next to take the key from the lock; and
put it in his pocket。  He then looked if there were any other
fastenings; and finding an old tarnished brass bolt as well;
succeeded in making it do its duty for the first time that century;
which required some persuasion; as may be supposed。  He then turned
towards the other door。  As he crossed the room; he found four
candles; a decanter of port; and some biscuits; on a tableplaced
there; no doubt; by the kind hands of Euphra。  H

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