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david elginbrod-第51章

小说: david elginbrod 字数: 每页3500字

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〃I am glad to hear it。  But it is nearly time for breakfast; for
which ceremony I am myself hardly in trim yet。〃

So saying; Funkelstein turned; and walked away with some
precipitation。  What occasioned Hugh a little surprise; was; that he
did not ask him one question more as to how he had passed the night。
He had; of course; slept in the house; seeing he presented himself
in deshabille。

Hugh hastened to his own room; where; under the anti…ghostial
influences of the bath; he made up his mind not to say a word about
the apparition to any one。

〃Well; Mr。 Sutherland; how have you spent the night?〃 said Mr。
Arnold; greeting him。

〃I slept with profound stupidity;〃 answered Hugh; 〃a stupidity; in
fact; quite worthy of the folly of the preceding wager。〃

This was true; as relating to the time during which he had slept;
but was; of course; false in the impression it gave。

〃Bravo!〃 exclaimed Mr。 Arnold; with an unwonted impulsiveness。 〃The
best mood; I consider; in which to meet such creations of other
people's brains!  And you positively passed a pleasant night in the
awful chamber?  That is something to tell Euphra。  But she is not
down yet。  You have restored the character of my house; Mr。
Sutherland; and next to his own character; a man ought to care for
that of his house。  I am greatly in your debt; sir。〃

At this moment; Euphra's maid brought the message; that her mistress
was sorry she was unable to appear at breakfast。

Mrs。 Elton took her place。

〃The day is so warm and still; Mr。 Arnold; that I think Lady Emily
might have a drive to…day。  Perhaps Miss Cameron may be able to join
us by that time。〃

〃I cannot think what is the matter with Euphra;〃 said Mr。 Arnold。
〃She never used to be affected in this way。〃

〃Should you not seek some medical opinion?〃 said Mrs。 Elton。 〃These
constant headaches must indicate something wrong。〃

The constant headache had occurred just once before; since Mrs。
Elton had formed one of the family。  After a pause; Mr。 Arnold
reverted to the former subject。

〃You are most welcome to the carriage; Mrs。 Elton。  I am sorry I
cannot accompany you myself; but I must go to town to…day。  You can
take Mr。 Sutherland with you; if you like。  He will take care of

〃I shall be most happy;〃 said Hugh。

〃So shall we all;〃 responded Mrs。 Elton kindly。 〃Thank you; Mr。
Arnold; though I am sorry you can't go with us。〃

〃What hour shall I order the carriage?〃

〃About one; I think。  Will Herr von Funkelstein favour us with his

〃I am sorry;〃 replied Funkelstein; 〃but I too must leave for London
to…day。  Shall I have the pleasure of accompanying you; Mr。 Arnold?〃

〃With all my heart; if you can leave so early。  I must go at once to
catch the express train。〃

〃I shall be ready in ten minutes。〃

〃Very well。〃

〃Pray; Mrs。 Elton; make my adieus to Miss Cameron。  I am concerned
to hear of her indisposition。〃

〃With pleasure。  I am going to her now。  Good…bye。〃

As soon as Mrs。 Elton left the breakfast…room; Mr。 Arnold rose;

〃I will walk round to the stable; and order the carriage myself。  I
shall then be able; through your means; Mr。 Sutherland; to put a
stop to these absurd rumours in person。  Not that I mean to say
anything direct; as if I placed any importance upon it; but; the
coachman being an old servant; I shall be able through him; to send
the report of your courage and its result; all over the house。〃

This was a very gracious explanation of his measures。  As he
concluded it; he left the room; without allowing time for a reply。

Hugh had not expected such an immediate consequence of his policy;
and felt rather uncomfortable; but he soon consoled himself by
thinking; 〃At least it will do no harm。〃

While Mr。 Arnold was speaking; Funkelstein had been writing at a
side…table。  He now handed Hugh a cheque on a London banking…house
for a hundred guineas。  Hugh; in his innocence; could not help
feeling ashamed of gaining such a sum by such means; for betting;
like tobacco…smoking; needs a special training before it can be
carried out quite comfortably; especially by the winner; if he be at
all of a generous nature。  But he felt that to show the least
reluctance would place him at great disadvantage with a man of the
world like the count。  He therefore thanked him slightly; and thrust
the cheque into his trowsers…pocket; as if a greater sum of money
than he had ever handled before were nothing more for him to win;
than the count would choose it to be considered for him to lose。  He
thought with himself: 〃Ah! well; I need not make use of it;〃 and
repaired to the school…room。

Here he found Harry waiting for him; looking tolerably well; and
tolerably happy。  This was a great relief to Hugh; for he had not
seen him at the breakfast…tableHarry having risen early and
breakfasted before; and he had felt very uneasy lest the boy should
have missed him in the night (for they were still bed…fellows); and
should in consequence have had one of his dreadful attacks of
fear。It was evident that this had not taken place。



There's a special providence in the fall of a sparrow。


When Mrs。 Elton left the breakfast table; she went straight to Miss
Cameron's room to inquire after her; expecting to find her maid with
her。  But when she knocked at the door; there was no reply。

She went therefore to her own room; and sent her maid to find
Euphra's maid。

She came。

〃Is your mistress going to get up to…day; Jane?〃 asked Mrs。 Elton。

〃I don't know; ma'am。  She has not rung yet。〃

〃Have you not been to see how she is?〃

〃No; ma'am。〃

〃How was it you brought that message at breakfast; then?〃

Jane looked confused; and did not reply。

〃Jane!〃 said Mrs。 Elton; in a tone of objurgation。

〃Well; ma'am; she told me to say so;〃 answered Jane。

〃How did she tell you?〃

Jane paused again。

〃Through the door; ma'am;〃 she answered at length; and then
muttered; that they would make her tell lies by asking her questions
she couldn't answer; and she wished she was out of the house; that
she did。

Mrs。 Elton heard this; and; of course; felt considerably puzzled。

〃Will you go now; please; and inquire after your mistress; with my

〃I daren't; ma'am。〃

〃Daren't!  What do you mean?〃

〃Well; ma'am; there is something about my mistress〃 Here she
stopped abruptly; but as Mrs。 Elton stood expectant; she tried to go
on。  All she could add; however; was〃No; ma'am; I daren't。〃

〃But there is no harm in going to her room。〃

〃Oh; no; ma'am。  I go to her room; summer and winter; at seven
o'clock every morning;〃 answered Jane; apparently glad to be able to
say something。

〃Why won't you go now; then?〃

〃Whywhybecause she told me〃 Here the girl stammered and turned
pale。  At length she forced out the words〃She won't let me tell
you why;〃 and burst into tears。

〃Won't let you tell me?〃 repeated Mrs。 Elton; beginning to think the
girl must be out of her mind。  Jane looked hurriedly over her
shoulder; as if she expected to see her mistress standing behind
her; and then said; almost defiantly:

〃No; she won't; and I can't。〃

With these words; she hurried out of the room; while Mrs。 Elton
turned with baffled bewilderment to seek counsel from the face of
Margaret。  As to what all this meant; I am in doubt。  I have
recorded it as Margaret told it to Hugh afterwardsbecause it seems
to indicate something。  It shows evidently enough; that if Euphra
had more than a usual influence over servants in general; she had a
great deal more over this maid in particular。  Was this in virtue of
a power similar to that of Count Halkar over herself?  And was this;
or something very different; or both combined; the art which he had
accused her of first exercising upon him?  Might the fact that her
defeat had resulted in such absolute subjection; be connected with
her possession of a power similar to his; which she had matched with
his in vain?  Of course I only suggest these questions。  I cannot
answer them。

At one o'clock; the carriage came round to the door; and Hugh; in
the hope of seeing Euphra alone; was the first in the hall。  Mrs。
Elton and Lady Emily presently came; and proceeded to take their
places; without seeming to expect Miss Cameron。  Hugh helped them
into the carriage; but; instead of getting in; lingered; hoping that
Euphra was yet going to make her appearance。

〃I fear Miss Cameron is unable to join us;〃 said Mrs。 Elton;
divining his delay。

〃Shall I run up…stairs; and knock at her door?〃 said Hugh。

〃Do;〃 said Mrs。 Elton; who; after the unsatisfactory conversation
she had held with her maid; had felt both uneasy and curious; all
the morning。

Hugh bounded up…stairs; but; just as he was going to knock; the door
opened; and Euphra; appeared。

〃Dear Euphra! how ill you look!〃 exclaimed Hugh。

She was pale as death; and dark under the eyes; and had evidently
been weeping。

〃Hush! hush!〃 she answered。 〃Never mind。  It is only a bad headache。
Don't take any notice of it。〃

〃The carriage is at the door。  Will you not come with us?〃

〃With whom?〃

〃Lady Emily and Mrs。 Elton。〃

〃I am sick of them。〃

〃I am going; Euphra。〃

〃Stay with me。〃

〃I must go。  I promised to take care of them。〃

〃Oh; nonsense!  What should happen to them?  Stay with me。〃

〃No。 I am very sorry。  I wish I could。〃

〃Then I must go with you; I suppose。〃  Yet her tone expressed

〃Oh! thank you;〃 cried Hugh in delight。 〃Make haste。  I will run
down; and tell them to wait。〃

He bounded away; and told the ladies that Euphra would join them in
a few minutes。

But Euphra was cool enough to inflict on them quite twenty minutes
of waiting; by which time she was able to behave with tolerable
propriety。  When she did appear at last; she was closely veiled; and
stepped into the carriage without once showing her face。  But she
made a very pretty apology for the delay she had occasioned; which
was certainly due; seeing it had been perfectly intentional。  She
made room for Hugh; he took his place beside her; and away they

Euphra scarcely spoke; but begged indulgence; on the ground of her
headache。  Lady Emily enjoyed the drive very much; and said a great
many pleasant little nothings。

〃Would you like a glass of milk?〃 said Mrs。 Elton to her; as they
passed a farm…house on the estate。

〃I shouldvery much;〃 answered Lady Emily。

The carriage was stopped; and the servant sent to beg a glass of
milk。  Euphra; who; from riding backward with a headache; had been
feeling very uncomfortable for some time; wished to get out while
the carriage was waiting。  Hugh jumped out; and assisted her。  She
walked a little way; leaning on his arm; up to the house; where she
had a glass of water; after which she said she felt better; and
returned with him to the carriage。  In getting in again; either from
the carelessness or the weakness occasioned by suffering; her foot
slipped from the step; and she fell with a cry of alarm。  Hugh
caught her as she fell; and she would not have been much injured;
had not the horses started and sprung forward at the moment; so that
the hind wheel of t

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